
Chapter 347: Oscar Nomination

Outside the Ritz-Carlton Hotel's entrance, a crowd of reporters had gathered, eagerly awaiting the latest Oscar news.

The Hollywood awards season stretches over several months, featuring numerous accolades. However, the pinnacle of them all is undoubtedly the Oscar ceremony.

The nominees' luncheon marked the final step in the journey.

Celebrities poured in, and Martin appeared to be just another face in the crowd.

Inside the banquet hall, he found himself seated at a table with Leonardo, Nicholson, Scorsese, and other luminaries.

Despite the sumptuous dishes, few had an appetite for food.

Martin playfully nudged Nicholson and gestured with his eyes, saying, "Look who's here, your favorite."

Nicholson spotted Blanchett, the leading lady from the "Babel" cast, and remarked, "Did you hear about Meryl's clash with her?"

Martin took credit, saying, "Without me, Meryl would've been in trouble." He then slyly added, "Don't I deserve some thanks?"

Nicholson poured a glass of wine and passed it to Martin, saying, "Thank you."

Martin shook his head, teasing, "As expected, you're shameless."

Leonardo chimed in, "You should thank Meryl's husband in New York."

Martin remarked earnestly, "Yes, let him thank the renowned Jack Nicholson."

Nicholson nonchalantly replied, "You think he doesn't know? Don Gumo knows more than you think."

Curious, Martin asked, "Is that Meryl's husband?"

Leonardo explained, "He's a sculptor and a highly acclaimed artist."

Martin nodded, musing, "I see."

He then reflected, "Those in the world of art are truly exceptional. Art is a profound field."

Nicholson whispered to the others, "Next weekend, let's all go to Venice Beach."

Martin calculated in his mind and jokingly said, "Aren't you afraid we'll get caught in the crossfire and end up dead?"

Leonardo explained, "That's precisely why I called you."

Martin shook his head, "I'm sorry, I can't make it. I've promised to attend a friend's birthday party."

Nicholson inquired, "A female friend?"

Martin casually replied, "She's a girl I rescued from Burbank Middle School and also the Olsen sisters' sister."

Leonardo recalled, "The one who was with you in the Coca-Cola ad last year, serving as the Coca-Cola ambassador?"

Martin affirmed, "That's her."

Natalie Portman, another WMA member, greeted Martin as she passed by.

While Martin chatted with someone else, Nicholson exchanged knowing glances with Leonardo. It seemed that the two rogues had a particular camaraderie.

When Martin turned back, Nicholson proposed, "Could I join your friend's birthday celebration?"

Nicholson added, "I'd like to come too."

Martin's initial reaction was, "Aren't you worried about causing trouble?"

Nicholson reassured, "Martin, your thinking is off."

Leonardo poked Martin, saying, "Whenever there's a fun party, I'll take you with me. Where's your brotherly loyalty?"

Considering their previous wild parties, Martin wasn't too concerned about the two of them causing chaos. He replied, "I'll ask the host first."

Before the luncheon started, Martin sent a text message to Elizabeth Olsen.

Her eighteenth birthday was just around the corner, and the Olsen sisters were planning a grand celebration. Having Leonardo and Nicholson attend would certainly add excitement.

Elizabeth Olsen quickly responded, agreeing to their attendance and playfully requesting a birthday gift.

Nicholson suggested, "It's no big deal. Leonardo, you're in charge of picking a gift."

Leonardo was taken aback, asking, "Why me?"

Nicholson explained, "You understand what young girls like."

Martin's friend, Scorsese, glanced at the trio and silently appreciated that they hadn't caused any trouble on his set.

He decided to steer clear of their conversation about a cow – perhaps intending to enjoy a steak, kebabs, and beef with potatoes after the Oscars.

As the luncheon host Maggie Gyllenhaal and Academy President Sid Ganis took the stage, Scorsese reminded the trio, "It's about to begin."

The room fell silent as Martin, Leonardo, and Nicholson focused on the announcement of the nominations.

After Sid Ganis' speech, Maggie Gyllenhaal began with the winners of the Science and Technology Award.

Although the institution is named the College of Arts and Sciences, the latter often receives less attention, with several related awards excluded from the official ceremony.

The suspense built as the nominations for various categories were revealed.

Nicholson had a mischievous grin while observing the three buddies at their table, their eyes widened and ears perked up in anticipation.

