
Chapter 168: True Love

Accepting the CD handed to him by Thomas, Martin examined the cover carefully. The person on the cover appeared strikingly familiar.

Of the films stored on the disc, he hadn't watched the latter two extensively, and they didn't stick in his memory. However, the main plot of the first film had left an indelible impression.

This particular Hong Kong movie had been among one of the few Hong Kong films watched by Martin since 2000.

It was often referred to as the swan song of Hong Kong cinema.

"A localized adaptation based on Hong Kong gangster movies..." Thomas elaborated on the recent developments.

Martin had watched "The Departed" and was confident that Thomas had accurate information, especially concerning the Irish gangsters in Boston.

Thomas inquired further, "What about Pacific Pictures?"

Martin replied, "For now, Louise and Pacific Pictures are focusing on the 'Wanted' project, It holds greater promise."

Thomas could discern the ownership. He noted, "I'll explore opportunities with Plan B. For Scorsese's projects, audition results heavily influence casting decisions. If acting skills are similar, numerous other factors come into play. Plan B will be the third-largest investor, and I intend to reach out to their team."

Martin immediately thought of the two primary stakeholders at Plan B: "Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston?"

"I'll contact their management," Thomas confirmed. "I've learned that Scorsese is interested in having Pitt play the second lead, but Pitt declined."

After a brief consideration, Martin requested, "I need a Boston accent coach, as well as information on the Boston Police Department's rules, regulations, and organizational structure. Since we're making an effort, let's go all the way—details about the Boston gang's history over the past decade would be great."

Thomas assured him, "I'll get it done."

After the New Year, Martin would turn 24, and if he remembered correctly, Leonardo would be 30. Considering the character background of "The Departed," this age range seemed suitable. But these weren't determining factors.

In Los Angeles, few coaches specialized in teaching various accents. That afternoon, Martin met a middle-aged female teacher who specialized in the Boston accent. He practiced pronunciations specific to the Boston area and received ample recorded teaching materials.

Subsequently, after mastering the Hollywood accent, he ventured into a new round of accent training. In Hollywood, there were instances where dialogue had to be re-recorded on the spot due to various factors. For instance, Johnny Depp's lines were rendered ineffective by alcohol and flour-induced memory loss. Yet, Martin Scorsese's crew demanded live recordings, and accents had to align with the characters' backgrounds.

Thomas shouldered the task with determination and set up meetings with the casting directors of "Gangs of New York" and "The Aviator" in the evening. They had collaborated with Martin Scorsese twice before, increasing the likelihood of continued cooperation.

Meanwhile, Martin had his own engagement. Anne had arranged to meet him at Griffith Observatory in the evening.


In a suite at the Hilton Hotel, Annie sat in front of a makeup mirror, meticulously applying makeup. She turned to Laura and asked, "Does it look alright?"

Laura complimented her, "You look stunning, Annie. Martin is right; you're a true princess."

Annie inquired, "Is everything set?"

Laura moved closer and assured her, "Just pour your heart out, and leave the rest to me. I've made all the necessary arrangements." Annie double-checked, "Do you think Griffith Park is a suitable location?"

"It's absolutely perfect," Laura confirmed. "With the Hollywood Hills in the backdrop and the view of Los Angeles from the observatory, it's an ideal spot for a romantic confession. Celebrities often go there for dates, and if reporters capture your love confession, it'll be splendid." Annie nodded, content. "That sounds good. Let's make sure Martin leaves with a favorable impression."

Laura pointed to the outfit hanging nearby. "Let's change into those clothes; it's almost time."

Annie selected a white shirt and slim jeans, deliberately adopting a girl-next-door look to ensure there was no undue pressure on the man.

They headed downstairs, got into the hotel car, and set off. Annie reminded Laura, "Contact the entertainment reporters and paparazzi again to ensure nothing goes wrong."

Laura made the call.

On the other side, Bruce drove a Volkswagen toward the Hollywood Hills. Martin gazed at the Hollywood sign in the distance and inquired, "Is everything arranged?"

Bruce affirmed, "I used a payphone to contact 'American Rumor' and other gossip entertainment newspapers. I also reached out to Judy's paparazzi contacts; they're all converging on the mountain."

He added, "I had a chat with Judy the day before yesterday, and she emphasized that you need to make significant progress. Regular street auctions won't cut it anymore."

Martin recognized the business behind this request and responded, "I think we're almost there."

Bruce knew Martin's plan all too well. "Can you be a bit more romantic? Let the lady take the lead in the confession."

Martin defended himself, saying, "This is me being responsible."

Upon their arrival at the park's parking lot, Bruce parked the car and cracked open a can of beer. Martin took the lead up the hill, with Bruce following.

Griffith Observatory stood as one of Los Angeles' iconic landmarks. When Martin reached the park's square, he glanced around and noticed some familiar faces among the tourists.

The paparazzi and entertainment reporters had arrived.

After a brief wait, Martin spotted Anne entering the square, and he greeted her with a smile.

The surrounding paparazzi and reporters quickly zeroed in on the couple and began to trail them.

Near the edge of the square, Laura found a quiet spot, and there, by coincidence, she encountered someone familiar.

