
The Southern Market Bazaar Part 3

It was a little later when Tuzi and Oyuna were able to offload their travel satchels in the inn. Golun had arranged with the facility to provide three rooms for the New Moon tribe's accommodations. Two of the larger rooms would be divided between the tribe members; Golun included. 

Given Tuzi's divine status as the Moon Goddess, she was assigned a smaller room of her own, so she'd have privacy. But not wanting to stay in the room by herself, as the thought of being alone in a foreign place caused her apprehension, she begged Oyuna to be her roommate. There was also the added benefit of gossiping together about the food and events at the end of each day as well. 

Above all else, the rabbit shifter thought companionship was highly important. Without someone to spend your funnest moments with, how fun could it really be?

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