
Chapter 21 - Aftermath.

Gohan stood motionless. His feet submerged in his and a bit of Tomiko's fluids and cum. That familiar voice ringing in his head, calling his name in a form of muted shock. The half-breed dared to turn towards the source slowly, a large part of him hoping that the utterance of his name was but a figment of his imagination, even knowing before he'd fully turned that this sadly wasn't the case.

The first that he saw was the unmistakeable form of Tenbi's nurse, and the most bodacious woman he'd ever laid eyes on, Aki. Her beautiful features set into a stunned, blushing state as she openly stared at him.

She wasn't the only one standing there though. It didn't even take him a second more to spot the figures of Azuki, Garrett, and even Minaya ogling him with their own forms of shock. Faces set in a similar blush to that of the older woman.

"U-Uhhh…" Gohan took a step back in surprise and shock of his own, feeling a rush of embarrassment at being caught in such a fashion. Not a word being able to be formed by his lips in the moment because of such, as his foot splashed down unto the thick coat of dick-cream he'd gushed out a little bit prior.

Unintentionally, the boy had fully turned his front to face the four women in doing so. His now flaccid cock, still looking rather large at around seven inches, swaying about lazily between his muscular thighs, a small dollop of cum still oozing out of the tip, the last bit remaining after he'd fully emptied his dumpling sized balls out. The result of such now covering the entire floor.

Azuki's eyes were the first to dip down once again to the swinging phallus. Her throat swallowing down another hefty glob of spit audibly as she eyed it. Both Minaya and Garrett doing much the same shortly thereafter, as if in some way entranced by the dangling slab of man-meat.

Aki felt the urge as well, but managed to stop herself from doing so, if just for the moment. Instead meeting the half-breed eye to eye from the doorway, unsure how to properly proceed now after witnessing this.

"A-Aki-sensei…" Gohan finally spoke, finding his voice again. All while inwardly cursing himself for managing to get caught again in a position like this. "And you guys… I… I don't…" For the love of Kami, what did he say to this? It was only about, what, the third time he'd been caught red-handed doing this on the school grounds?

"Good god…" Minaya muttered, eyes still transfixed on the lower part of his anatomy. "That was… " The girl swallowed her own lump. "Wow…"

"Fuck me…" Azuki cursed, her typical tomboyish demeanour leaking through her crassness only just barely. "I didn't… I-I didn't…" Words failing her, the normally rambunctious red-head opted to stay quiet for once when faced with something.

Worse still, she couldn't seem to peel her eyes away from his damned cock! It was like some sort of bizarre, invisible force was keeping her head tilted down looking at it, despite her best efforts to look away.

"Damn…" Garrett whispered in awe, seeing the carnage the young man had wrought with his libido. "T-Talk about a show…"

Their stares only made the lone male feel even more uncomfortable, but he only had himself to blame for that. He could feel every bit of their stunned gazes resting on him. Or rather, the still relatively large organ hanging between his legs. For what little good it did him, Gohan lowered a hand down to cover his manhood, in a vain attempt to preserve the tiny drop of integrity he might still have.

The damage had already been done though. That much was clear.

Aki brought her dainty looking hand near her chin as she cleared her throat. Doing what she could to draw everyone's, or perhaps it was just his, attention to her. "G-Gohan-kun… this is… I… I don't know where to start." The woman did what she could to ignore the ferocious heat still permeating down by her nether regions, along with the feeling of her soaked thong clinging to her sex. "This is… I'm sure you're aware that this…" The voluptuous vixen stopped herself for a second to take in a breath, trying to calm her heartbeat pounding in her chest. "That this is quite inappropriate, yes?"

Inappropriate was putting this whole scenario mildly. Very mildly.

Inappropriate by any other standard would've been kissing your teacher after class. Engaging in BDSM-related sex where you ended up fucking your teacher raw to the point she passed out from pleasure and you left a massive swath of your seed spilt over the floor was in a league of its own.

What was perhaps nearly as inappropriate as the act itself, was the jealousy she felt over her friend being the one laid out on the desk. She glanced over at her, biting her lower lip as she saw the fucked silly expression adorning her features. A decent-sized part of her wishing she was the one in that position instead of her sadomasochistic friend…

No. Not just her, but Minori of all people as well! Aki really didn't want to rag on her best friend, but it really said something when the woman who had the worst luck when it came to attracting men managed to get this kind of action from Earth's saviour before she did.

"Yeah…" She heard the muscle-bound, naked youth say, bringing her attention back to him. "I know…" the boy looked away with a disappointed look on his face, and it wasn't hard to tell who the disappointment was aimed at.

Gohan didn't bother asking how long they'd been there, as it really didn't matter. Just the fact that they'd seen this alone was enough. "Just had to screw up and let this happen again, didn't I?" He thought to himself. Feeling the need to face-palm at getting caught doing this a third time after succumbing yet again to his haywire libido.

Looking over at him, if she was being honest, it appeared to her that, even if Gohan wasn't fully aware of it himself, that he was more hung up on getting caught doing the act, then the act itself. Which didn't come as a shock considering… well, how he'd just ravaged Tomiko like that. And before then, Minori as well, leaving her office in much the same state as the classroom here.

Clearing her throat, she ignored the dense, musky scent wafting from the semen all over the floor and how it washed over her skin, all but pushing its way up her nostrils and down into her mouth. Making her feel that much more light-headed. "Illicit sexual relations on school grounds is against the rules." Which hadn't stopped either of her cohorts from engaging in it, and it wouldn't really have stopped her either if she was in either of their positions. "Therefore, since you've broken that rule, I'm going to have to bring this to Minori's attention, so we can come up with a suitable punishment for this." Considering the state he'd left Minori in, and how satisfied she looked, there wasn't a doubt in her mind there wouldn't be a punishment at all. Not after he'd given her the attention and raw, unbridled fucking she'd wanted for years.

She was much the same really, as ghastly as that might've sounded from someone overlooking this from another view. Even as she could feel her body heat up like a furnace, she knew exactly what she really wanted.

