

"Batman to the Watchtower, do you have a lock on Grayson" he asked through his comms link.

"Negative Batman, the tracker you placed must've been destroyed in the fight with Supergirl" Cybrog replied.

Batman who was crouched clenched his fist before losing his composure and slamming it into the ground "Calm yourself, my friend, it's not too late to fix things" Arthur said as he placed a hand on Batman's shoulder.

Batman stands up shaking the hand off "We can't allow him to run free we need to keep him contained" he said to Arthur.

"I had thought that perhaps the presence of the Meta-gene would negate his alien DNA from surfacing so I just kept surveillance but now I realise I was wrong, We have no idea how strong he could be with two sets of powers" Batman continued as he headed towards a repel line that went up to his plane.

"We will find him, Bruce, he'll most likely head back to Gotham, we can intercept him there" Cyborg stated.

"Cyborg make sure to keep Supergirl away from Mark Grayson" Batman ordered

"Confirmed, shall I tell her the reason why?" Cyborg asked.


"Doesn't she deserve to know? This will offer-"

Batman grunts and ends the call, before calling someone else "Gordon it's Batman"

"... it's late can this wait?" A voice asked from the other end of the phone.


Gordon sighs which can be heard through the communicator "Alright... what is it?"

"I need you to set up a 24/7 watch on a Deborah Grayson, I'll send you a description of the person we're looking for, If you see him approach her then call me immediately so as not to engage" Batman explained, though before Jim can reply or ask any more questions he hung up.

"Batman, perhaps we can rely on young Barbara, you mentioned they were friends did you not?" Arthur asked as he approached the Dark Knight

"Negative, Batgirl has been compromised, Do not update her on the situation," Batman said before attaching himself to the cable and ascending upwards.


Mark couldn't breathe, his pulse was racing and his heart was beating out of his chest, he didn't even know where he was he just knew he had to get away, his ears were still in pain from whatever the thing Batman had hit him with, he had many questions running through his mind as he put his back towards a tree in the forest he was currently in. He had his head in his hands as his mind raced with thoughts of the consequences of today and what would happen.

However he's taken about of his thoughts when he hears his text tone go off, he scrunches his eyebrows as he unzips his trouser pocket and takes out his phone, it's pretty battered but still functional 'I guess never getting a smartphone was the right call' he thought to himself as he looked at the text.

*Congratulations on completing the Job, $10,000 has been sent to your account with an extra $20,000 for getting the Bat off our trail. Expect more offers soon*

Mark looked at his phone, for a while he just stared at it before his grip loosened and it fell out of his hand and he started laughing, at first it started from a small chuckle but eventually it burst into complete hysteric laughter "I ruined my life for $30,000, I am such an idiot" he said to himself as he put his head in his hands.

Once he had calmed down he started to think back to the device they used on him 'What was that? And how did they know to use it on me?' Mark thought to himself. He also wondered what these new powers were, they were entirely separate from his weight manipulation, and it made him kind of like  Superman...

'Am I an alien like him?' He thought to himself but waved it off, but it did concern him that he didn't know where they'd come from, it made him feel as if he didn't even know who he was. He stood up against the tree and sighed, he would need to see his Mom, maybe he could get some answers from her, She did say that he and Dad were similar so maybe there was more to it.

'They'll probably be watching my house...' he thought to himself as he tried to think of a way to get her alone.  He'd have to lay low for a while, maybe he could stay with Waylon and the guys I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

"Ughhhh who am I kidding this is the Justice League they'll track me down for sure, and they'll take Waylon down as well... I can't drag them into this mess" he said to himself as he leaned his head against the tree, his phone beeped again.

Barbara: Hey I hope you're okay, Please message me ASAP

Mark: Hey Barb, I'm alright just had a bit of a tough day

Barbara: Anything I can do to help? You could always come round to mine like you did back in the day.

Mark smiled at the text, he missed her, he didn't deserve to have someone that nice in his life, especially when she risked her life for him and he repaid her by removing himself from her life 'I'm Sorry Barb' he thought to himself as he crushed the phone in his hand turning it to tiny pieces of plastic. He wasn't stupid he knew that they must've been tracking him somehow to find him and Supergirl so he wouldn't take any risks that his phone wasn't bugged.

