
Chapter 361: Third Party Intervention

At the Sunshine Hotel, Heath Ledger received the shocking news, leaving him dumbfounded, unable to comprehend the reasons behind it.

Despite Bell's assurance to help him navigate the process, Heath Ledger not only failed to secure the role but was even denied a chance to audition.

In a situation where hope had been apparent, despair had suddenly taken its place, delivering a crushing blow.

Heath Ledger immediately called Christian Bale, whom he had wanted to question. However, his gratitude for all that Bale had done for him led to just one question: "Why did this happen?"

Bale sighed on the other end of the line, "Your story made it to TMZ." He added, "I'm sorry, Heath, I'm calling you from New York. I didn't expect this to happen."

Heath Ledger, having already seen the news on TMZ, shouldered the responsibility, "It's not your fault; it's my own failure."

Bale offered advice, "Consider quitting. If you work hard at quitting, you can resurrect your career."

Heath Ledger simply responded, "I'll give it a try," and hung up the phone.

The heaviness in his chest needed a resolution, and so Heath Ledger decided to delay his withdrawal until he returned to New York. If the character was lost, he could quit after returning home.

Ten minutes later, an incredibly agitated Heath Ledger hurried out of the hotel. News of his situation had attracted many paparazzi and entertainment reporters, who were waiting outside the hotel.

They surrounded him, bombarding him with questions, "Heath Ledger, what happened to you?"

Heath Ledger, seemingly oblivious to their inquiries, yelled, "Michelle Williams, let me be. A third party, Martin Davis, intervened..."

This revelation sent the entertainment paparazzi into a frenzy.


In the latter part of the night, their spirited game of cards finally came to an end. After showering, they indulged in late-night snacks to refuel.

Jennifer Aniston looked at Martin and observed, "I can't help but feel that you've changed. You seem thinner and your demeanor..."

Jolie interjected, "You look like a pervert."

Martin, who had been sincere about his transformation, confessed, "Ever since I started playing cards with you, I've become quite the pervert."

Jennifer Aniston reflected on the past six months, remembering how Martin had stolen Brad Pitt's girlfriend and his role. It was an action that a regular person wouldn't undertake. However, when she and Jolie, her former adversary, joined forces to compete with Martin, they also seemed far from normal.

Could it be that the element of perversion was somehow transferred through the game?

Suddenly, Jolie brought up a scandal that had emerged in the tabloids that day, saying, "Today, an unexpected scandal hit the headlines. Heath Ledger claimed that he broke up with Michelle Williams due to your involvement."

"Me? My involvement?" Martin knew that it was ridiculous, responding, "That's impossible! They're in New York. I haven't been to New York for a long time."

Jennifer Aniston inquired, "Are you sure?"

Martin grinned, "Am I that much of a pervert?"

Jolie and Jennifer Aniston exchanged glances and simultaneously declared, "Yes, you are!"

"Great! Great!" Martin's expression was strange, his mouth curved into an evil and sinister smile. "You say I'm a pervert, but I won't disappoint you."

Before dawn, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston quietly left the Four Seasons Hotel.

Martin had the sense that his understanding and portrayal of the character had taken another step forward. This wasn't merely frivolous fun but a sincere exploration of how a clown should approach a beautiful woman.

In his quest to secure the role, Martin not only competed openly but invested millions for rigorous training. He was truly dedicated.


Outside the production office building with the official "Dark Knight" nameplate and a Batman statue in the foyer, Lily, her long hair tied in a ponytail, presented Louise's business card at the front desk, granting her access.

She waited in the lobby, and soon Louise's assistant, Nikki, descended from the upper floors. Having met Lily previously, she remembered her remarkable beauty and the special gift she had received. Recognizing Lily, Nikki said, "Come with me."

Lily, with her bag on her back, rushed over and presented Nikki with a small gift. Although Nikki initially refused, Lily insisted, saying, "I made this myself, please accept it."

"Thank you," Nikki finally agreed. Through the glass display case, Nikki observed not the crocodile tooth pendant and clown statue, but a beautifully carved green stone sculpture. She led Lily through the building, explaining the situation as they went. "Ms. Mel extended her regards to the props department, but the producer has stringent standards. Your abilities must pass the test for the crew to grant you an opportunity."

