
Chapter 774: Greta Gerwig!

In the elegantly appointed reception room reserved for high-profile meetings, the somewhat diminutive Alexandrovich struggled to mask his exhaustion from the grueling journey. Yet, upon the arrival of the sponsor and the formidable figure who orchestrated operations from the shadows, his demeanor transformed into one of spirited attentiveness.

"Boss," Alexandrovich began with a tone of earnest loyalty as he addressed Martin, "our recent venture back to Ukraine has been remarkably fruitful." He laid out the details like a seasoned strategist: "Marius and I took the initiative to re-dub 'Napoleon's Beauty' and secured its release across Ukraine. Despite being pulled from theaters last month, the film garnered a substantial $8.94 million at the box offices in Ukraine and Russia. We didn't stop there; we brokered a deal with TV6 for broadcast rights, which added another $1 million to our revenue."

Martin's response was immediate and affirming. "You've exceeded expectations, Alexandrovich, and truly penetrated the Ukrainian and Russian markets. Your capability has always been apparent to me, and you've certainly lived up to it."

Not missing a beat, Alexandrovich shifted the discussion to their upcoming projects. "We've wrapped shooting on 'Servant of the People,' and it's now in post-production. We've already secured a premiere slot with Ukraine's 1+1 TV, and talks are underway with broadcasters in Russia and Belarus."

He confidently noted that all pertinent financial transactions and details had already been processed through Davis Studio, and that the financial oversight from Martin's Russian appointee corroborated the project's success.

Although Martin had every reason to be pleased at this juncture, the unpredictable nature of the entertainment industry always loomed large.

Despite the majority of the film's revenue flowing to Davis Studio, the earnings Alexandrovich pocketed from this single project surpassed those from many of his previous endeavors combined.

Intent on securing his position further, Alexandrovich moved on to a potentially lucrative opportunity: "Boss, there's turmoil within Ukraine's top girl group, Saint Girl Group. Infighting and agency disputes have them at a breaking point, it's become a dire 'them or me' scenario."

Martin, well-versed in the intricacies of the Ukrainian entertainment scene thanks to Alexandrovich, listened intently.

"Their agency has been caught up in a corruption scandal within Kiev's political circles. It's likely they won't recover. I propose we acquire the commercial rights and song copyrights for Saint Girl Group and launch a revitalized lineup."

Martin inquired about the profitability of such an endeavor.

Alexandrovich had come prepared, outlining his vision: "The current lineup has dissolved. I plan to audition for a new, 17th generation. Given the group's iconic status, I anticipate massive turnout for auditions across Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus."

"Sort of like 'American Idol'?" Martin mused, recognizing the potential for a highly marketable format.

Alexandrovich agreed, but with an added flair: "Yes, but with a twist. Our new members must not only possess vocal talent but also aesthetic appeal and charisma."

He paused, giving Martin a knowing look, understanding that while the money was good, it was the sway of status and fame that truly resonated with the Hollywood mogul. Alexandrovich knew this was where he could make a significant impact, not just through financial gains but by aligning with Martin's broader ambitions, something he had learned from the many glitzy, gossip-filled parties that connected Hollywood's elite with the fresh faces of Ukraine and Russia.

In the opulent reception room, Alexandrovich leaned forward with a spark of cunning in his eyes. "As a man deeply involved in the entertainment industry, I know for certain that beautiful women have always been adored by powerful men," he stated matter-of-factly, a twinkle of mischief in his tone.

Martin nodded, acknowledging the unwritten rule of their glamorous, high-stakes world.

Alexandrovich unfolded his ambitious plan with the flair of a seasoned showman. "My vision extends beyond merely acquiring the Saint Girl Group. I intend to revitalize it by implementing a selection model that melds 'American Idol's' excitement with the glamour of 'Miss Universe.' This will be an all-encompassing spectacle, open auditions, live broadcasts, singing contests, and crucially, a beauty pageant live on stage."

He added with emphasis, "It's crucial to remember that the Saint Girl Group has been a hallmark of allure and elegance since its inception in 2000. Each generation has been synonymous with both talent and beauty!"

Martin understood that while vocal prowess was important, the group's visual appeal and stage presence were the true crowd-pullers. "Draft a detailed proposal," he instructed. "Your setup in Ukraine will spearhead the operations, with studio backing."

"I've anticipated your needs." Alexandrovich produced a folder, handing it to Martin. "My recent fame in Ukraine, bolstered by the pilot of 'Servant of the People,' sets a solid foundation. If this series takes off, my standing will only grow. I'm poised to be the face of this venture, hosting the main events."