Lay low for a while and then sneak my way back into Gotham and get some answers. For now, finding some food, fighting and nearly fucking Supergirl have gotten me hungry and frustrated.


"Damn it" Barbara said as she didn't get a reply from Mark, No one else was replying either, Bruce told her to go home and Kara said she was busy.

Barbara sighed "At least Mark is okay," she said to herself, but she couldn't help but hate the feeling of being in the Dark. Perhaps she could go and visit his mom's house and reassure her that Mark was okay, she'd be terrified when he didn't come home, especially when they live in Gotham.

Barbara stood up and jumped off the building using her grapple hook to swing to another, She quickly accelerated to that building and flipped over the edge putting the grapple back on her belt and jumping into a sprint as she ran across the buildings of Gotham.

Her communicator started to go off and she looked at her wrist and frowned, it was Batman 'So now he wants to talk' she thought to herself as she slid under a vent and jumped across a gap between buildings, she hangs up not accepting the call, but a few moments later it rings again and before she can hang up once more it automatically connects.

"Batgirl, I told you to go home..." she heard Batman say in a stern voice, I am, I'm just making a quick pit stop beforehand, she said not explaining herself further.

"Negative, do not interfere with the Graysons, you're not impartial enough to make rational decisions" Batman states which pisses Barbara off, but also shocks her 'He knew the whole time that it was Mark' she thought to herself.

'That little act on the roof was him testing if I could be trusted... Shit!" She thought to herself, she should've known better that Bruce wouldn't let something like that go.

'I'll have to visit her another time, preferably when I don't have a tracking device stuck to me. Ever since what happened to Jason Todd all members of the Bat family have a tracker in their suits that only Batman has access to. Though Dick uses his suit now as Nightwing so he doesn't have to deal with it.

"I'm heading back now..." Barbara replies over the link and all she hears is a grunt and then him hanging up. She punches a wall slightly cracking the concrete before she turns around and heads back to her home, however, she wouldn't give up on her friend.


Kara was flying extremely fast towards the fortress of solitude, she had just created a shockwave with how fast she was going. Her body felt hot and her vagina would not stop throbbing, her entire face was a red mess and she needed to discover what was wrong with her.

She approached the fortress and landed at its entrance, she breathed heavily though it was not because she was out of breath. As she approached she was scanned by the fortress defences and the door opened, Kal had said that this was as much her home as it was his and so she was allowed to come and go.

"Kal! Are you here?" She shouted.

"Kal!" She asked again

"I am afraid Kal-El is not present at the moment, I believe he is currently on Paradise Island as I am not able to track him" The Fortress interface stated making Kara groan in frustration.

"Is there something I can assist you with Kara Zor-El" The interface asked.

Kara sighed "I need a medical scan, check for any abnormalities that might affect the brain," she asked as she floated towards the medical bay, Kelex approached her as she sat on the medical table. Light emits from his hand and scans the girl's entire body while Kara waits there with bated breath.

"Congratulations Kara Zor-El, it seems you are perfectly healthy" the Kelex states with apparent enthusiasm.

Kara sits up from the table "That can't be true, not an hour ago I was acting completely irrational"

"Would you please state your symptoms?" Kelex asks switching back to a robotic voice.

"I was fighting someone and during the fight, he pinned me down and my body got hot and I kissed him, We would've mated right there had it not been for Aquaman and Batman showing up" Kara explained.

"I believe I may be able to explain what has occurred, is it possible that you encountered a Viltrumite?" The interface asked

"I'm not sure, how would I be able to tell?" She asked

"Viltrumites are similar to Kryptonians who are exposed to yellow sun radiation, they will have Super strength, Super speed, Flight and invulnerability" The Interface explained and Kara's eyes widened in understanding.

"Why would a Viltrumite have such an effect on me?" She asked.

