

-----------FLASHBACK CONTINUES------------


At this point we have no choice but to do it. He made it clear to us that whatever choice we made and brought to him cannot be taken back. Monsters here we go.

"If it is any consolation this is the better decision because if you had gone to heaven you might have ended up slaves to the angels instead of having peace. Your eternity will be shitty if you had gone" he says and I roll my eyes. Wow thank you that was really helpful.

"Isn't there anything you can do to help us" Bishop says and Haeclus laughs.

"I'm helping you as it is not sending you back as brain eaters. I'm sorry that is the best I can do" he says and bishop punches the wall.

"I told you guys this god was treacherous but you wouldn't listen to me. See what he has done to us now" Bishop screams trying to attack Haeclus but I hold him back as the god just sat there with a lazy smirk on his face.

"I'm not making you monsters. You would be powerful elementalist and most importantly you can't be killed. You won't only be feared but also revered because no one will want to cross you" he says and yeah it sounded better the way he said it but we will still be drinking other people's blood for survival "so are we ready?" He says and Bishop brushes out of my hold.

"Let us get this over with" he says fuming and Haeclus nods. He raises his hands and the same black shadow that overtakes us when we died comes over us but this time it was not affecting us but was more soothing. The darkness becomes a huge storm before stopping instantly. When I open my eyes we were in the center of a circle. Haeclus walks up to us and cuts himself. He pours his black blood on the circle and it lights up as the blood travels round the circle. He says a few words in Zuleim

"Funsit Ectaure plaguem resurleet cunplit (From the earth let resurrection be brought like a plague)" he says and the dark light enveloped us all. It was like we were pushed out of the underworld and went through a series of tunnels until we finally arrive at our bodies. The force tripplles as i got to my body and my soul forcefully enters my body. I take in a deep breath as i try to rise up but couldn't.

I open my eyes and even though the place was dark I could see. I could fell all my new friends awaken and one look around I realise I was underground. I gave been varied and yeah the coffin was nice but I need to get out of here. I feel a kind of hunger i have never felt before.

It was like I haven't eaten in years and I couldn't let this stop me from feeding. I close my eyes and control the earth to bursts open. It happens exactly as I wanted and I punch the coffin cover off me. When did I get this strong? I jump out of the earth and my whole battalion was here with me. We were buried in the Army Cemetery so we walk out of the place amd head into the camp.

Once we get into camp we could smell it before we saw them. I could smell the fresh scent of blood and then we came across a few officers. We couldn't control our hunger so we went on a rampage. I alone fed on about 10 human before I was completely filled up. Once I was full I saw the amount of damage we did and I couldn't believe my eyes.

This was just an outpost close to the cemetery with over 500 soldiers and we fed on all of them. We didn't know we were releasing our venomous blood into their blood streams as we fed since our fangs just came out for the first time. The place where the fangs came out from was still bleeding at that time so it was more of a blood share. We bury them all immediately and set a meeting in the hall. We came to a conclusion that we have to see the king and show ourselves to him.

We went to the king and when we got there we were welcomed with weird looks but most families were happy to see their people. My family not so much. According to my father I was an abomination and he won't allow the gods be angry at him for harboring the devil's spawn in his house. We all went back to the army outpost immediately we met out families out of fear of killing them also.

When we got there we met all the dead people trying to get out of the city. They were white and pale and had only one thought which was to feed.Once we arrived they feed on us but it just gave them enough color for a while. The king sends thousands of servants to us to feed on and we killed a few before having control over our feeding. Seeing as all our wounds were already healed when we fed on the slaves they died totally.

Years later we found out that it was our blood that turned people and by that time we had control over our feeding and powers. Some of us had memetic abilities, some touch abilities and other had their senses or physical abilities heightened than others. None had time abilities like me or was as strong, fast or even powerful as me.

We created our first city at that army outpost and later on we were able to go around. We found out that all the people we turned could not walk in the sun but that problem was solved by my sister. She helped me to create a spell to help them walk freely at daytime. It was tied to a jewellery that they must have on everytime. That was how the undead came to be and how i got my powers.

