
Ch 26 My Queen Of Love And Beauty

I awoke with both my maids in my arms and they were sleeping peacefully after my three hour nap.

I woke them each with a kiss and had them help me into my armor for the last time today.

I fingered them as they worked and had them both squealing and squirting all over my fingers.

I licked my fingers clean and put on my helmet.

After I had finished I walked out to my horse, I found Willem sitting outside of my tent with disheveled hair and a flush face.

He smelled heavily of sex and perfume, when I asked him about the experience he visibly shivered and blushed heavily... I guess the matron threw her best girls against this poor sod.

It made me remember my first time in my past life..... still gives me chills from how intense it all was.

"How many girls boy?" I asked Willem as we rode towards the lists.

"Six Milord....." he responded while looking away with a flushed face.

"Do you wish to go again, it can be easily arranged." I asked seriously.

"NO.....no My Lord...I wish to wait until Marriage for my next woman...I beg you not to send me to those succubi again My Lord." He pleaded with fear in his eyes.

"Fine.... don't worry about it i won't send you there anymore. We have my wedding reception tomorrow in the morning I expect you to be on your best behavior.

There will be a banquet after the ceremony, I wish for you to look for a wife there. Just point out which ones you take a fancy to and I will inform you which would be an acceptable choice." I told him as we rode

"Thank you My Lord, I'll be sure to find one." he responded happily

"If you pursue one which I do not approve of I'll feed you to Ancalagon myself.....i promise it'll save you from a worse fate."

I told him in all seriousness and he agreed quickly.

"Remember that I have a uniform prepared for you during the wedding, I don't want you to wear anything that would ruin your image." I told him

When we reached the tourney grounds Willem dismounted and rushed in from the side gate to his position while holding the lance I would use.

This was the championship bout against Rhaegar Since Ser Barristan dropped out because he couldn't face the Prince.

Rhaegar was already parading around the field in his black ruby encrusted Armor, it was all dragon themed and looked exquisite..... His helm had dragon wings swept behind him and a small dragon head on the forehead.

He had great taste in armor..... too bad he was an idealistic asshole. . .

I rode slowly to my position on Shadowmare.

The crowd cheered for a moment before becoming quiet since they didn't see me do anything flashy like usual.

I reached my position took the lance from Willem.

Me and Rhaegar stared intently at eachother

.....I could see his purple eyes glaring at me through his visor.

Time slowed as the bugle man Sounded the start of bout.

Both of our horses kicked off and propelled us forward towards eachother while kicking clouds of earth behind them.

The crowd stared intently as we approached at high speeds with our lances couched in their cradles.

We both aimed for our marks just before impact.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

All it took was one blink to miss the sight of Rhaegar, the Cuck Prince getting launched through the air as his high backed saddle snapped from the sheer force inflicted on him from shadowmere charging at full speed.

The Prince seemed to go airborne in slow motion before thudding on the ground and rolling twice before laying motionless for a moment.

The crowd stared on before he began to pathetically moan in pain in a weirdly high pitched voice. . .

I turned my horse around and passed Shadowmare near the Prince to look at his condition.

Looked like a concussion from The impact against the ground and two cracked ribs from the lance...Thobo Mott is a damn good armorer if that's the extent of the damage he got from the Lance at such a high speed.

Jousting sets are significantly thicker and heavier than Battle sets....if only he'd worn this set when he fought against Robert in the original timeline....

The crowd stared in silent shock as the Prince Moaned like a woman and writhed on the floor before medics came to take him away to the Maester.

Then the entire crowd began cheering as I paraded around the field In a canter.

A Royal Servant came forth with The Crown Of Love And Beauty on a velvet pillow as I took the hook tipped lance from Willem.

After I picked up the Crown from the pillow I slowly rode towards the Royal booths where Rhaella awaited with a big grin on her face.

She tried to seem calm and dignified but her joy and flushed cheeks could be clearly seen be anyone.

I stopped in front of the Royal Booth and looked to Rhaella. I opened my visor and then slowly lowered the Crown onto her lap.

Once The crown dropped onto her lap I raised my lance again.

She grabbed the Crown and slowly laid it upon her head.

As soon as the crown touched her head the entire crowd went wild in commotion since this was the grand finale of the tournament.

The only thing left would be the delivery of the prize money.

I stood along with an archer from the Crownlands. I received both the Joust and Melee prize.

I was handed a chest with forty thousand Gold dragons, it was quite a hefty sum but I really had no need for it.

Most expected me to use the money and improve the worn out keep that awaited me at Seadragon Point.

