
Chapter 45: Hybrid Sylvia


An invisible subsonic wave traveled from the Pacific Ocean to the Anchorage coastline.

Anchorage Medical City.

Here, nearly all the biomedical doctors from around the world gathered tirelessly to crack the surface cells of H'el, attempting to grant humans open-cell superpowers.

Inside the vast and brilliantly lit laboratory of Sylvia Cery.

Sylvia frowned, her delicate hand lifting a vial of the twelfth-generation universal superpower gene serum. The radiant azure liquid in the test tube reflected her slight dissatisfaction in her pupils.

"Why has it become the universal version again?"

All the biomedical doctors in Anchorage Medical City believed that cracking the surface cells of H'el, selectively obtaining different types of superpowers, was something achievable within the next decade.

Because the open-cell nature of the surface cells made it easy for people to acquire superpowers, the next step, selectively choosing which superpower to obtain, shouldn't be difficult.

Sylvia had started her research earlier than most, and she could see the changes in H'el's cell updates.

From the very beginning when they collected the blood that fell from the sky, it was the earliest and most primitive change that started. These cells made synthesizing the serum for superpower gene serums very easy.

The second wave was composed of H'el's cells that did not yet possess psychic abilities. They were already beginning to show signs of easier production of superpower serums thanks to H'el's will allowing access to his surface cells.

The third wave was the cells H'el provided, which possessed psychic abilities, making the production of superpower serums even easier.

The cells were influenced by H'el's will.

H'el was opening his own cells, making it almost effortless for the doctors in the city to make new and exciting discoveries daily.

But no matter what kind of discovery they made, Sylvia couldn't seem to develop a targeted superpower serum. They all ended up becoming universal versions, suitable for anyone.

"Did we get the superpower DNA sequence wrong?"

Sylvia subconsciously bit her thumbnail, her brows furrowing.

After pondering for a while, she took out H'el's different waves of original blood samples again, ready to overturn all the previous theories and begin new research.


The subsonic wave from the Pacific entered Anchorage Medical City, its amplitude fluctuating wildly before reaching her ears.

Her cool expression froze, her furrowed brows relaxing. Her violet eyes blinked in astonishment, and the test tube of original blood in her hand fell to the ground, creating a resounding clash in the quiet laboratory.

The dormant genes of the monster race hidden within her were activated. They spread like an inky darkness, extending over the gene sequence responsible for motor functions in all five senses. The subsonic waves were organized and continuous, playing out a symphony of motor actions.

"Dr. Sylvia, are you alright?"

Seeing the test tube fall from her hand, an assistant quickly came over to inquire, beginning to salvage and clean up the spilled original blood.

"I'm fine."

Sylvia, with her pupils hidden in a shade of purple, stood there with an expressionless face. She turned and picked up two more vials of original blood, her movements slightly stiff, and walked out of the laboratory.

One of her assistants, who was busy cleaning up the spilled original blood, glanced up and saw Sylvia, dressed in a white lab coat, leaving the lab with a somewhat strange demeanor, as if she were a puppet.

The assistant felt something was odd but didn't think too much of it because, in their eyes, Sylvia was always a peculiar person.

However, as she finished cleaning up the spilled blood, the image of Sylvia's strange departure from the lab began to haunt her.

She also remembered a previous incident when an elderly expert had suggested using a few drops of original blood for insect experiments. Sylvia had overheard it and scolded the old expert so severely that he almost had a heart attack. They had gotten into a shouting match, and Sylvia had even rolled up her sleeves, ready to fight the old man. She had declared that she could beat him up herself and insisted that no one should interfere. In the end, the others had to restrain her, preventing her from attacking the old man.

Now, Sylvia just calmly said, "I'm fine"? She hadn't even shown any sign of distress. The assistant found this extremely abnormal.

The assistant knew how much Sylvia cherished original blood. It was like she loved it as much as her own life. Sometimes, the assistant would see her staring at the original blood with a strange, delighted smile on her face.

She couldn't help but open her wrist communicator and report, "Dawn, Dr. Cery is acting strangely, as if she's being controlled." She thought about the strange puppet-like behavior of Sylvia.

"Understood, thank you for the information," came Dawn's response.

