


I threw myself into Ethan's arms with a loud scream. He caught me so effortlessly you would have thought it was rehearsed. He let out a warm chuckle as he hugged me close to him chest and spun me around. Just the action alone brought back so many fond memories. I swore I had been throwing myself in his arms for my entire life and each and every time he always caught me with no resistance at all. 

"Are you happy to see me?" I pressed a kiss to the tip of Ethan's nose. 

His bright smile made my inside become gooey. He wrapped him arms tighter around me then pressed a kiss to my lips. I instantly melted into him. His warmth radiated through my jersey and I could feel his pounding heart against mine. 

Who ever thought one day I would be the sole reason on why Ethan's heart beat so fast. I would have laughed until I cried if you told me that ten years ago. 

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