Lily nodded and listened intently.


Lily had received word from her teacher that the director of this crew was a stickler for practical effects and had exceptionally high standards for the props team.

After establishing herself both in school and Los Angeles, Lily began preparing for her tuition and living expenses for the upcoming school year. At the recommendation of her teacher, she decided to take her chances with the props or art design team of a Hollywood set and reached out to Louise.

Nikki ushered Lily into the props team's interview room after a brief wait. She introduced her to the three interviewers with a direct statement: "This is Lily Carter, recommended by Ms. Mel." The interviewers nodded in acknowledgment, well aware that they had the authority to reject candidates suggested by Louise Mayer if their skills weren't up to par. However, they were committed to providing fair and just assessments for those who demonstrated their abilities.

Egerton, the interviewer in his late sixties, noticed Lily's youthful appearance and inquired, "Are you still a student?"

Lily replied confidently, "Yes, I'm a student at the California Institute of the Arts, specializing in sculpture."

Without further questions, the interviewer handed her a box of black putty materials and made a request, "I need a batarang."

"Alright," Lily replied and got to work.

The clay seemed to obediently respond to Lily's touch, and in no time, she had sculpted a black batarang.

The interviewers exchanged approving glances, satisfied that Louise Mayer's recommendation was well-founded. Nikki, who had observed Lily's impressive craftsmanship, was curious about the young girl's talents.

Before long, a dried batarang was placed on the table before the interviewers. Egerton, the central interviewer, made a decision: "Provide us with your agent's contact information so they can negotiate your contract with the crew."

Lily then realized and admitted, "I'm sorry, I don't have an agent."

The female interviewer on the left reminded her, "You should find an agent as soon as possible."

"Alright," Lily agreed, and she followed Nikki out of the room.

Aware of Lily's connection with Martin, Nikki suggested, "You can call Thomas."

Lily responded, "That seems like the only way."

Having Thomas' contact information, Lily immediately dialed his number. Thomas, working within WMA and primarily focused on actors, had received Martin's approval to collaborate with a female agent acquaintance. They had come to Dark Knight Studio to discuss related matters.

While Lily was on the phone, Christian Bale and his agent, Parker, passed by.

The young and striking girl caught Bale's eye, causing him to turn his head and glance at Lily twice. Despite encountering numerous beauties in Hollywood, she had left an impression on him.

Although he continued walking, Christian Bale couldn't help but inquire of the staff member leading the way, "Is that girl part of the crew?"

The staff member admitted, "I'm not sure, but she looks familiar, and I can't quite place where I've seen her before."

The staff member redirected the conversation, saying, "Director Nolan is waiting for you in the training area."

"Thank you," Christian Bale replied and proceeded to meet Nolan.

His agent, Parker, reminded him, "The Heath Ledger incident is behind us; there's no need to bring it up again."

Christian Bale reluctantly responded, "I understand."

Upon entering the training ground, Nolan waved for Christian Bale to join him and introduced him to a new stunt coordinator.

After a brief exchange, the stunt coordinator had to step away to attend to another matter.

Nolan took Christian Bale to a quiet corner near a window and conveyed, "The production budget for this project alone is an astounding $180 million. Do you comprehend the significance of this?"

Christian Bale immediately grasped the gravity and expressed, "I'm deeply sorry about Heath Ledger."

Nolan had lost some trust in Christian Bale due to his strong recommendation of Ledger, and remarked, "If anything unforeseen occurs with this project, it will jeopardize the future of the primary creative team, including both of us."

Christian Bale sensed the seriousness in Nolan's words and pledged, "I assure you, there won't be a next time."

However, such assurances could lose credibility after a single failure. Nolan appeared to overlook this and issued a directive, "As one of the two male leads on the crew, your focus should be on preparing for your role. Leave the rest to others."

Bale replied, "I'll give my all to prepare."

Nolan concluded, "Train diligently and give us your best." He then walked away.

Bale couldn't help but feel that Nolan held a certain bias against him.

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