


Sunset stared at the amulet she create to hold the Rainbow of Light, like what Megan once held. She had search for Megan Williams to see if she was still alive, and find that she is still alive. She still lives on her family farm and has a family of her own. Sunset wanted to meet the legendary hero of Dream Valley but decided to just let it be, with what Megan went through she earned a peaceful life.

The Rainbow of Light is the most powerful magical artifact of Equestria, even the elements of harmony are nothing compared to it. She could just release it like Megan did but unlike her she actually has the magical skills to use the magic of the rainbow. She uses the rainbow to super charge her spells, allowing her to use spells at a level that she would had needed help with or a pot and ingredients, or a ritual to cast the spell. The rainbow just gave her the power to get around the cost of magic, as it's Equestria magic that is more user friendly than the other kinds of magic found outside of Equestria. And with her being a Equestrian and her talent is magic, she doesn't have any limits like other unicorns.

Unicorns either have to have their cutie mark be magic or train themselves, as on average a unicorn can only cast 3 to 7 spells a day, depending on what kind of spell it is. Which is why unicorns can't just be casting spells anytime they want as most just use telekinesis to move stuff. Only those who learn to use magic or talent is magic are able to cast spells. (1)

"Sparkle is the package ready?" Shimmer asked over the phone.

"Yes I have the package ready," Sparkle said over on her end.

"Good time to make use of you Duusu," Shimmer said looking at the peacock miraculous who is floating around freed from his brooch.

"Please don't do this," Duusu pleaded with Shimmer.

"I do as it's the only way for what I want to happen. Besides if I just told the heroes what my plan was, they would stop me," Shimmer said as she puts the brooch on the rainbow amulet that was made to allow the peacock brooch to connect to it.

With the two powerful magical items combined together the user would no longer be limited to using only one sentimonster. Mystical creatures created from a person's emotions. Thanks to the rainbow powering up the peacock, she could create many more.

"And you stop doing that," Shimmer said looking at an empty spot in the room.

"Oh," Kitty Cheshire said appearing. Daughter of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. More of a Cat Girl than an actual cat, from the Ever After High book series. Kitty has long, puffy, curled lavender hair pulled into bouncy high pigtails, sleek blue eyes with cat-like pupils and fair skin, and brownish-orange eyebrows. She wears maroon lipstick and has pointy blue clawed nails.

"And you too," Shimmer said.

"You're no fun," Cheshire Cat said appearing next to her daughter, also from the Ever After High series. Cheshire Cat has purple skin, a cat ear wire hair accessory and greying lavender hair strung up in a high ponytail. Her nails are pointy, her eyes are cat-like slits and she has sharp cheekbones. The Cheshire Cat's shadow on a wall usually outlines the shape of a cat. She wears a periwinkle blue leopard-print top with low-cut sleeves and front. She wears a black mini skirt over her black leggings and a large midnight blue fur skirt accompanied by a vest of the same color.

"Cheshire," Shimmer said as she floats the amulet over to Cheshire. "You and Kitty go and have some fun. Just remember the plan."

"Of course," Cheshire said as she puts on the amulet and transforms into the Rainbow Peacock.

"Wow you look great mom," Kitty said.

"Yes this look isn't my taste but, I can work with it," Cheshire said looking at her bird theme outfit and waves around her hand fan.

"We're on a time table go and lead the bug to where she needs to be," Shimmer said.

"Right away," Cheshire said as she and her daughter disappeared.


Collège Françoise Dupont -

Marinette walk into her classroom where her fellow classmates are already there waiting for their teacher Miss Bustier to come in. She spotted Adrien in his seat and looking down. His mother is still in the hospital recovering from what happen to her when she disappeared, she herself doesn't know what happen to her. Then her eyes turn to Chloe…

Ever since that day where she talked with Ms. Shimmer, with her pointing out that Chloe was on the path of becoming a better person but because of her actions as Ladybug. Just made her worse, by leaving her out of being a hero, only giving her back the Bee miraculous to help now and then. She just lost hope and decided if everyone sees her as the villain than she'll be the villain.

