
Enjoying The Fleeting Moment

Entry 47:

(If any of you guys were confused with the fate of the cauldron members from the last chapter, the main character just told them They could not die, but realistically, they only have a good healing factor that will keep them alive for a good while.)

Timeskip No Justu (2 Years Later)

Linus Ozias POV:

It's been a while, hasn't it, since I've written in this journal, and what a year it has been.

It feels fitting that I'm writing this on my own planet, and it was an exo world I found outside the solar system. 

After convincing the public that the orbital weapons would never be used against them, I tore them down and reused their parts to build space-fairing vessels. And taking down those orbital weapons was a complicated endeavor for me.

Because those weapons not only represented the end of an era and the beginning of a new one but also warm that would not require them unless ultimately necessary, I can rebuild them so no harm done.

In this last year, there have been a lot of changes as I've instituted mandatory physical conditioning for the human race to improve, of course. All my methods have been tested on live dummies that I created, literally bodies without brains or souls.

  Now, the most recent humans of this generation are born nearly 20 times stronger than the average human.

Life expectancy has shot up to hundreds of years. While I have fixed many of the environmental issues on Earth so that it is still livable, many people have begun exploring the final frontier. 

All of them are guided by my hand to ensure nothing goes wrong.

I have been offered multiple rewards for my efforts in uplifting humanity, from the Nobel Peace Prize to various other commendations.

Some even wondered if I would be running for office in the new United Government, which I technically have.

Because you see, Connor ran for office out of all of us and won. I never even used any nefarious methods during the campaign.

All I needed to do was offer my support. Connor made me the Minister of Science, which was essentially a unanimous decision by multiple countries. 

Now Connor is running for his second term. It seems likely he's going to win as under his presidency, humanity has flourished, which was me making society flourish, but I don't want to deal with all the paperwork.

Now Connor and Marcus have a bet running that once Connor can win his second term and complete it, he wants Marcus to try and run for president. The funny thing is that Marcus agreed to the bet, and if Connor wins the bet, that being Marcus doesn't win the election, Marcus has to wear Connor's three-piece suits for the whole year.

Honestly, I find it funny because Marcus will have to wear a lot of business suits if he becomes president and if he does not.

  Regarding any tech tree acquisitions during the past two years, I've slowed down the process to once every three months because these tech trees are all becoming redundant as I have access to technology that can destroy universes.

No matter what changes I make to humanity, no one will be ready for that type of power, not even me, as I fear the knowledge I hold.

Remaining Year Of Change(Death Of Zion): Full Metal Alchemist (Knowledge on Alchemy/Unavailable In Worm Universe), Star Trek (Phasers, Medical Holodecks, Antigravity, Enhanced Teleportation, Borg Tech, Additional Space Fairing Vessel Designs.)

Year Of Preparation: Metal Gear (Metal Gears, Exoskeletons, Vibration Blade Tech), Naruto (Justu Archive, Knowledge of Chakra Network), Overwatch (Omnic Tech, Individual Hero Based Tech), Tau (Additional Advancements in Cyberwarfare, Cybernetics, Mech Creations).

Beginning Of The Golden Age: Necron (Gauss Weaponry, Pylon Creation, Necrodermis Metal Construction, Eternity Gates, Various Superweapons, Resurrection Orbs, etc.), Attack On Titan (Titan Shifter Formula, ODM Gears/How To Use Them, Architectural Knowledge), Horizon Zero Dawn (Terraforming Tech Via Giant Robot Dinos, Advanced AI Creation, Far Zenith Tech),  Wall-E (Robotics Tech, Large Vessel Creation/Management)

It has been a relatively good couple of years.

Ironically enough, the Attack on Titan Tech has been helpful for space travel due to the nature of ODM gears. They can help people travel through space when they have to leave the spaceship. 

Regarding knowledge of how to create titans, I'm not gonna do anything with it because they're just not practical. In all honesty, humanity does not need them. Seeing what it did to that world, I will keep that knowledge to myself.

Wall-E tech was emotional because I loved that movie as a kid. Even if the romance was a bit weird between two entirely different models of robots, the message and the technology were still that, and the soundtrack was a banger. 

The Necron and Tau Tech have been very useful in upgrading humanity's overall arsenal as outfitting our ships with the metals created by the Necrons with Tau tech weaponry has made humanity a nearly unstoppable force. 

So far, we have found fellow intelligent life and have established first communications. I have made sure that everything goes well.

And I tell you what, the porn industry is having a field day with all of these aliens because no matter how much we try to fight it, porn is forever.

But I tell you what, the first turn-off for many people was just how odd they looked compared to us. Still, to them, we were the ones who looked strange as a lot of them had multiple limbs, and some of them had numerous heads.

And let's not even get into the fact that there are tentacle monsters with established societies. 

I still remember meeting with the science ministry of the tentacle monsters, who referred to themselves in our language as the Zendari.

The talks we had lasted for hours, and surprisingly enough, the head scientist or "Zendai" guy was a heavy drinker, as with knowledge from other civilizations also came the knowledge of each different type of alcoholic beverage known to man.

And let me tell you, some of those nights went wild. Still, luckily, I am not a heavy drinker, and I was usually the designated driver of the group, I believe it's called.

A lot of people called me a killjoy party. That could be because I know I will have to leave eventually to move on.

But for now, I just want to enjoy the Golden Age as everything is going well, and in case everything goes to crap, I probably won't be around for it.

So, as I sit at the "Outer Reaches" bar and put some Zendari Firebrand in my glass, I toast to a brighter tomorrow.

This will be a fond memory for me always.

But the clock ticks on, and I am running out of time.

Soon enough, a new adventure will begin.

But for now, let's enjoy the moment, "Drinks on me! Let's get washed!"

The bar then explodes as people order drinks, which doesn't trouble me as I can create infinite currency, so money is no issue. 

So, from the bar, you can hear shouts of joy and loud music playing various music.

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