
Chapter : 19 : Earth! Sea!

Third Person P.O.V

Heimdall: T-the... the second battle of Ragnarok has ended! Another soul-crushing defeat for the gods! With Enkidu as the victor!!!! The Chains of Heaven have bound the gods to their path of loss after loss and come out on top!!!!

Pure silence. Pure silence filled the arena at this very statement. Both the Gods and Humanity were completely silent, although for two very different reasons. For Humanity, they had not only disproven the invulnerability of the Divine but also the fact that they had won twice in a row. As for the Gods... well... the loss of both Thor and Zeus was a heavy blow to take, even more so than the fact they had not even come close to a victory yet.

It was not Humanity that faced the despair of loss... of defeat...


It was the Gods who had been struck down from the very Heavens on which they used to laugh and belittle Mankind that was now faced with this harsh reality.

The reality was that they could taste the sting of defeat.

The reality that just like any mortal being...

Even the strongest of the Gods...

They could be killed.



A table had been smashed to nothing but splinters and dust. The culprit? None other than the God of War, Ares.

Ares: What do you mean we let you take the next match?! After what they've done?! Those humans killed Zeus! My father!

Loki: Those scum dared to trample upon the pride of us Gods- no, the Norse Pantheon! Do you think we'd let that slide either?! It was only exciting when it was us as the cat toying with the mouse, not the other way around!

The tensions were high between the Gods, two of the mightiest Pantheons at odds with each other, for both Thor and Zeus, who were very high-ranked Gods had been slain. It wasn't a matter of hating each other, it was simply a matter of craving sweet revenge so much they had come into conflict with the other. Both sides wanted the same thing, but both also wanted it sooner than the other.

Hermes: Please, dear brother. Along with you, Lord Loki. Both of you, please calm down-


A sudden breeze filled the room. But not a warm summer breeze or one carrying the falling leaves of autumn, no, these winds were filled with unsettling chills and death. It was Odin, the chief God of the Norse Pantheon. He entered, each step imposing as the room became silent as if even sound was killed by his very presence.

Black / White Crow: Behold, Odin! Bow before his mighty presence-

Odin: Silence.

Black / White Crow: ...

Odin: We shall take the next round. Do not oppose. We'll crush those bugs who dared to defy us Gods.

To this, the room continued in its silent state. No one dared to speak. Loki simply gave Ares a sly smirk and Ares popped a vein in response, but otherwise stayed silent. Hermes as always remained the level-headed one in this situation and put a hand to the should of Ares, silently telling him to swallow his pride and hatred for now.

Odin: Good. Does anyone dare to oppose it?

Loki: Yeah? Does any one of you Greek Gods have the balls to go against us?

Ares: Tch...

Hermes: As much as it pains me to be unable to take revenge for Lord Zeus, I have no objections.

It was apparent now, that the next round would be taken by a member of the Norse Pantheon in vengeance for Thor. Whether it was Loki or Odin himself remained to be seen. So as Odin turned around and Loki stuck his tongue out at Ares to mock him, it seemed like things were going to play out differently. Yes, the fate of this world had changed-


Doors flew off their hinges and as the dust settled, a man- no, a God stood. This time the room was not filled with the dreaded chill of death but instead of the calm rage of a sea right before a mighty storm. Odin turned to face this newcomer with a stoic expression and Loki was curious, albeit annoyed. But for the Greek Gods, Ares and Hermes, they were hopeful...

For this, God was none other than...

Poseidon. God of the Sea.

Poseidon: I oppose.

After saying such, Poseidon simply walked forward. He stared right at Odin with an ice-cold glare, which Odin did not hesitate to return in kind.

Poseidon: Now, I ask of you...

He said as he lifted his trident and pointed it straight at Odin.

Poseidon:  Would you dare oppose me?

Odin: ...

Loki: You-! To point your weapon at us-

Odin: Be quiet. We will have our vengeance another time. Come, Loki.

Loki: Tch... you all better win this round...

So the two Norse Gods left the now tattered room, filled with the splintered remains of the furniture it used to hold. Poseidon simply lowered his trident and proceeded to leave the room. As for the two remaining Gods, Ares and Hermes...

Hermes: I will admit, both Poseidon and Odin are greatly feared, so to have them both in the same room is a rather terrifying experience. However, I believe we have the next round to prepare for, don't we, brother?

Ares: Oh yeah! It's time we show those humans how weak they are! With Poseidon up next they won't stand a chance! We'll knock them right back to where they belong!

So the two left, Hermes following behind a pumped-up Ares.


Now also leaving the messed up room to whatever poor servant of the Heavens got cleaning duty that day...


Gudako P.O.V

I vomit off into the endless sky of the Heavens, which I hope doesn't lead anywhere, or else someone might just get vomit dropped all over them. Kama is supporting me to make sure I don't accidentally fall off either, since it seems that ray-shifting for some reason makes me really nauseous as a side effect... which I don't think it's supposed to do... is it? I don't exactly remember how it was the first time in the FGO story... it's been a while...

Kama: Master, are you alright?

Gudako: I-I'm fine... I just didn't know ray-shifting could be... so nauseating... or maybe I'm just not good with this stuff- blegh!

Kama: There, there~ Let it all out, it's alright.

Gudako: It's fine... I'm fine now...

Kama: Ah, that's good. But really... it shouldn't be that dizzying... maybe it has to do with me ********* you then ******* your ***** along with all of those **** we used?

Gudako: Pftttt- d-don't just blurt stuff like that out so shamelessly, Kama!

Kama: Fufufufu, but it's fun to see your reactions, no?

Gudako: You... you're lucky you're so cute.

Kama: I-It's only natural as a God of Love...

Great, now we're both blushing messes. It seems we're also both glass cannons when it comes to flirting. All offense... zero defense...

Gudako: A-Ahem! We should probably meet up with the others now! They might get suspicious... and if all else I don't want Brunhilde to threaten me with painful yet oddly kinky threats again...

