
Chapter 702: Bestfriend Test!

In the whirlwind of Oscar aspirations, it's not always about delivering a top-notch performance worthy of an Oscar nomination. Martin's skepticism loomed large over the ambitious plan concocted by Leonardo and Nicholson, who believed they could engineer his path to Oscar glory.

Leonardo's past as a professional escort turned award-winning actor lent weight to his confidence. But as they discussed their strategy, the shadow of Harvey Weinstein's absence in the Oscar race season hung heavy over their plans.

Yet, Martin, not one to shy away from a challenge, entertained their proposition with a sense of detached amusement. Money and fame were already his companions; this was just another game to play.

With sponsorship covering the expenses, Martin found himself swept into the whirlwind of Oscar preparations. Scenes for "Argo" wrapped up swiftly under David Fincher's watchful eye, paving the way for Martin to step into the spotlight.

Joined by a formidable team including Thomas, Ari, Jessica, and Emily, Martin's path to Oscar glory became clearer. Each member took on their roles diligently, with Thomas spearheading sponsorships and Jessica and Emily orchestrating Martin's public relations dance.

Ari however, had his sights set on Natalie Portman, only to find her recent film's failure a bitter pill to swallow. Turning to Martin, he outlined the stakes, emphasizing Martin's pivotal role in the company's award season aspirations.

As Martin graciously accepted the company's support, Ari probed for opportunities for Natalie, recognizing her waning influence in the industry's broader circles. Martin, cautious of risking millions on a risky investment, offered little in return.

With Leonardo and Nicholson bidding their farewells, Martin and Thomas dove into the nitty-gritty of their discussions, leaving the failed endeavors of "Dark Places" momentarily behind. Yet, Martin's curiosity about the film's fate lingered, a reminder of the unpredictable nature of Hollywood's ever-shifting landscape.

As Thomas swung open the office door, he gestured for Martin to enter, his expression tinged with concern. "The upcoming weekend's projections are disheartening—barely scraping past the $2 million mark. And our current North American box office haul sits just over $10 million."

Pausing to mull over the figures, he grimaced before continuing, "It seems we're teetering on the brink of our distribution contract's bottom threshold. Theatres might soon be pulling the plug, and with overseas rights and DVD sales plummeting, it's a bleak picture."

Martin sighed, sinking into the chair Thomas had offered. "In North America, a film's fate is often sealed. We're swimming upstream in troubled waters."

Thomas offered a sliver of relief, "At least you're not entangled with Gillian Flynn anymore."

Martin nodded, recalling recent interactions with the talented writer. "Gillian's in a state of shock. She approached me a few days ago, planning a getaway to gather inspiration for her next project. Keep an eye on her, would you?"

Jillian's ties to WMA warranted Thomas's vigilance. "I'll stay in touch with her agent, keep tabs on her whereabouts."

Shifting gears, Martin inquired, "Any buzz from Warner Bros. lately?"

Thomas nodded knowingly. "Word has it, Jon Berg's put Gillian Flynn and Natalie Portman on the studio's blacklist. He's orchestrating a post-mortem on recent flops, aiming to salvage 'Jack the Giant Slayer' by mining its better parts for a re-edit."

Martin's eyebrows shot up in understanding. "Revamping old failures into potential successes, huh?"

Thomas affirmed, "Berg's heralding it as a game-changer in Hollywood."

Martin chuckled admiringly. "Leave it to Warner Bros. to shake things up, even in the face of disaster."

After a brief exchange with Thomas, Martin made his way downstairs, only to encounter Natalie Portman entering the lobby, her brow furrowed with evident stress.

Spotting Martin, Natalie approached, a sense of urgency in her demeanor. "Could we talk, if you've got a moment?"

Martin nodded, leading the way to a quiet corner. As Natalie lit up a cigarette, she hesitated, asking, "Mind if I smoke?"

Martin waved it off, "Your call."

As Natalie exhaled a plume of smoke, she confessed her recent struggles. "I've been on edge, battling insomnia. Putting my all into projects, only to face disappointment."

Martin offered reassurance, "We'll bounce back with the next one."

Natalie's uncertainty spilled out, "I'm torn on what to pursue next."

Martin, mindful of boundaries, steered clear of career advice outside his purview. But Natalie's presence stirred thoughts of Charlize Theron's journey, hinting at a desire for Martin's guidance.

Yet, Natalie hesitated, recognizing her place in Martin's priorities. Snuffing out her cigarette, she resolved, "Maybe our paths will cross again in the future."

Martin nodded, "Here's hoping for that chance."

With a small smile, Natalie bid farewell, "Until then."

"Goodbye, Nat," Martin replied, watching her depart, pondering the intricacies of Hollywood's ever-shifting landscape.

In the cutthroat world of Hollywood, this Jewish actress struggled to carve out a niche in the fiercely competitive first-tier film market. Commercial blockbusters seemed like an elusive dream, while the indie circuit beckoned with promise.

As Martin's phone chimed, Blake Lively's name flashed on the screen, interrupting his thoughts.

"Blake," Martin greeted, noting her voice brimming with urgency. "I'm still downstairs in the lobby."

"Hang tight, I'm on my way," Blake's rapid footsteps echoed through the phone, punctuated by the click of her heels.

True to her word, Blake breezed into the lobby within minutes, exuding effortless glamour in her casual attire. Martin couldn't help but steal a few admiring glances at her impeccable style.

Seating herself opposite Martin, Blake's presence filled the room with a subtle allure, tinged with a hint of mystery. She caught the lingering scent of perfume and smoke, a curious blend that didn't quite fit Martin's persona.

Cutting to the chase, Martin queried, "What brings you here?"

Blake's grin widened, her eyes dancing mischievously. "Guess who I bumped into recently? Taylor Swift. Turns out, we've got quite the mutual interest... you."

Martin raised an eyebrow, intrigued yet guarded.

Leaning in, Blake teased, "You'd be surprised what girls chat about. And trust me, your 'qualities' are a hot topic."

Martin's expression remained impassive as Blake continued, her laughter infectious. "Taylor's keen on adding me to her inner circle, but there's a catch—you."

Martin's skepticism lingered, prompting Blake to recount their chance encounter with Taylor. "Two celebs walking the same path, creating a media frenzy. It's like synergy in action—1+1 equals way more than 2."

Martin's nod was knowing; he'd planted the seed of this idea with Taylor long ago.

Blake's tone shifted, a touch of resignation seeping in. "Sharing my 'steel' wasn't part of the plan. But hey, here we are."

Regret flashed across Blake's features briefly before she redirected the conversation. "When can you help me ace Taylor's 'best friend' test? They're all itching to make contact, especially your ex."

Martin promised, "I'll reach out when I can."

With a nod, Blake paused, weighing her words carefully. "I've got more to say, but let's save it for later. After the test, perhaps?"

Acknowledging the wisdom in her decision, Martin watched as Blake made her exit, her thoughts already drifting towards her next career move.

Alone outside WMA, Martin scanned the street, waiting for his ride. Across the road, a trio in a Chevrolet SUV kept vigil, their gaze fixed on the agency's entrance.

After what felt like an eternity, their patience paid off as Martin emerged, unknowingly drawing their attention.

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