
Chapter 164: Karma

Early on Saturday morning, a massive poster was prominently displayed in front of the Burbank Hotel.

On the poster, Martin was depicted covered in blood, gripping a baby tightly in one hand while clutching a blood-smeared, bone-studded bat in the other. Beside him stood a scarred German shepherd.

A throng of entertainment reporters eagerly snapped photos of the striking poster.

A brief red carpet had been laid out at the entrance, and movie enthusiasts and media representatives streamed in with their invitations.

Semi-feral paparazzi like Judy, however, were denied tickets.

As more and more movie fans arrived, some chose not to enter directly, opting instead to line both sides of the red carpet, clutching posters featuring Martin Davis.

Judy had been working diligently in Los Angeles for two years and had witnessed many such scenarios. When a movie hit it big, it could completely transform the fate of its lead actor.

Suddenly, an unusual young woman passed by.

She was exceptionally tall, her fair skin almost glowing.

She inquired, "Are you Judy?"

Judy set down her camera and replied, "Yes, I am."

The woman, Jessica, produced an invitation, saying, "Bruce asked me to give this to you. Don't forget his agreement with you."

Jodi nodded as she examined the invitation for the day's event and affirmed, "Tell him I will always remember."

Jessica then seamlessly merged into the crowd of fans, assisting the crew and urging fans to enter.

At half-past ten, Martin's car arrived in front of the hotel right on schedule. After alighting from the vehicle, Martin gallantly escorted Anne Hathaway out.

Anne, clad in a stunning black dress, looked absolutely radiant.

Cameras from all the reporters and paparazzi flashed as Anne linked arms with Martin.

Martin and Anne paused to pose for photos in front of the movie poster before making their way into the hotel's banquet hall.

As they entered, the banquet hall erupted in thunderous applause.

Hundreds of fans raised their cell phones to capture the moment.

Chants of "Martin" echoed through the hall.

Representing the fans, Rachel and Phoebe approached Martin, bearing gifts.

Martin warmly hugged them, addressing each by name. "Good morning, Rachel, and Phoebe."

Phoebe was elated, her hands trembling with excitement. "Martin, you remember me! You remember me..."

Martin's smile shone even brighter as he assured her, "Of course, I remember. I signed for you at the House of Wax."

Phoebe urged Rachel, "Hurry, Rachel, give our heartwarming gifts to Martin."

Rachel approached with an autograph book, explaining, "It's all from us devoted fans. These messages congratulate you on your accomplishments and encourage you to create even better works."

With Martin's acting skills, his smile grew more radiant as he perused the heartfelt messages.

"Although Hollywood boasts countless stars, you're my favorite!" was signed by Saoirse.

Phoebe proudly stated, "Martin, I wrote that! I wrote it!"

Rachel directed Martin's attention to the signature next to hers and exclaimed, "I'm John, mine's on the second page!"

"I'm Ronan, the last page. Martin, I'll always support you!" announced another fan.

Martin flipped through the autograph book, overwhelmed by the hundreds of entries.

Seeing the passionate devotion of these dedicated fans, he realized that the book was not just a signature collection; it was a substantial emotional gift.

Martin's expression reflected a mix of excitement, gratitude, and emotion. He almost choked up as he addressed the crowd, "Thank you all so much for your unwavering support! I promise to create the best work to repay your faith in me!" Privately, he wondered how he would ever manage to remember all of this.

Rachel added, "Initially, we thought about pooling money to buy you a gift, but then we realized this was even more meaningful. We're so fortunate to have grown alongside you."

Martin turned to acknowledge the fans around him, bowing slightly, and declared, "Having you by my side is the greatest blessing in my life."

Suddenly, Anne remarked, "Martin, I'm genuinely envious of you. Your fans are incredibly kind to you."

Martin didn't respond, silently considering if this was karma for giving Anne Lilly's junk artwork.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall reached an electrifying peak.

Daniel, Warner Bros.' associate director of publicity and distribution, observed the scene and pondered how Martin could play a pivotal role in the film's publicity and marketing.

Craven chimed in, "Martin can undoubtedly be a major focal point in our promotional efforts. He's immensely popular, and, most importantly, he's astute in catering to the market and audience."

Daniel nodded thoughtfully, "With Martin as the centerpiece, we'll pursue conventional publicity methods."

Over the past half-year, Craven and Martin had shared numerous parties and visited various nightclubs, truly enjoying their time together.

Both of them were set to direct different male protagonists in the same movie, and there was no conflict of interest. Craven willingly vouched for Martin, saying, "You've seen the preview version, and Martin's performance, both in acting and action, exceeds our expectations. I can assure you that this film will outshine 'House of Wax'."