Kama: I agree. So, do you want to walk there or do you want to just teleport over?

Gudako: I think I've had enough turning into magical particles and going through the fabric of space and time for today... so walking it is!

I grab her hand in mine and proceed to sprint off through the long corridors. Naturally, I'd get tired fast just using my natural stamina and strength, so I don the armor of Lancelot once more and abuse the power of legendary heroes for yet more mundane tasks! Who needs a car when I can run faster than one?

Kama: Master... don't you think you're going a bit too fast?

Gudako: I don't think so- eh?! Kama?!

As I turn to answer her question, I notice she's gone back into her child form, which has had unforeseen consequences. In combination with my speed and her smaller form, this led her to flail around in the air wildly behind me as I dragged her along like a plastic bag in the wind. Naturally, I slowed down and proceeded to walk at a more normal pace with her.

Kama: Thank you, it was getting a bit uncomfortable being shaken around like that.

Gudako: Sorry, I get a bit carried away sometimes...

Kama: It's fine, and if anything I'd rather spend a bit more time with you walking slowly togeth-

???: Senpai! Senpai!

I suddenly hear a faint yet familiar shout echo through the hallways.

Kama: ... Or not.

Kama looks a bit disappointed, and to be honest, I am sort of as well, but it'd be rude to neglect or favor one Kouhai over another! All of them must be treated equally, it's my duty as a Senpai! Yes! I'm not coping! No, seriously, I value Mash time just as much as Kama time, just in different ways.

Mash: Senpai- oh! There you are! Can you stop disappearing like that?! It's worrying!

Gudako: Ahahaha... sorry about that, Mash...

Mash: It's fine... but! You!

She suddenly points to Kama.

Kama: Me?

Mash: Yes! I know you're more than capable of protecting her, but stop just dragging Senpai off to places without a word! It's troubling!

Kama: *Sigh* Fine... I don't really have the energy to argue...

Mash: Good, now that's all done, we better hurry!

Gudako: What? Why?

Mash: Because the next round will start soon and Brunhilde just shoved an entire pie in her mouth because she was getting impatient with us!

Gudako: Then it's worse than I thought! Let's hurry!

Mash: Yes! On it!

Gudako: Wait, on it? What do you mean- ah!

Kama: Not again...

She picked up both Kama and me like a sack of potatoes and began sprinting down the hallways. Well, at least she knows where she is going.



Soon enough, Mash comes bursting through the poor doors. Really, both at the inn, here, and everywhere we go, the doors always get abused. Eh, they always seem to get fixed though!

Mash: We're here!

Brunhilde: You sure are... and about 30 minutes late?! Where the hell were you?!

Gudako: ...

I can't exactly tell her that Kama took me back to the past to watch a fight I missed because we were too busy doing... questionable bedroom activities... uh... I simply stare awkwardly at Brunhilde who angrily smashes another pie into her face... for some reason. That is until Kama pries herself from Mash's grip and stands between me and Brunhilde, oddly confident-looking.

Kama: We had sex.


Please do not tell me she said what I think she said. 


By the silence and awkward stares she totally did... and why does she look so smug about it too?! When she's in her child form it's like her confidence and smugness are multiplied a thousandfold compared to her older self! It's scary! This power is dangerous! It's like the blushing yet sexy mess of older Kama has all been replaced by overwhelming smug brat energy!

Mash: Senpai... you did what?

Mash, please don't look at me like that. I feel like I might end up seeing Ereshkigal sooner than I thought I would. 

Gudako: I... uh... got caught up in the moment?

Mash: Senpai...

Gudako: Yes?

Mash: This... is unacceptable!

Gudako: I know... I'm sorry-

Mash: I cannot be outdone as your precious Kouhai! Let's go!

No! No! This is obviously going in a very off-brand direction! We need to get back on track! Back to the plot! No matter how tempting, I must refuse for both humanity and my body's sake!

Gudako: Mash! Stop! Stop! We have to save humanity! Stop dragging me off!

Mash: A-Ah, sorry, Senpai. I simply got overwhelmed by emotion and made a rash decision, forgive me.

Gudako: I-It's fine, really! No need to apologize! If anything, I should be the one-

Someone clearing their throat breaks our little apology session.

Brunhilde: Are you two done?

Gudako / Mash: Y-Yes!

Brunhilde: Finally, I don't give a flying fuck about any of your harem bullshit when I have an entire planet of people to save from those assholes who want to annihilate Humanity. But I can't exactly just say for you all to screw off seeing as you've bagged us two wins already. So... who's up next?

I puff my chest with pride and eye my prize, dashing over to a poor man drinking tea in peace and forcefully dragging him in front of the ever-cursing Valkyrie.

Gudako: This guy!

Zhongli: Traveler... I am afraid to inform you I find myself lacking mora...

Gudako: Don't you have your gnosis? Can't you just make more?

Zhongli: Oh, forgive me, Traveler. I nearly forgot I had it despite the events that played out in Liyue. I shall do that as needed, then.

Phew... at least I won't need to worry about him somehow siphoning enough money from us that he even empties Gil's treasury.

Brunhilde: I've dealt with enough young-looking gods who act like complete fucking geezers to know what this whole deal is. Ugh, he better at least be good at fighting!

Gudako: Hehe, of course he is! Right, Zhongli?

Zhongli: Hmm... it has been a while... but I can assure you, my martial prowess has not eroded to dust just yet.

Brunhilde: How comforting...

Oi, you don't have to be so sarcastic about it! Seriously! What else does she want from me before she has a little more faith in my abilities?! Dealing with you is tiring for me too!

Zhongli: If I may ask, Traveler... who exactly am I fighting?

I get broken from my annoyed train of thoughts by Zhongli tapping me on the shoulder to catch my attention.

Gudako: Oh! You'll be fighting Poseidon, God of the Sea!

