

Who wants to be president?


 Ten days passed in the Republic in a rather muffled anxious expectation. It was forbidden to discuss and comment on this ultimatum to the government. But the days before the appointed date were counted, with some apprehension, by both ordinary people and officials. The feeling gradually grew that something might happen.

 In the luxurious building of the official residence of the president, where he lived and preferred to work and which can be called a palace, despite outward calm were also preparing for the appointed date.

 Security was increased several times. The number of surveillance cameras was increased. Many intelligence officers unsuccessfully tried to find at least some information about the person and his organization who made threats on TV to the leaders of the country. How these extremists terrorists were able to overcome the security computer systems and infiltrate the state television networks was also unclear.

 The last --10th day from the very morning did not bode well. President Konstantin did not sleep well that night -- he had some kind of nightmares. It must have caused a headache. Although his assistants did not advise him, he still decided to watch the recorded performance of this extremist and later regretted it. His words left an unpleasant aftertaste and for some reason kept spinning in his head. Did not disappear from Konstantin's memory and was especially irritated and bored by that hypnotizing look at the end of the video. During the last few nights, the gaze of large odd eyes had often awakened him. Then for a long time he could not fall asleep.

 President Konstantin did not consider himself a dictator and a tyrant who illegally seized power. He got this position as a result of elections more than 20 years ago and received the majority of votes in subsequent elections. Having put forward his candidacy for the presidency for the first time, he, of course, gave people, voters, campaign promises, guaranteed the country a better future. Promised a lot of things, but which afterward could not fulfill.

 Later, when he appointed his friends to lead the election commission, and other reliable people checked their work and counting of votes, loud campaign promises were no longer required. If there were any irregularities in the vote counting, as critics claimed, then they were very minor, so he thought.

 The complete control of the political party headed by him in parliament, government and ministries greatly strengthened his leadership role in govern the state.

 The country, the whole people began to live much better during his reign -- he believed so. This was especially noticeable in his immediate environment. His friends and relatives became richer, ran various firms and companies. Thereby creating jobs for millions of citizens of the republic. As stated in the reports of the special services, discontent expressed by a very small number of people and oppositionists funded from abroad.

 Of course, it was he, the President, ordered severer penalties for activities and statements against state power ten years ago. Most of those dissatisfied with his rule went abroad, many convicted under the new laws. And especially active opponents of the regime who ended up in prison subjected to forced re-education with the help of special medications. First, their memory erased, then their personality restored, introducing a respectful attitude towards the State into their consciousness. The people became completely different and barely recognized even the closest relatives.

 Also, by his decree, all newspapers, television and the Internet taken under the control of the Ministry of Information. Since then, the majority of the country's population, according to regular polls, has fully supported the activities of the government and the President.

 Public survey companies controlled by the state and special services called, mostly relatives of government officials, and asked if they satisfied with their lives and whether approved of the actions of the republic's leadership.

 As it seemed to President Konstantin, over the last few days the administration staff and security guards had been looking at him somehow strangely, either with sympathy or with curiosity.

 Of course, there was no question of any possible resignation.

 He did not believe in witchcraft and attended church to maintain a good reputation. But, just in case, on the advice of his closest friend, Prime Minister Martin, a popular psychic magician brought to the presidential palace at night, so that no one would see or recognize him. Who, according to him, established powerful magical protection around the entire residence. And especially for the President, after performing some rituals.

 And already in the afternoon, also just in case, they brought a church clergyman. He sprinkled holy water and reciting a prayer, and promised divine protection and safety as well.

 Today was Tuesday, a working day. However, the President Konstantin asked to his assistants to postpone all meetings and sessions until tomorrow, citing poor health.

 He decided to work in the office with documents, but soon realized that it was useless.

 Called Cassandra, his second wife, via video link and asked about the children. The twins, of course, were at school. He said her to continue preparing for a trip to Disneyland, on a yacht in a month, as he promised. However, this yacht was more like a small warship with a helicopter on a helipad, missile defense and even a little submarine. Unlike a real warship, there was a huge swimming pool at the stern. In addition, the cabins were furnished with such luxury that even an oil sheikh could envy. It was President Konstantin's childhood blue dream. To travel around the world on a large sailing ship, to visit diverse places. Even live for a while on some desert island, like Robinson Crusoe. Now he dreamed of taking an extended vacation and going with Cassandra and the children on this yacht on a sea voyage. To see for himself and show the twins remote exotic countries of the world.

 Although they were not officially registered as married, no one could dare to call her the mistress of President Constantine. And yet she, an athlete and a beauty, lived separately with their children in a house nearby. He managed to conceal his relationship with her for a long time. But the secret revealed a few years ago and led to a divorce from his first wife Gloria. She and their daughter were presently living abroad with a different name under the supervision and protection of special agents. Having received a considerable sum for her silence. Daughter Stefanie got an education at a prestigious U.S. University. She was against the methods of governing the country by her father, the president. They haven't even spoken lately.