"Viltrumites are beings that have sought to obtain genetic perfection through survival of the fittest, this has led to a Biological Imperative being hardwired into their DNA, they have such few members of their race that they are now hardwired to mate with the most appropriate specimen, though this urge only affects those who've recently come of age, Older members of the species have more control over themselves" The interface explains.

"But that doesn't explain the way I behaved" Kara replies.

"Kryptonians while similar to Viltrumites share some rather large differences. Kryptonians have used artificial birthing for so long that in a few generations, it would've been entirely possible that you would've lost the ability to reproduce entirely" The interface stated.

"However exposure to the yellow sun brings a Kryptonian into peak physical condition, the Viltrumite likely triggered your own mating instincts, as a Kryptonian yours would've been repressed to a great extent, therefore it is within reason to surmise that you would not be able to control such raw instincts, just like the Viltrumite" the Interface concludes.

Kara feels a headache coming on from all these words though it isn't that hard to understand "Why has it not triggered before, I've kissed human males before and never felt the urge to mate with them"

"It is a near impossibility that a human would be able to breed with you, even if you did not kill them in the process their spermatozoa would not be able to fertilise your egg, so your body would not react to them as a potential mate just as it would not react to a dog or a cat" The Interface explained.

'Quite rude...' she thought to herself though it did make sense, anyone strong enough to trigger it was trying to kill her. She shuddered at the thought of being impregnated by Darkseid.

"Is there a way to prevent this?" She asked

"No, like most biological functions they simply… are. However Kal-El suffered from a similar problem when he was younger, Perhaps he can advise you, but apart from that I would suggest you stay away from the male" The interface replied.

Kara huffs as she lays back down on the table "How long will I feel this way" she asks though she suspects she will not like the answer.


She didn't like that answer, even now her body ached for the way Mark made her feel regardless of any consequences. She floated off the table before shooting out of the fortress, and in only a few seconds she was in the icy cold embrace of the Atlantic Ocean, Her body was hot and she had hoped this would cool it down.

"Rao! How did Kal deal with this, it feels like my body is going to explode," she said to herself as she lay floating on the surface, the freezing water barely helped at all, in fact, she could see a slight steam rising from her. In the end, she had to give up and head back to Smallville, she'd just have to try and stay strong otherwise she'd lose control of her powers like she did when she first arrived on this planet.


(One Week Later)

Batman sat in the Batcave, he was monitoring the Gotham City surveillance while running a program that would search for anyone who looked similar to Mark, he didn't want to take any chances. However, even he doubted himself, as the first couple of days went by and Mark did not show back up in Gotham he started to believe that he had managed to get in under the radar, it wouldn't be the first time a criminal had achieved such a thing.

But Mark was as green as they come when it came to crime and wouldn't have the kinds of connections that it would take to achieve such a feat. He considered the possibility that Gotham was the first stop he made and that he was already long gone. It frustrated him to no end.

"Bruce you really should get some sleep, if it's just surveillance then let me or Damien take over" He heard Dick say from behind him.

Before he could reply he was cut off "If this is as important as you're making out then you don't want any mistakes do you?"

Batman grunted as he stood up from the chair, he turned around to see the smirking face of Dick, he didn't say anything else and just walked passed him, he'd need to be rested to take Mark into custody.

"Oh and by the way, I asked and Connor said he was free and he'd make his way here" Dick said which Batman nodded his head at.

With Superman not active and Supergirl compromised he'd need to rely on the other Kryptonian, though at this point he'd even take the dog. A crisis that threatens the very earth and heroes are either gone or busy, or just not suited to the task.

He'd take Mark into custody soon, he didn't even want to think of what he would do with so much power at his disposal, nothing good.


Mark stood in the middle of a desert his face a mixture of frustration and concentration as he breathed out. He started throwing one rock into the air and catching it with his other hand, he did this a few times before he added another rock so he was juggling two rocks, his face lit up as he managed it so he added a third rock and to his amazement, he was juggling three rocks just as easily as any amateur juggler.