Zhongli: A Sea God? At least I do have some experience in dealing with those. Very well, I shall make my preparations. 

He then proceeds to walk off calmly, hands behind his back.

Gudako: Good luck! Do your best!

Brunhilde: You better win this damn thing!

He then stops as he turns his head to look at us.

Zhongli: Do not worry, I fully intend to do such. 

He summons his spear and with an elegant yet powerful spin of it, slams it into the ground as his eyes and the tips of his hair glow with the power of Geo.

Zhongli: It would be unbecoming of the God of Contracts to break a contract of his own.

Zhongli: It would be unbecoming of the God of Contracts to break a contract of his own.


Damn, I gotta learn how to make cool exits sometime... 


Third Person P.O.V

Gods: This sucks... / Are we going to get destroyed again? / I would be hyped if it weren't for the fact that I'm scared we'll get beaten to a pulp again...

Humanity: Fuck yeah! Let's go! / We will survive! Let's get this win! / I'm hyped for this fight! It's like watching an anime battle in real life! This is exciting!

The opinions of both the Gods and Humanity varied greatly, one seeing the harsh reality of the situation and dreading it, while the other relished in the glory of victory. The ones up high had been brought down while those who had only dreamt of Heaven had watched it fall, which materialized in one half screaming their lungs out as the other groaned in self-pity.

Gods: But- pft! This is salt water? / An ocean? Wait! Does this mean... / Is the God up next who I think it is?!

Suddenly the energy and vigor of the Gods matched Humanity as they all came to a realization. They no longer groaned in sadness, but instead roared with pride that contested with even the Humans who had yet to taste defeat. For they all realized that who was up next was...

Heimdall: Ahem! Following on from God's second loss...

Suddenly the reality of their consecutive beatdown from the side of Humanity had come back, and their pride took yet another hit, but at the same time this fueled the flames of revenge, and so instead of dimming their passion, it set it ablaze. The Gods all knew who was next, and couldn't wait for the slaughter they predicted was coming.

Heimdall: The third battle of Ragnarok begins now! In God's corner! He bears no love for the pitiful humans! One could even say that perhaps he enjoys testing them! But that is what defines a God! The harshest trials! That indifference to life is the realm of the Gods! He follows in the footsteps of his brother, the Almighty Zeus, and represents the Gods in round 3!

The gates on the side of the Gods burst open. The divine yet terrifying figure of Poseidon makes his way through the waters surrounding the arena. The mass of water parted to make way for the God of the Sea, recognizing his authority as its ruler. Poseidon paid no mind to this and continued on his way up the stairs to the arena as if it were a normal sight to him.

Heimdall: If Zeus is- was the God of the Cosmos, then this man rules all oceans with an iron fist! The Ruler of the Seas!!!!

Humanity: The sea... is parting for him? / Hey! That's for Moses and God in the Bible! Booo! Get out, you faker! / I'd spread like the sea for him-

Ignoring the comments from Humaity, Heimdall continued.

Heimdall: Even the Gods tremble at the thought of invoking his wrath! The most fearsome God! Second of the three brothers of Olympus! Known to man as Zeus Enalios! His name is...

The arena went silent as only the sounds of waves crashing back together reverberated throughout the audience while Poseidon stood imposingly upon the center of the arena. The suspense of the reveal of the true identity of this God who all watching instinctively knew, yet hoped it either was or wasn't so. That this God is none other than...

Heimdall: Poseidon!!!! God of the Sea!!!!

Third Fighter for the Gods: Poseidon

Poseidon: Hmph... nothing but filth before my eyes.

Poseidon then looked up to the stands, right where Odin and Loki were sitting, yet choosing to say nothing. 

Odin: ...

Loki: Hmm~, Poseidon, huh? He's even less receptive to my jokes and pranks than you, old man.

Humanity: Even the other Gods are scared of him... / The older brother of Zeus... has he come for revenge? / W-We got this, right? H-He just looks scary!

As the audience took in who was either their representative or their adversary, Heimdall pointed his finger to the air as he shouted once more in his horn.

Heimdall: Now!!!! Once again we greet a mysterious figure from supposedly a whole other world! A God of the very earth itself! The lands which rise against the sea and stand defiantly against its waves! One feared in his realm once as a God of War, but now one of Commerce and Contracts!

The gates on the side of Mankind open, and the whole arena begins to shake. Suddenly, the very ground rises and pushes away the water surrounding the small circle of land in the middle. Leaving one half with dry land and the other a raging torrent of water. A clear divide in the arena between the two Gods and their respective elements. 

Heimdall: A master of all forms of martial arts from a distant land! A man who has come out on top after slaughtering God after God in the name of power like a machine built for war! He returns from his resting place upon the mountaintops to greet the mighty seas with the wrath of the rock! The Archon of Geo... Zhongli!!!!

Third Fighter for Humanity: Zhongli

Gods: Another mystery "God"? / We shouldn't underestimate this one... he's giving me the same feeling as Poseidon... / Hah! I bet you it's all bluffs- *Raiden Shogun flashbacks* mostly... bluffs...

Humanity: Yeah! Beat that Greek ass! / Nooo! The trend of hot babes has come to an end! Nooooo! / Finally! Some men! / A spear fight it seems...

Up in the stands, two masters of the sword contemplated upon this duel.

Sasaki: Do you regret being unable to fight this duel?

A man with a young appearance, long purple hair with a similarly colored kimono, this being Sasaki Kojiro, spoke to another man with a much older appearance. This also being... Sasaki Kojiro.

Sasaki Kojiro: Hahaha... I don't mind too much. I am a bit bummed out, but I can already see it... I'd be dead in a single strike from either of those two... and I don't feel like dying today either!

Sasaki: To hear that from a true master of the blade certainly speaks to their prowess. After all, I'm just a man who practiced the blade day after day and happened to take your legendary name for my own, brazen as that is.

Sasaki Kojiro: Don't worry about it, your version of the Tsubame Gaeshi is terrifying in its own right!

