
Detention with the big bad wolf

Chapter 20 : Detention with the big bad wolf

(Charlotte's POV)

My right arm is unstrapped. Finally.

'You have a weak heart, Charlotte. What if you had collapsed in the middle of the argument?' Amy had a worried look on her face.

I look away. She is not going to make she make me feel guilty.

Amy placed her hand on my left shoulder. 'I care for your safety. And I'm not saying that because your father hired me.'

I look at her now.

'I'm saying that because I truly care, Charlotte.' Amy smiles at me.

Then the smile is gone and replaced with a stern look. 'I don't want to hear about anymore shenanigans.'

'Yes, ma'am.' I say respectfully. Now, I'm old me again. Quiet.

Amy calls as I got off the bed. 'Oh. You're excused from the detention.'

'Really?' I'm surprised. Wait. Did Amy tell Mr Gale that I'm sick? Hell no.

'Mr Gale knows you're sick. The information was given to us from your previous school. Your parents equally explained to the board about your special needs.' Amy explained. Why do these adults keep screwing my life? I don't want Mr Gale to blurt out in class that I'm dying. I want no one's sympathy.

Amy saw how upset I was and pinched both my cheeks. 'Don't look so down. You're not the only patient we've had here. They're others who are like you.'

She says it like I should jump up in glee and kiss her cheeks. They are dying people, woman!

'Yeah.' I reply dryly and turn to get my bag pack.

'What happened to your right arm?' she asked.

'It's nothing. Just a domestic accident I had at home. Nothing serious. My parents know about it.' I said almost all at once.

'Okay.' Amy smiles and lets me go. That was close.

I walk out of the infirmary only to meet Lin.

'You sick?' she asked.

I did't know where the bloody hell sweat was coming from but I sure know I look as guilty as fuck.

'Ugh! Its that time of the month, right? I swear I hate it when it happens.' she comes to link with me. Why is this girl obsessed with my arm? Thankfully, it's my left arm and not my right.

We are supposed to walk home but she begins to take me to another classroom.

'Where are we going?' I asked.

'Detention. I got detention too. Weren't you given detention?' she tilted her head to the left and I too am confused. Didn't Amy say that I was pardoned?! She lied to me?! That *****

'Let's go.' Lin pushed the doors in and smiled. 'Hey, guys.'

'Quiet, Miss Lin.' I hear a familiar female voice. Oh no.

'Sorry. I brought our last member.' Lin turns to me.

I slowly walk into the classroom with my eyes glued to the floor. Why am I feeling ashamed all of a sudden?

'Miss Melbourne, I didn't think I'd find you here.' Principal Selena spoke from her desk.

'Me too.' I mutter to myself.

'Go sit at the back and reflect on your actions while writing an apology letter to the school. When you're done, do that 6 more times.' she announced for everyone to hear. She did it on purpose.

I walked to the backseat. The seats were occupied. The only vacant one was the seat next to Levi.

'Ma'am, I'd rather stand.' I tell her.

'Will you be comfortable? You'd be writing a letter after all.' Selena gives a look that said "This girl must be out of her damn mind."

I stubbornly reply. 'I'll be fine.'

She agrees. 'Okay. If your writing isn't neat, appeasing to the eyes or the least readable, then we'll all camp in here.'

Everyone whined and turn to me.

'Just sit down.' A girl hissed at me.

'You can switch seats with me, Char.' Lin offers to help and I'm glad.

Before I could move, a hand drags me down and I'm sitting on the chair. What the hell?!

I look to my right. Of course, it's Levi.

'Let go off me." I said through gritted teeth.

'No.' he doesn't look at me this time. He's writing something on a piece of paper. The same punishment I was given?

Miss Selena looks at me. 'You thought it through. Don't get up from your seat till you're done with your work. Same goes for everyone.'

Lin sits back down and looks away. I pray she doesn't get the wrong idea seeing I'm sitting next to her boyfriend.

Levi lets go off me and I exhale softly.

'You're lucky.' I whisper to him.

'Shh.' he puts his forefinger to mylips. 'Don't be noisy.'

I push his hand away and roll my eyes.

'Any problem, Miss Charlotte?' asked Miss Selena.

I shake my head. 'No.'