He whispered, "Four people at this table, and three Oscars between them. Can you guess who the winners are?"

Martin and Leonardo simultaneously responded by raising their middle fingers, generating a chuckle.

Scorsese, on the other hand, seemed quite irritated.

But their helplessness was alleviated by the presence of their three golden Oscars!

Martin withdrew his raised middle finger, feeling a newfound sense of ease. While receiving a nomination was an accomplishment in itself, winning was another matter entirely.

Comparing himself to Leonardo sitting beside him, he thought his chances weren't so bad after all.

Maggie Gyllenhaal methodically listed the nominations one by one, with the names appearing on the large screen behind her.

Finally, it was time for the Best Supporting Actor nominations.

"Alan Arkin, Eddie Murphy." And then, Martin heard his own name from Maggie's lips: "Martin Davis!"

Martin clenched his fists, realizing that all those months of hard work hadn't been in vain.

Leonardo and Nicholson exchanged triumphant fist bumps with Martin to convey their heartfelt congratulations.

As the list concluded, Scorsese applauded and gave a nod of approval to Martin.

Martin couldn't help but smile, a rush of excitement washing over him. Achieving an Oscar nomination was a rare honor, and it filled him with a sense of pride.

Similar to Scorsese, Spielberg, and Leonardo, every artist aspired not only to fame and fortune but also the acknowledgment of their peers in the industry.

Moreover, the Oscars were a gateway to fame and fortune themselves.

Next up was Leonardo's turn, as he awaited the nominations for Best Actor.

He was nominated for his role in "Blood Diamond."

Leonardo, with a calm and composed demeanor, teased Martin, "Look at you, so thrilled with just a nomination."

Martin playfully jabbed back, "I'm not as experienced as you, my friend. You've been running this marathon for years."

Leonardo was about to retort, but as the camera turned their way, he had to maintain a pleasant smile.

When the audience regained its composure, the banquet hall resounded with warm applause again.

The nominations for Best Director and Best Picture were announced, and "The Departed" and "Babel" led the way.

The former received 5 nominations, while the latter secured 7.

Ellen DeGeneres was revealed as this year's Oscars ceremony host.

Martin wasn't particularly fond of her, prompting Nicholson to inquire, given his semi-retired status, "Wasn't your appearance on her talk show somewhat unpleasant?"

Martin responded straightforwardly, "She tried to mess with me but couldn't handle it. They said I wasn't cooperative. I was just a young actor at the time."

Leonardo suggested, "What if the three of us appeared on her show together and gave her a taste of her own medicine?"

Martin declined, saying, "It would only boost her ratings. Dealing with her can be challenging."

Leonardo noted, "The industry's perspective on homosexuality has evolved since 'Brokeback Mountain' won Best Director last year."

Nicholson chimed in, "As long as we, older white men, are around, Hollywood's core won't change."

As Martin noticed Academy Chairman Sid Gannis taking the stage to prepare for a speech, he couldn't help but tease, "Old man, you're always idle. Want to compete for Academy President?"

Nicholson added, "The competition for Academy President is far from easy. It's become more intense in recent years, and it's not open or transparent. In fact, competing for Academy President is often more challenging than Oscar PR."

Seeing Scorsese nod in agreement, Martin realized that Nicholson's words held truth.

Nicholson continued, "Even if actors run, they seldom succeed. Actors often have limited time. Many of them are like you and Leo, partying in their spare time."

He humorously mentioned a failed example, "Imagine you two trying for the Academy President position. Can you win over the 6,000 Academy members with your antics?"

Martin was self-aware, admitting, "I'm not qualified enough."

Leonardo quipped, "Don't tell me you're thinking about running for president."

Martin vaguely recalled a drunken statement, "No, I'm going to lead an army of beauties to take over Washington, seize the White House, and dissolve the Union."

Scorsese added humorously, "If you pull that off, you might just win a Nobel Peace Prize."

At this point, the main courses were served. The Academy spared no expense, offering a sumptuous spread for the luncheon.

The four friends enjoyed their meal while engaging in lively conversation.

However, Scorsese found himself concerned about the mischief brewing at his table, where the three friends were planning a studio's dating escapade. He resolved never to have these three wildcards in any future project of his.

Their presence could certainly stir up trouble.

After indulging in wine and dinner, they made their way to the lobby, adorned as an Oscar backdrop, where hundreds gathered for a group photo at this year's luncheon.

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