Sasaki: My thanks, to hear that from the real Sasaki Kojiro is an honor. Your swordsmanship was nothing but exquisite as well.

Sasaki Kojiro: I can say the same for you, and missing out on a duel like this isn't nearly as much of a disappointment when I can fight someone like you. So how about another duel? I can't call myself the greatest loser in history if I can't find a way to circumvent your version of the Tsubame Gaeshi.

Sasaki: That would be much appreciated, I have yet to match your analytical and predictive prowess as well.

Back to the arena, away from the talks of swordsmanship from Japanese swordsmen of great renown, the God of the Sea and the God of Geo stood opposite to each other. Silent anticipation filled the arena as both Gods stood, one with a trident and the other with a spear in hand. Neither moved as tension filled the area as Heimdall had yet to announce the start of the fight proper.

Heimdall: Fight!

With that, the fight began!


Yet Poseidon stood as still as the calmest of water and Zhongli unmoving as the tallest of mountains.

Göll: T-The tension's through the roof... they've already started, right? Why are neither of them moving an inch?

The round has begun not with the fury of the seas or the wrath of the rock, but of pure stillness.

Ares: Hmm... it appears they are but a step out of each other's range. It would appear that each wishes to achieve first blood by countering the other's first strike-

Hermes: Pftt.

Ares: ?!

Hermes: Apologies. Lord Poseidon isn't concerned with his first strike. He's simply waiting for any pest to enter his range so he can swat it down. There's nothing more to it.

Zhongli: Hmm... I see.

To everyone's surprise, Zhongli had simply tossed his spear aside as it disappeared into particles that floated away into thin air. 

Humanity: How is he going to win bare-handed?! / What's he doing?! Is he stupid?! / Why are they both just standing there... menacingly?!

Zhongli simply closed his eyes as he crossed his arms before shooting them outwards to his side as a shield of Geo energy formed around him. This ability is known as...

Dominus Lapidis

Zhongli: Gather.

Afterward, he simply walked forward, achingly slow as anticipation filled the arena. Step by step he advanced closer to the strike zone of Poseidon. An area that unquestionably meant certain death for all but the strongest of Gods and Humans who entered it. Finally, he stepped foot into reach of Poseidon's trident, and in an instant, that very trident struck true...


Bouncing off the shield of Geo it glowed partially in response to being struck. Zhongli then suddenly went from a calm stance to one ready to strike as he summoned his spear in hand, the Vortex Vanquisher, twisting on his heel to ready a powerful thrust intended to strike Poseidon right through the heart, all while bearing a stoic yet focused expression.

This was not Zhongli, the man clueless in the matters of mora management and reminiscer of Osmanthus Wine. 


This was Morax, the God of War and Archon of Geo. The very person who had killed God after God without a sweat or even a hint of empathy in the Archon War. Gods who shaped the lands and commanded nations with their power were brought to their knees by him. Earning him the fear of all during this time. 

This similarity could be said to be shared by Poseidon, who struck down his own brother, Adamas in but one uncaring blow, when he had sought to rebel against Zeus. Believing Gods as perfect and needing no armies, no tricks like betrayal, no support, killing his own brother, and erasing his presence from all of history with but a word.

Both were feared as the apex of Gods, unmatched beings in regard to power, having struck down even Gods with their weapons with relative ease. Zhongli seeing Poseidon could sense this, it was as if he was seeing his past self back from the Archon War, the embodiment of an aloft God who struck down any who opposed him or his ideals with unopposable strength.

Yet just like Zhongli during the Archon War, Poseidon wasn't to be trifled with. In response to his attack, he raised his trident and used its length to divert the thrust of Zhongli's spear. Using this opening Poseidon aimed for a horizontal swing to cut down Zhongli, yet it was only met with the unbreaking shield of Geo yet again. His eyes met Zhongli with a harsh stare of contempt.

Ares: He is just ignoring Lord Poseidon's swings like nothing?!

Hermes: For him to look someone in the eye... even if he is a God... what a rare sight... 

Seeing his shield take yet another strike, Zhongli opted to jump back and maintain distance again. Repeating the actions from before, the shield temporarily shattered, only to reform once more. 

Göll: Did he just re-apply his shield?! That fast?! Isn't this cheating?!

Brunhilde: Who cares if it's cheating! I call this winning by bending over and fucking the Gods so hard that they stick up their little proud ass-

Gudako: Ahem! It's called abusing an overpowered skill, Göll. So let's go watch Zhongli beat another Sea God with copious amounts of rocks!

At this Poseidon launched himself forward suddenly and began striking repeatedly with such speed that each afterimage was blurred. A torrent of deadly blows from his trident. This was...


Yet facing such an onslaught dust continued to build from the shattered earth at the feet of the two Gods as the trident of Poseidon met the shield of Zhongli even after hundreds of blows. It was as if his strikes were nothing more than the waves crashing against tall and mighty cliffsides where the sea met land.

Heimdall: In the face of Poseidon's raging storm of strikes, Zhongli just stands still and takes it head-on! His face remains still as stone as he takes the full force of Poseidon's head-on assault without even giving an inch of ground up! 

Yet just like the waves crashing upon a mighty cliff, wave after wave, day by day, month by month, year after year. Even then, the hardest of stone and the most impenetrable of defenses may one day be slowly eroded by the unrelenting sea. So as Poseidon landed blow after blow against the unmoving Zhongli and his shield, one would eventually give.


A small crack formed in Zhongli's shield. 




And another,


Eventually, the shield broke. 

Göll: Oh no! The shield! It's broken!

Yet as a strike honed in on the vital areas of Zhongli, the trident aiming to take his life was met with a spear crafted with both Geo and the unapparelled craftmanship of a God, the Vortex Vanquisher.

Zhongli: Nothing to fear.

