
The Foreigners

Biting shards of smoke choked her throat, stinging her eyes into tears. Instinctively, the little girl clamped a hand over her nose, fighting for air against the black tendrils.

It wasn't supposed to be this way, she thought as a wave of sadness befell her. 

Her wide eyes quickly assessed the terror that was left behind by the horde. The horrors that befell this lovely village were unspeakable and unforgivable. The massacre completely demolished the small town and its people in just a matter of minutes. By tomorrow, after the flames had engulfed everything, it was like this village had never existed.

It hurts to know this, the little girl thought. She honestly assumed that her small tribe, who had dedicated their lives to hunting werebears, could have prevented this tragedy from occuring once again. But alas, fate had cruelly spoken.

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