Martin gave a curt nod. "Handle it as you see fit."

Seizing the moment, Alexandrovich ventured further. "Boss, if the timing aligns, might you consider joining as a judge for the finale?"

Martin's reply was noncommittal. "We'll see. Pin down the dates, then we'll talk."

Satisfied, yet visibly weary, Alexandrovich yawned. "I'll head back to Ukraine immediately to get things moving."

"Go, recalibrate your clock to the local time, and rest up," Martin advised, glancing at his watch.

As Alexandrovich made his way out, he mentioned, "I'll head to the hotel first, then."

After his departure, Bruce, who had been quietly observing from the corner, spoke up. "No wonder you value this Ukrainian. He certainly plays into your preferences."

Martin looked puzzled momentarily. "He's an ideas man. Let's ensure he's also a profitable one."

Bruce chuckled, a bit puzzled himself. "But a hit movie or TV series in Ukraine, it can't pull in that much, can it? The Russian-speaking markets aren't exactly Hollywood-sized."

Martin shrugged off the concern. "Never underestimate it. If run well, this Saint Girl Group venture could easily rake in tens of millions in profit."

Bruce rubbed his head, trying to adjust his perspective. Accustomed to Martin's usual astronomical profits, this seemed modest, but he recognized that for most, such earnings were significant.

As they prepared to leave, Bruce's curiosity about the regional aesthetics came to the fore. "I've heard the women there are quite stunning in their youth?"

Martin confirmed, "Indeed, there are many beauties."

Bruce, ever the character, pressed further. "And the ones with figures like Kim or Khloe? You know, the curvier types?"

Martin smirked, understanding Bruce's specific interest. "Looking for the more voluptuous? They have those in abundance as well."

Bruce nodded, satisfied with the confirmation. "That's what I thought."

In the bustling ambiance of La La Land studio, Martin and Bruce were just emerging when they spotted Saoirse Ronan across the street, engaged in lively conversation with a strikingly robust woman, whose athletic build could rival Kathryn Bigelow's.

Saoirse caught sight of Martin and waved energetically, calling out, "Teacher, I'm over here!"

After letting a four-seater electric car zip by, Martin crossed the studio's main thoroughfare to greet them. The muscular woman introduced herself with a friendly smile, "Good afternoon, Martin, I'm Greta Gerwig."

Saoirse quickly chimed in, her voice infused with enthusiasm, "Greta isn't just an actor; she's also a brilliant screenwriter. Disney Pictures recently hired her to pen 'Beauty and the Beast.'"

Martin, recalling a conversation with Alan Horn, responded warmly, "Yes, Alan spoke very highly of you some time ago."

Greta, recognizing the influence her new acquaintance wielded, replied with a modest grin, "Then I suppose you're all my bosses here."

Their conversation flowed naturally, and as their familiarity grew, Martin, always keen on nurturing potential talent, mentioned, "When the script is ready, I'd love to have a copy."

"It would be my pleasure," Greta assured him, her tone both professional and cordial.

After a brief but meaningful exchange, Greta excused herself to continue her day, leaving Martin and Saoirse alone.

Martin, curious about the new face, asked Saoirse, "How long have you known her?"

"It's been about a month," Saoirse explained. "She's friends with our choreographer, Mandy Moore. Greta's been visiting the studio to seek Mandy's advice on the musical elements for Disney. I met her during one of my rehearsals."

"Intriguing," Martin noted, then asked with a hint of concern, "Is there anything I should know about her?"

Saoirse shook her head, her expression reflecting a mix of admiration and respect. "She might be average as an actor, but she's a powerhouse when it comes to writing. She even took the lead in both writing and starring in '40 Daydreams' last year."

Martin nodded, aware of the significance. "Being officially recognized as a screenwriter is a testament to her central role in the creative process. I remember she directed a feature back in 2008 as well."

"Exactly," Saoirse agreed, her eyes lighting up with the prospect of future collaborations. "Given her dual talents, maintaining a strong relationship with her could be beneficial. She's bound to be a prominent director."

"Absolutely," Martin concurred. "Actors need to align themselves with top-tier directors."

With a strategic gleam in her eye, Saoirse added, "If Greta directs an exceptional project, I'll make sure to bring it to your studio."

Martin couldn't help but chuckle at her forward-thinking approach. "You're always so full of great ideas, Saoirse."

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