"Understood." Gohan nodded with a somewhat despondent expression, as the busty nurse shook her head away from her own darker thoughts for a moment.

"Girls…" Aki called, gaining the trio's attention. "I believe its best if you all head back to your apartments for now. I'll handle this from here." She managed to say without stuttering. A definite feat considering how hazy her mind felt at the moment.

None of the trio made a move to argue with her. Simply nodding their heads dumbly as they passed one more look at the naked teen in all his glory, before tearing their eyes away from his exposed, rippling physique, and slowly moving away from the door.

Aki waited for them all to pass before she continued. Her thighs unconsciously rubbing together, which Gohan didn't fail to notice, but didn't comment on either. The powerful, musky scent of the room stopping him from smelling the rich nectar that was still trekking down her sexy legs. "To start… I'm going to need you to clean up this room and help me get Tomiko-san to the infirmary." The brunette wouldn't be needing any treatment, but she'd definitely need some rest on a decent rest after the pounding she'd just been given. Moreover, she could be covered up by the sheets of the bed while unconscious instead of being laid bare on the desk for any wandering student to see if they hadn't left the school yet. Leaving aside the trio of girls who already had at this point, but that couldn't be helped.

Gohan simply nodded his head in resignation, aware that he would've had to have cleaned up the classroom anyway once he was done.

With Azuki…

Azuki was the first to move away, eyes being rid of the room and its occupants finally as she moved down the hall, paying no mind to either Minaya or Garrett as they did the same. Every last image of what she'd seen burned into her mind as she made her way off.

The red-headed tomboy, in an almost trance-like state, slowly made her way down the hall before going down the stairs, and eventually making her way out of the building. She didn't so much as register the small breeze from the outside air as it came over her. Making her scarlet locks of hair billow lightly under the sun along with her miniskirt, exposing her once pearly white panties that had now turned a much darker shade from all the juices flowing out of her own womanhood and trickling down her own legs.

Azuki didn't care though. Her heartbeat effectively through the roof even now, as she slowly made her way back to her apartment. Mind so fuzzy right now she could barely form a coherent thought that didn't involve a certain half-saiyan pounding out his teacher.

She still couldn't believe she'd just seen that. She'd thought she'd just be going over to corner Gohan and get him to pay her back properly after running off like he had. What had happened instead? Her trudging back to her apartment after becoming an onlooker to said boy fucking Amado-sensei like an animal after she'd gone full bondage dominatrix on his ass. Something like that had been the last thing she ever would've expected to come across.

Good god, she felt so hot right now just thinking about it. Her nipples had hardened underneath her uniform too. She could feel them poking out roughly into the pads of her bra in intense arousal. "F-fuck…!" Her eyes clenched shut for a moment as she inevitably passed by the gate. Her legs quivering with each step, muscles tensing in her thighs as she stopped herself from tripping unto the ground. "W-why do I feel like I'm burning up…!?" Trudging down the path towards her apartment, Azuki's laboured breaths filled the air, her face so red she might as well have been a ripe tomato. The images still playing back in her head, making her mind feel fuzzy. "I-is this what…" She swallowed. "being horny feels like…?"

She'd personally never felt the sensation before, given nothing had ever come up that could bring it out of her. Not even a little, really. Until now that is.

Was this really what it was like to be aroused? All this heat… light-headedness… legs that felt like jelly… the constant thoughts plaguing her head of the nude, muscly teen… with his impressively ripped biceps… shredded six-pack abs… and his huge… hard… throbbing…

Eyes widening at where her mind was taking her, Azuki shook her head after that thought, trying to rid herself of all those lewd thoughts before they consumed her. "D-damnit… get a hold of yourself, Azuki!... It isn't like you to-" Tripping over herself then and there despite her best efforts, the red-haired lass managed to catch herself before she lurched forward into the ground by accident, still remaining on her feet as she gritted her teeth. "shit!... my head feels so light… and my crotch… fuck! I feel like I'm burning up down there!... I-it's like it was set on fire or something!..." It certainly felt like it anyway.

Bringing a hand down to her skirt, she pressed her palm into the fabric, pushing it against her soaked, panty-clad sex. Her thighs beginning to rub together as if to try and scratch an itch between them, which only resulted in her nether regions heating up further, as another thin trail of liquid trickled down the inside of her left leg. "D-damnit Gohan… What have you done to me!?…"

Following that thought, Azuki managed to get back to moving, ignoring her body's treacherous behaviour as much as she could once again. Which proved to be excessively more difficult than it should've been. After a number of agonising minutes however, she finally reached her apartment building.

The normally fiery dame was left struggling her way up the steps leading up to her floor. Each one having either curvy leg shiver like some pitiful leaf in the wind. When she finally reached her floor, she all but dragged her feet over to her apartment door. When she grabbed the handle and pulled it down, she was given a small bit of solace knowing that Chacha and Kimi had left it unlocked for her.

When the door creaked open, she left herself inside, hand sliding off the handle as she didn't bother with closing it. Mind too pre-occupied to care. Chacha or Kimi could always get to it for her anyway, it didn't matter.

Her eyes transfixed themselves on the door to the changing room that held the bathroom within down the hall.

Shower… she needed a really, really cold shower right now…

Steadily making her way there on shaky legs, she barely registered another door creaking open behind her as she made it to the changing room door.

Chacha turned her head towards her friend with a friendly, laid-back grin. Placing a hand on her hip as she eyed her pal from behind with a curious gaze. "Well, look who's back! Have any luck with Gohan?" She asked with amusement, already seeing that he wasn't with her.

"No." Was all Azuki could say, practically grinding it out of her throat after taking a shallow breath, pointedly ignoring her well-endowed buddy from there as she opened the changing room door and pushed herself inside.

A sweat-drop fell over the darker-skinned babe's temple at how the tomboy abruptly closed the door on her after barely saying a word. Making it clear the conversation was over from there.

"Is Azuki-san okay?" Asked Kimi with some concern as she poked her head out the door.

"Eh. She'll be fine." Chacha shrugged with a lopsided grin as she turned to her best friend. "Seems like she's just a bit muffed at not getting Gohan-kun back under her thumb."

