

The kiss had fudged her mind out. She was like that anytime Ian had kissed her. It was like she wanted to melt and become one with him. Shelby just could not help it. Something deep within her drew her to him, especially when he touched her.

At first, she had thought that it was because she had never been touched by any man, but now all with all of this information, she wasn't so sure anymore? She knew other existences existed around her, but weren't all these too much for her to take in?

A small whimper of dissatisfaction left her when Ian pulled back from the kiss.

Ian held her palm up to her, and her eyes bulged nearly out of their sockets. 

"What is this?"

The euphoria from the kiss was overcome with shock so strong that she did not know what to do as she stared at her palm held up in front of her.

She stared at the white slanted line in her palm, shining as if a white light was trying to burst out of a crack. 

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