-----------------FLASHBACK ENDS---------------


Hearing him tell their story I felt more connected to undeads. They were just soldiers who were following orders and had to choose coming back to life as monsters to get a second chance at life. I know I shouldn't feel sorry for him but I could see he has gone through a lot and I can't blame him for always being a little too grumpy.

"Now I know how you got your powers but what I don't get is why you are hiding it" I ask and he shakes his head.

"That one is a different story I don't think we have time for today. You need sleep" he says and I laugh.

"I'm fine thought unless you are feeling sleepy" I say teasing him and he scoffs.

"Powerful undeads don't sleep more than an hour a week" he says and I roll my eyes. Show off

"Please tell me the story" I say giving him.the puppy eyes and he nods.

"Ok fine I will tell you" he says and I smile "A few years after I found out about my time powers I made it known to the king and I became the king's favorite subject. He called me to lead battalions, rescue people and do all kinds of things his warriors could not achieve and I did them well. I was so happy and fulfilled helping the king at that time until shit happened.

Years later the King found out about the vampires who could kill with a touch and he was scared they were a danger to the throne and the world at large. He called me since I was the Head of the undead haven and asked me to give up all those people. I refused blatantly and stupid me even threatened the king. I told him.that if he comes close to my people he would have to deal with me. I walked out of his palace angry and that was how I sealed the fate of my people.

The king put me on the wanted list for treason and sent his soldiers to the haven. He didnt only put me on the wanted list but sent the royal assasins to kill me. I was able to evade them a few times. They tried every vampire and took every single one with touch abilities. The royal assasins came again and this time I barely survived the attack. Soon I needed to escape the kingdom.

I went to one of my closest friend who was a magician and the head of the magicians in the kingdom. He told me a little secret the royals and his family have been keeping from the entire populace for centuries. He made me realise that Sinlath was not a realm on its own. It was just a nation in the realm." He says and I could swear that part was a huge lie.

"That is impossible, I have not being able to travel much but I did Geography. I know that Sinlath is not a nation. Sinlath is the sum total of all nations in this world" I reply and he chuckles.

"You are so innocent and naive boy. You must not believe all you see and most importantly all you are told." He says in a low and wise voice. He snaps his finger and the whole room turns dark. He brings out a tiny box from his pocket and opens it. Out of the box a huge map materialises.

"What is this" I ask marvelling at the share size ofthe holographic map a little box like that can produce.

"This is the real map of the world itself. The realm has no name since nobody knows of the other nations to name the conglomerate of nations but I call it. The Real Realm." He says walking around the map and I follow him.

"If what you are saying is true how many nations are out there?" I ask and he smiles

"That is something you will have to learn yourself." He says shutting the box and handing it to me "one day in a time very close you would need this and the information it has to survive. Don't forget this has to remain between usher continues and I nod my head. I throw the box into my ring in a way that he wouldn't see me do it. I don't want to be caught with such power at least until I know the extent.

"So where did you go then?" I ask and he nods

"I went to a quiet and empty land which didn't belong to anyone of the nations but not alone though. I built a community there with all the people who escaped with me and we flourished. After a while we became a nation of our own who loved and respected ourselves. We found a perfect method of feeding and abided with it for centuries. I was happy there i wont lie" he says with a farawyook and a contemted smile. It sounds like a community where Undeads were not marginalised and were the respected ones.

"If you were so happy and contented why did you come back to this nation where you were hated?" I ask confused as to why he would leave peace of mind and come to live like a second class citizen here.

"I had no choice but to come back to the school. I had an obligation I haven't fulfilled because of my promise to Haeclus. Once that is done I would leave this nation for good but until then I am stuck here" he says sighing heavily and I laugh. There was just something about his sigh that looked childish and funny. He sees me laughing and he joins in. We laugh for a few minutes before we both stop. His wristwatch sounds signalling the end of our training.

"I guess that is my cue to leave then" I say getting up and packing my stuffs to leave. Once I am done I bid him goodbye and start heading for the door. As I get close to the door he stops me.

"You are meant for great things and are also a very great and special person. Don't ever forget that." He says and I turn to give him a smile before walking out.


As he walks out the door I can't help pitying him. He has so much responsibility on him and he doesn't even know what it is yet not to talk of the power he wields.

I just hope he is ready in time for the war ahead.

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