
desperate (2)

The goddess greeted me courteously when she introduced herself, but I was still reeling in shock about what was happening. Only after she was finished talking did I come to. "Ye Yess, I would love to be your priestess." 

That sentence was blurted out of my mouth even before I had time to think about it. I looked up from my position to see the goddess before me. She looked at me with a kind smile, like a mother would give her child if they did a good job.

"Of course, my dear, I will give you my blessing, and that will help you in your current predicament. But you have to remember that the power you get is temporary. You can always grow your own power, so grow and spread the wings I know you have."

The goddess came closer to me until she was right before me. I was still looking into her eyes and following her movements, getting closer to me. When she arrived in front of me, she kindly looked back into my eyes and then closed them. She bent down and softly kissed my forehead with her lips. When her lips left my head, a buzzing feeling went around my whole body, starting from the place the goddess kissed me.

I felt weird at the moment. After the buzzing energy went around my body, it faded, but my body felt weird to me. I was experiencing discomfort at a high level. Everything felt weird, and it felt like my mind was also getting lost.

Slowly, after some time, everything returned to normal. My body felt normal again, and my dreams seemed a bit more stable. When I ultimately woke up from my sleep, I felt really energetic. It was a welcoming feeling, but what was even better was what was showing in front of me.

[ Welcome Iliane Greenwood to the saintess of light system. I will help you through your struggles and help you become worthy of the title of saintess that the goddess has given you.

Would you like to accept the gift the goddess left for you?


"Yes." Iliane didn't hesitate this time and deliberately answered. 

[Proceed opening gift...

Gift opened:

One strengthening serum

High-level talent in Light magic

High-level talent in fire magic

Eyes of the fire lord.

Your items await you in your inventory.]

Iliane quickly went to her system's start menu and mentally clicked on the inventory icon. There, everything that came from the presence of the goddess was present. Iliane quickly took the strengthening serum out of her inventory and drank it. Even after all the energy she had initially felt going wild in her body, it was not subdued and is now strengthening. 

Iliane stood up from the place she was sitting and walked towards the entrance of the cave they were in. There were two men stationed there guarding so that no monster could enter. There were a couple of other reasons they were stationed here. They were used as security so that only some people who fled the city could enter their cave and use them for protection.

They will always try to get more, and the more benefits they get from saving someone, the more eager they are to do that. However, if someone isn't useful or could provide a use, they would be abandoned or used as bait. This action already happened when the bosses here went to hunt those monsters. A total of fifteen people were used as bait just for the people here to kill two monsters.

iliane sneaked past the guards and when she was far from the cave she let out the first sound since waking up. She breathed deeply in and out, tasting the fresh air she hadn't tasted for almost two days.

Iliane also found a note inside her inventory. When she checked it out, she saw that it was one from the goddess. She quickly grabbed the note and began reading it.

'Dear Iliane,

When you read this, you have hopefully opened the gift I sent you. You probably have a lot of questions, but I will answer them another time. For now, you might be thinking that the strength serum is the best thing inside my gift, but that isn't the truth. The other three items are even more special than a simple truth serum. 

Before I explain the three other items, I will briefly explain what is happening. Your world is being attacked by a force that came outside of it. In your words, they would be called aliens. Because of this attack, the planet you are standing on has experienced a forceful evolution.

With that evolution, magical energy usually only for the world itself could now be given to its inhabitants. And you have to use it to grow stronger. With the talent I gave you, you will progress much faster than others and only those two types because I govern over them and not the rest. 

The last item is the eyes of the fire lord, and you can only use them when you have gathered your first fire energy and stepped onto rank one. 

I will give you a technique that will be useful for gathering energy, so find a safe and comfortable place to sit because you will need it.'

Iliane saw the technique and swiftly decided to practice it. She first integrated the talents into her body and walked towards a rock where she could sit all day if she had to. She followed the steps in the technique and absorbed the energy in the air.

She was focused on following the steps and didn't notice anything else, so when she opened her eyes and saw that it was nighttime again, she was shocked. As the goddess had said, she felt that she was currently rank one, so she activated the eyes of the fire lord. 

The eyes began to shine even in the inventory, and it flew outside. It started to float mid-air and began to spin around like a presentation softly. After spinning for a while, the eyes shot into Iliane's eyes. 

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