Poseidon continued his unrelenting assault of fast and deadly strikes, but instead of being met with a shield like before, it was met by Zhongli's own blows. While Poseidon had a technique reminiscent of a raging river, unrelenting and ferocious.  A constant stream of force that carried away all in its violent current.

Zhongli had a fighting style reminiscent of a cascading landslide, showing the strength and indomitability of the earth. Thrusts and strikes from his spear pushing aside and crushing all in its way with a wave of pure unopposable destructive force. Rapid strikes were blown back by stabs that held immense strength.

Poseidon: ( This style... it's like Hades... )

Zhongli: ( His style... it shares some qualities with Xiao... interesting... )

Humanity: Nice one, Chinese-sounding guy! / I always hated the ocean anyway! It's too salty!

Gods: How many attacks did he just ignore?! / Poseidon's attacks are being pushed back?!

Ares: He can deflect and block even the moves of a God like Lord Poseidon?!

Through the chatter of the audience in the Arena, one thing pierced through it all.

Poseidon: Heh.

Whistling. Poseidon began whistling.

Poseidon: ♪♩♬♫

At least, it is supposed to be whistling. 

Zhongli: Hmm?

Hermes: Ah... that is...

Poseidon all of a sudden had switched from slowly walking forwards casually without a care, into a battle stance, an afterimage forming from the speed at which he did so. Like the unsuspecting calm waters before a massive tsunami from the sea, he had gone from serene stillness to a dangerous wave of destruction in an instant.

Zhongli: This is-!

It was a strike with all the speed Poseidon could muster in one thrust forward, a lunge with his trident meant to take the enemy by surprise by closing the distance too fast for the opponent to react. Zhongli had of course tried to raise his shield or deflect it with his spear, but alas, either action wouldn't be in time to match Poseidon's blow who had caught him off guard with the sudden whistling. Thus, he could only resort to mitigating the blow by dashing to the side, which still ended up in his shoulder getting nicked.

Zhongli: Careless...

Poseidon: What's wrong? I thought you were capable of blocking my moves. Couldn't you? Hmm?

Poseidon's face twisted from one of apathy to a cruel laughter of joy.

Poseidon: You insignificant piece of shit.

Zhongli: ...

Heimdall: Poseidon's trident has pierced Zhongli's shoulder! Is the God who commands the mighty earth no more than the insignificant sand carried away by the ocean's waves before the Ruler of the Seas?!

Zhongli: Hah...

Poseidon: ?

Zhongli: This is getting interesting.

Poseidon: ...Insolent.

Gods: UWOOOAGHHHH!!!! / Hell yeah! That's why Lord Poseidon is the God of Gods! / Call yourselves Gods all you like! You mortals will never be a real God like Lord Poseidon is!!!! / G.O.G! G.O.G! G.O.G! G.O.G!!!!

The Gods began chanting furiously, this was the first time they had drawn first blood and had a grasp at victory. To Humanity, they worried, both previous matches showed they had the clear upper hand, but for the Gods who had been absolutely crushed to have drawn first blood was a distressing sign. However, their determination to grab victory from the Gods did not falter in the slightest! A mere cut upon the shoulder of their fighter couldn't hope to extinguish their wills!

Gods: G.O.G! G.O.G! G.O.G! G.O.G!!!! G.O.G! G.O.G! G.O.G! G.O.G!!!! G.O.G! G.O.G! G.O.G! G.O.G-

Poseidon: ...

As Mankind was about to counter the bold chants of the Gods with their own, Poseidon simply looked behind him, at his own side, the Gods. All went silent as a chill was felt by all in the air. This was a silent message from the God of the Sea, "Don't think you useless trash are worthy to call yourselves a God like me.", or at least that was what they felt. 

Gods: Don't look him in the eye... / We went too far... / He'll smear us across the floor if we continue...

Göll: L-Lord P-Poseidon's aura is something else...

He simply opted to ignore the comments of the rabble and look back at his opponent.

Poseidon: Hmph. Bunch of useless bottom feeders...

Zhongli: Do you not cherish the faith your people have in you? As someone they look up to as a leader?

Poseidon: Cherish? Faith? Leader? We Gods have no need for such things. Why would I need to lead? Why would I need to cherish useless garbage? Why would I need to care about the faith mere mortals and pathetic so-called Gods have in me? Things like that are entirely unnecessary to those who have already attained perfection. A true God.

Zhongli: Hmm... then you are no God.

Poseidon: What?

Zhongli: As a God the people put their faith in you, in return for you doing your duty, they offer in return equal compensation. One could say it is a contract of sorts, albeit oftentimes unwritten. To see your followers and their homes safe. Perhaps even be able to lead them until they are capable of leading themselves, that is what is expected of a God. 

Poseidon: ...

Zhongli: To cleanse the land and defend our safe harbor.

Poseidon: What? 

Zhongli: That was the first contract in Liyue. Though I may no longer be with my people or even their nation, and though the curtain draws to a close upon the time of Rex Lapis and that very contract... I shall now see a similar contract fulfilled. Know this, Poseidon, God of the Seas...

He then proceeded to remake his shield with the same gesture as before. In addition, pillars of Geo arose and surrounded the small circle of land the fight was taking place on, encasing the two fighters in a ring of earth. The Archon of Geo proceeded to step forward, much like Poseidon did earlier, this time each step like the tremors of an earthquake.

Zhongli: If you wish to rise from your waters, impose yourself upon the land, and threaten the safe harbors of man... 

Zhongli stopped suddenly, raised his hand slowly into the air, and as he brought it down swiftly, disappeared into a flash of radiant golden Geo energy.

Poseidon: !!!!

Before Poseidon could react properly, a rain of geo spears had appeared above him, which he managed to deflect with yet another usage of Amphitrite. Unknown to him, however, Zhongli had appeared behind him, using his mastery of Geo to his advantage. Kicking his spear with such technique it was just at the perfect level for him to grab, and he let forth a mighty thrust.


Straight into the shoulder of Poseidon.