The petite girl sighed. "It's miffed, Chacha-san. Not 'muffed'."

"Pshh! Whatever." The white-haired gal rolled her eyes in bemusement. "Let's go back to reading manga, yeah?" The heavily endowed girl didn't bother waiting for her friend to answer as she walked back into the room, already heading towards this week's issue of Shonen Jump left strewn over Kimi's bed inside.

Said girl simply shook her head at Chacha's carefree attitude, before giving a momentary glance towards the shut door at the end of the hall. Her shoulders sagged then, knowing Chacha was more than likely right about their roommate's mood, or at least hoping that was the case, as she closed the door and made her way back to her spot on the bed. Chacha having already plopped herself down on the lower part of the bed, back to reading the latest chapter of one of the many battle manga going on right now. Neither girl having noticed the state their friend was actually in, nor the fluids running down her creamy legs.

Meanwhile, within the changing room, Azuki stood slumped against the door. Head tilted up with her eyes shut as she attempted to collect herself. Chest rising and falling as she calmed her breath a little now that she was alone and in private.

After a few seconds, she pressed her hands against the wooden door and pushed herself off of it. Green pools hazed over with a powerful sensation she'd never dealt with before, she wasted no time pulling her sailor shirt off and throwing it down on the floor. Her bra-bound, borderline F-cup breasts bouncing excitably from the act, as she zipped down her skirt and let it fall to the floor by her ankles. Her bra followed suit, coming undone as she quickly, albeit clumsily, undid the latch. Her large, milky white boobies jiggling out freely on her chest as she tossed the now useless clothing item aside. Her dusted-pink stubs poking out of the top of her fleshy globes like hard pebbles, fully erect as they swayed about from side to side atop their pale, perky mounds of feminine fat.

Fingers hooking around her sopping wet panties, she yanked them down her twin pillars of delicious, almost snowy-pale skin that would run on for days in the eyes of most men. The material practically peeling off of her dripping wet femininity and tight, bubble-shaped ass. She pulled the soppy fabric up to her eyes, looking over just how soiled they'd managed to become, before dropping them to the ground with a groan.

She nearly stumbled over her own skirt as she stepped passed it, boobs bobbling about as her hand gripped over the handle to the bathroom as she slid it open, then opened and made her way into the shower stall, the door shutting behind her as she turned the water on. She let the countless droplets of water rapidly spit down on her head, rinsing down her scarlet locks, and pour down over her curvaceous, athletic body. One hand plastering itself into the wall as the cold drops of water splashed down on her steaming form, while the other travelled down to her pulsating pussy. The virgin lips parting as her index and middle fingers began rubbing over them with increasing intensity. A constrained moan flitting through her gritted teeth that reverberated against the shower walls. The fire between her legs too strong to ignore any longer.

"Haah!... haah!... damn you, Gohan!..."

She swore to herself then, no matter what, she'd make that sex-driven bastard pay her back tenfold!

There wasn't a doubt in her that she'd get him to take responsibility for this… she'd make sure of that…

With Minaya…

Having been not far behind Azuki, the pinkette split off from her and Garrett not long after they made it down the stairs behind her redheaded senpai. She watched the older girl make her way outside as she reached the bottom of the steps.

She paid no more mind to either her or the bluenette behind her. Too focused on her own hazy thoughts as she walked along on shaky legs.

Ever since she'd reached puberty, she'd always been attracted to other girls rather than guys. She'd known ever since she'd met and befriended Haruko-senpai, and the girl had gone to bat for her, that she swung for the other team. If there was one thing she had in common with the boys, though she would never outright admit, it was that she was quite enamoured with the female form. Or in less flattering terms… she was also a pervert in her own right. Though in her opinion, she was smarter in her perversion, by not being as blatant with it as those morons were. A good chunk of her perverse thoughts always being centred purely around her crush, but that didn't mean she wasn't attracted to other girls as well.

Which is why seeing what she'd just saw with her favourite teacher had such an effect on her, to a degree.

"I-I can't believe I just saw all of that!…" She gulped, helpless as it all played back in her head. "Miss Amado-san… I knew she could be a little off at times, just like Yuuka-senpai… but I always assumed she was just having an off day… I never would've imagined she'd be… sh-she'd be…" The image of the once pure maiden she'd conjured up of her teacher, with an almost motherly, helpful smile… was now forever perverted in her mind. A salacious smile replacing the maternal one, and her modest, humble clothing being replaced by the most form-fitting bondage outfit she'd ever seen, perfectly accentuating every one of the mature woman's wonderful curves.

Minaya's mouth watered at the thought alone. "Kami!... She looked so damn sexy in that!..." Minaya had always secretly imagined what her teacher's body may have looked like underneath her clothes, and boy had she not been disappointed! Not only did she have a magnificent ass, but her huge melons, while not as big as Haruko's, were still a treat to behold! Seeing them bounce around, free from restriction with those hard, dusty-pink cherries jutting out from the top of those creamy mounds of heaven like a pair of the most tantalizing desserts one could ever imagine… that alone was enough to get her panties as moist as a small towel left under a running tap. The perverted part of her desiring to have been a part of the amorous lunacy she'd spectated on.

The entire scene looked like it had been lifted straight from a BDSM porno that she may or may not have watched a while back. Only it didn't involve exclusively women or a massive, black dildo. Well, technically that last part wasn't entirely true, since what she'd just saw involved the real thing that somehow was bigger than the specially designed sex toy.

For the first half, Miss Amado-san had been in control, having the young, muscular teen underneath her heel both metaphorically and literally. She could vividly recall his every wincing expression when she struck him with that latex whip, the sound of each whip crack so loud it was as if she could still hear it ringing in her ears as she recalled it. The sound of each strike sounding that harsh, while leaving welt marks on his toned figure. The guy doing nothing but submissively taking his punishment at her hands during that time with his hands cuffed away, the once maternal figure turned full-blown dominatrix relishing in his pain, showing off a sadistic side that Minaya hadn't ever known could exist within her.

