
Chapter 233: Doing It Together

The majority of individuals in the conference room dispersed.

The three most pivotal actors within the crew engaged in a discussion, elucidating the intricacies of their characters' relationships, creating an aura that dissuaded others from interrupting.

Martin regarded Nicholson with intrigue, uncertain if he was genuinely serious or simply putting on an act.

His counterpart possessed over 40 years of acting experience and was renowned as one of Hollywood's finest. It was conceivable that acting had permeated every facet of his life.

Leonardo gestured towards Nicholson and commented, "You and Marlon Brando are famed as the most mischievous figures on Sunset Boulevard."

Nicholson grinned and directed his query to both of them, "I'm curious to see what tricks the younger generation has up its sleeve. What pranks do you have in mind?"

Leonardo deferred to Martin, stating, "The choice is yours, Martin."

Martin nonchalantly responded, "No problem."

Leonardo glanced at his watch and mentioned, "I must take my leave."

Subsequently, Martin also exited the meeting room.

Nicholson paid no heed to the scattered items on the floor as he left.

Beside him, Mene subtly shook his head in response to Martin's contemplations, particularly regarding Jack Nicholson's relationship with Scorsese.

Martin slowed his pace, waiting for Nicholson to catch up, and queried directly, "Old Jack, that cushion prank—was it aimed at me?"

Nicholson paused, then grinned widely and admitted, "Indeed, I targeted you."

Given this individual's propensity for candor, Martin anticipated him to elaborate further.

As expected, Nicholson continued, "What happened today, initially, I planned to play a prank on you. An old friend asked for my assistance in pulling this off. I've had a sporadic relationship with her for two decades. Don't focus solely on her appearances above; you've got to consider what's below the surface. After all, I aim to continue satisfying her."

He chuckled once more, "I'm too old to be concerned with anyone else. She requested that I mess with you, and I obliged. As for who else might be involved, I can't be bothered. Old man, I'm on my way to meet my maker, and when Bill Cosby joins the party, I'll be sure to give him a warm welcome! Now, everyone knows that I pranked you, and she has no reason to refuse me."

Martin inquired, "Who is she?"

Nicholson spread his hands, saying, "I asked, and you're quite skilled at messing with people, so I figured you'd be game for this. If you mess with her, what will I do with her in the future?"

He then divulged, "I've been with her for nearly two decades, and I still haven't had my fill. You want to know why?"

Martin couldn't resist the curiosity, so he prompted, "Tell me."

Next to him, Mene couldn't help but interject, "Why?"

Nicholson, with the air of an expert, opined, "You youngsters tend to fixate on looks—faces, chests, legs, and the like. Over my four decades-plus in the business, I've learned that these things suffice for a while, but that's about it."

He pointed at Mene's legs, adding, "The real key lies here! Do you have any idea how rare it is to find someone who can smoke your cigar and handle themselves in bed? You'll understand once you gain more experience."

Suddenly, as Martin gazed at the restroom entrance some dozens of meters behind Nicholson, Matt Damon emerged.

Just as Damon was about to turn, Martin swiftly reached out, grasped Nicholson's shoulder and neck, and, without allowing him to face Damon, exuberantly proposed, "I get an itch hearing you talk like that. How about we do it together?"

Nicholson, taken aback, sported a wicked grin, quipping, "Do you have such preferences?"

Martin paid no attention to Damon's presence and responded, "Doing it together, we can keep going until the other person can't handle it anymore."

On the other side, Damon exited the restroom and, upon seeing Martin and Nicholson arm in arm, overheard their conversation about intimacy.


In this context, it was challenging not to associate it with the cushion-induced flatulence that had occurred earlier.

Matt Damon had no prior rapport with Nicholson. Both he and Ben belonged to the Weinstein faction in Hollywood. Nicholson, an old-timer, navigated through life nonchalantly, boasting numerous connections, and offered no counsel to the Weinsteins, especially Harvey.

Of these two individuals, one had swiped the second male lead role from him, and the other had publicly embarrassed him.

Doing it together?

Matt Damon refrained from approaching and swiftly veered into the elevator, descending to the lower floors.

Near the corridor adjacent to the conference room, Nicholson noted the firm grip of Martin's hand on his neck and shoulders and began to entertain a worrying notion, remarking, "Hey, you little rascal, you don't swing that way, do you? While I'm all for fun, I draw the line at men."

Martin didn't release his grip and asserted, "Rest assured, I'm only interested in women."

Nicholson finally broke free and inquired, "You're not normal." After a moment's reflection, he suspected, "You're scheming something against me! Why did you grab my shoulder like that?"

Martin candidly explained, "To foster a closer connection between us, so we can have fun together."

Near the corridor of the conference room, Nicholson observed Martin's tight grip on his neck and shoulders and began to harbor unsettling thoughts. He stopped and asked directly, "Hey, you little rascal, you're not into men, are you? While I'm up for a prank, I don't swing that way."

Martin didn't release his grip and asserted, "Rest assured, I'm only interested in women."

Bruce joined Martin in the first-floor lobby, where Martin instructed, "Keep an eye on Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson as you enter the set."

