
299: Hannah Sutton's face turned pale! _4

"[Wake up, people upstairs, this is a scientific research competition, not a beauty pageant!]"


This is Hannah Sutton's first time looking at Viola Thompson face to face.

She feels very strange.

As if she had seen Viola Thompson somewhere before.

Especially those eyes of Viola Thompson.

Clear and deep but carrying an icy chill.

It makes one uncomfortable.

Hannah Sutton swallowed nervously.

It must be an illusion, right?

It has to be an illusion!

After all, ordinary people look at her with admiration.

So the look in Viola Thompson's eyes must be one of envy, too.

She is a young disciple of Suwen, the future successor of the Sacred Medical Hall, and will successfully complete the Sight Restorer Plan.

Who wouldn't envy her?

Not just young girls like Viola Thompson, but even elders would envy her, their aura significantly dwarfed in her presence.

But, as Hannah Sutton looked at Viola Thompson again, there was no change in her expression.

She was just the same.

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