Hearing Dawn's reply, the assistant felt relieved and went back to work.

At this moment, Sylvia was walking like a puppet, heading out of the medical city and towards the coast.

Waves of subsonic waves seemed to be joyfully increasing in frequency.

The sunlight was strong.

Sylvia was wearing white canvas shoes, knee-length jeans that revealed her slender and fair calves, a small suit jacket, a white lab coat, and her long hair hung loosely. Her face remained expressionless as she walked alone towards the coastline.

"Damn it! I knew you disgusting Precursors would eventually come after me."

"Blaming the dog instead of its owner."

"But I'm the dog that H'el acknowledges!"

"You Precursors are finished. H'el will surely destroy you. Help me get revenge!"

She was restless, muttering curses under her breath, her purple eyes flashing intermittently. She struggled with every step, but the increasingly frequent subsonic waves acted on her genes, controlling her movements and making it difficult for her to break free.


Sylvia gazed into the distance and saw a massive creature emerging from the coastline, creating foamy white waves as seawater surged ashore.

This creature had skin rougher than a mountain and stood about two hundred meters tall. It resembled a lanternfish, with two large fish-like eyes protruding from its head, each suspending a massive lantern antenna. Its back was covered in numerous irregularly shaped protrusions that emitted light, and its mouth had sharp, jagged teeth.

"Wow, it's so ugly!" Sylvia exclaimed.

She was under the control of the subsonic waves and had been brought before this incredibly ugly lanternfish-like monster. The waves were so strong now that she couldn't resist.

The lanternfish monster opened its mouth, revealing a multitude of sharp teeth.

Sylvia, filled with fear and despair, was controlled to leap into the creature's massive mouth.


What she found most despairing wasn't being manipulated by the Precursors or her loss of control. It wasn't even the grim and uncertain future ahead. What truly horrified her was the unbearable stench inside the monster's mouth. It was like a thick, slimy mucus, something she, as a hybrid who cherished human aesthetics, couldn't tolerate.

This was precisely why she had never considered going to the Precursors.

Sorry, but she rejected ugly experiences!

Even in a somewhat better environment, like having a three-bedroom, two-bathroom space inside a monster's body, Sylvia might not have felt so desperate, and she would have known she couldn't resist and instead cooperated as a captive.

But clearly, the Precursors didn't care about her wishes. They only wanted to take Sylvia and the original blood back with them, and they were indifferent to the psychological trauma this process might cause her.

If there was a future, the future Sylvia would never want to recall will be this moment of being inside the monster's mouth. She would only want to forget.

Just as Sylvia was being controlled to leap into the monster's gaping mouth, and right at the moment when she was assaulted by the nauseating odor, the entire world seemed to freeze.

The air became stagnant, and the flow of air was halted.

The seawater was flattened, and not a single wave splashed.

The silence was as profound as the world had died.

Sylvia, suspended in mid-air, remained suspended.

The monster, with its wide-open mouth, froze on the sea's surface, and its massive, rotating eyes seemed to be locked in place.

It wasn't some so-called time stop; rather, a colossal force had halted all activity in this area.

Slowly descending from the sky, H'el exerted his power to halt all motion in this area. He lightly waved his hand, pulling Sylvia, who was suspended in the air, back towards him. With his right hand on her back, he gently lowered her to the ground.

"Ugh... H'el... Thank you..." Sylvia mumbled, her face pale. She turned away and began vomiting uncontrollably, her stomach convulsing as she regurgitated even her previous night's meal. She was in a wretched state.

H'el paid no attention to her condition as he stared at the lanternfish-like monster. This creature had been created to transmit information and images back to the Precursors.

Behind those eyes, there might be the entire Precursor collective watching.

"You chose to lay hands on my subordinate and attempt to obtain my blood. Why didn't you come to negotiate? With proper discussion, I might have given you everything you wanted," H'el said with a light chuckle. He raised his left hand, manipulating the biological magnetic field to lift the massive lanternfish monster into the air above the sea.

With a gentle clench of his left hand, the sound around the creature was muted, and it began to take on a rounded form.

"H'el, please stop... Stop... Let me enter its body and go to the Precursors," Cilie pleaded.



A/N Just a few more chapters and we're back to the DC Universe

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