
Chapter 305: Homemade RPG

On a Monday at noon, the trio of mischievous friends gathered at the renowned Ledbury restaurant in London to relish a delightful French meal.

Indulging in French cuisine in the heart of the UK was a longstanding British tradition.

Nicholson savored baked snails and inquired, "Martin, have you managed to charm a lady in London?"

Martin, looking a bit embarrassed, admitted, "Not yet. I've let the team down. I'll cover today's meal."

Leonardo was taken aback, "You haven't found a target at all?"

Martin confessed, "I've developed feelings for Scarlett Johansson from the Conjuring Crew, but she's a vegetarian, and I can't risk offending her."

Nicholson jokingly cautioned, "Don't go around saying you're following me. It's embarrassing for me to know you guys!"

Martin lamented, "The best British roses are all taken. Zeta Jones, Beckinsale, Rachel Weisz – they're all in relationships."

Leonardo cut to the core, "Don't you usually prefer women in their thirties that are already in relationships the most?"

Martin protested, "That's slander! I only have an eye for beautiful women with great figures."

Nicholson, wiping his mouth with a napkin, delivered a lesson, "You two are still young and don't grasp the key – technique! You need to use your brains; having solid technique is the key." Shaking his head, he stood up, "How did I end up with two dummies as friends? Well..."

Martin inquired, "Are you deserting us?"

"I'm heading out," Nicholson gathered his belongings, "I'm visiting some old friends. Don't bother waiting for me tonight; I might not come back."

Leonardo chimed in, "He's probably off to meet some women and will forget about his friends."

Nicholson pretended not to hear and made his exit.

Martin quipped, "Leo, did you see that? He's the boss of our misfit trio."

Leonardo grinned, "We'll get him some gifts."

After their lunch, the two hopped into the same car and drove to Pinewood Studios.

En route, Martin made a call, "Yes, the old rogue is at the studio and will soon be on the set of 'Mamma Mia'."

Leonardo chuckled, "He's up to no good, for sure."

Arriving at the parking lot near the studio, Martin unpacked a long bag and tossed it to Leonardo, keeping another on his back.

The two donned sunglasses, slung their bags over their shoulders, and walked towards the studio, appearing as though they were on a secret mission.

Meanwhile, the cast of "The Prestige" was stationed at the studio.

Christian Bale had just finished filming for the day and was removing his makeup. He encountered Cate Blanchett, who had come to visit Hugh Jackman.

"Want to come along?" Bale invited while standing at the trailer's door.

Blanchett's enigmatic smile played on her lips, "Pinewood Studios is vast, and I recall there's a particular spot that's famous."

Bale knew exactly what she meant, "I know the place. Many actors like to visit."

Blanchett followed, "I heard you vetoed Martin Davis' audition for this project."

Bale replied, "Heath is my friend, and he was wronged. If I can help, I'll do it."

Blanchett highlighted, "Your position somewhat resembles Martin Davis. Resources in this industry are limited; if you can fight for something, you should. If you can grab it, grab it."

Bale, who had climbed his way up the industry, understood, "I won't hold back when there's something to grab. I'll keep an eye on Martin. If it's not projects he initiates, we can discuss."

On either side of the road, old pine trees began to appear.

In the distance, a relatively sparse pine forest could be seen.

This pine forest was iconic to Pinewood Studios, not only dotted with ancient pine trees but also known as a famous rendezvous for actors.

Hollywood couples and polite greetings were too commonplace for some, and they sought a different kind of thrill. The ambiance of the pine forest resembled a college campus.

Bale was cautious about the situation and parked the car at a distance, then walked alongside Blanchett as if they were casually strolling and chatting, in order to maintain a low profile.

A battery car whizzed by them at high speed.

Blanchett glanced up and recognized the two individuals in the car – Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep.

There were numerous rumors about these two Hollywood legends, and it didn't take much guessing to understand their intentions.

Blanchett couldn't contain her curiosity, "Let's keep an eye on those two. We'll pick a spot near them to eavesdrop..."

Bale, who had two decades of experience in the industry, recognized the situation immediately, "Having the voices of Oscar-winning actors and actresses as our background music is quite an experience."

