

A few months passed as I stayed home, just enjoying my time with Cynthia. During this time we learned Cynthia became pregnant with our child. Therefore I put in to stay home for the first few years after our child was born. The league accepted my request, however, before that time would come. The league told me they expected me to either explore some unexplored parts of the world or find another discovery before that time. 

Giratina told me that we could find out about, a Pokémon that recently woke up from what Giratina can sense. A Pokémon that would either help us later or join Arceus, so we should approach them first to see. Therefore I headed to the Alola region, which was made up of four islands and reminded me of Hawaii from my past life. 

The Alola region consists of four main islands, Melemele Island, Akala Island, Ula'ula Island, and Poni Island. It also includes one artificial island, Aether Paradise, described as a 'very large floating structure' or VLFS, and Poké Pelago, a group of small, uninhabited islands. People can travel between the islands via boat, the Poké Ride's Charizard Glide, and Mantine Surf or they can use the Poke Ride's Lapras Paddle or Sharpedo Jet to move between the islands. All four natural islands are, to an extent, forested and mountainous. Most of these islands' cities and towns are on the coast, with the notable exceptions of Iki Town and Paniola Town. Routes are relatively developed here compared to other regions, with several of them having their own Pokémon Centers in addition to residential buildings.

Though steeped in nature, Melemele Island, in the northwest of the archipelago, has the least extreme environment. It is home to Alola's largest settlement, Hau'oli City. Its routes gently slope up towards the center of the island to form a gradual mountain, on top of which are the Ruins of Conflict. A notable Melemele Island landmark is Ten Carat Hill, which was formed out of an underwater volcano and has an open-air hollow in the middle, itself resembling a volcano.

Akala Island, in the northeast of the archipelago, contains Alola's only active volcano, in Wela Volcano Park. It also has the most settlements of the four natural islands. Its largest city, Heahea City, boasts several huge resort hotels, such as the Hano Grand Resort, which has its own beach and golf course. A notable Akala Island landmark is Brooklet Hill, which has cascading waterfalls that give off the impression of a terrace field. The island also contains a rainforest known as Lush Jungle.

Ula'ula Island, in the southeast of the archipelago, is the largest of Alola's islands. It is also the most varied in terms of weather and terrain, with significantly rougher terrain areas than other islands. For such a large island, it has few settlements, Malie City, the largest city in Ula'ula; Tapu Village, destroyed by the tapu a long time ago, contains just a Pokémon Center; and Po Town. These settlements all sit in the shadow of a contiguous mountain range in the heart of the island, which includes three mountain peaks and a harsh desert. On the southwest coast of the island is a large lagoon with breakable rocks that the Poké Ride's Sharpedo Jet can break through. Notable Ula'ula Island landmarks are the Lake of the Moone and the Lake of the Sunne, both perfectly circular lakes that have possible connections to the rarely seen Legendary Pokémon of Alola, Solgaleo, and Lunala.

Poni Island, in the southwest of the archipelago, is the most sparsely populated of Alola's islands. It only contains one settlement in Ancient Poni Path, however, the Seafolk Village is a gathering location for seafaring people. Similar to the Battle Zone in Sinnoh, it is full of rugged and harsh environments. Though its coasts are fairly flat, the island is mostly mountainous and rocky, in part due to the sprawling Vast Poni Canyon described as a natural trial site that takes up over half the island's land. Exeggutor Island, a smaller uninhabited island that was once its own trial site, can be accessed in Seafolk Village.

Aether Paradise, just west of the center of the archipelago, starkly contrasts with the natural islands. It is strikingly modern, with a huge building in the center that serves as both the main area and the headquarters of its owners, the Aether Foundation. Behind this building is a sprawling mansion that serves as the office and residence of its head, Lusamine.

Among Alola's four islands is another smaller archipelago known as Poké Pelago. This archipelago is uninhabited by people, despite this, Mohn has made it a paradise for Trainer-owned Pokémon and has several different islands and attractions for their Pokémon to take part in.

Each of the natural islands also experiences a wide variety of weather conditions. As seen on Ula'ula Island, it hosts environments with harsh sun, extreme sandstorms, and frequent rain, in addition to the snow and hail on Mount Lanakila. Exeggutor Island is known to have common rain showers, as well, these often result in either rainbows during the day, or meteor showers during the night when the rain clears.

The ecology of Alola is described as being diverse. While plenty of the Pokémon who live in Alola have lived with human natives for generations, plenty of new Pokémon from other regions have shown up recently as well. Alola's environmental conditions affect its Pokémon in various ways. To adapt to the unique environmental pressures of their Alolan habitats, a number of Pokémon species originally found in the Kanto region have developed regional forms named Alolan forms. 

