
[Bonus chapter] Chapter 33: Takashi

Another week had slipped by since Sam had accepted the quest presented by the Codex.

One fine morning, an unexpected guest arrived at Sam's house. It turned out to be the same individual who had been tasked by Helena and Lorraine's mother, the matriarch of the Hailstorm clan, to keep an eye on them.

Sam regarded the person bowing before him with a hint of confusion. "Who the hell are you?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

The newcomer, Takashi, maintained his respectful posture as he introduced himself, "Young master, my name is Takashi. I am one of the subordinates of the Matriarch of the Hailstorm clan. I have been ordered to escort the young master and young miss, along with our two princesses, back to the Hailstorm clan."

Sam couldn't help but think, 'Did he just address me as 'young master'?' He exchanged glances with his mother, Helena, and his aunt, Lorraine, both of whom wore expressions of surprise.

Helena, ever the inquisitive one, questioned Takashi further. "How did you even find us? Did my mother ask you to monitor us?"

Takashi explained, "When Young Miss Sophia left the Hailstorm clan, the Matriarch ordered me to follow her. This eventually led me to discover this location and the existence of our young master."

Lorraine chimed in with her own question. "Does my mother know about him?" She gestured toward Sam.

Takashi met Lorraine's gaze and nodded. "Yes, the Matriarch is aware."

Lorraine couldn't help but roll her eyes in exasperation at the situation.

Takashi, who had been quietly assessing Sam from head to toe, couldn't help but be taken aback by the young master's appearance and aura. "This is our First Princess's son, huh? He's incredibly good-looking," he thought to himself. "He might just be the most handsome person I've ever seen in my life. And that aura of his... it's so oppressive. I've never felt this kind of reaction from anyone, not even the Patriarch."

Sam, noticing Takashi's intense gaze, raised an eyebrow. "What's on your mind?"

Takashi finally broke his silence. "Um, young master... may I know your name?"

Sam replied with a simple, "Sam Flareheart."

Takashi's eyes fell upon the presence of another red-haired girl among them. He inquired, "Princess Helena, may I ask who this young woman is?"

Before Helena could provide an answer, Sam decided to speak up. "This is Amelia Scarlett, my future wife," he declared confidently.

In response to Sam's proclamation, Helena and Lorraine exchanged knowing glances and rolled their eyes, while Sophia fought hard not to strangle Amelia right then and there. As for Amelia herself, she blushed deeply, a clear indication that she was developing feelings for Sam as well.

"Scarlett?" Takashi appeared bewildered by Sam's words. He couldn't help but recall vague news about the heiress of the Scarlett Vampire Clan who had run away two years ago.

Takashi couldn't hide his surprise as he realized, "She was with them this whole time?"

After some deliberation, Helena and Lorraine made a decision about their next course of action.

"Alright, we'll go to the Hailstorm Clan then," Lorraine conceded, accepting that their mother now knew about them. "It seems we have no other choice."

Takashi nodded in agreement, ready to make arrangements for their journey. "I will summon our guards from the Hailstorm Clan as soon as possible to escort us," he assured them.

However, Helena had a different idea. "No need for that," she said firmly. "I don't want news about the existence of my son to spread throughout the Azure Dragon Continent."

In the world of cultivation, only around 40% of the entire realm had been explored. 

Among these explored lands, approximately 20% was divided into five continents: the Azure Dragon Continent, the Vermilion Phoenix Continent, the White Tiger Continent, the Black Tortoise Continent, and the Yin-Yang Continent.

The Azure Dragon Continent was home to various creatures, including dragons, vampires, Lamia, Ghouls, werewolves, and more. 

It was also the location of both the Hailstorm Clan and the Flareheart Clan.

"As you wish, First Princess," Takashi responded respectfully.

Helena couldn't help but steal a glance at Amelia, who was looking at Sam with love-filled eyes. She then turned her gaze to Sam, who was returning Amelia's affectionate look with a possessive one of his own. Helena sighed softly, recognizing the undeniable connection between the two.

Helena had another request to make of Takashi. "Also, one more thing. Don't tell anyone about seeing Amelia with us, not even my mother. Do you understand?"

Amelia and Sam both turned their attention to Helena as she mentioned Amelia's name.

"But," Takashi began to protest.

Helena cut him off with determination. "No 'buts.' Amelia is someone important to my son, and I will bring her with us to the Hailstorm Clan. This matter must not be leaked to anyone. If you're concerned about my mother finding out, I assure you I will handle her. Just don't mention seeing Amelia to anyone. Do you understand?"

Takashi sighed and reluctantly nodded. "I understand, as you say."

"Good," Helena nodded in satisfaction.

Sam, concerned about the situation, voiced his worries. "Mom, are you sure about this? What if Amelia's father comes looking for her?" He held Amelia's hand protectively, treating her like a precious treasure.

Looking at this sight, his Aunt Lorraine and his big sister, Sophia grited their teeth. They also wanted to treated like that by Sam.

Amelia, however, had strong feelings on the matter. "I don't want to marry that Tomasz Wichura. I would rather die than marry someone as despicable as him," she declared with evident disgust.

Sam tightened his grip on her hand and declared firmly, "I won't let anyone steal her away from me. The one who is going to marry Amelia is me, and no one else." His possessive tone left no room for doubt about his determination.


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