

Hello Readers, and welcome To MHA Reborn: World 63.

This entire story was a public roulette fanfic challenge where I used wheeldecide to pick out every aspect of this story. The choices from the seven categories were Reincarnate, Reverse One for All Quirk(Got this out of 200 Quirks), Harem(uh oh), Genderbent World(MC will be male no worries), and the rest I cannot say without spoiling the story.

I am solely writing this to flex my writing fingers while also trying to create something cohesive with the random prompts given to me, hence the word challenge.

I will be updating one long chapter a week, maybe two since the challenge is to reach 80k words by January 15th. I may still write more depending on where the story is by the time we reach the milestone and how much fun I am having from writing it. 

I sincerely hope you like what I write, and let us pray I can make this work.

That's all, enjoy.







Damien was tired.

Tired of the fact he was suffering from a disease he could not even pronounce, how most of the food he ate was a some type of disgusting sludge that smelled of chemicals, how he had barely enough strength to even sit up, or even how he was routinely forced to be changed by a young female nurse who did not bat a single eye at his naked body.

There was also the fact he knew he would die sooner rather than later, a grim reminder that seemed to make each day excruciatingly longer than the last.

And so, this was how it ended, the pathetic life of Damien Rodriguez.

'Funny.' Damien thought, as speaking had become difficult long ago. 'Is it all some sick joke?'

He stared up at the blinding lights above his hospital bed, then toward the window he wished to open but had no way to indicate to the nurse, and finally down at his chest that rose in sporadic intervals.

'It's hilarious. To think this is the end.'

Closing his eyes, Damien was waiting eagerly for that final moment, wishing for its cold embrace to eventually comfort him.

Thankfully, it came not long after, the last sequence of events being a plea from his lungs for more air, dozens of machines attached to him spitting out warnings, a spasm of pain right where his heart was, and the sound of rapid footsteps approaching him.

Damien wished to say thanks to whomever had come so quickly. It just felt nice to see that someone cared, or at least one person would be next to him when he died, as pathetic as it sounded.

'Family was everything… What an even funnier joke.'

He had initially been so happy to be adopted, to pack his bags and move to another place at the age of twelve. To see the crawling vehicles that were stuck in traffic, the looming skyscrapers akin to mountains, and the extravagant five story manor he would soon call home.

At the time it seemed for once in his life, things were getting better, and the poor and tattered orphanage of his past was forever just that; in the past.

Unfortunately, it was only temporary, a slice of heaven before the pearly gates came crashing down to meet reality.

Those four years, gone like the wind, replaced by a horrible sickness to pull him away from everything he loved. The disease, seemingly thanks to his horrible luck, was not curable and killed most carriers within a year at best.

His parents, who had shown him so much love for every single second of the small time frame, suddenly grew distant. The only care they were willing to give was paying the hospital bills.

No longer did they come to speak to him, play board games with him, show him pictures of their travels around the world, or enjoy any horrible movies they starred in as the lead actors or one off cameos.

Damien was forgotten, there was no other way to put it, the last time they visited being over and entire year ago on his seventeenth birthday.

Maybe they did it so they would feel less pain? Maybe they ignored him and no longer visited because they were busy? Maybe they were working extra hard to pay his bills or to fund research for a cure? Maybe he would live?


'Naive.' Damien exhaled and clenched his fists, his breath growing rapid as he gripped the sheets beneath him with so much force they eventually tore. He then sat up, punched his mattress, threw his pillows as far as he could, and screamed at the top of his lungs.

Only after he stopped his temper tantrum, did he realize one very important detail.

He was moving.

"It seems you are finally aware." A low hum not male nor female could be heard.

Slowly, Damien took in everything. The expanse of black that sucked in all light, the white rectangular platform his hospital bed was situated on, and finally the shadowy hooded figure sitting in a rolling chair where visitors or the nurse would sit.

Gone were the cables and monitors and his gown, a normal white shirt with high cut black shorts now what he wore.

Damien frowned, "Who are you?"

The hooded person wore a simple deep black cowl that covered all of its features and eerily had an absence of shoes or feet, but if one looked closely, they would notice the fabric which hid tis features were millions of tiny ethereal black tentacles swaying like grass.

"I go by many names." The hooded figure looked toward Damien, its hidden face making everything it spoke even more ominous. "Death, God, Hades, The Traveler, The One, Omen of the Black Sands, The Creator, He Who Knocks, Messiah, Savior, Krampus, and many-many more."