Zhongli: Then I shall cast you right back into those waters you claim dominion over, Ruler of the Seas.

Poseidon: Such dirty tricks...

The God of Gods put a hand to his bleeding shoulder as if to confirm he had been hit and that someone had the audacity to hit him, a God. After affirming he had indeed been hit by his opponent, he suddenly jumped into the air with an unsettling murderous rage leaking out from eyes as bottomless as the ocean itself. Soon after gaining the aerial advantage, Poseidon once again struck extremely rapidly, even more so than before. A technique known as...

Divine Lightning

Heimdall: L-Like a thunderstorm, Poseidon thrusts rain from above!! He's aiming to end this match here and now!

Ares: Such a fierce technique! What blinding speed!!

Hermes: That God of theirs may have shown defense and strength capable of dealing with Lord Poseidon's speed so far... but that was but an inkling of his true power...

Göll: D-Don't you lose, Zhongli! I-I think you're cool!

Brunhilde: Fuck him up! He's an impotent asshole whose only trait is speed! 

Gudako: I didn't read the terms and conditions for once just to end up losing! Win! I know you got this!

The true might of Poseidon, the depths of power he holds within, just like the ocean are unknown to even his own kind. But, just like the depths of the ocean that hold many a mystery, one could say the very earth is the same. Untold layers of rock and soil, holding secrets thousands- no, eons old and undiscovered to all but the earth itself.

A clash of the earth and sea.

Of whose mysteries and the true depth of would be discovered first, and so far...

Neither had reached that point.

Zhongli had at first responded by simply resorting to using the Vortex Vanquisher to deflect most blows while letting any that slipped by being taken by the shield. It worked, but it certainly wasn't an enviable position to be in, on the defense as a relentless rain of lethal blows rained down from above. Which is why the earth rose in defiance of this steel rain... literally.

Zhongli: Rise!

Columns of Geo rose at his call, many struck down and reduced to rubble as they were hit by Poseidon's Divine Lightning. However with each pillar resonating with the other, another rising to take the place of those destroyed, eventually the force of such an onslaught from below managed to shake even Poseidon's firm hand, and thus giving Zhongli an opening.

Zhongli: I see your power.

He launched himself upwards on a pillar of Geo, deflecting any blows with a constant spin of his spear, making the thin weapon akin to an impenetrable shield in its own right.

Zhongli: Quake!

He let loose a straight yet powerful stab with his spear, one meant to disregard any attempt at defense with sheer strength and pierce a hole through the Sea God. But...

Poseidon: ( Too slow... )

Unfortunately for Zhongli, his opponent was Poseidon. An opponent who was specialized in overwhelming speed, even for the Archon. So as Zhongli struck, Poseidon had in that short span of time managed to get behind him and begin a counterattack of his own in the Archon's blind spot. Thankfully, Zhongli's shield took the attack without issue.

Zhongli: ( He's fast... using superior speed and maneuverability to his advantage... then... )

As he thought this, Poseidon leaped back up and began another flurry of Divine Lightning. Yet as the rain of jabs and stabs was about to land yet again and force Zhongli back on the defensive... something happened. The sleeves of the suit of Zhongli ripped open, revealing muscular arms dyed in a strange earthen hue of brown and orange. What was this?

It was not simply the geo-coated arms Morax had used for battle during the Archon war, it was more than that. A combination of that technique and one from this realm, Völundr. But which Valkyrie was it? It was different from Hrist, the Valkyrie Sasaki Kojiro was supposed to use in this fight... instead, this Valkyrie is one known as...


Roughly translating to Host-Guard, a defensive strength that can also be the mightiest offense. A fitting combination with Morax, known for impeccable defense yet still possessing frightening attack capabilities. Although the personality of the two could not be any more different, the process had gone surprisingly smoothly. Thus...

The sound of metal screeching filled the air.



Zhongli had just caught Poseidon's trident... with naught but his own hands.

Zhongli: Hmm... a finely crafted weapon.

Poseidon: Don't get cocky. Small fry.

Heimdall: W-What's this?! Poseidon's legendary trident has been caught as if it were a mere toy! Like a fish hopelessly flailing on dry land! How is this even possible?! This should be impossible! Is it because of those mysterious strange arms?! Who knows!!!!

Everyone in the arena was shocked at the sight, except those who played a part in scheming the curb stomp of the Gods of course.

Ares: That's cheating! That's totally cheating! You can't just catch his weapon like that!

Hermes: It seems I underestimated his own superior defense... this is troubling...

Though of course, there were still a few on the Humanities side who were unaware of this.

Göll: S-Sister Alvitr?! What's she doing there?!

Brunhilde: Alvitr... it means Host-Guard... the greatest defense that can also be offense...

Göll: As expected of you Sister Hilde! You matched the Valkyries with the fighters who'd suit them best-

Brunhilde: By the Gods... talk about lucky! Having Valkyries who fit perfectly with our fighters like that! What are the chances?! OMG, this is such a good roll! Fucking lucky as shit!!!! Lesgo Zhongli and Alvitr FTW!!!!

Gudako: Now you're speaking my language! High five- ow not so hard!

Göll: ( Ftw? Lucky? Omg?! Lesgo?! High fives?!?! What are those two even doing?! )

Meanwhile, Poseidon was able to wrestle his trident from Zhongli's grip and leap backward, preparing for the release of yet another torrent of repeated strikes.

Zhongli: I'd recommend you surrender, this defense is not something so easily overcome with brute force alone. I am also sure you would rather not face the wrath of the rock-

Poseidon: Worm...

So the Ruler of the Seas leaped forward, unleashing a frontal assault and occasionally leaping upwards to dodge an incoming attack. A combination of regular moves, Amphitrite, and Divine Lightning. The abyss of the ocean that is Poseidon was slowly being discovered as Zhongli unearthed his martial prowess in kind, using both the Vortex Vanquisher and his free hand to deflect, catch, and launch attacks of his own in tandem.