Marinette wants to make it up to Chloe, but has no idea how to do it, as Chloe wants nothing to do with Ladybug now. She talk to Chat Noir about Chloe and how she made her worse when if she had let Chloe help out as Queen Bee. If she had how Chloe was before she started working for Ms. Shimmer wouldn't had happen. Chloe became worse and only gotten better after Ms. Shimmer took her under her wing. Both she and Chat agreed that when Chloe offers to help they listen, so that she won't become a villain they created.

"Hey Marinette," Alya said to her friend she she works on he blog.

"Hi Alya," Marinette greeted her.

"Have you heard of the new tea shop? It's straight out of Wonderland. The owner dresses up like the Mad Hatter and everything, even his daughter dresses up like that," Alya said.

"Oh that place," Chloe spoke up. "Ms. Shimmer knows the owner and is co-owner of that place."

"Really?" Alya asked.

"Ms. Shimmer sends us to pick up some orders there," Sabrina said.

"Wait isn't the HQ outside of the city?" Alya asked.

"We use the experimental drone delivery system," Chloe said.

"So what is it like working for Shimmer?" Alya asked.

"She's a great boss," Chloe said.

"She's strange but she's been mentoring us," Sabrina said.

"Wait Ms. Shimmer who is worth billions is mentoring you two?" Alya asked.

"She finds me worth mentoring, saying that I'm like her when she was my age," Chloe said.

"Till she met the owner of the fried chicken food truck who picked her up. Being the closest thing she ever had to a father and made her into what she is today. Also left her the food truck after he passed away and how she started her shipping company out of a humble food truck," Sabrina said.

"What?" Alya asked as she and the other students all stared at her.

"Ms. Shimmer told me herself when, I was at the hotel where she's staying at and told me that the news story left that out," Marinette said.

A loud crash caused all the students to rush to the windows, outside in the courtyard of the school. Out in the courtyard a Shimmer Export truck had just drove backwards into the narrow entrance of the school building blocking it. Outside the building are police sirens from the police cars that had been chasing after the hi-jacked truck.

Bursting out from the back of the truck came out a man dressed like a 19th century African Great White Hunter, who is armed with a strange looking elephant gun the fired energy blast instead of bullets. Which he's using on two small flying fairies like things that look like a woolly mammoth and a swan, both carrying necklaces. The two small fairies dodged the blast from the hunter that struck a fire extinguisher filling the air with a cloud of smoke and using it as cover flew into Marinette's classroom, after one of the blast broke the window.

"More kwamis?" Chloe asked staring at the two small fairies along with the rest of the class.

"You know of us?" the woolly mammoth asked.

"Yes and you're a woolly mammoth and you look like a Cygnus falconeri, the giant swan," Chloe said earning her stares from her classmates. "Hey, I saw a display of it and thought it was neat."

"Where did you come from?" Marinette asks as she knows there are other kwamis thanks to running into the American ones during the trip to New York.

"Don't know. The last, I remember was Ronnie putting my necklace along side with Tusk's necklace where he would place a stone over us and waking up in a strange moving thing," the Swan said.

"How long was this? What you remember of the world before you two went to sleep?" Alya asked.

"Well you humans aren't wearing furs and this isn't a cave and there isn't any ice and snow around," Tusk said.

"And you humans look different, you all don't have a reduced chin, sloping forehead, and large noses," the swan said.

"Sounds like you two last user was a neanderthal," Sabrina said.

"Guys that hunter is searching the rooms," Nathaniel said looking out of the window, seeing the hunter kicking in the doors of the classrooms searching for the two kwamis.

"Ok Tusk what's your power?" Chloe ask.

"I'm the kwami of power," Tusk said.

"And I'm Wing the kwami of healing," the swan name Wing said.

"Good," Chloe said as she puts on Tusk's necklace and hands Sabrina Wing's necklace. "Sabrina if it looks like, I'm in trouble transform and heal me."

"What?" Sabrina asked.

"You'll be the healer and your job is to heal me while, I take the villain head on," Chloe said. "Tusk Power Up!"

Chloe transforms with her body being covered in a leather bodysuit, covered in fur armor. Fur boots, fur armbands, fur body armor and a fur helmet that has tusk going down the sides of her head, making it look like she has tusks like an elephant or mammoth in this case. And she carries a stone axe as a weapon.

