

{next chapter, the story would start flowing faster. there is a reason for the focus on fairy tail. they are going to be like the MC of this verse, due to their love or whatever they have for each other which touches upon the true meaning of magic... also I think because I'm sick I'm writing longer chapters. normally I try to do 1,500 to 2,000 words. I don't like going to 3,000}

the grand magic games went on. the next match was between Shadow Garden and Mermaid Heel. Mermaid Hell was a guild filled with females, and the same for Shadow Garden, everyone's interest was caught. mostly the males who wanted to get a good show, sadly Shadow Garden one too quickly for them to enjoy anything.

Next was Fairy Tail Team B vs Saber Tooth, followed by Blue Pegasus vs Lamia Scale. while this match took place, on a balcony, in the crowd overlooking the matches, Ling Han lazily overlooked the battle,

their place was near the Fairy Tail sect era, and they could see each other, Lucy after the match was crying. How, could she not when her celestial spirit has died? but after some time, she and a few other guild members made their way to our side.

She came to see if Han Bei could bring them back to life, if she could, then she was more than willing. sadly, the current Han Bei couldn't. but Shi Ying could reverse time on their soul, and bring them back to a point before their death. but the current Shi Ying didn't have the magical power needed, only Ling Han did, so she had to convince Ling Han to do this.

"want my help?" Ling Han who was enjoying a whole cake to himself asked with a raised eyebrow while looking at the kneeling Lucy, Erza, Laxus, and a few other of the fairy tail guild members,

"Sure, I don't mind... but under one condition," I said with a smile, making Erza's eyes narrow to a dangerous level. Natsu had to be held back as he wanted nothing more than to launch himself at me.

"let's think... how about a deal. if you the grand magic games, I will not only help bring back those 2 keys, I might even bring back that little ghost Loli who had been eyeing me with such heated eyes." I said while looking towards a ghost of their first guild master, Mavis. this of course shocked her greatly

"My senses are sharp, just because you're a ghost doesn't mean I can't see you... also, your real body is interesting. for a body to have so much energy." I said causing Mavis's body to shake in horror

"Haha, I don't want it. you think it's infinity, but it's only because you're too weak to put it to good use. I have no interest in stealing, nothing is worth me having to do such a thing." I said with a smile, making Lue Yin roll her eyes, didn't Ling Han steal that poor guy's whole harem?

"what if we lose?" Erza asked, she was in no mood to play. she was doing everything in her power to hold back from attacking Ling Han. She was not the only one, but they were surrounded by the Ling Han Guild, 

"You join my guild, but I will still help in bringing back those keys or whatever they were... pretty much, lose or win. they would be brought back to life. what do you say?" I asked with a smile, causing Erza to go quiet. not knowing what to say for a moment,

"Why do you want me to join your guild?" She asked while stopping Natsu from speaking, I looked at her for a moment before taking a bite of the cake. which Gu Xun Er looked at with a weird look, she had never eaten cake, so she came over to try some,

"pretty... your potential. It's put to a waste in your guild. I'm not being rude, it's just a fact. you're 23 years old. hiding yourself in armor, a woman who plays the act, but deep down is scared. You want to protect your loved ones, you would never do that so long you remain in your guild." I said while trying to keep the cake away from Gu Xun Er who wanted more.

"Also, you're interesting... I can't put a finger on it. but something about you isn't right. Have you been to the tower of heaven?" I asked, causing Erza to shake in shock at those words. That tower was the root of all her trauma, seeing this I nodded slightly as the plot wasn't following the Fairy Tail plot. Erza should have gotten over her fast trauma more than 5 years ago.

"I see... I plan to go there one day. another reason I want you to join my guild. so what do you say, Erza Scarlet? deal or no deal? you have nothing to lose. I'm doing this because I'm a kind person." I said making Han Bei sigh 

"You do this for your satisfaction, you got the two confused." Han Bei said, causing me to freeze with a frown.

"Really? I thought I was being kind... you!" I said while glaring at Gu Xun Er who was stuffed with a good amount of the cake. she gave me her cute innocent hers, she never ate anything so sweet, well... I couldn't be mad at her.

"Whatever, thats the offer... the souls will stay with us. thats payment for poking your eyes where you don't belong." I said calmly while rubbing Gu Xun Er's head, causing her to close her eyes sweetly.

"what would you do with them?" Lucy asked in a soft voice,

"Both are powerful in their own right. but mostly the twins. I could control their souls to do a type of reincarnation and have them join my guild. I could also have them link to me, allowing them to pretty much be able to copy just about anything without limit. honestly, it's all benefits I'm giving up for my guild. the same for the arena, I stepped back and gave you a chance for a draw." I said with a shake of my head,

"we would win... like all of the other years," Erza said with a sharp look, we looked eyes, before I helped out my palm.

