
The Slice Heard Around The World

Entry 89:

Linus Ozias POV:

War never changes, senseless and cruel, as I watch hordes of fire and ice giants attempt to climb the walls.

  Attempts to break down the gate fail spectacularly, but they keep trying as hundreds of magical spells, swords, and arrows befall the walls and gate.

Yet I have a feeling that bothers me, but as I stand along the wall with Odin and Thor, I look to Thor, who gives me a smirk and says, "I know you Angels may not know true combat, but for now, let up pro show you how it's done." 

With a smile on his face, he jumps from the wall with gravity hastening his descent, and as he lands, he creates a massive crater with lightning arcing across the ground.

As his hammer meets the flesh of the fire and ice giants, they are splattered along the ground like a man would crush grapes in his hand.

I look to Odin while giving him something, which he takes with a curious look on his face and places the parcel in his robe.

I then jump into the fray with my spear and sword in hand and my armor forming around me. Upon entering the battle, a great light shines upon the entire field outside the walls as I extend a piece of my power, flattening most of the first wave.

The God of Thunder turns around with a smile on his face as he continues to slaughter his way through the Giants, with me joining him as I find that this is an excellent way to test myself. 

The test of restraint as if I was in an area like the dimensional gap, I could go all out, and while I could control the output of my power, my mere presence could cause problems.

But that odd feeling does not go away. I feel like  I am being played like this is all just a distraction for something else, something big.

My feeling is confirmed as I hear a loud howl reverberating across the battlefield, and I realize that Fenrir has arrived.

And as he appears, you can feel the presence he holds as that God-killing Wolf stares directly at me, and in that moment, I feel slight fear. 

That Wolf is one of the strongest beings in this world, plainly due to the fact that he was meant to kill gods.

I looked at Thor as he looked at me, and I gave him a nod, and he laughed and said, "You're insane, young angel. I like you. I hope you survive."

Thunder continues to crackle and rumble across the sky as the God of Thunder lays waste to the armies of the Giants, as even after all of these centuries, he has not lost his touch.

I fly towards the Wolf as he runs towards me at hypersonic speeds, and as we meet, I take a slash at him with my sword bouncing off of him.

"That shouldn't be possible," I think to myself, but then I realize why my sword bounced off. He's protected by fate, and my sword could kill him before Ragnarok.

At that moment, I activated my highest level of analysis magic, which I increased using my holy power, and I could see the threats of fate binding the Wolf.

The fates attempted to rectify changes in the timeline as I tried to bind it using holy constructs as it then broke out of them almost immediately, slashing at me.

I dodge as I try to place a chain and blades around the Wolf's neck, and they shatter as the Wolf rushes at me in an attempt to bite my wings, and while he scratches them, it's not enough to stop me.

"I'm getting nowhere," I think as I slash and dodge the Wolf's strikes, and then, at that moment, an idea crosses my mind.

So I search all of the knowledge I have within me, and I come to one conclusion: I pull on my knowledge of noble phantasms from fate and use all of my creation magic, my sword, warps, and changes.

I can feel my sword begin to crack and burn in my hands as I utter a chant. The smell of burning flesh permeates the air.

"I'm not the invincible swordsman, Jūbei,

I'm not the one praised as a master of espionage, Hanzō,

I'm not the renowned caster Abe-no-Seimei.

Why, out of all people, I, a swordsmith, was summoned.

For being unable to foresee that, this is your defeat."

As I say this, the Wolf attempts to slash at me with various swipes and slashes as I place a shield of Holy Power in front of me, pouring more and more magic into my blade.

The world itself seemed to crack and distort, trying to reject the sword's presence as I heard three different voices begging me to stop. I continued on.

"Once seeking for the ultimate blade.

A blade of steel cutting no flesh, nor bones, and neither life.

What I seek for is the clearance of resentment.

The cutting of bonds, fate and destiny." 

The area around me lights up in scalding fire as I see a red-haired blacksmith looking at me as I stare back.

"That is, to free oneself from Karma." 

The blade shines with hellish flame as the blacksmith strikes the sword with his hammer and looks at me respectfully as my hands burn under the roaring flame.

"Upon one's arrival are countless tools.

Carved over a thousand blades, forming a pile of swords.

This is the place where all paths cross.

This is the place where all desires flow.

This is the place where all deaths await

My whole life was for this single swing." 

The battlefield around us halts as if witnessing a historic moment as the Wolf tries to slash through the barrier with increasing ferocity.

Then the blade Encarmine is revealed, glowing in a reddish-blue fire as it burns in my arms, and with one final push, I shout to the world.

"The heart of the blade is right here!

Take this, This is my Tsumukari Muramasa!!!"

One slash then splits the world asunder as the Wolf is cut in half vertically and lights aflame, and after a couple of seconds, it disappears.


I hear the three voices again screaming in agony as the world glitches around me, and all that is left is silence on the battlefield.

My sword then retracts its power, showing rigid lines crossing its surface with my hands charred and blackened.

They begin to heal but slowly as the pain aches immensely as a reminder to not do it again. At least not for a while. I rejoin Thor as he looks at me in shock.

The battle then recommences as the giants retreat in fear of what they have just witnessed as I feel another presence watching me.

I ignore it as we mop up the rest and return behind the gate.

I then cast a healing spell I created for mass healing, and as the city lights up with a giant symbol of the Imperium, I know that this is not over.

(Let it be known he cannot spam those attacks as he needs an innate understanding to even use a percent of its power and permission from the user of the Noble Phantasm.)

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