
Chapter 477: Stallone’s Three Daughters

The day of the press conference inundated the Los Angeles City Hall with a sea of red shirts, transforming the hall into a vibrant homage to Martin. Reserved seats for media reporters were quickly claimed, primed for Warner Television's nationwide broadcast and TMZ's live coverage.

Once the conference commenced, the atmosphere ignited. Mayor Antonio kicked off proceedings, lauding the significance of the ceremony before shifting the spotlight onto Martin.

In a stirring address, Martin proclaimed, "Los Angeles, I've brought the spirit of resilience. I've preached standing tall, fighting fiercely, and never surrendering. It's how we emerge victorious against adversity!"

Applause erupted fervently, eclipsing even Antonio's impassioned campaign speeches.

When the applause subsided, Antonio announced, "Martin embodies unparalleled significance for Los Angeles. His unwavering spirit and cultural contributions safeguard our city. To honor Martin's dedication, we declare 'Martin Davis Day'!"

The resounding applause echoed, Martin's supporters cheering tirelessly.

"Let's welcome Martin Davis," declared Antonio.

Martin entered from backstage, waving graciously. The thunderous applause shook the City Hall, even dislodging dust from the ceiling, surprising TMZ reporter Judy.

Observing the dust, Judy looked up, noticing the debris dislodged by the thunderous applause.

As Martin stepped forward, Mayor Antonio embraced him, hailing, "You're our hero, Los Angeles' hero!"

In a display of political theatrics, Antonio clasped Martin's hand, raising them together, drawing broad smiles and waves from both.

Later, Antonio presented Martin with a golden copper plate certificate, proudly showcased before the media cameras.

This moment marked a significant height in Martin's social honor, his star shining brighter than ever.

Taking the mic, Martin expressed briefly, "Los Angeles, a city of rich heritage, I'm proud to live and work here!"

Meanwhile, in New York, Natalie Portman tuned into the live broadcast, filling out her Oscar ballot. Unfamiliar with Batman but impressed by Martin, she swiftly penned his name for Best Supporting Actor.

In Los Angeles, Stallone watched with his three daughters. Thirteen-year-old Sofia, well-versed in many things, remarked, "Dad, you're a hero in movies, but Martin's a hero in reality too, defeating villains."

Sistine, the second daughter, added, "That's why I prefer Martin to Dad!"

Young Scarlett, the youngest, hugged her father, sweetly saying, "Dad, I'll always love you, but Martin's really amazing."

Stallone affectionately pinched his youngest daughter Scarlett's cheek.

Sophia tugged Scarlett away, inquiring, "Dad, why can Martin fight, but you can't?"

Unfazed by being called out by his daughter, Stallone explained, "Sweetheart, what I've trained for is to make movies look good. But what Martin's practicing isn't just for show, it's real combat."

Pondering the complexities of action film shoots, he grimaced, "Is filming action scenes that intricate now? I wouldn't dare without practical skills."

"Dad, why did they set up 'Martin Davis Day' in LA?" Scarlett joined in, betraying her dad, "Why isn't there a 'Stallone Day'?"

Stallone mulled over an answer, eventually mustering, "It's in the plans for the future."

Sophia pursed her lips, dissatisfied.

Managing three daughters was exhausting. Stallone yearned for Tyson's serene life next door, where his daughter remained calmly seated all day.

He abandoned the TV for the Oscar ballot, unfamiliar with most nominations.

Reliant on media snippets and recommendations, Sean Penn for Best Actor and Martin Davis for Best Supporting Actor earned Stallone's vote.

That afternoon, he mailed the ballot to PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Sofia and Sistine insisted Stallone take them for a photo and autograph with Martin.

Stallone quipped, "I've met countless stars; but this is the first time you're asking for an autograph."

"Martin's different!" Sofia argued. "We admired your movie character growing up, but now Martin's our real-life hero."

Sistine added, "He's like your movie persona stepped into reality. It's just normal evolution."

Stallone found himself agreeing to their request.

Meanwhile, media buzzed with reports about Martin. His PR team and The Dark Knight crew fervently built momentum for his Best Supporting Actor nomination.

In Beverly Hills, Charlize Theron contemplated her Oscar ballot, opting for a random selection technique to vote impartially.

Her partner, Stuart Townsend, stumbled upon her ballot-filling ritual. Recalling recent media coverage on their neighbor Martin Davis, he cautioned, "Don't vote for Martin."

Surprised, Charlize inquired, "Why not?"

Stuart admitted bluntly, "I just don't like him."

Charlize, taken aback, defended, "He's nice! Even sent us gifts through Lily Carter during the holidays."

"What? He sent us gifts?" Stuart's curiosity flared. "I had no clue!"

Charlize responded calmly, "You weren't here."

Reflecting on Martin's recent acclaim and heroic acts, Charlize made her choice confidently. With purpose, she inked the last mark on the ballot, placing 'Martin Davis' at the top for Best Supporting Actor.

Stewart seethed, "Didn't you hear me?"

Unfazed, Charlize asserted, "This is my vote. It's my right to choose."

"You..." Stewart glared at her.

Charlize met his gaze calmly.

Finally relenting, Stewart stepped back, stormed out of the villa, grabbed two hefty bags of garbage, and dumped them into the alley between the Martin Davis mansion.

Aligned in the alley were two rows of trash cans, the other side exclusively reserved for Martin Davis's household.

Stewart noticed two girls in community uniforms sifting through the bins.

"Who are you? What are you doing?" Stewart inquired.

Toni, a recent addition to the team, turned with a smile, holding a spray bottle, and explained, "We've had reports of cockroaches here. We're applying pesticides."

Spotting their work IDs, Stewart didn't probe further.

Toni and Aisha, wrapping up, exchanged smiles with Stewart and left.

Once out, Aisha breathed uneasily, "That was nerve-wracking."

Toni brushed it off, "What's to fear? We're official community employees now!"

Uneasy, Aisha hurried Toni away, urging, "Let's go back before anyone notices."

Disappointed, Toni sighed, "We didn't find anything useful."

Meanwhile, Stewart, in the alley, after dumping his garbage, lingered.

Ruminating over Charlize's demeanor, his fury grew.

But hesitant to confront Charlize due to his reliance on her, Stewart vented his frustration on the nearby trash can, warping it with repeated kicks.

Feeling relieved, he returned home, gathered more garbage, and continued his trash-kicking session, mistaking the can for Charlize in his anger.

Seeing the deformed bin, Stewart oddly felt a sense of relief.

Back inside, he noticed Charlize sealing the Oscar ballot.

"Need help?" Stewart offered.

"No, I'm heading out," Charlize declined.

As Oscar votes trickled in, mailed by Academy members to PwC, the 81st Annual Oscars were on the horizon.

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