
Chapter 362 Insomnia2

There were rumors that MAZ Entertainment company was created solely because Rufus Swallow felt that HAC Entertainment, where Norris Moore was initially signed, couldn't help her achieve greater success. As a result, Rufus Swallow decided to spend a huge sum to scout her from HAC and personally train her.

When a man goes to these lengths for a woman, he's either incredibly rich, or deeply in love.

And Rufus Swallow was indeed very rich. As for whether he loved Norris Moore, his now warm attitude made it clear.

As soon as Norris Moore appeared by his side, the cold, hell-like aura surrounding him heated up instantly, blooming like spring in March, cozy to the point of death. There was no trace of the chilling aura one would expect from a typical boss.

Rufus Swallow glanced at Fish Yummy, seeming to have something to say. He then released Norris Moore's waist, rose from the sofa, walked to the office desk, drew a white pill from the drawer, and handed it to Norris Moore.

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