An endless offensive barrage from Poseidon against the stalwart defensive combo of Zhongli.

Once again the endless clash between the sea and land continued.

Strike after strike.

Blow after blow.

Spear meeting trident.

A clash of two primordial Gods of the elements was taking place.

But this time it was not the ocean eroding the earth slowly but surely, no, it was in fact the opposite. Poseidon had far inferior defenses to Zhongli, so aside from that initial surprise strike to his shoulder, the God of the Sea had yet to land another strike. However, Zhongli had managed to repay that initial strike more than once, even if most were merely a scratch or deep cut. After this fierce exchange of attacks, both had come again to a standstill, letting the audience take in the sight.

Heimdall: T-This is unbelievable!!!! The mighty Lord of the Seas... Zeus Enalios... Poseidon... is covered in wounds!

Gods: N-no... not again! / We can't lose! We can't! / I bet Poseidon isn't even serious! Just w-warming up! R-right guys? Right?!

Humans: Cry your salty tears! / We got this! Hooray! / Our lives are in your hands! The fate of humanity is with you! Win! Win!!!!

Yet as the Gods cried and Humanity cheered, Poseidon simply dragged his hand over his wounds without care, soaking his hand in blood.

Poseidon: Hmm~ Hmmm~ Hmm~~

This time he was humming, and as he looked at his blood-soaked hand, he slapped it to his forehead and used his own blood to slick back his hair.

Poseidon: Hmpf. So you believe yourself invincible? Superior to me? That I cannot hope to crush you like the worm you are? That I should surrender to the likes of you?

The mighty Lord of the Sea bore a cruel smile as he got into a stance, muscles tensed and ready to burst with speed and power.

Poseidon: Know. Your. Place.

He launched forward a strike faster than any other before, once again catching Zhongli by surprise. Of course, it once again was only met with that ever-present shield of the Archon. This did not deter Poseidon however, as he began circling around Zhongli at blinding speeds all the while letting out those very same blindingly fast strikes from his trident.

The God of the Seas figured if he was unable to get past Zhongli's defense...

His shield, his arms of rock, that earthen spear that was no more than a dirt copy of his own trident...

He simply needed to use more force. More speed. Go from a deadly storm to an all-encompassing typhoon of death, causing only destruction to all caught within.

Poseidon was now only interested in turning this into a battle of pure strength, not ability. This would be achieved with the pinnacle of his techniques in both power and speed... known as...

40 Day Flood

Heimdall: There it is!! Poseidon's rain of blows aims to envelop even the Earth like a flood! He's reversed the situation in an instant!!!!

Ares: Poseidon's moves are too fast! His afterimages formed a dome!

Hermes: Indeed... and within lies a raging torrent of strikes... I just can't get enough of it~

Strike after strike landed from all sides. Zhongli was managing, his shield, spear, and hand reinforced by Geo all able to spread the burden of dealing with such an onslaught. But being on the defense wouldn't do the Archon any good, and once again staying in this predicament would be like letting himself be slowly chipped at until he went from a boulder to mere dust. Unless...

This had turned into a contest of pure strength. Raw power. A show of who could crush the other through overwhelming might. Which Poseidon had done to make use of his godly strength. Unfortunately for the Ruler of the Seas, however, this was the specialty of Zhongli, and he would soon be facing the full might of Morax.


A spear met Poseidon's trident.


Another as well.


Hundreds of spears met the many strikes and afterimages of Poseidon's trident. How so? Well, the Vortex Vanquisher is a spear that was made by Zhongli out of Geo, so what would stop him from making another? And another? And even more than that? Especially now that he had his gnosis, his control over geo was at its strongest!

If he could not surpass Poseidon in speed, he simply needed to surpass him in all other aspects!







Zhongli had surpassed Poseidon in all these things! Dozens upon dozens of copies of Vortex Vanquisher shout out from the earth and met with the strikes of Poseidon, a few even grazing the Sea God. Thrown into the mix were a few pillars of earth that resonated with Geo energy with each other, even to the multitudes of Geo spears since they were constructs made of it as well.

In response to an endless rain of blows that served to create a flood of death that drowned all those caught within, Zhongli responded with a counterattack that shook the very foundations of the earth with its overwhelming might! As if the entire weight of the world had come crashing down on Poseidon with the full intent of burying him alive!

Heimdall: Poseidon's rain of blows that aim to envelop even the Earth like a flood are being pushed back! The very Earth has risen to stand proud above the floods of Zeus Enalios!!!!

Heimdall was speaking of what was happening currently, as Zhongli had begun to make the earth beneath him rise to stand far above Poseidon, and with a raise of his hand, perhaps taking some inspiration from a certain Chain of the Heavens from the previous round, lowered it as hundreds of Vortex Vanquishers were shot to the ground below like a meteor shower.

Zhongli: Hmm... this is similar to that time. Yes, perhaps I'll name this move that, it is quite fitting for such a battle... hmm... alright. I've decided, I shall call it...

Stone Forest

Heimdall: W-What's this?! Poseidon is now on the defensive?! The situation has now been reversed once more! A rain of spears like a meteor shower is aiming to skewer Poseidon!!!!

Ares: He's overwhelming Poseidon!? W-what in the world!?

Once again despair filled the hearts of the Gods and hope in the hearts of Man.

Gudako: Get him! Show him the power of an Archon! Skewer him like a kebab!

Brunhilde: That prideful fuck looks so surprised! That look on his face that he's actually losing! Pft-- hahahahahaha! How does it feel to lose, huh?!

Göll: ( A-Aren't we being a bit too mean here? )

Poseidon would not give in so easily, however, and as the most feared God in all the Heavens, as the unfathomable abyss within the oceans, he was not done just yet. He raised his spear and tensed as he prepared to unleash a geyser of upward strikes fully intent on striking down Zhongli from his high ground. He pulled out a technique known as...


