
Chapter 18. Good Uncle

It had been a couple of days since it had become known that Lord North's consort had survived a failed assassination attempt on her. The news of this incident was kept secret and only a few enlightened people were aware of it. Nevertheless, the event did not go unnoticed and caused several sleepless nights for the head of state.

A chamberlain entered the office.

— Your Majesty, Chancellor Ardelio requests a private audience.

The emperor stared at him with obvious irritation on his face.

'This man actually found the courage to appear here!'

Gregory Ardelio assured that if he controlled the process, it wouldn't be difficult for them to get rid of this eyesore. They would be able to get rid of the princess of the north, while making her death look like an accident, since attacks on travellers by mountain brigands had increased in recent years, and the attack on the princess' escort could be blamed on them.

Most importantly it would undermine the previously stable position of the north, as the princess, left without her wife, would simply not be able to rule these lands on her own. The chancellor's proposal was tantalising, and the plan was profitable. That is why the Emperor decided to take a risk and give his authorisation for this operation.

But instead... Didn't everything turn out to be a complete fiasco in the end?

Alexis Cesia Ashelot was undergoing frustration and didn't want to meet with the Chancellor today. However... He had a reason to receive the minister after all.

'Chancellor Ardelio has definitely made me nervous. At the very least, he should at least provide me with some excuses for his failure.'

Soon, the Emperor's stern voice sounded.

— Let him in.

— Yes, your majesty.

Appearing in the emperor's study a few moments later, Gregory Ardelio greeted the emperor by bowing his head.

— I salute you, your majesty.

— Chancellor Ardelio, you dared to appear before me after what happened?

The emperor expected to see remorse on the official's face since he had a reason to accuse him, but Gregory Ardelio's face, on the contrary, looked calm and unperturbed.

— Your majesty, this operation was carefully planned. We did everything we could to fulfil your orders, ' the Chancellor replied, choosing his words carefully and deliberately.

The emperor felt strange, seeing how reserved the official was, despite the fact that he was the one who was in an unfavourable situation. However, the emperor kept his composure and said:

— Why didn't the princess of the north die?

He turned his gaze and looked at the chancellor who was standing bowed before him.

Instead of falling down before the emperor's anger, Chancellor Ardelio remained calm. He cautiously spoke with his mouth open:

— Your majesty, I do admit my guilt. Perhaps the reason was that I was too hasty and did not have time to foresee everything..... But in any case, there is still more to come.

— What do you mean?

— We can find another way to achieve our goal, ' the minister repeated, 'We can find another way to achieve our goal.

When the Chancellor's words were spoken, a disgusted grimace appeared on the Emperor's face.

— Another way? You couldn't fulfil my orders, and yet you dare to suggest that I trust you again!

Hearing the emperor's angry voice, Gregory Ardelio took a deep breath and continued:

— Your majesty, after all, this failed assassination attempt only confirms that we are dealing with a difficult opponent, doesn't it? Now that this is known, we can do something with this information.....

— What are you talking about? — The emperor waved him away and raised his voice. — How can you calmly reason about this when you don't know what retribution might follow? Tell me how you can resolve this situation!

The anger-stricken emperor clenched his fists tightly.

Chancellor Ardelio kept his composure at this time and spoke in an impassive tone:

— Since the princess of the North will probably keep a wary eye now, a surprise attack will no longer work.

While the emperor stared at him piercingly, the minister continued:

— It's not worth taking a considerable risk in a situation that has already attracted a lot of attention.

— And what the hell are you trying to get at now?

The emperor's facial expression darkened when his subordinate still didn't speak his intentions directly.

— Thus... I would like to offer you another option.

— .....

— Your Majesty, you're interested in this, right?

Watching as the expression on the emperor's face changed, shifting to a more puzzled one, the corners of Chancellor Ardelio's lips stretched into a crooked smile.


The day stretched on very slowly.

Aveline Nevita Ashelot had been busy fulfilling her duties as Crown Princess since morning.

The girl had to take over a certain part of the emperor's work, who was permanently in poor health, and could not attend to the affairs of state. So, today she was busy listening to the appeals of the officials all day long.

'Your Highness, today is the day to approve the budget for the foundation day...'

'Your Highness, once again regarding the increase in the number of guards on the streets for the celebration...'

'Your Highness, the expected delegation has arrived...'

'Your Highness!'

'Your Highness!'

Her eyes had been rolling since this morning, how this meeting in the conference room had started, and it still hadn't ended.

'When will it end?' — The girl thought frustratedly.

The royal palace was busy preparing for the empire's foundation day celebration.

Her energy was draining because of all the mucky things she had to do. Even though Aveline had tried to study hard all these years, she still had a poor understanding of managing the affairs of the empire. Most of the decisions were made for her by the ministers in charge, while the princess herself only shook her head.

And it was the same this time as well. Before Aveline could grasp a single thought, the other ministers were already overshadowing her with their statements, making everything in her head a mess. Sometimes she felt like she was in the middle of a swarm of buzzing bees.

'...Your Highness, what is your opinion on this matter? '

'Oh. I have taken all of your comments into consideration and will inform you of my decision soon...'

As the sky turned the scarlet colour of sunset, the meeting in the conference room finally came to an end.

— Whew... — She sighed.

After returning to her palace, the Crown Princess refused to have dinner, and instead chose to spend her time in the privacy of her chambers. After a full day of gathering, she had a headache. It was probably all because of the stuffiness that was in the conference room.

