
Last chance before inherence takes over

I was stuck. 

First, on the physical level, I was stuck within the domain of Fay's hair and aura, surrounded by nothing but the platinum white of her hair and the sparkles of her divine aura. 

I could still feel her body within my embrace. The way her hands locked behind my back, how her breath stuck my chest, how the top of her head brushed against the bottom of my chin… 

I could feel all of that, and yet, I could not see her, only able to perceive the colors of her domain. 

Then, I was stuck on a mental level. 

'Should I proceed? Another rebirth is what I wanted anyway, so why not? And we are not in any particular danger right now, so it's as good of a time as any…'

The possibility of the rebirth this time didn't come with the pressure to do it. With my free points barely going beyond what I could consume with just my attributes alone, the pressure of having more aura than my body could handle wasn't all that great. 

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