
Chapter 71: Unhooking Bra

Before the crew delved into post-production, Zombie Stripper Studio reserved the entire Hulk Mansion for a celebratory party.

In addition to the eighteen handsome men, they had also hired 30 beautiful women to perform.

Taking the microphone, Martin leaped onto the stage. He tapped it gently, capturing the attention of the audience. He declared loudly, "In this filming, Director Benjamin Galvin had the toughest and most stressful job. I propose a special reward for him!"

"Agreed!" Andrew was the first to shout enthusiastically.

Maurice, Catherine, and others echoed their agreement.

Martin gestured to Hart, who immediately brought ten beauties onto the stage. They shed their coats, leaving them in front-button bras.

Martin continued, "We have a gift that is both beautiful and sizzling, yet challenging. Let's welcome Benjamin to the stage for a display of his unique skill of unhooking bras with his mouth!" Benjamin seemed dazed but was pushed onto the stage by the filming team.

Martin snapped his fingers at the DJ, commanding, "Play the music."

Benjamin pointed at Martin, laughing and scolding, "Very well, let's see what I'll do to you later."

Martin cheered, "Come on, let's witness your mouth's excellent skills!"

Benjamin was not one to take things too seriously. After all, serious people like Martin had their performances prerecorded.

With his hands behind his back, Benjamin extended his neck and tried to bite open the bra's clasp. The ten women, carefully chosen by Andrew and Martin, were all wearing front-button bras. Thus, it wasn't too challenging for Benjamin to maneuver his mouth to open them.

However, despite his best efforts, Benjamin couldn't manage to unhook the bras. He tried with another, but the result was the same.

Martin heckled, "Our director doesn't seem to be very skilled…"

Benjamin leaped up, snatched the microphone, and shouted, "Let's welcome Mr. Martin to give us a demonstration!"

Hart added, "Daddy Martin, show them why you're called 'dad'!"

The rest of the crew joined in, shouting in unison.

Bruce, ever the troublemaker, whistled playfully, "Maybe he's only good at chewing gum!"

Benjamin waved his arms, stirring up the excitement. "Martin! Martin!"

The crowd below the stage chanted, "Martin! Martin!"

"Perfect! I'll give it a try now. Let's see what it takes to be a master!" Martin tossed aside his coat, flinging it to Bruce at the side of the stage. "A true master doesn't back down when the mountain is high or the valley is deep because no matter how deep it goes, he has the capability to explore it all!"

Martin looked teasingly at Benjamin, "He doesn't feel embarrassed when facing a beautiful woman because he can raise his head high whenever he wants!" With a smirk, he added, "So, if I succeed, are you going to eat the microphone?"

Benjamin was goaded into responding, "If you succeed, I'll eat it!"

Martin moved forward, bent over, and extended his head. Skillfully, he maneuvered through the bras, and with a determined shake, the fabric ripped apart, accompanied by a dramatic squeaking sound. The car's headlights illuminated the path ahead.

Robert cheered from the audience, "Martin, I'm rooting for you!"

Andrew pointed towards him and said, "Come on, grab this traitor and let's cut him!"

Before Benjamin could respond, Martin had already moved on to the next target. Again, with a sharp tug, the fabric gave way.

This was an event Martin had orchestrated, and he had ensured there was a backdoor, a safety net if you will.

In other words, there was a hidden trick up his sleeve.

Martin was a master of persuasion. After a brief moment, the car's headlights came on.

He flexed his arms and exclaimed, "Yes!"

Benjamin protested, "You cheated!"

Martin turned to the audience and asked, "I unhooked it, didn't I? Would you like to see Benjamin attempt to eat the microphone live?"

"Eat! Eat!" The crowd cheered.

Martin signaled to Bruce on the side of the stage, "Bruce, do you have any Vaseline? Toss a bottle over."

Benjamin eyed the round-headed microphone and realized it would be quite difficult to retrieve it if he attempted to swallow it.

Bruce went to the bar, moved a box to the stage, and handed it to Martin.

Martin opened the box, revealing a microphone made of creamy chocolate, the same shape Benjamin typically used during filming.

"Director, give it a taste." Martin offered it to Benjamin.

Benjamin playfully pointed at Martin, "You, always with your tricks. If you wanted to give it to me, you could have just given it. You have way too many tricks up your sleeve."

Martin thought to himself that without a few tricks, how could he make things memorable? Although he didn't possess memories of Benjamin Calvin from his past life, he believed Benjamin was skilled in shooting B-movies.

As for what the future held, who could say for sure?

Benjamin devoured the chocolate microphone in one go and left the stage arm in arm with Martin, leaving behind a sea of twenty car headlights.

The men's celebration had come to an end, and it was now the ladies' turn to take the stage.

If they truly wanted to party, Martin knew he would be the one who lost.

The crew's financial manager, Brianna, collected thousands of dollars in tips and recruited heroes from the sportsman group.

Hart and ten others, wearing only shorts, took the stage. As the women requested, they lay flat on the stage and rapidly elevated the pole.

Brianna had someone bring up five large buckets filled with plastic rings, each the size of a fist. She announced, "Ladies, the rings are set. Whoever gets the ring can keep it. If you're skilled enough, you can even grab two or three at once. Tonight, the crew's footing the bill!"

People rushed to the stage eagerly, grabbing plastic rings and tossing them into the air.

It was a colorful spectacle, akin to goddesses showering flowers.

At the bar, Bruce asked, "Is this what your circle is like?"

Martin glanced at Benjamin and replied, "Hollywood is probably even more extravagant, right?"

Though Benjamin had never experienced it, he couldn't show any timidity. He asserted, "This is nothing."

Robert, brimming with confidence after landing a role with lines, approached and inquired, "Director, do I have what it takes to become a big star?"

Benjamin observed him carefully, then patted Robert on the shoulder, remarking, "If it weren't for my guidance, even if you tried to sell yourself in Hollywood, it would be difficult to find anyone willing to take you." Reality sank in for Robert as he gazed back at the stage. "I think I'd like to lie down and earn some money."

Martin waved him off, "Go ahead. Find Carrington; he'll make the arrangements for you. Make money, and no one will ridicule you."

Robert rushed towards the stage.

Bruce poured a glass of wine for both Martin and Benjamin and inquired, "Heading to the shooting range tomorrow?"

Martin nodded, "Sure, same place."

Benjamin raised his glass, clinked it with Martin's, and suggested, "You excel at action scenes. It's thrilling and great practice. It'll come in handy in the future."

Benjamin had a rough idea of Martin's goals, "Hollywood relies heavily on connections, but you need a solid foundation and skills."

Martin concurred, "That's sound advice."

Benjamin cautioned, "Don't venture too far just yet. Many scenes in the later stages of this production will require dubbing."

Suddenly, Martin spotted a powerfully built woman descending from the second floor. He quickly said, "I need to use the restroom."

Bruce promptly responded, "I'll go with you."

Benjamin couldn't understand why.

Sophia ascended and descended the staircase gracefully, raising her powerful arm in greeting, "Ben, good evening."

Benjamin promptly made his escape.

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