"And when he got frisky… she put him on his hands and knees, gagged him, and struck him even harder… and took pleasure in it!..." She thought, even now struggling to wrap her head around her homeroom teacher's hidden nature. What had likely been her true self all along. And yet, rather than be horrified by that, it had only turned her on watching her crack him more and more viciously with that whip over and over, the boy groaning helplessly, or so she'd thought, into his ball gag as his back and ass were tortured. Only further getting worse when the bountifully endowed 'mistress', as she demanded to be called, drove her bloody heel into his asshole and twisted it with a dark, sexual glee as she riddled him further with her whipping.

And she, unlike a normal person, had found it sexy and arousing. It really said something about her when despite her negative opinions on most of the male population of the school for being total pervs, while a large part of her became hot and bothered at the sight of her own buxom teacher engaging in bondage with her male student.

Speaking of said male student, she found her mind wandering over to the other participant in the affair she'd bore witness too.

Son Gohan.

After the incident with Amio Kumi, the diminutive pinkette had to admit that Gohan was pretty much the only guy in school she'd gained a modicum of respect for. Even if she wouldn't say it outright, and the attention he got from Haruko-senpai annoyed her to no end, there was no denying his strength and skill after he'd dealt with her handily where she had failed, and then instead of denigrating her or hyping up what he'd accomplished so easily before Haruko took care of the rest, he had instead complimented her efforts, whilst also giving some helpful advice about what she did wrong in a respectful manner. Showing a humbleness that she hadn't been expecting, and the kind of friendliness she'd only ever experienced with the very girl she vied for the attention of more than any other girl.

His showing hadn't stopped there though, as on that same day he'd gone on to defeat Azuki of all people in a duel where her tomboyish senior had given it her all. Both in her normal state, and then later with her maken, all without a maken of his own no less! Though she'd been silent and never commented on it, she couldn't lie to herself and say he was just like the other boys, or that he was just an annoying obstacle in her way to getting with Haruko. He was a powerful warrior worthy of respect, who had a kindness to him that before that day, she never would've acknowledged as anything other than one of the ways he was trying to ensnare Haruko's heart. A truly petty thought looking back, that had little basis in reality.

But that was simply one side of him, however. And just now, she'd seen for herself the other side. A side that had her fierce blush darkening. "Gohan-san…" He had truly looked every bit as perverted and depraved as Miss Amado-san had been… perhaps significantly greater even. "He was like an animal in there…" Once submissive, taking his beatings like a domesticated dog, he had rose up, becoming something she hadn't seen coming. Nor even known he had within him.

After his first ejaculation practically went off like a fire hose, which at the time aroused her despite her ignoring it as best she could, not wanting to think of the implications of such, his attitude had shifted fast. The submissive, muscly boy just taking the whippings and sexually deviant punishment like a good little slave to the brunette's whims had vanished. In his place, was a bestial predator that was interested in only one thing.


Not the kind you'd see from someone having a happy day with their family or friends, playing a good game, reading a nice book, or spending time with a significant other.

Hell no. The type of pleasure he was after was nothing but unabashed, carnal domination. The kind you could only get from effectively turning your 'partner' into little else but your personal cum dumpster. To make them little more than your own fuck toy that you ravished to your libidinous heart's desire. To turn their body into something only good for being used and abused by you until they reached their limit.

And that was exactly what he had ended up doing. And Miss Amado-san had known what he'd do to her, hadn't she? The removal of the ball gag, and the further whippings she gave him after on that desk of hers when he broke out of his handcuffs and tore the top part of her outfit down, mashing his lips into hers as he shamelessly groped her bountiful boobies weren't done to keep him under control at all, like she'd initially thought. They were done to coax even more aggression out of him, because she wanted him to be as merciless with her as possible, so he would ravage her like an infuriated beast in heat.

She'd gotten her wish.

After growing tired of the whip striking him, and giving up on winning their latest kissing battle, she could still visualise the burning fire in his eyes. A raging inferno that had he given that look to anyone in a combat situation, she didn't even want to imagine the kind of damage he'd inflict. But Miss Amado-san, only shattering the humble image she'd once had of her even more, as she somehow got even hornier seeing that look of his, goading him like a slut ready for a rough spanking as he brandished her whip in hand.

"By Kami… the way he bent her over that desk… and how she just kept goading him like that…" Another trickle of perverted blood fell down from her nostril at the way she'd spoken to him so sensually. All but begging him to punish her like the, in her own words, 'bad, bad girl' that she was… "In all the porn I've watched, I've never heard a woman sound so ready to get whipped like that… man, that was so… so hot!" the way she'd just offered her plump derriere to him without a hint of regret, waving it in his face like… it was no wonder his eyes had followed it, hers had too. It was a wonder she hadn't passed out by that point.

And boy had he let her have it…

If she could still hear the sound of the brunette's whipping in her ears now after it was all set and done, then she could just about feel every damn wallop he'd given her round, plush buttocks resonating through her very being! Every strike delivered putting the woman's to shame, making her butt-cheeks ripple like waves in the ocean as he battered it harder than a world class boxer making mincemeat out of his opponent's face.

The pinkette had to stop her shaky stride as it played out in her head, the viciousness with which he'd cracked that thing over her. Eyes hovering over the plaque on the door signifying it as the girl's bathroom. She might've chuckled at reaching such a location if she wasn't so titillated right now. "Oh… the way she gasped and moaned as he hit her… and that smile she gave him as he did… she was loving it!..."It was as if all the pain it should've caused her had become her own form of twisted, masochistic enjoyment.

She could feel her own crotch smoulder beneath her thoroughly soiled panties, as she pushed the door open, a small part of her thanking god that no one was in here.

Everything that happened up to then though, she'd been foolish to think was all there was to it. What occurred after he was finished whipping up her buttocks like whipped cream, leaving it so red it would've made a donkey blush, made all that look like a stroll in the park.

He'd tied her wrists together, then after claiming her lips for himself again, knocking away any resistance she'd tried to give back, he'd gagged her with very same ball gag she'd used on him, before he aggressively claimed every last bit of her body. Having his way unimpeded with her enormous breasts for a drink of milk, before savagely taking her pussy whilst having her anus plugged up by the whip's handle after ripping off what remained of her bondage gear.