"Mammoth Queen is here," Chloe said just as the hunter kicks open the door of the class room and aims his gun at Mammoth Queen.

Mammoth Queen lets out a roar that sends the hunter flying that sounded like an elephants cry. The hunter slams into one of the support beams with a sickening crack before falling to the ground. Sabrina seeing this transforms into the winged hero Whitewing, wearing a white body suit covered in white feathers and a pair of wings on her back, armed with a sling. She flies over to the body but it puffs away and where the body use to be was now a book.

"What is happening?" Mammoth Queen ask picking up the book and saw the title of the book. "Jumanji?" (3)

"I think he was Van Pelt," Whitewing said.

"Well done heroes," a woman standing on the roof top called down to them. She's dress in the same outfit as Mayura but is all rainbow colored.

"Who are you?" Mammoth Queen asked.

"Rainbow Peacock and that sentimonster caused such a mess. Thank you for getting rid of it for me," Rainbow Peacock said.

"You're working for Hawkmoth," Whitewing said.

"He's old news. I'm here to do what he couldn't do," Rainbow Peacock said who jumps back as Mammoth threw her stone axe at her.

"Get her Whitewing!" Mammoth Queen shouted getting Whitewing to take flight and use her sling to toss energy stones at Rainbow Peacock who blocks them with her fan.

Mammoth Queen pushes the van out of the entrance and takes off running down the street, joining the chase with Whitewing. And while that was happening Marinette and Adrien took the time to hide themselves out of sight from their classmates who are all spellbound at what's happening to pay attention to them. And question Tikki and Plagg about the two other kwamis.

"Seeing how there are the kwamis from America, there would be other kwamis as we came from Asia. Those two must be the European kwamis," both Tikki and Plagg explained to their users. (4)

"So there can be all kinds of kwamis from other places as well?" both Marinette and Adrien asked.

"Yes but we never meet them before. We never seen Liiri before New York," Tikki and Plagg said.


Elsewhere -

Gabriel Agreste in his office at his home stared at news of the two new heroes of Paris. Who are joined by Ladybug and Chat Noir in the chase of Rainbow Peacock. He isn't alone as Uniscorn is with him. Having showed up out of nowhere by a portal that appeared in his office.

"As you can see, I learn that Ms. Shimmer found two ancient miraculous and arrange it to have them release out in such a public way that she can't hide them. And looks like one of them is a healing one. Something that will restore your wife to full health," Uniscorn said.

"And you want the butterfly miraculous to fully pay you for bringing back Emilie," Gabriel said.

"Yes and also you can always say, I force you to become Hawkmoth for the safe return of your wife. You would end up in jail otherwise, still might but at least you have the excuse of me forcing you to if discovered. And that I told you if you don't your son be next," Uniscorn said hinting at what she could do.

"I understand," Gabriel said handing over the butterfly miraculous.

"Now, I have no need for you and you can make plans to have Whitewing to heal your wife," Uniscorn said taking his leave by portal.


Author's Notes -

1 - The unicorns in cannon are only limited to telekinesis unless they go to magic school or their talent is magic.

2 - Cygnus falconeri, the giant swan, (Maltese Ċinju ġgant) is an extinct, very large swan known from Middle Pleistocene-aged deposits from Malta and Sicily. Its dimensions are described as exceeding those of the living mute swan by one-third, which would give a bill-to-tail length of about 190–210 cm (based on 145–160 cm for C. olor. By comparison to the bones of living swans, it can be estimated that it weighed around 16 kg and had a wingspan of about 3 m. It would have been taller, though not heavier, than the region's dwarf elephants. Due to its size, it may have been flightless. It became extinct before the increase in human activity in the region Holocene extinction event, so its disappearance is thought to have resulted from extreme climate fluctuations or the arrival of superior predators and competitors. Its bones are exhibited at Għar Dalam museum in Birżebbuġa, Malta.

3 - Van Pelt from Jumanji

4 - Remember the kwamis from the show came from Asia and seeing how there are other kwamis in cannon. There should be European kwamis as well.


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