'Good. Stay mute. The same goes to you all.' Miss Selena said. Taking out her iPad. Of course, I expected this. The school staff never really care what we students do. Even the movies are right about this one.

I take out my notebook. Now, how do I tear out 7 sheets of paper? My right arm is still healing. I look around. Everyone's busy. Curses.

A hand takes the note from my desk. You know who it is. It's him.

'Here.' Levi slipped the papers on my desk.

I can't say thanks to this guy. He's rude and arrogant and....

Levi doesn't say anything else and resumes his writing. Hmm. That's odd. He's quiet. So unlike him. I thought he'd rebel. And where is Mr Gale?

* * * * *

(Author's POV)

'Let me go.' Jacob spits out blood. He has a cut on his lower lip. His brown hair is disheveled. There's blood on his face and shirt.

'Why the hell are you weak?' Lenin threw the last punch, a mocking laugh escaped his lips.

'I inherited it from my mom. Don't blame me.' Jacob breathes heavily.

Lenin sucks his teeth and walks to the dude. Just looking at him was a pity. 'Its upsetting that you're sharing a face with Levi.'

With his index finger to Jacob's forehead, he pushed the weak guy to the field ground.

Jacob fell with a groan. 'Ouch.'

'How the bloody hell did you survive the game if you're this weak?' Lenin loomed over him, grabbing his face in his hand.

'I said let me go.' Jacob barked at his assailant.

Lenin's grip threw tight as he spoke and Jacob winced. 'The old H. A. S was closed for good. Now, you guys bring it back and there's weak guys like you in it? You sick fool. In the old H. A. S, Wolves eat guys like you for lunch.'

'Aargh!' Jacob yelled in pain. He felt Lenin's sharp nails dig into the skin of both his cheeks. 'Let me go.'

Lenin let go off him. 'That's over.'

Jacob doubled over with a groan, his posture looked as though he was bowing to the statue of Buddha. He lifted his head and yelled. 'Are you out of your damn mind? I said teach me how to fight not kill me!'

'I love being theatric.' Lenin smiles at him.

Jacob struggles to his feet. 'I have a split lip, and bruises on my face, neck and why the hell did you bite my ear?'

Lenin shrugs carelessly. 'To give you battle scars.'

Jacob scoffs and palms his face but winces in pain.

'You're a horrible fighter and you'll die in the next H. A. S.' Lenin pockets his hands.

'The next event is July. This is just 14th June.' Jacob eyed Lenin wondering what ratass point he was going to make next.

Lenin replied 'Didn't you hear? Derek's hosting another H. A. S.'

A thrill of alarm ran through Jacob. 'Derek? That asshole isn't even in school yet! He hasn't even resumed classes.'

Lenin shrugs again. 'Well, I don't care. Derek's got the money to sponsor it. The students voted and your school president allowed it.'

As he turns to leave, Jacob grabs unto his left shoulder. 'Wait. When is the next event?'

'Friday.' Lenin shrugs the boy's hand off and walks away.

Jacob lost his foot in and collapse on the freshly manicured grass. 'I'm dead.'


(Lin's POV)

What's the fucking problem? Isn't he done with his letter? But he got here before I did and I'm done writing. Why isn't he finished? Writing is easy to Levi. Whenever I was given essays to write in my former school, he always helped me with them. Why's he slacking? I've got to find out.

I flipped my pocket mirror and put it down beside me. I see the reflections of Levi and Charlotte. Why is Levi avoiding me like I'm some kind of plague? I did nothing wrong. It was all his fault for giving me the attention I needed. I've been away for 3 months and he rarely called. Worst part is when I return home to spend time with him, he ignores me and insults me. A sigh escape my lips and I flipped the mirror close. Returning it to my bag, I rest my head on the desk. Tears threaten to pool in my eyes but I bit my lower lip. I can't cry for that asshole.

'Lift your head, Miss Lin!' Mrs Selene yelled from her chair.

I sit up with a groan. That wench. She's at fault too. She let Charlotte stay next to my boyfriend instead of me. I'll make her pay for crossing me.

'You're not the only celebrity that attends this school. Even the Governor's kids school here.' Miss Selene added to clearly irritate me.

I hiss. She's lucky I'm not with my phone. Once I make one phone call, she'll lose her job and never get one ever again.