Making her way inside a cubicle, giving up on going back to her apartment for awhile, her blush darkened further at the playback in her hazy mind of every herculean thrust his monster-cock had plundered their teacher's womanhood with, and the look of sheer ecstasy written on the woman's face through it all as he came to a climax inside her. Inflating her gut to bastardising proportions while having her pressed against the wall.

Locking the door behind her, her mind whirred at how all that cum had just gushed out of her snatch like a geyser, painting even more of the floor and the desks white with semen. She couldn't have been the only one thinking he was finished after letting loose such a stream even as the handle had been pulled out of her asshole. Oh, how wrong she'd been.

"Even after all that…" she whispered, her voice sounding incredibly short of breath as her hands steadied herself against the cubicle walls. "he still came back for more…" It played over in her mind, how he impaled himself in her stretched out anus just after she'd dispensed his seed everywhere, slamming his way in and out before he pushed her face-first unto the cum-washed desk, her F-cups squishing against the gooey surface along with her face and hair as he took her from behind. Ploughing her ass in with such thundering force that each thrust made her body lurch back and forth over that creamed on desk. His body literally glowing gold all the way through like some kind of demi-god right before them.

"I can't believe he was able to fuck her like that." Her words came out low with a heated breath, fluids trailing faster down her thighs. "That wasn't a boy in there…" There wasn't a chance in hell any other boy in school could do what he just did, with that kind of power and ferocity. "That was… Gohan-san was a like a sex-fiend in there…" Sweat dripped off her brow as she leaned forward, placing her hands against the backwall the toilet was pressed into to keep her balance. The petite 1st year girl had a thought occur to her after witnessing all of that, even in her current state of arousal.

An arousal brought on far more from watching a guy fuck her teacher than anything the brunette had done.

"T-that guy lives with Haruko-san, doesn't he…?" Her eyes widened as a realisation struck her. "H-Haruko-san… wasn't she removed from the cavalry due to injury…?" At the time, she hadn't questioned it as she should have, even if the info was supplied by Himegami-senpai. The blond haired 2nd year hadn't elaborated any further than simply saying she'd had an accident.

That was bullshit though. She'd known her beloved senpai long enough to know she wasn't careless during training and wasn't clumsy enough to get herself hurt before an event like that. Accidents still could happen she'd freely admit that it could still have been the case.

After witnessing that though… she had a sneaking feeling she knew what had really held her idol back from competing.

Gohan and her lived together, and based on what she'd seen, he had a grossly high sex drive with the stamina and strength to boot. And while she didn't have concrete proof of it happening… there was no denying that her idol was interested in him.

It all clicked together too well. After seeing how Miss Amado-san had been left strewn across her own desk by the end of that… pillaging… her body limp and unconscious, it wasn't too hard to imagine the same fate for Haruko…

And imagine she did… the image of her favourite person laid out on her bed as the cavalry went on, dealing with the 'injury' she gotten. Her virginity gone along with her mind, with her tongue draped out over her open maw, eyes rolled back as her perfect body was covered head to toe in Gohan's seed.

What scared a part of though, was the lack of visceral anger that would've come up at such a thought prior to today. In its place instead, was a level of understanding, as she slipped her fingers beneath her exceedingly damp underwear.

She understood, because right now, she, who had previously only been interested in the same sex… wanted nothing more to get fucked by that very same boy…

And one way or another…

There wasn't a doubt in her that she'd get him to take responsibility for this… she'd make sure of that…

With Garrett…

"Holy hell… that was insane!..." Was the bluenette's first real thought after walking away from such a spectacle, her shaky stride having just brought her outside the school building. "I-I can't believe they just… they just!..." It was hard to find the words to accurately describe what she was feeling after seeing all that. Much less the show itself!

This day had absolutely not gone as she'd expected it to at all. And even just putting it like that felt like the understatement of the century! What had just transpired was so far out from what she'd been expecting when she'd reached out for him that it begets belief!

After talking with him earlier today, she'd been more than interested in chatting with him again and perhaps even shacking up with him if he caught her fancy enough. She'd gone through the effort to get to the guy before Azuki could just so they could avoid her, and she'd get him all to herself to get a little more… 'chummy' with one another. To get back to their talk prior, first and foremost, and get all the juicy details she was looking for.

Forced to swallow a knot in her throat as she slowly ambled her way along the path, a low chuckle nearly surfaced at that last bit of thought. "Oh… I got something juicy alright… damn…" From the whipping on both sides, to the gagging and teasing… to the relentless, brutal fucking, the imagery all played over again in her mind. Forever burned now into her head every excruciating detail her eyes had ogled at. "That was even more absurd than actual porn…" She would never claim to be a completely innocent girl, at least not to herself anyway. She'd seen her fair share of those sexual videos since hitting puberty, even some more… risqué material, by that medium's standards.

No amount of what she'd seen in the comfort of her own bedroom on a computer or tv screen could compare to the sheer intensity of what she'd seen mere minutes ago. Not even the depravity could be equalled, and she'd seen some BDSM action before this! All that seemed so vanilla compared to what the brown-haired woman and spiky-haired teen had just done to each other. Especially the latter!

"I Went over there to continue our talk, and I ended up watching him bang his own teacher like a freak of nature!…" A small bit of drool fell down her lips at that thought, and she was unashamed of that fact. Kinda hard to be when her lime-green panties, which started to show as her skirt flapped up in the mild wind, were already so wet one could've mistaken them for being fresh out of a washing machine. The colour having darkened considerably from all the moisture coming out of her lower lips. Trails of her own fluids passing down her thighs like a small river of water that had parted into two different streams.

Her nose could still pick up the leftover scent of the young half-breed's river of sperm he'd left in his wake on the floor and the desks of the classroom. The smell impossible to forget, being so dense and musky that it almost clogged up her nostrils and invaded into her mouth like some ethereal force of nature. Washing over her pale skin like a heavy fog and somehow seeping its way in, driving her body crazy with an unrelenting heat that tickled all over on the inside. Like butterflies rapidly beating their wings in her stomach.