While this might not seem like a very difficult thing to do, Mark who a week ago was only a little stronger than an average adult was now strong enough to bench press a building maybe even more and so it made tasks he used to do rather easily very difficult. He realised how badly things could go when he picked up a rock and immediately crushed it.

So for an entire week, he focused on controlling himself, When he got to Gotham he'd need to maintain a low profile, which wouldn't be easy if he stumbled and fell through a wall. He thought that juggling would be a good way to increase his control, not only did he have to mind his power when he threw the rock into the air, he had to mind it when he caught the rock.

He had thought it would be a lot harder to get control of his strength but it wasn't too bad. He threw the rocks in the air and then launched a punch at the rock, however, the rock was barely affected by the punch and ended up just falling onto the ground.

'Not bad, I think I'm ready, I just hope I can avoid any heroes' he thought to himself as he lifted himself into the air, before launching himself forward. He had discovered he was somewhere in Canada so he flew south towards New Jersey and back to the city. He planned to go in through the water and into the sewers, Waylon had told him once that there were a few entrances that he used.


Mark had not expected to get lost underwater, he had expected himself to drown but found that he did not run out of breath, even after half an hour of looking through underwater tunnels he did not need to come up for air. When he finally did it felt amazing, it made him wonder though if he could do that cool move that Superman and Supergirl do and blow air out their mouths.

'Something to try later' he thought to himself as he floated out of the water and into the sewer tunnels, he wasn't familiar with the tunnels under the Harbour but he hoped he'd be able to find his way to more familiar tunnels.

However as he flew through the tunnels what he didn't know was that he had tripped a sensor that was linked straight to the Batcave, in his paranoia Batman had set cameras and sensors through any entrances to the sewer system, though he had not expected Mark to go through this way.

'I just hope my Moms at home' he thought to himself as he zoomed through the tunnels, it only took a few minutes to find a place he recognised, and from there he sped to the closest entrance to his apartment building, however before leaving he took off a backpack he'd stolen and changed into some clothes he'd also acquired, he hoped the hood and hat would cover his face enough.

He floated up towards the grate and lifted it carefully before looking around the alleyway where it came out, seeing that the coast was clear he exited the sewers, placed his hands in his pocket and kept his head down before heading towards his apartment building. He knew he wouldn't have much time, it was probably surrounded by cameras and police but he hoped he'd be able to get out of there before he encountered any capes.

Walking into his apartment he quickly moves towards the staircase and flies up the stairs until he reaches his floor. He quickly goes to the door to his apartment and knocks lightly though he doesn't get any response which makes him curse. However, he has to be sure so he shoves the handle forward breaking it and opening the door.

His apartment was dark and the first thing he saw was his mother who was passed out on the couch with a bottle of wine in her hand, it made sense as he'd essentially just gone missing for a week.

He quickly runs to her and shakes her "Mom! Mom!" He shouts trying to wake her, he sees her eyelids flutter as she wakes up.

"Mark? Is that you? I thought you'd gone… just like Nolan" she whispered as she cupped his face.

"Mom I'm fine but some weird things have been happening to me, I can fly I'm really strong, I am also on the run from the Justice League," he said which made her snap out of her dreariness.

"I had hoped perhaps your powers would never awaken… Mark, there's something that I've kept from you for a long time" Debbie says as she looks him in the eyes.

"What is it, Mom?" He asks hoping to get some answers from her.

"Your father, he was-"

"I thought we had an agreement, Mrs. Grayson," a voice said from the door of their apartment. They both looked up and saw Batman who stood there menacingly, though Mark noticed his body armour was a lot thicker and looked to be some sort of power armour.

"Mom? What does he mean" Mark asks with confusion as he looks from Batman to his Mom who can't help but look down with guilt.

"Mark you need to come with me, you're a danger to everyone around you while you roam freely," Batman said which only served to piss Mark off.

But he had more important things to worry about "Mom tell me the truth! What don't I know about Dad" he shouted getting her attention.

Debbie felt guilt gnaw at her as she saw the look on Mark's face "Your father-"

"Don't" Batman warned.

