

Just as Robert was about to approach his Mega Gyarados, Yuga suddenly noticed something was amiss. The Gyarados's eyes had turned a deep crimson.

Seeing this, Yuga knew trouble was brewing. He understood that if a Pokémon undergoing Mega Evolution couldn't adapt to its new form, the sudden surge in power, or didn't have a strong enough bond with its Trainer, it could lose its sanity.


The previously quiet Mega Gyarados suddenly let out a deafening roar directed at Robert, who was taken aback by this unexpected change.

"Quick, get out of the way!" Yuga shouted. Seeing that Robert was frozen in fear, Yuga lunged at him, grabbing him and rolling to the side.

As Robert and Yuga moved away from their original spot, Mega Gyarados unleashed a powerful Hydro Pump, creating a massive crater in the ground.

After the initial Hydro Pump, Mega Gyarados showed no signs of calming down. It continued to unleash Hydro Pump in all directions.

Confused and alarmed, Robert asked, "What's going on?"

Yuga explained, "It seems that Mega Gyarados couldn't handle the sudden increase in power and has lost its sanity."

Robert immediately tried to recall Mega Gyarados into its Poké Ball, but he found that it was impossible. Mega Gyarados refused to return.

Yuga added, "It looks like we'll have to use force to subdue it."

Robert nodded and released his Milotic from another Poké Ball.

As soon as Milotic emerged, it let out a calming aura that spread throughout the area. While this unique soothing power briefly paused the rampaging Mega Gyarados, it quickly resumed its chaotic behavior.

Seeing his Ecopark being torn apart by the enraged Pokémon, Yuga winced, realizing the costly repairs that would be needed.

As Milotic's calming effect proved insufficient, it launched a Dragon Pulse directly at Mega Gyarados's head.



Type: Water

Ability: Cute Charm

Gender: Female

Potential: Indigo

Level: 55

Moves: Dragon Pulse, Water Gun, Refresh, Disarming Voice, Aqua Ring, Dragon Tail, Recover, Ice Beam, Twister, Safeguard, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Scald, Dragon Pulse, Magic Coat.


Compared to their first encounter, this Milotic had made significant progress, with substantial improvements in all aspects. It was no less powerful than Yuga's primary Pokémon.

Milotic's Dragon Pulse sent Mega Gyarados crashing onto the edge of the small pond, crushing numerous flowers and plants in the process. Despite Mega Gyarados lying motionless on the ground, Milotic continued with an Ice Beam, freezing Mega Gyarados in place.

The power gap between Mega Gyarados and Milotic was vast, especially considering Mega Gyarados's inability to control its newfound strength after Mega Evolution. It was easily defeated by Milotic.

With Mega Gyarados defeated, it reverted to its pre-Mega Evolution state.

"What should I do in this situation?" Robert asked, staring at Mega Gyarados, now encased in ice.

Yuga reassured him, "Mega Gyarados couldn't adapt to the sudden increase in power; it just needs more training. When I met Elite Four Siebold, he was also training his Blastoise to use Mega Evolution. So, Mega Gyarados's situation isn't uncommon."

Robert relaxed his furrowed brow. "You're right. If gaining such incredible power were easy, it wouldn't make sense. I'll go consult my senior brother when I return."

Yuga suggested, "First, let's take Mega Gyarados to the Pokémon Center to check for any unexpected injuries."

After notifying Luna and the others at the gym, Yuga accompanied Robert to the Pokémon Center.

Upon returning from the Pokémon Center, Yuga and Robert headed back to YoYo's Breeding House. However, as they approached the entrance, they bumped into Suzuye.

"Miss Suzuye, you haven't left Verdanturf Town yet?" Yuga asked in surprise upon seeing Suzuye.

"I still have some matters to attend to in Verdanturf Town. I came here today to buy some Pokéblocks, but I didn't expect Mr. Shimizu to know Mr. Robert."

While Suzuye conversed with Yuga, her gaze remained fixed on Robert, who, upon seeing her, greeted her with a nonchaland smile, as if he had encountered an ordinary acquaintance.

"It's been a while, Miss Suzuye," he said.

"We shouldn't block the entrance; let's head inside," Yuga suggested, aware that the relationship between these two former competitors from the Grand Festival was far from amicable.

Guided by Yuga, the three entered the store.

As soon as they stepped inside, Robert caught a whiff of a distinct fragrance lingering in the store.

"Are you burning incense in here?" he inquired.

Yuga replied, "Yes, we've just added some new incense to our inventory and wanted to promote it."

Robert nodded and said, "It smells great."

While Robert explored the store on his own, Yuga accompanied Suzuye to find Suzuki Koen, asking him to introduce the Pokéblocks available in the shop to her.

When Yuga returned, Robert was examining a box of Sea Incense and a box of Wave Incense, sniffing their scents with interest.

"Your incense here is of exceptional quality; I'll take a few boxes," he remarked.

Hearing this, Yuga smiled and said, "That's thanks to your support; it's boosting my business."

With Yuga's guidance, Robert purchased several boxes of incense, planning to share them with his mentor and senior.

As Yuga was packaging Robert's purchases, Suzuye approached with Pokéblocks in hand.

"Do you have a moment, Mr. Robert?" she asked.

"Me?" Robert replied, surprised.

Suzuye nodded and explained, "Since the Grand Festival where I lost to you, I haven't participated in any contests. Today, I happened to run into you, and I wanted to test my training progress."

Robert hesitated, a bit unsure. "I'm not really interested in having battles with others right now."

Yuga felt somewhat awkward about the situation.

Is that the best excuse he could come up with?

"You..." Finding her request turned down after mustering up the courage to ask, Suzuye felt embarrassed and somewhat indignant.

"I apologize, Miss Suzuye. Robert just had a battle with me today, and his Pokémon haven't fully recovered yet," Yuga explained, trying to smooth things over.

"Is that so?" Suzuye said skeptically, then turned and left, appearing a bit upset.

Watching Suzuye walk away, Yuga couldn't help but shake his head in exasperation.

Is he really okay with turning down a girl like this?

"What's the problem? She just wanted a training partner. I didn't feel like accepting such a challenge," Robert replied nonchalandly, showing little concern about rejecting Suzuye.

Yuga rolled his eyes in speechless frustration.

Well, whether this kid will ever get married is starting to look like a real question.

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