
Draconic Concequances

(1 out of 2 chapters this week)

Once more, Alex stretched his hands. His body felt– weird, like he was in a tight suit.

'Don't worry, this is just you getting used to a new heart. It's like changing a car's engine from 2 to 5 litres. Your body is just getting used to such change.'

'How on Earth do you know car engines?' The black-haired teen asked the White Dragon with an amused curiosity.

'I checked your memories. It seems you had a thing for cars before you started diving into history.' The dragon said with a hum. It sounded like the Vanishing dragon was reading Alex's memories like a book inside the teen's head.


'I see. Nonetheless, since I have a dragon heart, my magic was affected too. As far as I know, the heart is what generates magic?' Alex said thoughtfully.

'Indeed. I suggest testing your hand blades before using them.'

The teen nodded. Thankfully, he was good to do that, as he didn't have his jacket on.

The host of the White Dragon Emperor looked at his hand and started the routine of using magic to construct the shell for the blade.

Unlike his regular method of casting everything simultaneously, Alex used stages.

Such action made him notice a slower build of his construct.

In the beginning, it was slower. Then, it was much faster than usual speed.

Then he noticed his lightning was more—fierce, Brutal? Only someone who wields lightning, like its second nature, can detect such things. In some way, one could say that this element had an attitude of its own.

'Well? Do tell me if there is some difference. It should be minimal to non-existent at this moment.'

"There is… the construct is slightly slower at the beginning of channelling magic, but then it becomes faster than my previous time," Alex explained to the dragon what he felt.

'Interesting… so magic flow is related to heartbeat… nonetheless, your sensitivity towards magic is phenomenal if you can feel such minuscular change.'

"Maybe because my element is Lightning? To control, to create synergy between those two Lightning types, I needed to achieve an extremely high level of sensitivity towards magic." Alex told his theory to the Dragon.

"Still, Albion, you didn't know that heartbeat connected with the flow of magic?" The teen asked with a somewhat baffled tone.

"I am a being born from pure power. Why would I know such a minuscular thing?" A pair of white wings manifested on the teen's back, and he started to speak properly instead of directly to his mind.

"That reminds me, you can't enter the dungeon when knocked out. We should remember this small detail."

"Yeah… anyway, let's see changes to my stats," Alex said to the dragon as he picked up an empty sheet of paper and poked his finger with a small magically constructed needle.

Such a method of magic was another way to train and get used to his changes to magic.

Once a small drop of blood landed on the paper sheet, letters began manifesting.

"Hmm, let's see." The black-haired teen picked up the paper and checked its contents.

[Alexios Komnenos]

[Lv 1]

[STR: S 999]

[VIT: S 999]

[END: S 999]

[AGI: S 999]

[MAG: S 999]

















"My mastery over Divide increased by two stages from nothing but heart replacement?" Alex said with disbelief.

"It's dragon-type Sacred Gear, what do you expect? It should be even easier to master it. The only roadblocks you should expect are the mental ones that come with Balance Breaker and Juggernaut Drive." Albion said in a matter-of-fact voice.

The teen slowly nodded. He never expected such a straight road with this.

Nonetheless, at this moment, he is more interested in his new 'skill'.

So, he pulled out another sheet of paper and dropped another small drop of blood.

Instead of seeing his stats, he saw an explanation for a skill one could never earn in the Danmaichi Universe.

Thus, Alex was very interested in specifics and how his Falna picked up 'Dragon Heart'.


[A skill manifested when a human gave up his heart to a Dragon who gave a Dragon Heart as a replacement.]

[This heart is from the Dragon subspecies called 'Gwiber' in the old Welsh tongue; it means 'Flying Snake'.]

[Passive effects include mutation of human blood towards dragon attribute, increased magic capacity, and possible development of poison.]

[Blood mutation: 0,4%]

"Well, this is interesting. Where does this Falna get historical information from?" Albion curiously asked.

"Probably from the very same individual who gave me the APP…"

Alex's words make the Heavenly Dragon shut up, ending the conversation immediately.

The teen, after that, stored the two papers next to his other stats sheets, keeping records of his progress since it's pretty interesting to track his progress like that.

Once he stored the papers, he stretched his arms and legs again, feeling his muscles stretched momentarily. He sighed in annoyance.

Hopefully, this thing will get over soon enough.

After stretching, Alex left his room and walked towards the kitchen, where his lovely girlfriend was cooking breakfast for them. Julis was happily humming while cooking some scrambled eggs.

The black-haired teen didn't interrupt her. Instead, he got comfortable sitting in his chair.

His gaze went to the pink-haired princess. His eyes wandered towards her lengthy hair, shapely hips and beautiful legs.

The teen was mesmerised by how beautiful she looked in the academy uniform.

His eyes widened as he realised why he was looking at her like that, even after spending most of the morning doing naughty stuff!

'So, it seems you already are affected by dragon nature. The aura and your new heart started to take effect.

You already know that, but I will repeat it: dragons are beings of emotions. Be ready to experience more significant swings in positive and negative emotions. Be careful, especially around the devils.

Sitri already knows that you are prideful. Make sure she doesn't pick up on your newfound interest in womanly assets….'


'I already had the interest in that, only that I focused on things at hand…' Alex explained himself, not that he needed to, but he did it anyway.

'Then continue focusing on your mate. Wake me up when something interesting happens…'

After saying that, Alex felt Albion's presence fade away, and the Heavenly Dragon decided to nap.

Instead of thinking about his sexy girlfriend, the black-haired teen watched television.

He needs to find a way to get this under control.

'Maybe a meditation technique? I think this will help unlock Touki as well…'

For a moment, Alex thought about Touki. All he knew was that DxD barely explained anything about Touki since it's not power used by the pervert.