"Your father was Omni-man, the Justice League captured him 10 years ago!" She shouted though she couldn't get any more out as she was knocked unconscious by a small tranquilliser dart.

Mark scowls "What did you do to her!" He shouts at Batman, but the Dark Knight does not look intimidated in the slightest.

"She's only asleep, she should not have told you that information" he simply stated.

"So it's true, you've been holding my Dad prisoner and you want to do the same to me," Mark said getting increasingly upset, he felt his heart start to race as it beat in his chest.

"Mark you are the same species as your father, until you can be trusted you will be detained" Batman replied.

"Like hell, I will!" Mark said as he clenched his fist. Batman not seeing a way to end this peacefully reaches for his sonic pulse gun however as soon as he takes it off his belt Mark is already there and he crushes it in his hands. Batman jumps and drop kicks him back flipping off his chest and out of the apartment.

Mark is forced to the ground by the kick, It managed to hurt him slightly, not as much as Supergirl but it definitely didn't tickle 'That Armour is no joke, which is too bad' he thought to himself as he got up and floated out of his apartment to see Batman running down the hallway, Mark frowns and zooms after him catching up with him instantly, he grabs him and flies through the wall of the building with him throwing him into the neighbouring building, somehow Batman manages to land flipping himself onto his feet.

He throws a small pellet at Mark who goes to slap it out of the way but before it enters his reach it explodes in a flash of light and sound "AGHH" he grunts in pain as he feels a sharp pain through his head. In that moment of distraction, Batman throws a canister of a foam-like substance that he uses to bind criminals, however, Mark regains his senses faster than he anticipated and not wanting to attempt to touch this gadget he breathes in as much as he can before blowing out and while it doesn't have nearly the same effect as Superman he does manage to send the object right back at Batman who has to jump out of the way.

Mark flies towards Batman who aims a punch at him which he catches, The metal of his armour creaks under Mark's strength though instead of striking back he does something Batman did not anticipate. He increased the weight of his power armour, he made it so heavy that the power that supported its weight crumbled and only Batman was left to shoulder the weight of it, he gritted his teeth in pain as he felt multiple ribs break as he fell to the ground, he had what amounted to a car on top of him.

"You may have kicked my ass before but you don't stand a chance now," Mark said as he let go of Batman's armour allowing the Dark Knight to breathe as the weight returned to normal.

"Maybe… but that's why I brought back up," he said as he plugged his ears.


"AGHHHHH" Mark shouted as a high-pitched screaming sound rang out through the building. He turned around and noticed a blonde woman with a navy blue jacket and fishnet stockings as the one who was causing the noise. Mark gritted his teeth, For some reason he couldn't fly at the moment but he was still strong, he pushed himself off the floor and launched himself towards the woman, either way, she would stop her screeching. However, before he could get to her he's knocked from the air by another person who punches him hard enough to send him flying out of the building and into the streets.

Mark grits his teeth as he pushes himself up from the floor, all in time to see a man jump from the building and land on the street with him. Passerby started looking at the scene in shock as the person who jumped down wore the classic 'S' symbol on a black shirt.

'Superboy, great now I just need one more and I have bingo' Mark thought to himself as he stood up.

"Stand down, or get a beating and then stand down," he said simply making Mark raise an eyebrow, However, his silence was taken as rejection as Superboy threw a punch at him which he quickly avoided. Mark reacts by throwing a punch at his stomach and he hits him which makes him skid back and splutter, he looks at Mark and scowls he has an angry look on his face as he charges again, he jumps in the air before slamming down on the pavement the shock wave pushes Mark away but he just allows himself to float.

He sees the girl that managed to incapacitate him make her way out of the building, if they managed to work together he'd be done for. He grabbed a parked car before throwing it in her direction, she easily evaded it however it was only meant to distract her. Mark flew towards Superboy and punched him as hard as he could in the stomach, it had the effect of lifting him into the air. While In the air Mark threw punch after punch hitting the same spot before grabbing him by the throat and flying them even further up.