A ferocious upward attack of strikes that via the afterimages from the speeds the attack was launched, appeared as a geyser, perhaps even a sea serpent rising from the oceans ready to consume any poor sailor within its jaws. But would this prove enough to win against Zhongli? Tired as Poseidon was now?


It was not. Even his blinding speed was not enough to save him from his fate. From Morax, Archon of Geo.


A spear had lodged itself into the right wrist of Poseidon after the first throw with the full might of Zhongli himself had found itself into the Sea God's chest. A moment of weakness where the mighty Lord of the Seas found himself unable to defend against the shower of spears. He was defenseless... not that the hundreds of sharp-pointed rocks approaching him cared much for it.


Another had found its way into his left arm.

*Stab* *Stab*

Two more, actually. The number of stab wounds on the once proud Ruler of the Seas would make even Jack the Ripper proud.

Jack: Stabby stab! Yay! Stab him more! I want more! Blood! Guts! Murder! This is fun!

It did make Jack the Ripper proud in fact. Thus, soon Poseidon was a veritable pin cushion of spears, unable to fight back except for the broken half of his trident he held in his mouth.

Zhongli: I told you, Poseidon, Ruler of the Seas.

The skies began to darken, clouds swirling high above the arena. Soon, however, within the middle of the swirling clouds, it seemed as if they began to part, make way for something. Soon the dark skies glowed with a golden and orange hue. A deep rumbling shook the very air of the arena, indicating the arrival of something massive and heavy.

Zhongli: I shall see my contracts fulfilled.

Soon an object made itself known to all in the skies above.

A meteor.

An oddly shaped and ornate one, but nonetheless would prove deadly to any who took the full force of its mass head-on. Something Poseidon was just about to do.

Zhongli: To cleanse the land and defend Mankind. If that means I must banish yet another God of the Sea to where they belong, then...

The Meteor approached, pieces of it breaking off and leaving a glowing trail of Geo in it's wake.

Zhongli: I will...

Poseidon: You...

Now the mass of rock that had come from the skies was ever closer to the mighty Lord of the Seas, and now he had come face to face with his imminent demise. The winner was now clear.

Zhongli: Have...

Poseidon: Fucking piece of shit-


Zhongli: Order!

As the dust settled, all that was left was a statue of Poseidon's crumbling body as it turned to dust and was blown away by the wind. Zhongli stood triumphantly above pillars of stone as the arena was silent from what had happened. However, those pillars soon went back to the earth as Zhongli opted to walk to the center of the arena and stand there, hands behind his back, breathing in a sigh of relief.

Zhongli: This is the first contract of Chaldea, and now... our victory has been set in stone.

The world stood still at the calm figure of Zhongli as if he did not just fight a battle of Godly proportions. But this silence was soon broken, as a certain announcer had a job to do.

Heimdall: T-The winner of the third bout of Ragnarok is... Humanity! Zhongli! The Archon of Geo!!!!

Poseidon vs Zhongli

Deciding Move: Planet Befall

Victor: Zhongli


In a distant yet familiar world

In a castle lit only by the ominous glow of blue lights and the little light that managed to filter through the windows placed few and far between, sat an imposing figure upon a throne, veil covering their face. In front of them a circular table, currently mostly unoccupied, only having one rather tall occupant sitting down.

???: What is the current status of the situation? I'd rather have the castle and kingdom ready by the time my wife is to return, without those... pests.

The clinking of armor and chains was heard as the lone figure at the table stood up, wild long blonde hair cascading down as orange and blue eyes met icy blue ones.

???2: We've managed to secure the odd grey-skinned man who kept screaming about oppression and the pink-haired man- woman? Anyways, both of them are secured with only slight difficulty!

???: What of the others?

???2: Well-

The sound of jets roaring filled the room as doors leading to a balcony burst open. A third figure donning blue armor, pale white hair, and a visor over their face entered the room.

???3: The flaming swordsman and that bard who uses wind magic are still at large, unfortunately. Along with that magus of flowers you despise.

???: How troublesome... and how of that fox we hired and the cook?

???2: That sly fox was a bit of a problem, but after a few good slaps and smacks she's agreed to become our secretary without issue! 

???3: Reporting on the Archer of the Kitchen, he is doing his job without complaint for now.

???: Good, then you are all dismissed. Feel free to take this time to rest before your next assignments, my loyal knights.

With this dismissal, they all prepared to wrap it up for the day, until the sound of hooves and thunder approached closer and closer...


Right through the castle walls. A fourth mysterious figure, riding upon a chariot drawn by 2 thunderous bulls.

???4: I ask of you, Queen! I've come again regarding my offer to join my Country Conquering Party?! The C.C.P-

The figure on the throne waved their hand a magical portal appeared above the newcomer, glowing the magical energy.

???: I've already told you before, Rider. I do not wish to join! Begone!

A glowing lance shimmering with blue light emerged from the portal.

???4: Alright! Alright! I get it! I'm off to conquer on my own- no! With all my subordinates! Hahahahaha!

The figure rode off on their chariot, breaking yet another wall in the process instead of leaving through the hole already made. Both people sitting at the round table and the one on the throne were thoroughly exhausted from all of the chaos that had occurred.


Another person entered the room, a hood over their head from the cloak they were wearing, a piece of chocolate fudge in hand as they took a bite. Only then did they realize what had happened.

???5: D-Did I come at the wrong time?

???: Hah... no, just sit down. Dinner is in but a moment.

???2: That Archer always makes such great feasts! I'm looking forward to it!

???3: I suppose food is necessary to maintain strength even for one like myself... just a bite... or two... or three...

???5: Thank you for the food.

So the day came to a close upon the currently Masterless lands, who were currently off fighting for the sake of Humanity in the distant Heavens above.


New Character: 


Sasaki Kojiro ( RoR ):



Alvitr ( Kindly ignore the Chinese Emperor that we stole the Valkyrie from ):


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