'We need to get some fresh air.'

Aveline looked around the room, and after making sure that no one was in the chambers and all the servants had left her behind, she held out her hand — a light breeze blew in through the window. Aveline smiled contentedly. She rested her chin on the window sill and looked outside with a stone face. From the window of her room, a beautiful green landscape could be seen, and the chirping of birds could be heard on all sides. Nevertheless, going out for a walk in her position now seemed like a luxury.

Aveline smiled bitterly as she sat in front of her window. It had been a long time since she had been able to stroll around the grounds of her palace like she used to. Back then, she had done so because she was a child and could act relatively carefree, but that was not the case now.

As she grew older, there was less and less freedom in her daily life. Eventually, due to the burden of being a Crown Princess and the pressure from her mother, the girl was forced to give up the things she used to enjoy. She simply had no time for meaningless walks like this now.

Aveline felt slightly dizzy as she enjoyed the pink sunset and inhaled the scent of flowers.

'When I become empress... will there be more to do?'

— There seems to be something troubling you.

— А?

The sudden voice made Aveline gasp.

She was sure she heard someone's voice. The princess squeezed her eyes shut and then opened her eyelids wide. Standing in front of the window was a man the girl had not expected to see here.

It was a man in shabby servant's clothes with dishevelled red hair. He had an open, honest face and a broad nose. On his lips played a unique smile, full of calmness — it was it that gave the atmosphere of friendliness around him even brighter shade. It was so different from the other inhabitants of the palace that Aveline had to deal with.

— Oh... What are you doing here? — The princess asked with a confused face.

— This is a garden where you can see everything, ' the man answered her mockingly.

A warm smile lit up his face. The man's laughing face was reminiscent of the spring sun.

It was Fred Harper, the stable boy of the imperial palace. Ever since the two of them met by chance a few years ago, then they continued to see each other from time to time.

Aveline didn't know why, but this man was unusually kind to her. And it wasn't the supposed 'sympathy' of the other inhabitants of the palace, who only treated her well because Aveline was a blessed child. Fred was indeed different. Thus, she enjoyed sneaking out to meet and talk to him.

Of course, if anyone found out that the Crown Princess of this Empire and an ordinary stable boy were spending time together informally, a real scandal would be made out of it.

And yet, even though there was a certain risk in this secret relationship, if it ever came to light, the princess still couldn't decide to end it. Because Fred was the only one who cared for Aveline, something her mother didn't even do.

— Good afternoon, Princess, ' he almost whispered.

Aveline hesitated for a moment, but then replied:

— And to you.

Aveline looked around. Fortunately, there was no one around. Then she looked at the man again.

— Still... You can't just come here like that. What if someone sees?

— I'll just say I was wandering around and met you by chance. You'll forgive me for bothering you, right?

Aveline pouted her lips when the man in front of her said such careless things despite being within the grounds of the Crown Princess's palace, one of the most respected residences in the palace. But the man changed the subject rather quickly.

— More importantly, you looked troubled right now. Did something happen to you? And why are you alone again?

— No, everything is fine...

The stableboy looked at the princess, frowning slightly.

— I've known you for many years. When you're upset about something, you always have that look on your face.

— No, that's not true.

Aveline was embarrassed by the man's remark.

Fred Harper grinned.

— So what's wrong? — The stable boy continued to insist on an answer.

— Really, nothing much. I've just been more tired than usual lately because of the preparations for foundation day...

— Ah, foundation day... — the man muttered, — What are the rich people doing there?

The empire's foundation day was one of the biggest events in the entire Nadal Empire. On the first day, a lavish banquet was held at the imperial palace at the beginning of the celebration. Various big and small competitions and festivals were also held. In addition, this time, the Emperor approached the celebration with great enthusiasm.

— Uncle, have you ever been to a banquet before?

— No, — he grinned, — Someone like me can't go there.

— Oh... — Aveline was embarrassed, as she hadn't thought about it before she spoke.

— Well, I wouldn't want to go to that stupid place anyway.

Fred suddenly said that and shrugged his shoulders.

— А?

— Isn't this stupid ceremony just an excuse to get drunk and do all sorts of weird things in the ballroom?

Aveline couldn't stand it and jumped with laughter, as the stable boy was the only person she knew who talked about the foundation feast in such a tone. It was too different from the high-ranking ministers or other honourable people she usually had to deal with.

And speaking of that...

— Uncle, can you not come here for a while? — After hesitating, she asked.

— Hm?

— When the Founding Ceremony begins, not only the ruling family, but all the aristocrats will gather here. Before and after the ceremony, the guards will be very vigilant. If anyone happens to see you here...''

Fred Harper understood what the princess meant even without continuing her speech. He nodded his head.

— Okay, I get it.

Aveline smiled, and the stableboy gave her a warm smile in return.

— But then you must promise to go with me to a place, ' he said abruptly.

— What is that place...?

The Crown Princess seemed puzzled and scratched the back of her head.

— You said you were tired, didn't you? — Fred grinned, — I can help you dispel your boredom.

— What do you mean?

Instead of answering, the stableboy smiled brightly and held out his hand to the princess.

Soon, Aveline herself did not notice how, her small palm was in his big and calloused one. At that moment, the princess's brown eyes widened in surprise, but she never once tried to release her palm.

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