Bruce had also spotted her and nodded. "What a small world."

Laura exchanged a knowing smile. "Indeed."

Both of them turned their attention to Martin and Anne, who were gradually drawing closer.

Suddenly, Martin paused, as if he had heard someone calling him from behind.

Seeing him stop, Anne quickened her pace. By the time Martin turned around, she was already before him, arms open wide, and she embraced him tightly.

Martin embraced Anne tightly, and she wasted no time in expressing herself, fearing her precious opportunity would slip away. With enthusiasm, she declared, "Martin, I've been thinking about you these days. Let's date!"

Martin, known for his principles as a kind-hearted person who never refused, never took the initiative, and never made promises, responded by nodding vigorously.

Anne beamed with joy, as if she saw a radiant future unfolding before her. Her eyes closed slightly as she tilted her head upward.

In such a situation, how could Martin, the good-hearted man, decline maliciously? He bent down and gently kissed her rosy lips.

Meanwhile, not far away, camera flashes began to illuminate the scene one after another.

The entertainment paparazzi were elated; the confirmation of another Hollywood couple was a big scoop!

As their lips touched, and they felt each other's warmth, Anne opened her eyes. She separated their lips and buried her head in Martin's embrace, saying, "I'm so happy." She shivered in Martin's arms, her shoulders trembling as if overwhelmed by excitement.

Martin held her tightly and gently stroked her temples.

The camera flashes continued to fire.

Anne was concerned about her face being captured, so she adjusted her angles multiple times to ensure the cameras captured her perfect profile.

It was a love story that evoked envy and jealousy.

This is what true love is supposed to feel like.

Finally, the two of them parted.

In Anne's beautiful, large eyes, there was only one person reflected—Martin.

Martin's fingers tenderly brushed against Anne's cheek, and he spoke with emotion, tears welling up in his eyes, "Annie, do you know? In my previous life, I saved the Earth!"

Anne, puzzled, asked, "You saved the Earth?"

Martin elaborated, "That's why, in this life, I've been rewarded with the sight of a goddess like you."

These touching words of love made Anne bite her trembling red lips. At that moment, she couldn't tell whether her heart was genuinely moved or if her acting skills had reached their peak. She was fully immersed in the emotion.

She kicked her long legs and threw herself into Martin's arms.

Irrespective of any plans or lack thereof, she took the initiative and kissed Martin passionately, sealing their affection with a long kiss.

At the edge of the square, Laura wiped away a tear, deeply moved by the heartfelt moment.

With a can of beer in hand, Bruce commented to himself, "This is the Martin Davis who conquered female producers with his talent."

Laura excitedly declared, "The princess and the prince are finally together!"

Bruce merely gave a mechanical nod.

Snow White and the Prince? He remembered that in the first version of the fairy tale he had read, the prince wasn't exactly a virtuous character.

Feeling a little bored, he couldn't help but imagine a different version where Anne played Snow White and Martin portrayed the prince with a fetish. It would certainly make for an intriguing film adaptation based on the original fairy tale.

The two figures in the square concluded their prolonged kiss, interlocked their fingers, and headed towards the Griffith Observatory's observation deck.

Bruce followed suit.

Laura followed as well.

Martin led Anne forward briskly, proclaiming, "Let's go and admire the Los Angeles night view together. Let's announce to all of Los Angeles that Martin Davis and Anne Hathaway are now together!"

Anne followed closely behind him, and at that moment, there was no one in her eyes but Martin.

The two entered the observatory, laughing and chatting as they passed through the hall and ascended the stairs together.

After climbing a few steps, Martin suddenly turned around, lowering his head to find Anne.

Anne tiptoed and planted a gentle kiss on Martin's cheek.

When they reached a corner on the stairs, Anne slowed down and said, "I'm a bit tired."

Martin pointed to the stairs leading up and spun around. "I'll carry you."

Anne responded gleefully, "Yes!" She climbed a few steps and then jumped onto Martin's back, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Martin carried Anne all the way to the viewing platform.

No one else was on the platform at that moment. They stood at the edge of the observation deck, with the oversized letters of "Hollywood" in the background.

Martin put Anne down, extended his hands like a megaphone, and shouted loudly below, "Thank you, Anne! Thank you for your favor!"

Anne stood beside Martin and joined in, shouting, "Anne Hathaway loves Martin Davis! Forever!"

Someone from below, not surprised by their shouts, approached the platform.

This observatory was also a popular spot for couples in Los Angeles to enjoy romantic moments.

Martin and Anne stood close together, gazing at the Los Angeles night view and speaking softly to each other.

After a while, they descended together.

As they passed by the restroom, Anne said, "I need to use the restroom."

Martin nodded.

Anne entered the restroom and, upon spotting Laura, immediately shifted into acting mode.

Laura inquired, "Is there any juicy information to share?"

Anne whispered a few words to her and then quickly left the restroom, looping her arm through Martin's.

Laura waited for a moment before stealthily exiting the restroom and approaching a familiar paparazzo.

The paparazzo handed her $50 directly.

Laura said, "Do you know why Anne was so excited? Martin claimed that he saved the Earth in his previous life, and that's why he's been rewarded with Anne's affection in this one!"

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