Cate Blanchett chuckled heartily.

Elsewhere, Nicholson and Streep entered the pine forest together.

A gust of wind swept over, refreshing the surroundings.

The two continued deeper into the forest. Streep inquired, "I saw Martin a few days ago. How did you end up being friends with that rascal?"

Nicholson responded, "Because I'm a rascal too! His antics and audacious ideas are right up my alley. Ever since Marlon Brando met his maker and Warren Beatty settled down, I haven't found a fellow troublemaker to hang out with."

Streep probed, "Are his tricks better than yours?"

Nicholson shrugged, "Who knows?"

Streep pointed ahead and said, "We're here."

They had reached a large, gnarled tree. The tree was still alive, but its upper section was hollowed out, revealing a smooth, pulp-covered trunk, much like Wall Street's Charging Bull.

Not far from there, Bale and Blanchett halted and concealed themselves behind a tree, discarding their clothes, mimicking the previous pair.

On the outskirts of the woods, a young blonde girl from the "Atonement" crew wandered like a phantom. It was Saoirse Ronan, with her blonde hair tied in a ponytail and a digital camera dangling from her neck, seeking wild mandarin ducks while using the woods as cover. In her free time from acting, she frequently visited this place for leisure.

Moving from within to the edge of the woods, Saoirse suddenly heard footsteps. She hurriedly hid behind a large pine tree, peering out curiously.

Two men wearing sunglasses and carrying long bags were approaching.

With just one glance, Saoirse recognized them – Leonardo and Martin Davis.

Why were these two here? Saoirse had been in this area for a while, so she was well aware of the woods' infamous reputation, leading her to certain conclusions.

Reaching the woods' edge, Leonardo gazed at the vast expanse and inquired, "This place is enormous; how do we find it?"

Martin reassured him, "There's no need to be precise; we'll set them off randomly." He unzipped his backpack and extracted a steel pipe as thick as his wrist, designating Leonardo as the loader.

Leonardo opened his bag, revealing two fuses and kicks.

The steel pipe in Martin's hand had two handles welded at the bottom and a thin steel circle at the top, resembling a sight.

Leonardo questioned, "Is this homemade? Will it explode?"

Martin boasted, "Bruce and I crafted this by hand. It's cost-effective, durable, and it packs a punch!"

They knew Nicholson well and were aware that when he and Meryl Streep were together, they wouldn't engage in overly intense activities. Their relationship was more laid-back and gentle. Even if they caused trouble, it was all in good fun.

Due to this, they dared to set off firecrackers in New York.

Leonardo remarked, "Isn't this essentially a homemade RPG, just with different iterations?"

Martin responded, "I love it. Leo, get the shells ready."

Leonardo pulled out the cigarettes and lighter he had prepared earlier, lit a kicker's fuse, and took a step back to prevent placing the firecracker in his mouth.

Martin warned, "Man, be cautious. Don't put the cigarette in or the firecracker in your mouth."

Leonardo looked down and realized the risk.


There was a faint sound in front of them, and Martin, being on high alert, thought a paparazzi had sneaked in. He turned around and warned, "Who's there? Come out quickly, or I'll fire!"

No response.

Martin signaled Leonardo, "Leo, get the shells ready!"

"No, don't fire!" Saoirse wasn't entirely sure what Martin had in his hand, but overhearing their discussions about bombings and RPGs had her worried. The thick barrel was particularly intimidating, and she quickly emerged, "I was just curious, coming here for a look."

Martin recalled seeing her several times in the restaurant, recognizing her as an actor from the "Atonement" crew.

As she approached, he inquired, "Who are you? What's your role?"

Saoirse hesitated.

As a professional at lying, Martin instantly recognized her intent to deceive and pointed to her camera, "I've seen you before. Don't make me come to the set looking for you."

Saoirse reluctantly revealed, "I'm Saoirse Ronan, an actress."

Martin extended his hand, "Give me the camera."

Saoirse, though reluctantly, handed it over to Martin. He then passed it to Leonardo, who inspected it and deleted a photo.

Martin removed the camera battery, warning, "Don't roam around and avoid taking random photos."

