
Another first date___1

In the evening after spending time with her mother, Cecily and Justin in the empty gardens of the castle planting flower seeds, Scarlet took a warm soapy bubble bath with flower petals picked from Lythia's garden. She attempted to mimic Lythia by creating water creatures in the bathtub but she failed. She settled for creating transparent butterflies and bubbles which floated around in the bathroom but popped every time they touched the wall or something sharp. Then, dressed up nicely, then she went to the common lounge downstairs and waited for Esong to show up and pick her up.

As she waited, for the first time, she took a picture and posted something on star net that was not related to food.

The mecha king sucks: [Date night with the mecha king who only sucks a little bit now. #Miss Du Fyne on blue star]

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