Damien furrowed his brow, something inside his head not able to doubt any word Death spoke as if his mind already accepted it without his input. He understood the words as the ultimate truth, and not an ounce of the doubt any sane person should have was present.

The idea was unsettling.

He shook his head, taking one long glance around the abyss before speaking, "W-why am I here?"

Death slightly cocked its head at his question, "You, as most call it, died. Then you were chosen, nothing more and nothing less."

Damien nodded, then he noticed he was nodding and his frown grew deeper. Once again it just sounded right, no matter how much he wished to not believe such heavy statements.

"Wow, so heaven is just a lie?"

Death said nothing initially, answering only after a long silence that weighed heavily on the air.

"No and yes, the heaven you speak of does indeed exist, but not for the reasons you may be thinking. There is no 'afterlife', just the next step in a soul's journey. One does not die, they move on, to where it is up to chance. Well, I suppose not in your case."

"My case?" Damien blurted out on impulse.

Death's blackened face showed nothing, and its body moved not an inch. No indication of emotion could be found in its voice, as its cadence was a constant calm as it spoke. It was as if the being was there, but blended into nothingness so flawlessly it could go unnoticed if Damien did not focus on it.

He compared its presence to seeing a shadow in your peripheral vision. There had to be something that moved, but upon looking there would be nothing, however not long after you lost interest you would see the same thing move again.

"Your case is special." Death pulled him away from his thoughts. "I must balance existence at all times. For every ounce of misfortune, there must be an equal amount of fortune. For every second of destruction, there must be a mirrored second of prosperity. For every lie, there must be truth. My purpose is to keep all of these things in check. And because of this, you have been given a fortune."

Damien raised a single brow, "A fortune?"

"Indeed, perhaps this is luck, but you will be given a boost in your next life."

Damien was stunned, laying back down on the hospital bed as he soaked in the idea that he would live a second life. He would get a chance to live again, possibly able to replicate those four years of bliss he had experienced in his almost two decades of life. To smile and be around people who loved him, to bask in someone's warmth no matter how cold the world was.

No, Damien's breath hitched, that was not what he wanted.

He understood one thing and one thing only.

He was tired.

Another life would be something most people dreamed for, wished for. To be like a protagonist in some novel. To seal the heavens or to rule the mortal world with an iron fist.

The thought was enticing for most, but sadly for Damien, he felt mentally exhausted. He wanted to rest, to allow whatever came next. Happiness was temporary, one could never truly always be happy, the same could be said about anything really.

Eventually, everything ends, and that was what Damien was afraid of.

This new life, how long would he live it before he would die again? Why even give so much effort for nothing in return?

"I don't want it."

Damien looked at Death and confirmed his resolve, "Give this chance to someone else, I am sure there is a person out there that deserves it more than me. Someone who went through more than me. Hell, I just laid in a hospital bed for two years just being miserable, I'm sure there could be worse. Actually, I know there is."

Death said nothing for a while, the darkness of its face unmoving as it seemed to reach into Damien's soul and touch every part of it.

"You are a mistaken child, no one deserves anything, that is just a concept you mortals believe in. I told you, my existence is to balance all things, and to create equality for all. You are simply a weight on one side of the scale, you do not get a choice."

Damien sank deeper into the hospital bed. He simply lay there, not needing to contemplate much as his mind had seen those words as the ultimate truth once again. There was some form of law that was making it impossible for him to think anything Death said was false.

An existence that balances all, would it not be ironic if it could lie, it made a lot of sense honestly for it only to be able to tell the truth.

"So what now, I pass on to a random world as a baby and live a new life without my memories?"

Something moved beneath Death's cowl, and suddenly a blue transparent screen appeared before Damien, the brightness from it forcing him to widen his eyes in curiosity.

"This… is this what I think it is?"

'Worlds…' Damien began to say in his head. 'Does… does that say One Piece, are you kidding me?'

"No child, you will keep your memories, because if you simply were given a new life it would be no different from what the other children were given after they move on. You were chosen to have fortune, so in turn, you will be given an appropriate gift." Another bulge from its cowl made the screen create a search bar, Damien looking at it with bated breath.

However, before he could type anything in, another box slid into existence.

"Firstly, you will decide if you would like your current body to follow you to your new life, albeit reborn. Any and all negative aliments will be removed, but also any inherent benefits. A clean slate if you will."

Damien could only see the options [YES] or [NO].