As long as it proved profitable, the distribution company wasn't concerned about promoting the film. Daniel recognized the potential for "The Hills Have Eyes" to be a big hit and declared without hesitation, "After the New Year, I'll mobilize our media resources."

Meanwhile, the movie fans continued to revel in the celebration. Martin mingled with them, posing for photos and signing autographs, exchanging words with his supporters. However, given the large crowd, they couldn't engage in the same manner as they did during Zombie Stripper's wild party.

When it was time to shift gears, Martin led Anne to join the main cast and crew, formally introducing her to key figures like Daniel, Ajia, Jaume, Craven, and others.

Anne was thrilled to expand her network and step beyond the Disney circle. As she conversed with these individuals, she clung tightly to Martin's arm, creating the impression that she was his genuine girlfriend.

Daniel inquired about Martin's upcoming film, asking, "I heard you've secured a studio and started preparations."

Martin provided an honest update, "Indeed, we've registered the studio and hired the screenwriter of 'Fast and Furious 2' and 'Catch the Thief' to begin script adaptation. However, the actual preparations won't commence until next year."

As Louise was a seasoned professional, Daniel attached great importance to this collaboration, revealing, "Louise has extended an invitation to Warner Bros, and the studio plans to participate in the project and distribute it..."

Martin interjected, "Yes, Louise and I have already discussed continuing our partnership with Warner Bros, for distribution."

Daniel was in no rush. He would wait and see how "The Hills Have Eyes" performed upon release. If the film succeeded, they would continue their collaboration; if not, Warner Brothers, had other options.

Craven inquired, "Do you estimate a budget of $40 million will suffice?"

Martin disclosed the unvarnished truth, "It may not be enough, depending on the script."

Anne stood nearby, anxiously listening to Martin discuss multi-million-dollar investments with Warner Bros. executives and Hollywood heavyweights.

She muttered to herself, "When is he going to confess his love? I already gave him the green light."

Anne had anticipated that Martin might choose this special occasion to publicly declare his love for her. However, no such confession occurred as the event officially commenced. A 1-minute and 15-second preview of "The Hills Have Eyes" played on the central hall's curtain.

This segment predominantly featured Martin in a solo performance, navigating a desert, seeking vengeance after the murder of his wife, parents-in-law, and the abduction of his child. Armed with just a stick and accompanied by a loyal dog, he embarked on a quest to rescue his baby and settle the score.

Compared to Wes Craven's previous horror films, this one featured more action elements.

The banquet hall erupted in cheers as Martin, portraying the male lead, dispatched a grotesque, deformed adversary with a powerful blow from a bat.

Since it was a promotional clip, it played through quickly. Some enthusiastic fans shouted, "Can we see it again?"

The crew obliged, playing it once more.

Following the screening, media reporters conducted interviews with Martin, Ajia, Craven, and fan representatives. Martin also interacted with fans and media, showcasing his charisma.

Martin understood that while stars needed style, he was not yet at the level of a quasi-superstar. He could afford to be more relaxed and low-key, controlling the tempo of the event.

As the event neared its conclusion, a lunch party with complimentary food and drinks awaited all attendees. Who could resist such an offering?

Towards the end, Martin and Anne were interviewed together.

A reporter inquired, "Martin, are you and Anne a couple?"

Anne interjected, "We're best friends. Martin often joins my classes and always brings pleasant surprises." She added with a subtle hint, "We're getting to know each other and moving forward together."

Martin, a man of integrity, openly admitted, "Anne is my dearest friend and my princess. To me, she's the guiding light in the darkest night."

Anne had initially planned to wait until the release of "The Hills Have Eyes" to gauge the situation, but recent events had made her impatient. She couldn't help but feel irritated when Martin failed to share his intentions.

However, she reminded herself to remain reserved and let Martin take the first step.

Once the luncheon concluded, the event officially came to a close, with every fan, media reporter, and crew member offering their parting gifts.

Martin exchanged a few more words with Craven and others before leaving with Anne.

Upon reaching the side entrance of the hotel and getting into the car, Martin received a call from Vincent in Atlanta.

Vincent informed him about an initial investment plan, saying, "Sofia and I are considering an initial investment of $6 million."

Martin emphasized, "An initial investment of $6 million? Vincent, that's a wise decision."

Anne couldn't hear the conversation, but she could deduce from Martin's expressions that they were discussing a substantial investment. Curiosity got the better of her, and she asked, "One investor is putting in $30 million?"

Martin nodded, feigning seriousness, "They trust me, but it also comes with immense pressure."

Anne remained silent but deeply contemplated the content of the conversation – the future and finances.

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