Conner scowls as he struggles in Mark's grip, he throws a punch at Mark which makes him drop him, however since Connor couldn't fly he simply just fell and Mark flew down and grabbed him by his foot "I don't want to deal with you lot at the moment so I'll just be sending you on your way" he said as he started spinning.

He spun as fast as he could while using an interesting application of his power. He divided his arm into sections in his mind and from his shoulder to his hand he made each section lighter and lighter with his shoulder being heaviest. As he spun in the final loop he let his arm roll with Connor at the end. Mark could already throw something at the speed of sound, so employing this technique was not needed, however, he did so anyway because he felt like being petty.


Connor is launched at Mach speed to who knows where, though needless to say he wouldn't be back anytime soon. Mark considers flying back down to get some answers but shakes his head, they wouldn't tell him anything, he'd have to get answers by himself. He flew off in another direction away from the city, On the ground Batman who had removed the power armour grimaced, he knew it was unlikely they'd be able to contain him but to so easily get handled left a sour taste in his mouth. The tracker he placed on Connor hadn't stopped moving, he hoped that Connor would be able to keep him occupied till they got there.


(Two Months Later)

Kara was sipping on a milkshake in one of the small cafes in Smallville, she had been utterly miserable for the past two months. When she heard about Mark being back in Gotham she immediately flew there only to find that he was gone, she did get a good laugh at Batman and his ambushers, they thought that Mark was still fighting Connor and that's why the tracker was moving so fast, but it turned out he had just been thrown.

She still cracked a smile at the thought of it, but she sighed once again her body still ached though it had been getting better the longer she stayed away. Probably for the best, as it was essentially like a drug, bringing her great pleasure and painful withdrawal.

'Though all that can be solved if I just had him with me all the time' she thought to herself with a chuckle, though she did reprimand herself as she was sure that Barbara still liked him, her texts over the past few months had been nothing but her updating Kara on how her private investigation was going.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when her body stiffened up, her entire body started to throb and she had to stifle a moan, She put her hand over her mouth as her face flushed red 'What the hell is going on' she thought to herself as she looked around.

Mark had just walked into the small cafe to get himself a drink, he'd been in Smallville now for a couple of months, and he'd chosen this hick town as it was out of the way and not very modern meaning he could get away with no background check when he rented a house. He was lucky that the accounts he got paid into were offshore and so couldn't be frozen, he'd taken the $40,000 and hid it under a floorboard in the house he was renting. He'd be able to live comfortably until he managed to figure things out.

Though as he walked into the diner he felt his breath start to hitch and his body heat up, he felt his desire spike and he felt his blood flow down to his dick 'What the hell is happening' he thought to himself as he looked around, he breathed in heavily through his nose and he could smell a sweet scent coming from within the cafe. He looked around to the direction the smell came from and he saw a beautiful blonde girl with a white crop top and jeans, She also had glasses on, she looked just as worked up as he did and it did not take him long to put two and two together.

'You've got to be fucking kidding me, there's no way I'm that unlucky…' he thought to himself as he made eye contact with her, while his gaze may have passed over her before. The feelings that they were both so obviously feeling made it pretty obvious who she was.

Mark had to will himself to look away 'Well… looks like it's time to skedaddle' he thought to himself as he immediately left the cafe and headed towards an alley so he could fly away.

Kara saw him leave and she narrowed her eyes 'Oh no you don't' she said as she followed him out quickly and into an alleyway. She saw him about to take off and grabbed him pinning him against the wall.

All they could do was look at ways other and breathe heavily until Kara awkwardly broke the silence.


(AN: Was planning on continuing it but it already ran on too long, but tbh I'm not really happy with the pacing of this story, seems a bit too fast and that's my fault really, I wanted Mark to get his powers quickly otherwise it would just be an OC fic 😂. Anyway hope ya enjoyed it, also I feel like Viltrumites should have Superbreath and frost breath, they have enhanced lung capacity and invulnerability which is now superman uses it. He pressurises the air in his lungs and blows it back out and to use frost breath he purses his lips making the air he blows colder. I'm 50% sure I'm right but looking online I couldn't really find anything so I might just do it anyway.)

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