"If I pick no, what will happen?"

"You will be born into another body determined by your parents genes, however with a new body could be possible benefits or handicaps."

Damien exhaled and mulled over the idea before deciding to speak, "This is part of my fortune?"

"Yes," A quick and cutthroat response.

Damien wanted to click yes, but as he thought more on it, he decided against it. If he wanted to move on, to accept this new life, he would never come to terms if every time he saw his own reflection he would be reminded of his life on Earth.

If he had a new face, he could take it as a new start. A chance to simply live normally, start a family and leave the main plot for the cast. He needed not find obstacles, he was sure to have some already set before the race started, just like any life.

He echoed this sentiment as he clicked [NO].

The screen dissolved away, leaving only the other screen with worlds from anime, movies, books, and comics from what Damien could tell.

"Now you will be given the choice of the world you will be born into."

Damien was thoroughly perplexed, especially as he did a simple glance at the list and noted a few stand outs.


One Piece








Harry Potter


James Bond












Jujustu Kaisen




Earth Timeline 1-4,000,000,000


"Woah, this is…a hard decision to make." Damien swallowed.

He apparently had no choice, he was going to live a new life, one where he would remember everything that had happened in his previous one. He did not want to move mountains or fight fate, all he wanted was a place to rest, to heal his mind and try to understand the complicated feelings in his heart.

Once again, he was tired, so perhaps a more tame world was more his style.

Damien did away with his complex thoughts. Methodically, he tried to focus on finding worlds he generally had a good amount of knowledge about, were safe enough for him to live in normally, and worlds he would have the smallest ripple if he was born into.

After a few hours, he had shortened it down to two.


My Teen Romantic Comedy

Harry Potter (Book Version)


Silently, Damien read both options again and mulled over all he knew about them countless times; so much so the titles started to sound fake, as if they did not fit into any language. He wanted to just click one and move on, get this whole situation over with, and see a new world and all it had to offer.

He was excited, but also filled with anxiety, which was a contrast to what he had felt just moments before.

"What do I want?" He said it out loud to get his mind to decide, but surprisingly, he did receive an answer.

Albeit from the God before him.

"You want the answer to why your parents ignored you. You want to understand the feelings of people who left you to 'die', but ironically, you already know the answer. Deep down you do wish to fight for hope, live out your regrets, and reach for the top. You are scared to lose everything again, just like you did because of your illness. You seem to want to live a peaceful life, but in reality, you just want to live for a cause, whether that be peacefully or not is undecided."

Damien froze, each word Death spoke like a hammer that hit a nail that was already a foot deeper that it should have been.

It hurt a lot, but this time he could not just shove it away, he needed to face the music.

He was not some emotionless or calculative person. He just wanted to be able to live out his dream, which was to give everyone small freedoms. Damien wished for anyone to be given a chance, a chance to grasp their own destiny, discover their own ideals, and live out their own lives as they choose. He was only given a glimpse of that path, but nonetheless those four years of being loved by people had made his death worth something. He hated being forced to lay within that hospital bed and unable to make his own choices, and he would be damned to let anyone else go through that. People needed their small freedoms protected, that was his belief.

Damien had decided.

He did away with both of the worlds he previously had and clicked on the one he eyed since the beginning. He had read very little of Harry Potter since his illness had also impaired his mental capacity. At best he read up to The third book if his memory served him right, and he knew the story had many more important plot points to consider. He hoped to be born a normal human, but with this special reincarnation he could almost guarantee he would be put smack dab in the middle of the plot.

My Teen Romantic Comedy was just to meet Hachiman, well that was if he was even born in Japan, but again his reincarnation had fate written all over it.

My Hero Academia was different though, as it was somewhat fresh on his mind since it had been the last piece of entertainment he had consumed before falling sick.

However, it still had been two years ago, he most likely forgot some important details.

He had watched all the way up to the end of season five and read bits of the manga at the start of his illness. Plus, with future knowledge of key events he could possibly stop the suffering of thousands.

'Being a hero, it sounds too fancy for someone like me, but ironically, I want only what a hero could offer'

To save, give hope, and give meaning to his life and to protect the freedom of choice for others.

Despite his thoughts telling him he could never hold such a title, Damien believed it would be the opposite, and maybe the title 'Hero' could one day fit snugly in his soul.

"Now, you will be given power, or perhaps a Quirk in this case."

A screen popped up with many abilities, Damien immediately noticed the startling fact there was no search bar to pick his own.