'I'm done, ma'am.' I hear Charlotte and look back.

She smiles at me and I smile back. Thank God for my acting skills if not she would think its a fake smile. My eyes meet Levi's but he looked away. What the hell?!

Miss Selena still has that stern look on her face. 'Really? Bring it here.'

Charlotte stood to her feet. I notice the papers are in her left hand. Lately, she hasn't been using much of her right hand. Did she break it? I kept staring at her right arm. It doesn't look broken.

When she got to Selene's desk, I watch Charlotte closely. She drums the desk with her right arm. That's odd. I thought the arm was broken. Whether it is or not, I'll test my theory.

'You did a fine job. Have you ever considered calligraphy? We have a club for that.' Selene beamed with joy. Anyone that follows that woman's mood swings will go nuts.

Charlotte plays the humble girl. 'Thank you. I'll consider it.'

Levi walks past me and I hold back his arm but he pushed my arm off his. Tears well up in my eyes as I watch him leave. I have experienced many sadnesses in my 18 years but it's not half as emotional as I feel right now. Levi's cruel.


(Charlotte's POV)

Detention with the big bad wolf was awful. Horribly awful. It started when I began with my first letter. As I begin to write on the paper with my left hand, he kept staring at me.

'What are you looking at?' I turned to him.

'What are you looking at?' he cocked an eyebrows and I scoff. This guy's nuts.

I resume writing. I'm so engrossed in my writing. Strangely, I feel something on my lap. I look at Levi and he smiled like everything is as right as rain. I look at my lap. I don't feel anything touching me. That's strange. I push my seat back and look under it and around it.

'Is something wrong, Melbourne?' The monitoring lizard, Selena, asked.

'No.' I got seated and continue writing. Concentrating was difficult because even when Levi rested his head on his desk, he was still staring at me. I try to turn left but he pushed my chair closer to his.

'Dude.' I gave him a glaring look.

'Shh.' he shushed me like he did earlier. I can smell a sweet fragrance on his fingers. Suddenly, I feel like licking them. Stop with your unholy thoughts, Charlotte!

He smirked and pull his fingers away. Jerk.

I resume writing. The feeling comes again. On my lap. I look down at my skirt. It's a hand. Levi's hand.

In shock, I rise to my feet. 'Son of a - -'

'Charlotte!' Miss Selena loses her patience.

'He's touching me.' I declared. Still in shock. It was Levi's hand on my lap. His touch was good. God! that's not right.

Everyone in the room burst into laughter. All except Lin. She gave me stank eyes.

Miss Selena leaves her seat and motions to my corner. 'What is it?'

I point at Levi likes he's some disgusting rat I found. 'He was touching me.'

'I wasn't.' Levi clearly denied the truth.

Miss Selena sighed. 'Get up, Levi.'

Levi glares at her. 'You believe her words over mine?'

'Mr Gale might be lenient with you but I will not. Stand up.' Selena was not having it. Good.

Levi relaxed in his seat. 'No.'

'I will have you reported, Wright.' she threatened him.

("Yeah. You go, girl." I cheered inwardly.)

Levi smiled. 'Fine. We'll both head to the President's office and tell him everything that happened. Leaving nothing out.'

I'm sorry. Was that a code? Now, the rising tension has diminished. Did he just threaten her with code? What the hell?

Miss Selena tightens her fist. 'I'll let it slide just this once. You're lucky the President is away at the moment.'

Levi scoffed. 'Dude, I didn't even touch her.'

I glared at him. 'I'm standing right here.'

Miss Selena turns to me. 'You'll switch seats with Timothy.'

'She will not.' Levi makes his own demands.

I turn to him. Now, there's this dark look on his face. He's got a menacing aura and I even feel little intimidated.

'Charlotte stays.' Levi glares at Selena.

Selena is furious and all but I don't know why my gut tells me she's not gonna win.

N/B : Hello, everyone. I'm still not backing down from the offer I have for you all. Let's fix a goal of aiming 100 powerstones this week. 100 powerstones means mass release. Also, your reviews and gifts will go a long way. I signed a non-exclusive contract with this book. That's why I have to type this along with the chapter. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram @Adira_Hikari for more information

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