 In the evening, Prime Minister Martin arrived for dinner. And, at the request of the President, agreed to stay the night. Together they began to engage in political activities. It was he who always headed his campaign headquarters and involved in the counting of votes. They decided to play chess, as often happened before, but soon agreed to a fighting draw. They talked on various topics, avoiding mentioning the main reason for their meeting today. At midnight, the deadline the ultimatum presented to the country's leadership by some kind clown or terrorist will expired.

 They drank two glasses of collectible French cognac. The President perked up a bit when it came to plans for the future. They decided to significantly strengthen the control and filtering of the Internet. To completely cut the possibility of hacking state computer networks. In addition, to toughen the punishment for such crimes.

 All the clocks in the rooms removed or hidden. On the proposal of the psychologist, who often helped the President and administration staff relieve stress after work. 

"And what time is it now?" the President asked, grimacing slightly. Discovering the absence of his expensive Swiss Wrist Watch on his hand: he took it off on the advice of a psychologist.

 "11:00 pm," the Prime Minister replied, looking at his much more valuable watch.

 "How fast time flies," the President said thoughtfully.


 Alexey Petrovich woke up that day in a good mood. After meeting in the park, he felt an unusual surge of strength, as if had received a charge of vital energy then. And he also noticed that sometimes, before touching an object, an electric spark jumped out of his hand. Like a small lightning bolt.

 The troublesome situation with his grandson Anton continued worrying him. But recent events gave hope for a change for the better. Like most people in the country, he had great doubts about the voluntary resignation of the government and the President. Banned sites on the Internet, which could opened using VPN services, disseminated information about a large number of people who wanted to take part in a virtual action of burning a photo of the President. If he did not resign.

 Photographs cut out from newspapers and magazines of the main culprit of all problems had long been prepared and folded into an envelope. Now, spread them on the table, Alexey Petrovich looked and thought which one to choose. Of course, he cut out other people in the photos. On some, only the head of the President was visible, on the rest he was in full growth. Finally, Alexey Petrovich decided, just in case, for greater effect, to burn the entire pack.

 After dinner, watching the news, he informed his wife that the scheduled protest would still take place. Since there was no resignation.

 "It's not good, not in a divine way, to burn a living person, some kind of black magic," said his wife with disapproval.

 "Firstly, no one is going to burn someone alive, only a photograph. Maybe nothing will happen to him," Alexey Petrovich objected. "And secondly, they were all warned. Quit, go somewhere far away and take your foolish laws with you. And let free democratic elections held in the country. There was no need to anger the people."

 Of course, he did not discuss this topic with any of his acquaintances, friends or relatives. Nobody and nothing could trusted.

 In the kitchen, where he intended to hold a virtual protest or a ritual of black magic, as his wife believed, he connected a corrugated smoke exhaust pipe to the ventilation hole with a fan. After finishing work, sat down and looked at the clock -11:00 pm.

 "How slow time goes by," he thought.



 The presidential palace was brightly lit, guards with dogs walked around the territory. In the parking lot in front of the main entrance, two fire engines and a government ambulance were on duty. Security measures were further enhanced today on the recommendation of the presidential security service and the order of the Prime Minister. Because of fears of possible provocations or arson attempts.

 At first, no one wanted to take threats against the country's leadership seriously. At the direction of the Prime Minister, the aides were collected information about the possibility of causing harm to a person in the photograph from a distance. About influence from afar on the individual in the picture. No clear, undoubted cases of such exposure have been found. Only in esoteric literature and books about magic mentioned such successful rites, and also supernatural mystical connection of a person with his portrait at a distance. Modern scientific research and experiments have too proved the existence of such connection, invisible and incomprehensible to science so far.

 After reading this information, the Prime Minister had a vague feeling of anxiety and worry over this alleged mass burning of the president's photograph.

 Now, when he was sitting in the office of the presidential palace and there was less than an hour left before the appointed time, this unsettling feeling only intensified with every minute.

 "Stop thinking about it at all," he said after another question from the President about time. "It's just some kind of hypnosis, self-suggestion, a psychological trick. It was designed for this to ruffle the nerves. I'm sure nothing will happen. Let's play a quick game of chess and go to sleep."

 "Alright," agreed the President and began to arrange the chess pieces on the board.

 The Prime Minister furtively looked at his watch. Ten minutes to midnight -- and he surprised, indeed: how fast time has flown by.


 Alexey Petrovich opened the window and looked out into the street. Cool fresh air blew on his face. Everything looked as usual, there were few illuminated windows in the houses nearby. Nothing foreshadowed drastic changes.

 "I wonder how many people will take part in this protest," thought Alexey Petrovich. "Whether the number of participants influences the eventual result of their action? I suppose the more, the better," he kept thinking. "Or maybe in ancient times it was as an outcome of such a concentrated mental impact of specially trained people – priests that it was possible to move huge blocks of stone during the construction of pyramids and other gigantic structures." 

