
Ch. 52: Namek Arrival (2)

'Mistress is afraid that Guru, on Namek, will tell Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo about her divine nature, Chelsea. She wants you to deal with it.' When Chelsea got the report from Shay, she immediately sprung into action.

'Bethany. I have a job for you.' She chose one of the older girls to carry out the mission.


Guru was upset. He could feel a terrible evil spreading across his planet. It'd already claimed the lives of several of his children, and he feared that it would end up taking them all.

Then, the world froze. This wasn't some hyperbole. The world literally stopped for everyone but him... and...

"You're a deity, aren't you? Are you here to save my children from this terrible evil?" Guru addressed the girl in the center of the room. She was not Namekian, nor did she look like a Kai, from what his memories told him. She had a tail wrapped around her waist, and she carried herself with a poise that declared 'I'm Important!

She shook her head lightly. "My mistress might, though... Her plan does involve the people of Namek surviving in the end... so they'll be all right." She seemed to be thinking to herself. Her mannerisms were most confusing to the grand elder of the Namekian people. She acted as young as she looked, maybe ten years of age... but her energy was unmistakably divine by nature.

"Please! I beg of you. I will do whatever it takes, just ensure that my people survive this crisis." He begged the deity. She smiled, clearly having hoped for this request.

"I can promise that your people will survive... but I have one rule."


"My mistress is currently entertaining a certain... whim of hers. Do not disclose her identity, under any circumstances when she arrives here. Not even to your closest aides. She fears that you recognizing her will lead to her... game... falling apart at the seams." The girl commanded him.

Guru was annoyed, deep down. His people's lives... a game? But this deity was guaranteeing that his children would survive in the end so long as he played along. The answer was pretty simple.

"Then play along, I shall." The girl smiled, then the world continued on, as if she'd never even appeared. With a sigh, Guru laid back in his chair, his worries assuaged. That power... it far eclipsed this crisis. A guarantee from that deity was an absolute. He could feel it in his old bones.


Vegeta and Nappa climbed out of their space pods and looked around with their scouters tuned on.

"It's time to remove the only obstacles standing in my way. Once we gather the Dragon Balls, nothing will be able to stop us, Nappa. Not even the mighty Frieza." Vegeta gloated.

"I'm already picking up his power level. Seems he's pretty close by... along with Zarbon and Dodoria. Are you sure about this, Prince Vegeta?" Nappa asked. 

"Of course I am, Nappa! You've gone soft ever since Earth. We'll steal the Dragon Balls right out from Frieza's grasp, and nobody will be able to stop us." Vegeta shouted at him. Just then, a ship flew by overhead. 

"Tch. Cui. That little rat followed us here, hmm?" Vegeta realized, annoyed. He wasn't very surprised, but the alien annoyed him to no end. Before Vegeta's trip to Earth, his resting battle power had been 18,000. Cui's resting power was 20,000. They'd been even.

Things were different, now, though. Vegeta didn't know how strong he was now, but he knew that he was far above where he'd been before. Nappa's growth was impressive, too, though Cui was still stronger than him. Unfortunately for the cowardly alien, Cui wasn't going to stand a chance against Vegeta's new full power.


Standing over a village full of Namekian bodies, a grunt carefully carried a large Dragon Ball from one of the homes and offered it to a small, bony looking person sitting in a floating chair.

"For you, Lord Frieza."

"Very good. Only three more to go." Frieza cackled as the fat pink alien named Dodoria took the ball from the grunt, "Guard them carefully, Dodoria. Vegeta wants them, and I'd rather not waste any time hunting them down again."

Just then, the other man carrying dragon balls, Zarbon, a rather handsome man with long green locks raised a brow in interest. "Lord Frieza, Cui has just arrived." He said, looking at his scouter, "He's been tracking Vegeta, so we should know his exact whereabouts soon enough." Frieza didn't respond. Vegeta was too much of a small fry to warrant a response, after all, "Also, those small power levels we noticed earlier appear to have vanished. However, it's unlikely they've traveled far from their last known position. I've already sent out two scouts to search the area. Whoever it is, they won't be able to hide from us for long."

Frieza rolled his eyes, partially annoyed, "Fine. But I don't want my scouts chasing apparitions when they could be helping to search for Vegeta."

"Yes, I understand your concerns, Lord Frieza, and I would agree if I didn't believe that Cui was more than capable of handling the job on his own. His power level is much higher than Vegeta's. I don't think you'll have to worry about seeing that monkey-tailed abomination again." Zarbon told Frieza with confidence. Honestly, he was a little worried that Cui would struggle a bit against Vegeta, with how similar their power levels were, but Cui would triumph in the end. 

If Cui didn't manage to take the Saiyans out on his own, either Zarbon or Dodoria would be perfectly capable of finishing the job on their own. There was no point in troubling his master over such a petty threat, after all. Vegeta by himself was simply a pest. Vegeta with Nappa holding him back wasn't even worth mentioning.

Cui laughed as he exited the spacepod and looked at his scouter. Vegeta and Nappa weren't even trying to hide. His weak power level was blared right out in the open for all to see.

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