Saoirse accepted her camera back, nodded rapidly, and squatted beside Martin, "I'm right here, and I won't go anywhere."

Martin glanced at Leonardo, "Let's begin."

Leonardo took a drag of his cigarette, lit a two-kicker, and then carefully inserted it into the barrel, ensuring it wouldn't end up in his mouth later.

Once he confirmed it was secure, he loaded the cannonball into the barrel.

Martin wasn't aware of Nicholson's exact location, but he knew the general directions of the popular spots. He immediately turned the cannon slightly upward.

Saoirse plugged her ears.

There was a muffled explosion, and the steel pipe vibrated slightly. Two custom-made kicks swiftly launched.

In the next moment, the second kicker struck a branch of a pine tree more than 60 meters to the left, dropping and exploding.


A pink cloud of smoke emerged.

At Martin's command, "Reload! Fire!"

As soon as he spoke, Leonardo had already lit another cannonball and swiftly placed it into the barrel.

In the distance, another explosion followed, sending up red smoke.

"Let me do it! Let me do it!" Leonardo faintly heard the panicked voices of the mandarin ducks but was eager for more action. "If I don't fire two rounds, I won't have a chance." So, Martin traded roles with Leonardo, who became the loader.

Two kicks ignited, were loaded, and Leonardo aimed the cannon.

The two of them operated in perfect sync.

Saoirse uncovered her ears. The two big stars in front of her shattered her perception. How could these be celebrities? They were clearly two goofballs!

Nonetheless, she found it amusing and seized the opportunity between shots to request, "Can I fire one shot? Hey, you two, can I please fire one shot?"

Martin advised, "Young lady, don't be tempted to fire."

Saoirse pouted.

"Who's setting off those cannons?" Suddenly, a shout echoed from the woods.

Leonardo, undaunted by the danger, swiveled the cannon's direction and fired a shot in that direction.

There was a resounding blast, and a strange man and woman were seen fleeing with their clothes in hand.

Martin's dexterity was remarkable. As soon as one shot was fired, he had another ready to go.

The explosions continued several times, startling numerous pairs of mandarin ducks.

Nicholson and Streep, being older, were a bit slower to react. Just as they became fully engaged, something exploded diagonally above them.

The jarring sound left their adductor muscles suddenly tightening, almost to the point of cramping.

Nicholson was startled and swiftly transformed into a slug, withdrawing in time to avoid physical harm, in addition to his shaken nerves.

"Damn it!" Nicholson exclaimed in frustration. "It must be those two rascals, Martin and Leonardo!"

Hearing the names of these two individuals made Streep's heart race. She hastily donned her clothes, not caring about wearing them correctly, and remarked, "Let's leave quickly!"

Nicholson, well aware that as much of a troublemaker as he was, these two were equally mischievous, tugged Streep away urgently, "Let's go first, and we'll settle the score with them later!"


An explosion resonated behind them.

In a different location, Bale was at the most crucial moment. A gust of cool wind swept by as the sounds of explosions above his head made his body tense unconsciously.

In recent months, apart from acting and preparing for other roles, Bale had been vigorously working out. He was set to star in the Batman sequel the following year. He was a dedicated actor, frequently fluctuating between losing and gaining weight, with his muscles tightening at critical junctures. Combined with the chilly wind and shock from the explosions, the muscle fatigue accumulated in his legs erupted suddenly. Both legs cramped simultaneously.

Bale's face contorted in pain, and his arms and hands became useless. Blanchett, who was being supported by him, lost her balance and tumbled like a cannonball.

Simultaneously, Blanchett's entire body tensed, making her fall quite harshly.

Bale let out a pitiful howl.

At that moment, he had lost a substantial amount of weight and had rapidly fluctuated in body mass. With the intense workout regime, combined with the chilly wind and the shock from the explosions, his muscle fatigue accumulated and then burst forth. Both of his legs cramped at once.

Bale was in excruciating pain, but he clenched his teeth and didn't utter a sound.

Blanchett asked, "Should I call for help?"

Bale panted for a moment, "I'll be fine. Just don't let anyone see this. I can't put my pants on for now..."

The two of them could only assist each other helplessly.

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