
Chapter 14 - museum event (III)

narrator's POV*

"RIGHT HERE!!!!"- said a very familiar voice.

"are you sure?"- asked a man in black suite.

"he's just delusional i tell you, there is a djinn in the National Weapons Museum and we're wasting time here???"- said a childish, rich looking boy.

"Arin-ssi distracted the monster as i sneaked out to get help."- said the familiar voice, ignoring the rude voice.

"hey how dare you ignore me!!!!"

"arin?"- said a girl beside the rude guy, ignoring him.

"he's my frien-, classmate. we were partnered together using lots."

"i don't see anything el-" he stopped midway as he saw a black silhouette in middle of a cracked hall.

"oh my god."- said the girl beside the rude guy as all of them were surprised. 

"a single person defeated such a giant monster. how??"- was the thought in everyone's mind. the back silhouette didn't look like any hero they saw before.

"who are you?" - said the leader like person in the group. he glared at the black figure as asked.

"Me?, well I.....you don't need to know. what you need to know is that you should tighten up your security. you can't have someone save you every time.

"Identify yourself. i will not repeat."- saying such a cheesy security guard line, he glared at the person. 

"y-yeah, you better!!. do you even know who we are?. Just a word from us and you'll be a wanted criminal."

"Jeremy!"-said the girl whispering to him.

"oh really?. well i'm in a good mood so i'll let that pass and answer you correctly. I'm just a passing by helper who will not help if this happens again. got that?. don't worry i'm not planning to get involved in anything bad." 

"hmph, how haughty. 'essence of the strait' guild is waayyy more better that you."


"quiet jeremey."- said the leader like figure of the group.

"so, if we're done i'm leaving."-said the unknown person getting ready to leave.

"we can't do that!!!"

"don't argue kid, that person just saved the people in here."

"so what!, who knows what she did to arin!!."

whispered the group, bickering with each other. And as if waiting for them to bring this up, the black figure said her one last thing before leaving.

"oh and, if you are looking for a cube cadet with a man bun he's near there." said the girl pointing near the farthest stairs before disappearing.

"ARIN!!!!"- Shouted a cadet before he hurried towards the direction pointed by the her.


Arin's POV*


Ugh slow down will you. I still have to change my form and act like i fainted.

"Arin, are you alright?!?!?!"- asked eun woo with a teary voice.

he was shaking me vigorously, trying to wake me up. luckily i was faster than him and made it.

*COUGH, cough*

I woke up faking a cough and said.

"stop will you, I might die for real."- i said trying to calm him down.

he looked like he was about to cry. was he really worried about me?. how cute. i wanted to say to him that i'm wayy stronger than him so i won't die.

"are you the one named arin?"


"can you explain to me what exactly happened here?"- said the same guy.

i should really ask for his name. it's really annoying having to refer to him as  this guy and that guy.

"I would love to but-"

*Cough, Cough*


"-i think i should get some help first."- i said before fainting.

I was supposed to fake the faint but, i guess my body couldn't handle it.

I got myself injured for real to make it more believable and also made some witnesses, just in case.

I had changed myself to my real form after getting injured to stop the pain for a while as i acted out the part of an unknown person helping them but, it seems that the pain accumulated and hit me now. so ya, it fucking hurts. 




I slowly regained my consciousness as i heard 2 voices talking near the door.

"Is he going to be alright?"

"yes, the injuries are severe but not to the point that it's life threatening."

Eun-woo and a doctor seem to be talking as i had my eyes open staring at them.

"then- Arin!!. you woke up."- eun woo screamed looking at me as he rushed towards me and hugged me tightly.

"i'm sorry, i should have been there with you."- said eun woo apologetically.

"again, i will die if you keep squeezing me like that."

of course that was just a joke. how could a person with that low strength stats kill me just by squeezing?.


"if you are done with your chit-chat, i have a few questions for you."

"sure but do you mind introducing yourself first?"- there, i finally asked him.

"ah yes, how could i not do that. that should've been the first thing i told you. Well i am....."


Narrator/djinn 's POV

"Have fun little guy~~~"

As he said that the djinn cheerfully went away screaming.

"Brother~~, i'm coming~~~. hope you've done your job~~~."

[ National Weapons Museum ]


monster corpses everywhere. the building was severely cracked. most importantly, people were screaming everywhere and in the middle of that were 3 cadets.

"broth-" - just as he was searching everywhere by turning his head around, a voice rang in his head.



It was the djinn's master?. a djinn had a master?.

"##, Come back now, i hope you've completed your mission. Unlike someone"

He obviously referred to the dog of lucius when he said that.

"YES!!, I've successfully completed both of my missions. I shall soon return after saying my final goodbyes to my brother."

"He's not your brother anymore. so stop calling him that."

"He's not?. Then what i he?"

He said trying to act like a obedient, clueless child who cares for everyone. Which obviously, he's not.

"he's.... garbage, trash, useless. the weak don't get to live ##, they get devoured and die. so you have to  get stronger and never disappoint me. well then. if you're then return immediately."

He said like a very typical villain nurturer.

"Yes, master!!."


He went silent for a while. Then after confirming that his master left he spoke.

"How weak and dumb you are, brother."


"oh wait you're not my brother anymore. you are trash, useless, garbage."


he laughed like a typical villain as he talked to himself. He slowly went high above the museum and went invisible so that no one could see him. then e continued talking to himself.

"but how did my baby die?. Sure it was my weakest baby but, compared to trash (meaning humans) he was strong." - he said being disappointing.

"oh well, i can just make more of them. who cares if they break."

and as if he just finished his break. he started laughing again.


ummmmm, sorry?.

I swear that i will try to upload faster.

thank you for reading and don't be shy to post your feelings.

oh and i need you BIG help.

>give me ideas when to let hajin know about arin.

>when she should be revealed as a girl.

ShuriOccreators' thoughts
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