I would burn down that presumed hovel before ever stepping foot inside...I had something far better in hand.

Afterwards I walked hands in hand with my women to the carriage. I sent Willem with shadowmare to pick up Tysha and Pippa and escort them to the Red Keep.

The forty household guards escorted the carriage back to the keep through the bumpy cobblestone streets.

As we reached the castle we headed towards our room and found our three maids waiting for us.

I kissed each of them while fondling them a bit before having them help my women change and get me out of my armor.

I could easily do it myself but I preferred to grope them while they unclasped my armor plate.

An hour After changing into more appropriate clothes we all heard on towards the dining hall.

The entire Royal family was there, Aerys smiled maniacally before inspecting his food and sniffing it presumably for poison.

The Queen sneakily looked at me in anger before looking away. I could see scratches and bites on her neck and arms, guess she lost control over the Scab King.

Rhaegar sat next to the queen with bandages on his chest and the smell of medical salve on him while trying hard to put on a fake friendly smile.

Viserys was also there but didn't even turn to look at me when I walked in, who knew what hair got up this little maniacs ass.

Elia looked at me with desire In her eyes while her hand moved suspiciously under the table and she squirmed around.

Rhaenys sat apart near the fireplace as she had the Gray Dragon on her lap, It had grown a foot since I last saw it a two weeks ago.

"Congratulations on your victory over my idiot son, it was marvelous." The King said happily as The Queen glared at him.

"Thank you My King but it was all due to the favour given to me by my beautiful women." I said as I kissed each of them on the cheek.

As I sat down Lily sat on my lap while squirming around on my bulge. We had recently managed to convince Lily that during my wedding banquet she would need to sit in a proper seat and not on top of my cock.

Rhaella sat gracefully on my right and took my arm into her bosom.

Then Aerys began to speak with a mouthful of half chewed food.

"Finally your wedding is tomorrow Goodbrother, we have set everything as you wish and have carved a statue of your goddess and set it in the temple of the seven for the duration of the wedding..... That damn high septon tried to resist the statue but I threatened him with a flaying and it changed his mind...."

he spat bits of food all over himself with every word.

"It shouldn't be an issue, after our wedding I will be heading north on Ancalagon. . . .By the way I've spoken with Yohn Royce about attacking the Mountain Clans of the vale on my way north, Would you be okay with that."

I asked Scabby

"Hahaha...yes....burn them all if you want, I only wish I was there to witness it HAHAHA!!!" Aerys cackled.

"Very well." I said with a smile, Its good to get the kings approval since I was planning on slaughtering most of those savages.

"However, You must stop at Winterfell and say a similar oath to Rickard Stark as you did to me since he is Lord Paramount." He told me while picking at a some vegetables

"Hmmm what are the conditions of the visit?" I asked the king

"You won't be subservient or have to bend the knee, but you will be required to defend the north from foreign enemies and pay tax, but he won't be able to give you orders on your actions, or on how to rule your land. I've already sent a message to him about it...Also, House Ashwood has accepted your conditions and payment as long as you swear to betroth his infant daughter to your future son. The land is practically worthless so they were happy to get rid of it in exchange for yearly payments of gold...." He said while leaning back in his chair and sipping on his wine.

"That is most acceptable...I'll be sure and pay Rickard and his family a visit...."

I said with a smile, I couldn't wait to get in a northern woman's insides....especially if that northern woman was Ned's mother.

We chatted for the rest of dinner as I told the King of my plans for my new territory.

I only told him of my plans to hunt wildlings and ironborn raiders which he wholeheartedly approved.

I wouldn't make my land rich until after the rebellion.

An offer to Robert in exchange for some concessions such as a long tax exemption and not having to bend the knee would be perfect.

I already heard from Rhaella that she didn't care about what happened to the rest of the Targaryens so it shouldn't be an issue.

I'll probably just snatch up Elia and her daughter last minute.


After an hour of dinner and smalltalk me and my women excused ourselves. On my way out I saw the little dragon named Maelys chasing after Balerion the black kitten.

We returned to our room where we all disrobed and hopped into the bathtub where I licked and fingered Rhaella and Lily's pussies.

They moaned and squealed for an hour and begging for mercy by the time I was done with my mouth.

I made both of them cum until exhaustion then I dried them off and threw them on the bed.

Tomorrow was my wedding after all and I had to make sure to get all the stress out my women. . .

I walked over to the room shared by Erika, Sarah, and Minnie and had them suck me off while I fingered them.

I facefucked all three of them for an hour and came down each of their throats before I returned to my sleeping women and got under the sheets with them.

Tomorrow would be a long day.

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