Damien was shocked, and he voiced it readily, "Why can I not choose what power I want?"

Death cocked its head eerily to the side, "Balance child, your benefit is already high enough. Other than special cases, no one decides their world, timeline, and or their power. I seek to give you fortune, but on the other side of the scale someone will be cursed and subject to the worst that fate has to offer."

Damien sat on the edge of the hospital bed, his eyes no longer focused on Death as he took a moment to stare into the void of darkness.

A few minutes passed in silence, and only then did Damien level his gaze at Death and nod.

The list began to blur, no words discernible as it scrolled faster and faster. It did this for an entire minute, and Damien watched with bated breath as it slowly began to stop.

As it did so, he began to see familiar powers such as the [Sharingan], [Cursed Energy], [Gate of Babylon], and numerous familiar overpowered abilities.

However, he also saw some that were downright horrible and others which were outright useless.

Those others being the likes of [Poison Spit], [Steel Nipple Darts], [60 Decibel Voice], [Permanent Carmel Odor], [Retractable Pinky Fingers], and [Nuclear Feces].

The last one scared him.

A few more tantalizing seconds later, the list came to a crawl, and upon seeing what he assumed he would get, Damien's heart sank.


'No, what's the point of a second life if I am stuck with such a power. I was never good at cooking.'

Damien closed his eyes for a moment, accepting his fate as a hero who slung milk and cheese to defeat villains.

Life was cruel, even with the benefit of a second one, he would still be stricken with misfortune.

He opened his eyes with conviction, trying his best to be optimistic about being a glorified milk man, but to his surprise the list still had enough momentum to carry it to the next power.

[Reverse One for All]

A description box popped up underneath the name.

[ A Quirk possessing the Quirks and stockpiled power of eight generations. The holder will receive Quirks in reverse order. ]

"That is… a lot better than I thought. Reverse One for All though… is this a joke?"

The Quirk was great, had heaps of potential, since it was One for All afterall. With just power alone he was already one of the heavy hitters in the MHA world. There was just the question of how he would be given the Quirks, since if he would have it naturally then the Quirk would develop along with age, or would he be given them quickly within a year?

He would need to plan accordingly and carefully if it was the former case. If it were the latter, then the sky was the limit. He would also need to make sure he knew all of its faults, if there were any.

Although Damien was definitely miffed he wouldn't be getting the best part of One for All off the bat. 

There would be no yelling SMASH and punching really hard to fix every problem thrown his way.

He exhaled, letting it all sink in while stuffing any anxiety or questions about how much of this was actually random and not a scheme by Death away for later.

"Now," Death's unnaturally calm voice made Damien jump a little. "The world will be given a -Mutator-." 

Damien sat stunned,"-Mutator-?"

The cowled being once again cocked it head to the side as if Damien's ignorance was an impossibility in its own mind.

It wasn't his fault he didn't have a manual for reincarnation.

"To make it balanced, as all things should be child. You are not the first to pick the Origin World of My Hero Academia, and you will not be the last. Only one reincarnate may reside within a world. Because of this, the Origin World must be altered enough to be recognized as a new one."

Damien nodded, not even reacting anymore to how easily he understood and agreed with Death. 

In a sense, a -Mutator- was a loophole of sorts. He would still witness the original story yes, but for it to be allowed, some aspects would need to be changed.

But what exactly?

His query was answered not but a second later, a single blue panel materializing before him.

[Mutator selected: Rule 63- all living and will be living beings' genders have been flipped.]

Damien sat there dumb founded, reading it a dozen or so times before he realized a single word stood out.

Selected. He was sure he hadn't done it himself.

'Wait a minute.' Damien met the black abyss of Death's face. 'Did it do this personally?'

"Now you will be reborn."

Death spoke those words as if they meant nothing, but for Damien, they would entail a whole new life. A life in a word thought fictional, a world where superpowers were not so far fetched, and an arena where ideals clashed amongst the fated.

Would he be a hero?

He would damn sure try.

Would he be a good one?

Only time would tell, and as the void before him began to crack and splinter as if like glass, Damien swallowed hard and took one more hard look at Death.

It was THE being, the one that balanced all things, and the person forcing this new life upon him.

He had no choice.

As he continued to stare at the ominous cowled being, the world finally fell away and Damien's senses dulled.

However, he swore up and down he saw—no felt— that Death winked at him.

Damien managed a single word before it all went black.


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