
The Aria of Light

We smashed our goal with 100 power stones, and guess what? It's bonus chapter time!



Artel swiftly arrived at the scene of the incident. The centaur's arrows had struck with formidable force, shattering the skeleton bones that had been animated. Two curious centaurs were now examining the remnants.

"It's the undead. Not many resort to such dark arts since the mysterious man vanished," one centaur commented.

"There's an evil dark wizard in the Forbidden Forest. We should inform Hagrid and have him report it to Hogwarts," the other suggested.

Unbeknownst to the centaurs, Artel was lurking behind them, assessing the situation.

"Stupefy!" Artel murmured as he cast a spell. He didn't wish to harm them, knowing that the blood of the centaurs, when tainted with fear or pain, could result in low-quality potions.

The centaurs fell into an unconscious slumber, their minds manipulated by Artel's magic. He considered for a moment before tapping them once more with his wand.


Artel seized control of their thoughts and filled their dreams with blissful images.

"Perhaps positive emotions will improve the blood quality. It's a topic worth investigating in the future," he mused to himself.

With that in mind, Artel produced a large collection bucket from his system space, a relic of the potions classroom. It had once held a mysterious creature specimen, but Artel had disposed of it in the Black Lake.

"Sectumsempra!" Artel used the spell to create an incision in the centaur and began gathering their blood.

The centaurs, lost in their manipulated slumber, felt no pain. After about ten minutes, Artel had collected enough blood. He returned the collection bucket to his system space.

Gazing at the lifeless centaurs, Artel summoned a few skeletons to carry them. He directed them to follow the path the spiders had taken, leading them toward the gathering place of the eight-eyed spiders.

On the way back to Hogwarts, Artel cleaned himself multiple times to rid the heavy scent of blood from his body.

They returned just in time for lunch, though Artel, who had been handling blood, had little appetite. He only picked at a few desserts. Hermione, concerned, suspected he might be feeling unwell and fussed over him for a while.

After dinner, Hermione went to assist Madam Pince with book sorting, while Artel headed to the Room of Requirement to continue refining ordinary orc potions. With Professor Snape's self-stirring crucible at his disposal, the process was much smoother. Artel only needed to add the ingredients, allowing the crucible to stir while he reviewed notes and practiced his magic.

As dinner time approached, Artel noticed Hermione in high spirits.

Observing Hermione's demeanor, Artel discerned that she had discovered the parchment he had discreetly enchanted.

As they enjoyed their meal, Hermione mysteriously unveiled the parchment. "Artel, come and see what I found?"

Artel feigned curiosity, convinced that he deserved an acting award for his performance. "What is this?"

She proceeded to recount her afternoon's discovery. "I was sorting through old books today and stumbled upon an ancient tome. At the time, I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but that book held a peculiar allure for me. Upon opening it, I found this parchment."

"It's a diary written by a great wizard named Gandalf, you won't believe it..."

Hermione enthusiastically recounted the vivid tales penned by Artel.

In turn, Artel played his part, adopting a worried and nervous expression during the most suspenseful segments of the story.

"Later, Gandalf recollected that most Balrogs met their end by falling, so he led the Balrogs to the summit of a colossal mountain, used magic to topple it, and ultimately defeated it through the fall."

"Other members of the escort team were afflicted by the Balrog's fierce flames, and conventional spells and potions proved ineffectual. So, he created a sacred light magic known as the 'Aria of Light!'"

Hermione's eyes shimmered with excitement. She clenched her fists and exclaimed, "The Aria of Light can dispel any damage and curse caused by dark magic. Do you comprehend what that implies?"

Artel shook his head, genuinely unaware of this high-level holy light magic. At that time, he had merely used the concept of the Aria of Light to enhance the authenticity of the diary; he never intended to employ such a potent spell.

"In theory, this magic could heal lycanthropy and even the blood curse!"

Hermione had come across references to werewolves in a book on creatures of dark magic, and details about the blood curse in another tome regarding Dumbledore and Grindelwald's conflict. The blood curse was a formidable, seemingly incurable affliction, as even Dumbledore had been unable to save the blood-cursed orc Nagini, who had assisted him and the Dark Lord.

Hermione's words left Artel speechless. He hadn't contemplated this possibility.

However, Hermione's argument did hold merit. In theory, the Aria of Light had the potential to cure and lift most curses.

"I think you should give it a try. I attempted it, but the magic is exceedingly intricate, and it's not within my grasp at the moment."

Hermione placed the parchment before Artel, acknowledging his exceptional talents. She believed that he might master this magic in a relatively brief timeframe.

Artel responded, "I'll give it my best shot, but mastering such a potent spell may require considerable time. Perhaps you could consider sharing it with Professor McGonagall?"

Artel recognized that he couldn't acquire proficiency in the Aria of Light within a short duration. However, given the utility of this magic, spreading Gandalf's name throughout the wizarding world swiftly might serve his long-term plans.

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