Wiping that bit of saliva off herself, Garrett found her gaze settling on a familiar figure in the distance, one somewhat hunched over, stood rooted to the ground. She could just about make out, even from behind the girl at this distance, that she had a hand pressed over her skirt, but that didn't stop the wind from hiking up the back of it regardless, showing off her equivalently drenched underwear compared to what her own must've been, and the juices spiralling down her finely toned legs.

"Heh… looks like Azuki is just as bad as I am…" She thought bemusedly despite the circumstances, watching the girl as she started walking again. Her legs quivering like a tree branch in a reasonably strong breeze, no better than her own, as she soldiered on ahead. Looking to be moving as swiftly as her body would allow her to get off campus and to her apartment before anyone saw her.

For once, the bluenette couldn't blame her red-headed rival. She didn't want to imagine how awkward it would be if someone still strolling around on campus for whatever reason spotted her like this. With her panties as soaked as they were, face flushed red in horniness that she didn't bother to deny, and if they could only see how rock solid her nipples were beneath her uniform… good grief, she could actually feel them grating against her bra as they tried to pierce their way through the durable material.

"I need to get back to my apartment soon… I don't know how much longer I can hold out for…" Her senses felt so dulled right now, as if she was intoxicated by a strong dosage of alcohol. Her feet beginning to stumble under her as she followed the trail back to the apartments. "I've never felt this hot before… it feels like my head is swimming right now…"

After a couple minutes, she'd made her way over to her own apartment building, which wasn't too far off from Azuki's own. Her eyes managing to catch a glimpse of the rattled lass ambling up the staircase to her floor. "Bet she'll head straight for the shower… good excuse to blow past her friends and be alone…" For what exactly was obvious, and she didn't need the usually ill-tempered tomboy to admit it. There was no simply 'walking this off' like she'd have done for most other things. Garrett snorted despite her similar condition. "So much for the tough girl act… no doubt she'll be in there for awhile…" A smug grin graced her lips, ignoring her own body's predicament for a split-second. "be sure to give yourself a good, hard scrub Azuki!… I'm sure you'll need it after that!..."

Perhaps it was petty to think like that after the depraved insanity they'd both just viewed, but Garrett honestly didn't give a damn. Not when it concerned the same girl who'd stolen her precious teddy bear away from her, and even before then, had the nerve to treat her like she wasn't on her level. Ironically, the very same thing she got pissed at Yan-Min for doing to her. The bloody hypocrite…

Yes, it was childish, and she would likely have done the same to her if she'd been the one to win all the times they'd fought, stroking her own ego each time like the scarlet-haired lass, but that didn't matter.

What mattered now, was the state Gohan had left her in.

As she made it to her own apartment, and slowly scaled up the stairs to her own floor, she couldn't help the amused look that came over her as she reached her door. "Well… I guess he was right after all about the benefits of living alone…" It was hard to imagine the excuses she'd have to make for any potential roommates about all the noise she was about to be making.

Pulling the key out of her mini-skirt pocket, she fumbled a bit with it to get it inside the lock, before pushing the door open as soon as she twisted the key. Now inside, she quickly closed and locked the door behind her again, leaving the key on a small table next to it before making her way down the hall, and pushing open the door to her own room. The walls to her bedroom were coloured pink with a few fluffy, stuffed-up animals darting about her room. Nowhere near the obscene amount of Takaki Furan's collection, but enough for one to tell she was a bit of an enthusiast.

Pulling the ribbon out of her hair, she let her long locks of light-blue hair fall down to her lower back, just above her rear-end, as she got to work pulling off her clothes. First with her top, which had her ample E-cup breasts giving a nice, hefty bounce inside her bra as she brought it over her head and tossed it away. Her mini-skirt pooling to the floor, right as she got to unclasping her bra. Her milky white sweater puppies bobbling about joyously as they were freed from their confinement, with the bra falling to the floor nary a second later.

"Been awhile… since I did this…" Was what ran through her murky mind, as she climbed atop her soft, queen-sized bed. Feeling the pleasant linen sheets beneath her, as she buried her face into her plush pillows. Muffling the moans that escaped her as one of her hands began to fondle her left mound, pressing and kneading her dainty fingers into its supple, spongy flesh. Grasping as much of it into her palm as she could while squeezing it between her digits, excess boob flesh oozing through the gaps as she teased the hard nub, rubbing it between her index and middle fingers.

All the while, her other hand had snaked its way into her waterlogged panties, tips of her fingers brushing up over her warm, wet lips, before rubbing up furiously against her clit, drawing out more moans from her mouth and juices out of her virgin folds. Her whole body squirmed as she played with herself without a lick of shame, with but one single image in her mind. An image of the very boy who caused this, getting her so unbelievably hot and bothered. His naked front posed right at her, with that giant, towering rod of steel the muscular, Greek Adonis-like teen called a penis jutting out straight at her, fully erect like it was when he pretty much fucked Tomiko into next week.

All other thoughts had ceased in her head, leaving behind nothing empty space as her mind felt like it was submerged and drowning beneath an unstoppable torrent, of which she made no attempt to resist. Simply allowing any sense of her rational mind to wash away like objects brought out by the waves of an ocean to a beachside. All while their owner devolved into a horny mess atop her bed, now seamlessly fingering her chaste womanhood with the expedience one would normally only expect of a professional whore putting on a show for a camera. The excess flesh of her large, doughy mound spilling out around her hand and slipping further through her fingers, as she rolled it about and moulded its shape with her adventurous grip.

"Haah!... haah!... ugh!..." The gasps and groans of her titillation flew out more loudly, as her body rolled to its side, two of her fingers plunging in and out of her tight twat as her toes wriggled about and her legs squirmed under the unrepentant stimulus she brought upon her throbbing loins. Which just spilt out even more of her nectar across her venturesome hand, a small puddle beginning to form on the sheets around her meaty thighs within just a moment, before she rolled again unto her back, uncaring for how her covers were being soiled. Her legs splitting wide apart as they bent up at the knee, toes curling inward and grasping at the sheets, as her thumb rubbed up unto her clitoris while she drove her digits to and from her moist, warm pussy knuckle deep.