Alolan Exeggutor are five times as tall as those in other regions due to Alola's abundant sunlight, and Alolan Vulpix, which moved to snowy mountain peaks to avoid the normal habitats of other Pokémon, adapted to their new environment by becoming Ice-type. Some Pokémon are known to only live on individual islands, due to each island's subclimates. This has also affected some Pokémon, such as Oricorio, who are known to change their form depending on the type of nectar and flora present on the island it's found in. Vast Poni Canyon, Blush Mountain, Lush Jungle, and Mount Lanakila are locations that can induce certain Pokémon to evolve.

This makes the Alola Region the most diverse region in all of the Pokémon League and one where many researchers reside. This makes me slightly confused because my Giratina wants us to go there. The two legendary Pokémon have been seen before and the league is aware of their existence. My only thought would be it somehow involves Necrozma. 

'We are here to meet Necrozma, I felt them awaken since their power surpasses even Mew in Psychic power. Necrozma was the first and only Pokémon made by myself, Arceus, and Eternatus. We may be able to get Necrozma to join our cause, though it will require us to meet them in person,' Giratina says to me as we land in Hau'oli City.

Hau'oli City is a coastal city situated on Melemele Island of the Alola region. It has a Beachfront, a Shopping District, and a Marina, and is known as Alola's largest city. Plus the largest tourist attraction in the region, the Alola Tourist Bureau is located in the Shopping District, next to a clothes shop. It exhibits a promotional video of the Alola region and hosts plenty of local goods and souvenirs.

However, I walk outside the city toward the inner island where both Professor Kukui and his wife Professor Burnet live. They should be able to help me understand more about the island and where Necrozma might be. Since Giratina can't pinpoint the exact location without coming to this world. 

I walk up to a large one-story rancher house, with dark brown siding, a deep blue roof, and a white fenced porch. While the whole property was surrounded by a white picket fence. With a small extension added to the house in the back which looked to be for the two Professor's research. 

I knock on the door and answering it is a taller woman who appears to be in her forties and is about 5'7" (170cm) tall. She had brown-tanned skin and medium-length white hair that stood up on the end with two curly side bangs and a long ponytail that curved upward ending in 5 points. She has thin eyebrows with almond-shaped eyes and yellow irises. She wore a grey tank top due to the hot weather, skin-tight black yoga pants, and blue flats for shoes. 

"Hello, can I help you?" the woman who I can only assume is Professor Burnet, the wife of Professor Kukui. 

"Yes, I'm Champion Ranked Trainer Lucas. I just wanted to talk with Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet, which I assume you to be. I just have a few questions regarding the legendary Pokémon of this region," I say to her while showing her my ID which she looks at and nods her head while listening to me. 

"No problem, come on in. And yes, I'm Professor Burnet. My husband is out right now at the Trainer School giving a small lecture for the future Trainers. He won't be back for another hour or two," Professor Burnet says as I walk inside their home and see it is a very homely place. 

The inside looks like any other home I've been in, though the only real difference is the large fish tank in the center of the house between the kitchen and living room. Inside the fish tank appeared to be several Wishiwashi and one Bruxish. The Pokémon inside the tank looked at me but then ignored me going back to whatever it was they were doing before my entrance. 

"Want anything to drink? Tea, Coffee, Water?" Professor Burnet asks me as she walks into the kitchen while motioning me to sit at the table. 

"Tea is fine thanks," I say to her with a grateful smile. Professor Burnet nods her head while making a pot of tea.

"So what kind of questions did you have or did you want to wait for my husband to arrive before asking them?" Professor Burnet says while sitting down across from me. 

"I can always ask them again if you think your husband might have more information. But not that much, as I'm only interested in Solgaleo and Lunala, outside the normal information to the public. I know they can both travel by creating Ultra Wormholes to travel to and from Ultra Space. I'm interested in where I can find these Wormholes since I believe there might be something stronger inside them coming out soon," I say to her since Necrozma might be taking control of one or both of them to break out back into the normal world. 

"I see… then I assume you know my research is about this as well," Professor Burnet says as I nod my head. 

"I have something that can track their comings and goings, however, the last time they appeared was a few months back. They haven't been here since and usually they come and go every few days. So their disappearance was concerning and if what you say is true that is not good at all. When my husband comes back we can go and see if we can predict where they might appear next," Professor Burnet says as I nod my head. 

"No offense but if they do appear, do you think you could handle them, and if they come back with something else could you even handle that?" Professor Burnet asks me with a curious and doubtful look. 

"Yes, I believe my team and I are more than capable of taking them on," I say to her and we can always call on our allies if necessary. 

"Very well, then let me text my husband to hurry home," Professor Burnet says before pouring us tea and texting her husband to hurry home soon.

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