"Indeed, at present in the world, there are especially gifted individuals. Telepaths or psychics who are capable of moving small objects with an effort of will, a glance or the power of thought. And it has been proven by scientific research. Seems to me it's called telekinesis or psychokinesis. If one person is able to move a box of matches without touching it, then how much can 100 such people acting together be able to move?" 

"Some scientists suggest that there are special electromagnetic fields in nature. Collective biological fields. Through which information can spread among living organisms on the planet."

"The nature of these biological fields is not fully understood, although it is clear that they are associated with electromagnetism. But at a more subtle level of quantum-vacuum interactions. This is called bioelectromagnetism."

"As experiments prove, the effect of the field of collective consciousness is especially enhanced when it unites a large number of participants. It is this holographic information field of collective consciousness that is the basis for all paranormal phenomena and for influence at a distance."

"Or maybe in times past people could employ some kind of amplifier of mental energy, inherited from Atlantis. As an analogue of the Tesla transformer, capable of increasing the output voltage to several million volts with a small input voltage. After all, for example, one person has a small physical traction force. But in the 19th century, by joining forces, 30-40 people could pull a barge weighing 1,000 tons along the river against the current."

"It is probably also possible to combine mental efforts, the energies of human thought. You just need to know how. Some people must have known about this in antiquity. But then this knowledge forgotten or lost. Maybe not by accident, but on purpose. In fact, this is very dangerous knowledge. It is necessary to rediscover and study the possibilities of the united mental influence of people. If 100 or 1,000 people think about something at the same time and purposefully... And if a million... It will soon be known whether something will work out. After all, any idea manifests itself at a certain and designated time."

 Taking a few breaths of fresh night air, he closed the window and looked at his watch.

 11:56 p.m. Closing the curtains, he turned on the exhaust fan and pushed the bowl of photographs up to the corrugated pipe. He sprayed with the solvent for better and complete combustion. He wanted to intermix it up and extended his hand. Snap a spark burst out of hand and the whole pile of photographs in the bowl flared up with a fierce, multi-colored flame.

 "Wow... Blimey! But maybe that's how it should be," he said to himself and looked at his hand, in it there was feel a slight tingling.

 "It seems to be necessary to utter an appropriate wish or a spell..." "So that you burn down," he said, looking at the photographs writhing in the fire. One of them shrank and deformed. And for a second, instead of the President's picture, some disgusting, grinning devil's face appeared. Quickly turning to ashes, which were sucked into the pipe.


 After another move on the chessboard, the Prime Minister glanced furtively at his watch again. And then caught the President's worried look on him, his silent question was understandable.

 "Five minutes after midnight," he decided to lie, although the time was 00 hours 1 minute.

 With some relief, the President leaned back in his armchair and closed his eyes. The Prime Minister decided to follow suit.

 On a sudden, he heard some strange sound - a groan or a muffled cry. He opened his eyes and froze in horror. The President looked at him with his mouth wide open. His gaze filled with fear and pain, blue-green flames burst out from the middle of his torso from under the burnt clothes. He raised his hand, as if appealing for help. And tried to say something or shout, but instead a fiery stream sprayed from his mouth, like a fire-breathing dragon.

 All at once, out of nowhere, the bodyguards appeared around. One of them poured a bucket of water on the President who was completely engulfed in flames. A thick cloud of steam and smoke filled the room, through which hissing and crackling could be heard. The piercing fire alarm bell began to drown out the cries of people and all other sounds. Someone brought and began to use foam and powder fire extinguishers to put out the fire torch on the armchair. However, it was all useless, the combustion temperature was extremely high. The powder and foam scattered around with hot splashes.

 All this time, the Prime Minister was sitting in a state of shock in his armchair, clutching the armrests with all his strength, unable to turn away. Only when someone shook his shoulder hard did he seem to wake up and jump out of armchair. Straight away, the sickly sweetish smell of burnt meat hit his nose. Realizing that if he took even one more breath then it will turn him inside out, he stopped breathing. Seeing a respirator on one of the guards, he approached him, without ceremony took it off. Put it on, and took a deep breath. Though not so strong, but this disgusting stench was still felt.

 The fire alarm stopped ringing and an eerie, sinister silence reigned. Everyone around stood silently and looked somewhere. The Prime Minister also turned and looked.

 The center of everyone's attention was the badly burned armchair where the President was sitting. Or rather, what left of him. The fume cleared a little. A black smoking pile of ash was visible on the seat. The legs below the knees were unburned at all. One arm was lying around on the floor, the other -- burned -- hung on the armrest. An almost completely burnt head lay in the corner of the armchair. On a black background the teeth bared in an evil contemptuous grin. Bulging eyes were filled with endless hatred and horror.




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