Her one singular focus being on relieving herself of all this pent-up frustration. One recently born not out of her feud with the tomboyish redhead, but out of a new deep-seated desire bubbling to the surface, brought out unknowingly by the powerful aroma she'd been exposed to from the spiky-haired demi-saiyan's copious seed. One that carried with it an obscene level of pheromones that not even the most resilient of female figures could resist and had taken on much the same hold over the others exposed to it as well.

"G-Gohan-kun… " The sweating, sky-blue haired dame panted as she toyed around with her own curvy form. The muddied thought of him persisting in all his naked majesty within her suffocated mental scape.

Forget simply chatting with him now. Her hormone-riddled form wanted far more from him after that display… and after getting her all worked up like this…?

There wasn't a doubt in her that she'd get him to take responsibility for this… she'd make sure of that…

Back at the school…

It hadn't taken long for the now rationally thinking progeny of Son Goku to clear up the mess he'd made in the classroom once the other girls were gone. Being sure to move the unconscious brunette off her desk gently, all whilst her naked body was slathered in semen from her hair and face, down to her belly button. Even more of it still stuck and dribbling down her long, fetching legs from after he'd gone to town on both her front and back entrances.

He did what he could to ignore the odour and the look of her naked frame dripping with his gooey yogurt, lest he start feeling aroused again, even after all that had transpired today. Placing her down gently against the wall below the windows before moving back into the classroom.

Since Aki was aware of who he really was, there was no need to hide certain things he could do, and like what he'd done to the pool, he quickly used his Ki to selectively vaporise all of the overflowing cum on the floor and desks. He had to be a little extra careful this time, given they were made out of wood, that he didn't get them to accidently catch fire or anything.

Within a minute or so, the job had been done, and the physical evidence of what had gone down was erased. Clothes included due to how much they'd seeped into his semen, and the fact he could just replicate them when his mind was clear with Piccolo's technique.

Same thing for the bondage items but… he wasn't sure why he'd ever want to do that.

The stench was still as poignant as ever though, but Aki didn't make any fuss about the smell weirdly enough, so he just assumed that wouldn't be a problem.

He didn't say much to the woman during this time, even as he conjured up his clothes, and ignored the urge to hiss in pain as he put them on. The welt and whip marks left all over his back and ass stinging like hell, but he only had himself to blame for that one. He wanted to apologise for her seeing his actions with her colleague, and effectively desecrating a classroom with his latest exploit, given he knew damn well it was breaking all kinds of rules.

Motioning him over, she got him to lift his latest conquest into his arms bridal style as she began moving down the hallway, heading towards the infirmary with him in tow.

Had his sense of smell not been overloaded by the stench of his own jizz that still coated the bodacious brunette in his arms, he would've caught on to the aroma wafting off from the woman walking in front of him, managing to keep herself from shaking with each step unlike the others. An unbridled arousal nearly overwhelming her with each stride she took, as she made her way over to the infirmary in a few short minutes, since it was relatively close to where they were, sitting at the tail end of the first floor on the opposite side of the building.

It was a small mercy after getting caught like that, but the damage was done.

Once she opened the door and they made their way inside, he didn't waste time laying her down gently on the bed. A far cry from the brutish way he'd conquered her mere minutes prior. Even through the thick facial mask he'd given her, he could still make out the open-mouthed, perverted smile on her features. Her eyes still rolled back in her head after what he'd put her through.

He felt a small impulse to gaze over his handiwork, but he refused it, knowing where it led. Aki drew the curtains as he stepped away, hiding the woman from view. Cutting off his treacherous eyes from trying to disobey him like they had done many times before.

"Y-you should probably go to Minori's office now…" She said, her back turned to him still as she got his attention.

"Ah…" Gohan rubbed the back of his head awkwardly at that suggestion, knowing the state the fiery woman was likely still in. "Well, you see…"

"I know, Gohan-kun." She said, taking him by surprise. Though in truth, that really shouldn't have. "I saw her earlier…" The boy blushed at that, this time in genuine embarrassment. "Clean out her office as well, you left it in quite the state when you left…"

"Right…" The boy nodded, his face cringing a little at both his damned sexual excursions under instinctual influence being known to the respectable nurse. "Should I, uh… bring her back here as well…?"

"That won't be necessary…" She simply replied, her voice lowering as she looked back at him. Her face flushed so red she could give a raspberry a run for its money. "just get rid of what you left behind, and get back here as soon as you can. I'll need to make sure the damage you took whilst you and Tomiko-chan were uhm… you know…" She looked away, and he did too. His cringing expression only growing at the reminder.

"That's fine." Was all he said, assuming the embarrassment was getting to her, and that she was uncomfortable even just thinking of what had happened, as he trekked out of the room. Not knowing just how far off he was with said assumption.

The boy failed to notice as he left, the way the gorgeous nurse clutched the curtain between her fingers, her body hunching over slightly, as her knees came together, juices drizzling down her lily white pillars of femininity that just about every man on the planet would kill to get between. Her other hand clutching over her pencil thin skirt. Breath becoming so laboured it was coming out in pants.

Oh, she'd be doing a hell of a lot more than just checking the damage…

Meanwhile, Gohan, wanting to ensure that the woman didn't have to wait that long, checked to be sure no one was watching him once he came down the stairwell and went outside. Once he was sure no one was watching him, he hovered off the ground before flying up to the top of the tower where Minori's office was located, and pushing open the balcony entrance inside, which was thankfully unlocked.

"Heh… look who's back…" The half-breed froze up in the air for a brief instant at the sound of that amused voice. His head tilting to the side as his eyes locked on to Minori. His face showing a small bit of genuine shock at the woman being fully conscious right now as she raised herself off her desk… while still being as naked as the day she was born…

"What's with that look on your face?" She asked whilst giggling to herself. "You act like your stunned to see me like this…"

A dark blush covered Gohan's face at the sight of Minori again, seeing her bare breasts jiggling out in front of him. Those glorious I-cup boobies, the second biggest pair in the whole school staring back at him as his gaze focused on them. The very same he'd claimed hours prior with what had to be the most delicious drink of milk he'd had so far, with Tomiko's coming in a close second. Their ripe cherries poking out atop the peaks of the creamy mountains of joy just as red as he'd left them after suckling them vigorously.