Even the pervert's powers barely mentioned by the author.


"Hmm? You look depressed; I thought you would be happier after all that!"

Julis' voice snapped Alex out of his thoughts. The teen quickly looked at his beautiful girlfriend, and for a second, he panicked.

"N-No, I am not depressed! Only somewhat annoyed how little the information from the books helps towards different power sources."

"You still thinking about that? You can focus on that when classes start…" The pink-haired Princess said that with a casual shrug.

"Julis...You want me to ignore what the teachers tell us?" Alex deadpanned at her while saying that.

Focus on classes, but your Electrokinesis makes you absorb information much faster. So, I am not worried that you miss something."

The pink-haired girlfriend put a plate of food on the table before getting comfortable in the chair.

"True. I did notice the difference in how quickly I read and pick up new information."

"Good, then don't get that thoughtful first thing in the morning." Julis sharply said to him.

~~~~~~At Academy~~~~~~

The Student Council President frowned when she saw Alex.

The black-haired devil heiress was thinking of finally approaching the subject and what it meant to win against her in chess.

But she lost whatever determination she had when she saw the teen.

Sitri attention, more specifically, went to the apparent change in his magic signature.

Something has happened which affected him to such a fundamental level.

And, of course, she noticed that neither of their power had increased dramatically. It could be related to the encounter with the fallen Alex had yesterday.

Rias has told her that Alex has wholly demolished the Fallen. It was not even a fight but an execution.

His display of power has intrigued Sona even more since he can fight to such a level. Then, such an individual would increase the overall performance of her peerage further than she had expected.

Most importantly, he would teach her peer members the hard lesson of taking someone's life.

Only her Queen has experienced that, while the rest of her peerage still has to go through that.

Sona noticed they still did not realise how fundamentally their lives had changed. They all have given up on humanity and now are devils.

Such a thing has not hit them 'home' yet.

While the devil society has moved away from its old ways, many still do many devil-like things, especially in the Human World.

While devils don't have their territory in the human world, many still wander through the streets of human cities.

After all, not all major cities have a pantheon that protects their people.

Most of Europe is under Heaven's dominion, but their hold is pathetic. It is so miserable that Devils regularly walk through the streets and collect members of their peerage or simply satisfy their sins. Others—well, other devils go to cities like Las Vegas or Los Angeles.

As Sona was thinking about her peerage and devil race, she eventually noticed how awkwardly Julis was walking.

A sting of jealousy washed Sona over. A small sigh escaped from the student council president's lips. She may have a chance to tell him tomorrow.

She needs to find a way for him to be alone, but his girlfriend is always around him.

'Back to planning board…'


'This is more difficult than I thought! Why do all these girls have to be dressed in such sexy uniforms!' Alex internally ranted as he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep through the break between classes.

The moment he arrived at school, Alex almost immediately saw Sona, like he usually does, but this time, the teen noticed her legs, while with her Queen, he noticed her assets.

Then, of course, the teen noticed other females in the class. He needs to get his hands on some mental art to keep his mood swings in check.

Getting dragon attributes and being a hormonal teen has its downsides.

So, either he gets all cuddly with his Princess, which is not an option, as he wants her to rest, OR he beats some people up and gets it out of his system...

'I guess this means I am going to that church this evening. I need to beat up some people!' After making up his mind, he felt some sort of relief.

And so, with a goal in mind, the rest of the day went through like a flash. It was even better when Sona simply allowed him to leave early, as the girl had that awkward air around her.

Her behaviour makes Alex more confident that their chess match has finally caught up with her.

"Love, I have something to do. I will see you at home." The teen said that to Julis, who looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Sure thing. Just make sure you come back in one piece. We need to return to the dungeon. The way you are right now is not helping." She said with an eye roll.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Your eyes are constantly wandering. It even looks like you are either high on something or have eaten something weird." She explained with an annoyed look.

"That bad, huh…" Alex thought for a second, and here he thought he was discreet.

"Yes, the dungeon should give you enough time to adjust to the change." Julis reasoned. Otherwise, she will need to do some drastic things to keep those devils of her boyfriend back.


[Alexios Komnenos]

[Lv 1]

[STR: S 999]

[VIT: S 999]

[END: S 999]

[AGI: S 999]

[MAG: S 999]


















[Julis Alexia-von Riessfield]

[Lv 1]

[STR: B 771]

[VIT: S 999]

[END: B 761 ----> A 803]

[AGI: D 566]

[MAG: S 999]










[EMPHATIC LINK: Alexios Komnenos]



Northern Wolf Pelt (Common Rank) x1692

Northern Wolf Fang (Common Rank) x1692

Northern Alpha Wolf Pelt (Uncommon Rank) x61

Northern Alpha Wolf Fang (Uncommon Rank) x61

Multiple encyclopedias on Ancient Fauna and Animals (Outside Item)

First Aid Kit (Outside item) x3

Disinfectant Bottles (Outside Item) x2

Painkiller Packs (Outside Item) x1

Spare Male Clothes (Outside Item) x5

Spare Female Clothes (Outside Item) x4

Duct tape x5

Sharpening Tool Kit x2

Common Lottery Wheel ticket x1641

Gajau Skin x45

Gajau Whiskers x 12

Basics Of Arcane (Book)

Uncommon Lottery Wheel ticket x50

A copy of Basics of Barrier Magic

History Book of Katanas


[Card Deck]

New Ak-47(Common Rank)[No Ammo]

Naruto Volume 5 (Common Rank)

A copy Of Potioneering Compendium


[World List]

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru (Common World) [No Supernatural]

Guilty Crown (Uncommon World) [Low Supernatural]

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