"We would shake on it... oh, Han Bei. just because I know you would do your best to keep them but breaking the deal. I will have you overlook the deal. you can even go to their kid and spill the beans on all of our ability. make this fun." I said with a smile, to which Han Bei glared at me, something which stunned Mavis.

"Why do you like chaos so much?" She said with an annoyed tone. I shrugged while sitting back. she didn't wait for me to say anything as she already knew me, she had Lucy and the others follow her, and she went on to speak with them.

"it was like you knew her." Gu Xun Er said with a confused look, to which everyone else nodded.

"her mother is powerful... tell me, what do you know about Zeref?" I asked Nalan Yanran, who thought for a moment before speaking

"He was a dark mage who went to war with the gods but lost greatly. form the stories I read about, his might was capable of destroying stars, and so on. a man who brought forth absolute death in his path." Nalan Yanran said after some thought.

"Really? caught me off guard, but whatever. her mother is currently working under him, her strength rivaling his. they should be fated to me, the evilest humans, and this guild... I want to see what would happen if I remove her from the guild." I said with a smile, if Han Bei had been there she would have blamed herself. why else would Ling Han be doing such things if not for her actions of trying to change Ling Han?

Ling Han was a god who saw everything below him, so he wanted to reach down and remove the queen from the chessboard. how would things turn out? He just wanted to make things more interesting. of course, he would not mistreat Erza. he wasn't evil or good, it was all below him. he was neutral 

Anyway, the day came to an end once the battle down below came to an end. with that, everyone went off to their hotel. Han Bei went with the Fairy Tail guild, she didn't want any of them annoying Ling Han and getting killed.

"why are you helping us?" Ezra asked while sitting at a bar with Han Bei telling them everything. Mavis said they could trust her, so they did. but she wanted to know why she was helping them.

"Ling Han is talented... too talented that little things interest him. so he goes out of his way to make things interesting. if he wanted you to die, you would have died right now. but he allowed me to save the 3 souls, and stop the attack. for some reason, you interest him. but you are not the only one in this guild that interested him. Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel. although I don't think he would try and pull you 3 into his guild. he would do something." Han Bei said calmly,

"you different... why do you follow me?" Mavis asked, to which Han Bei sighed softly.

"Because... following him, I can do the most good to this world. he doesn't care about good or bad. he doesn't even care if I would turn around and backstab him. he goes too fast for me to ever catch up to him." She said with a bitter smile, confusing Erza

"what you showed to save those souls... you were stronger than him." Erza said, to which Mavis nodded slightly.

"no, you see the blindfold, and glasses he has on? It's a seal. when you faced him, it wasn't even a hint of his power. but similar to why he didn't use his physical body to hit Lucy, he doesn't take off the blindfold. he is in a state where he is unstable. remove the cloth, his senses would overlord him. normally this doesn't happen, but his eyes are too powerful for the current weakened Ling Han to handle. they are doing more bad than good." She said calmly,

"so we removed the blindcloth to win?" Erza asked, to which Han Bei shook her head quickly

"thats a bad idea... well, it could also work. Ling Han doesn't kill for no reason, he would try his best to control his power. giving you an opening to defeat him. but if he were to not care and just let his power lash out, you would all die. but he wouldn't do that, it would be too boring that way." Han Bei said calmly,

the thing with the 24 eyes, was that Ling Han's current self was weak, in body, mind, and so on. if he needed a seal back in the cultivation primal verse at his peak, what about now? his eyes were special, even now they could show Ling Han Dao. something which Ling Han struggles to control in his current weakened state. of course, his Dao wasn't as strong in this primalverse, but it was the power of infinity, and what was Ling Han's idea of Infinity at this moment?

He would explode with so much magical energy, that after some time he would die. this was something Ling Han sadly found out after entering this primalverse. in other words, his power was too great. maybe if his soul was strong enough to control that power, then he would not worry much. but his soul wasn't. it was suppressed under this primalverse, and his Dao was his main form of power, not his cultivation

"Is everyone in that guild powerful?" Laxus asked with a deep frown while throwing a look toward Erza

"No, we all just began learning magic a few days back. you have a good chance of defeating them if you act quickly. we are all talented, we improve quickly. our current improvement rate should be equal to Ling Han. he couldn't improve much thanks to his seal in his way. so he was a bit slow. the old Ling Han would have done the same improvement plus more in a matter of a second." Han Bei said calmly while taking out a pen which allowed one to draw on air.