Bruce acknowledged the directive with a nod.

The trio exited the building, and Mene quickly recounted the recent events.

Bruce suggested, "I believe we should focus more on Matt Damon. Not many people can orchestrate pranks like Nicholson. Check with Allen about it."

Mene, who had a date with Allen in the evening, responded promptly, "I'll take care of it."

After leaving Warner Pictures, Mene needed some downtime to recharge for the upcoming evening's endeavors.

Martin had a dinner date and hurried to a high-end restaurant near South Botswana Street to meet Blake Lively.

"Apologies for the delay; the script just wrapped up," he explained as he settled into the booth.

Blake, seemingly unperturbed by the wait, reassured him, "It's alright, work takes precedence."

Martin handed her the menu and said, "Feel free to order whatever you like; no need to be formal with me."

Blake responded with an air of intimacy, "I read about your deal with News of the World. You signed a hefty royalty agreement with them. I won't skimp on your meal."

Martin didn't possess the writing skills to fulfill the agreement, so the manuscript had been entrusted to Thomas.

Bruce had volunteered, but Martin refrained from utilizing him, as Bruce's proposed theme was "A Guide to Finding the Best Big Butts." Such a subject was hardly suitable for a piece bearing Martin Davis's name.

Blake completed her order and shifted the conversation to a different topic, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "Can we talk about those two spies?" She seemed to regard Martin with the same enthusiasm as a fan would for their idol. "Eric is still envious of you. With his intellect, he'd be utterly clueless if he ever had to uncover a spy, unlike you, who managed to outsmart the FBI."

Martin was in a tight spot. He couldn't divulge the details of the spy scandal, so he replied, "I've signed a confidentiality agreement with the FBI."

As an ardent admirer, Blake wouldn't want to embarrass her male idol. Swiftly changing the subject, she inquired, "You've moved. When can I come over to see your new place?"

Martin offered, "Today works. We can head to Sherman Oaks after dinner."

The meal arrived, and Blake made quick work of it, finishing her lunch in just half an hour.

Once Martin settled the bill, he and Blake departed for the underground parking lot, where Bruce awaited in the Escalade.

Upon spotting Bruce in the driver's seat, Blake greeted him, "Hi, Bruce, it's been a while."

Bruce smiled in return.

Ten minutes later, the Escalade pulled up at the Cotis community and proceeded to Martin's new residence.

Exiting the car, Blake first surveyed the yard, lawn, and swimming pool. She took a deep breath, grasped Martin's arm, and, in her effusively affectionate manner, commented, "Your scent is everywhere here; it smells wonderful."

Martin invited her inside, saying, "Come on in."

Blake followed Martin on a tour of the house, remarking as they went, "Once I turn 18, I'll be moving out of my parents' place." She sighed wistfully, "It's a shame I can't afford such a beautiful home."

Martin, a kind-hearted soul, wouldn't let the young girl fend for herself, promptly offering, "I have a spare room here that I can rent to you."

Blake expressed her delight but mused, "I don't have the money to pay rent."

Martin maintained his principles, replying, "We can discuss it after your 18th birthday." He inquired specifically, "When will you be celebrating your birthday?"

Blake responded, "August 25th."

Aware that Martin was about to embark on a New York film project and might be away for an extended period, Blake, like any dedicated fan, had already considered her idol's schedule. "This role is crucial for you. If you can't make it back in time, I'll host a celebration here, then visit you in New York," she proposed.

Martin, ever pragmatic, replied, "We'll see how it goes."

However, Blake was resolute, declaring, "That's the plan. I'll come to New York to find you, and you must organize a special birthday party for me."

Martin agreed, "Of course, I won't forget."

Blake couldn't help but feel excited, wondering what special gift and events Martin would have in store for her.

Back at Martin's place, he led Blake upstairs and downstairs, eventually presenting her with a souvenir set.

The set included a crocodile tusk pendant, a horn clown carving, and a jade bracelet, which Blake adored.

Even if her idol had given her a blank piece of paper, she would have treasured it.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, Blake received a call from her father, prompting her to bid farewell and head back to Burbank.

After seeing Blake off, Martin sat in the passenger seat, observing the shops lining the street on both sides. He asked Bruce, "Bruce, what's a suitable gift for an 18-year-old girl's birthday?"

Bruce responded without hesitation, "A fang pendant, embellished with horn carvings, and if she's significant, add a piece of jade."

"I've already gifted a set like that," Martin replied. "I'm concerned about the conservation of Australian crocodiles and bison, so I thought it might be better to opt for industrial products."

Bruce suggested, "Diamonds, luxury items, or watches—these are always a safe bet." Playfully, he added, "Why the sudden transformation into a philanthropist?"

Martin asserted, "I've always been a kind-hearted person. In the past, it was merely due to financial constraints that I couldn't indulge in such generosity."

Bruce concurred, acknowledging the transformation in their fortunes. He and the Kardashian sisters, for instance, had amassed wealth only in the past six months, which had prompted them to start giving gifts.

Martin's stay in Los Angeles was brief. By mid-July, he had already joined the film crew in New York.

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