Wrenching his thoughts and gaze away from those wondrous melons that demanded his attention once again, the boy met her eyes, which stared at him patiently with a more than bemused edge to them. "S-sorry about this, Minori-chan. I'll be out of your hair in a minute… I'm just here to clear up the mess I made… if you don't mind…?" It was clear to both what he meant by that. It didn't need explaining.

"I see…" The principal nodded with a tired, but satisfied smirk as she glanced down at the cum-washed floor. "That's a shame though…" She sighed, before turning back to him with a cheeky look, and a smile reminiscent of the Cheshire cat as she saw a small bulge in his pants again. "I thought you were back for another round~."

"Hrgk!" Gohan almost fell to the floor at that comment, his eyes widening slightly at such a brazen comment, especially when he saw the look in her brown pools and saw that she wasn't even kidding either.

Minori laughed seeing his reaction, seeing how humorous the contrast was between how he was acting now, as opposed to when they had gotten down to brass tacks. Though she didn't fail to catch how his little dragon was waking up again. Rising up a little further within his pants already, and all just from seeing her in the nude, just as he'd left her. Reminding her once again of him being the only exception to acknowledging her sex appeal for what it really was. "Why act so surprised, Gohan-kun? You really gave me a wild ride this morning, after all!"

Gohan gulped. "W-well uh… I'm glad you enjoyed it… but if you wouldn't mind-"

"It's alright, go ahead." She waved him off, before raising her feet off the sperm-coated floor. The act taking far more of her strength at the moment than she was willing to admit. But after taking the pounding she had, she wasn't surprised at all by her lack of energy. "Clean it right up, big boy…!" She all but purred in a husky tone. "And if you're feeling brave, I wouldn't mind it if you came at me for seconds!"

Gohan stiffened at the offer, ignoring the urge to look back as he hovered over to the centre of the room, right where he knew that flawlessly round, enormous ass of hers was still raised in the air.

This woman… by Kami if she didn't stoke the excitement of his Saiyan half… that attitude and tone of hers was like music to his alien side… maybe it wouldn't hurt to-

"M-maybe some other time!..." Gohan shook his head of any salacious thoughts that tried to come back, all while cursing his hormones as they worked themselves back up and fought against him, this time far sooner than he could've anticipated. Having barely lasted around ten minutes before he could feel another bout of persistent arousal coming over him. Though, he didn't have time to think about how rapid his libido was getting at recovering.

"Aww… if you say so…" The older, fiery-haired vixen sighed again at his answer. But all the same, a shit-eating grin plastered itself on her lips, knowing she'd keep him to that. "I'm guessing Aki's the one who sent you?" She asked suddenly, as his Ki began to manifest around his hands.

"Yeah, she did…" He nodded absent-mindedly, keeping his eyes away from the bent over principal as he got ready to purge his excreted essence off of the floor. His mind aware that Aki had been up here, and more than likely had spoken to the woman herself as well. "I'll uhh… be going back to her after this…"

"Well then… after she saw what I got… I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted her own piece of the pie!..." She thought to herself astutely with a snicker, knowing the woman had her own thing for the hybrid teen after he'd saved the world. Which clearly, he either wasn't aware of, or had forgotten about. "Question is, will she go for it now, or will she chicken out and wait a little longer…?" Her best friend was many things, but a coward wasn't one of them. She'd wanted him to herself for awhile now, and after seeing that she'd gotten to him first? There wasn't a chance in hell she'd leave it any longer, if she knew her long-time pal right.

The nude vixen waited for a minute, as the boy got to work, using his Ki like he'd done a few minutes ago, and vaporising away all the gunk he'd left over in the shapely principal's room. Being careful enough as it was not to set anything ablaze by accident, as he floated around the room. Ignoring his damned impulse to look over at said woman's figure every chance he had.

All the while, Minori watched him. Chuckling not-so-subtly to herself at the young half-breed's antics. She could practically make out a vein starting to pop out around his temple from the effort he was putting in not to ogle her. Hah! And to think, she'd been pissy all these years about getting a lack of proper attention from the opposite sex, only for the hero of earth to come along and be the only man susceptible to her charms, while the rest of the guys remained ignorant of what she had going for her. "Hope you're prepared for the future, Gohan-kun! Now that I know you'll give me what I want, ain't a chance in hell I'm letting you get away with a once-off!..." Licking her lips like a hungry lioness, she eyed the buff teen from the back as he dealt with the remaining pool of jizz on the floor like the juiciest piece of meat on earth. "Aki will get hers next, and I don't care how many other girls you end up screwing after… because after today, you can bet your ass I'm coming for more!"

"Alright…" The son of Goku swallowed a lump in his throat, as he made sure once again to avoid looking at Minori. "Your office is clean," Though the stench remained. "I'll… be on my way now." He finished, as he made to fly back out of her office.

"Oi, Gohan-kun!" She called out one last time, grabbing his attention, but not his gaze as he hovered by the balcony entrance. Which meant he couldn't see the tooth-baring, almost feral smile the rambunctious dame was now spouting. "Next time you're in my office again, it better be to fuck! Ya here!?"

"Guh!" Once again, Gohan nearly tumbled out of the air at that utterly crass proclamation, his face scrunched up in a fearsome blush as he wrestled over his instincts that all but hollered in approval for the woman's passionate, explosive nature. "Kami… help me…" He thought in dismay, feeling his instincts already clawing at him again as he flew out of the building without another word. Unfortunately for him, neither Dende nor Piccolo were listening. And even if they were, they wouldn't be able to help him with this. Especially when a large part of him didn't want it in the first place.

Regardless, though he wasn't aware of what awaited him as he flew back down to where he came from, one thing was for sure…

He was never going to forget today…


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