"Erza, you should focus on fighting Ji NIng. he is the blue-haired guy. he is a kind person, as long as you don't touch his buttonline, he is the type who would go out of his way to perfect the weak. he is Ling Han's disciple. when facing him, fight him to defeat him quickly. when his swordsmanship catches up to your own, fight to have him use up all of his magical energy. you have more than him... about 3 times. just don't give him time to recover." Han Bei said calmly while drawing Ji Ning's known spells he had created.

"Huang Xiaolong... he is a conqueror. he is a jack of all trades. hand to hand, the sword, and or whatever. but due to this, he has struggled to get a good footing on his magic. Wendy, Gajeel, and Natsu. you two would have the most effect on him as he is a Dragon. he is also Ling Han's subordinate." Han Bei said while looking at the 3 dragon slayers, stunning the 3

"Astria and Vyriana... they are tricky. whoever fights them, be sure not to harm them too badly. their husband is a bit protective of his wife. Astaria is a swordswoman, but she comes with a list of many abilities. the same is true for Vyriana. but Vryiana isn't a swordsman, she uses her body as a weapon. they are also dragons and are Ling Han's subordinates." Han Bai said while finishing up writing everyone's information

"I will warn you... Ling Han is scary when he is angry. I will not step in to help you all if you do anything to enrage him. although he is hard to make angry, as I could backstab him right now and he would just smile. enrage him and he would aim to harm you where it hurts most, that being the guild. he is skilled with torture, I would want to show you how he does it... but it's inhuman. But I feel like for your safety, I have to tell you." She said with a sigh, 

"the first person he ever tortured was his father-in-law..." so everyone listened, and after getting over the pure disgust of Ling Han's father-in-law, they were horrified at the fate he got.

"to this day, he forces him to stay alive....well, it's more like he forgot about him. he can't adapt to the pain, his body would heal far faster, it's a living hell he is in. next to them is the group his father in law worked with, but for them, he allowed to walk off.. although they can't ever stand still, or sit down. they feel that pain, clearly in their mind. never to disappear. he went on to use them to test out techniques, pretty much using them as lab rats." Han Bei said while looking at everyone who had gone quiet

"pretty much, his wife is his bottom line. his wife is his bottom line... and she is crazy. in a way, she is to be more feared than Ling Han. She is the devil. Lucy, if you had truly enraged Ling Han. she would have made you regret ever being alive. She scares me even more than Ling Han. her love for Ling Han is her source of power, a power that allows her to just grow and grow stronger. if she isn't talented enough, she will become even more talented. whatever it is for Ling Han, she is the perfect wife." She said making everyone have an unease look

"She would try and convince you to marry Ling Han... for years, she had been trying to get me to do the same. she believes her husband should naturally have a harem. you meet all of the conditions to be a part of that harem. strong, talented, and Ling Han might not mind. although Ling Han would reject you, he is a boy." She said calmly, making everyone look at each other at the troublesome things ahead

"but the two that scared me the most... Lue Yin and Gu Xun Er. his sister-in-law, and that little girl who took a bite of his cake. they are both in love with Ling Han, and at the rate, things are going. they would be the first to enter his harem. Lue Yin's power allows her to control everything. due to her being the person who made her sister go crazy in the first place, she is crazy for her sister and other siblings. She could just tell you to feel the most pain you could imagine and go beyond, and your mind shall do it." Han Bei said making everyone feel chills.

"all energy, and matter are under her command. She could do just about anything she could picture. with her is Gu Xun Er, she is cute and innocent. but she grows stronger at the fastest rate compared to everyone combined. She was once a save, and the person who saved her threw her away just because she fell in love with Ling Han. She holds Ling Han in a sacred part of her heart. if she snaps, I sometimes wonder if Ling Han would be able to handle what he created. as her growth is highly related to her state of mind." She said softly,

"how old are you?" Mavis asked a strange question, which made Han Bei go quiet for a moment,

"I don't know. for a good amount of my life, I was sealed away by my father. in that place, time was meaningless. both people from the past and future would appear. some from trillions of years into the future would appear around before those who appeared around the early stages of the universe. anyways, Ling Han taking interest in me, took me out... which might have destroyed the world... my father foresaw the future and knew when I should leave... I have to go. If my home is destroyed because I followed Ling Han, I would never be able to forgive myself. please, avoid stepping on Ling Han's bad side. I will try and return as soon as I can. but with the flow of time, it might be millions of years into the future." Han Bei said with a worried look, not knowing what to do.

everyone could see the panic in her eyes, they all understood she was a good person, and didn't want to hold her back. so they had her leave and return home. so after apologizing to them once more, she went to have Ling Han send her way. yes, Ling Han had his ways to leave.

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