
Walking through the forest...will never end???

"Hey! Wait up for me! Patience is one way of being polite! -But you obviously don't care about manners!"

Xie Shoushan yells as he runs after Dai Jinhai as he is walking through the identical looking trees.

"How can you even know where you are going...the trees are all the same!"

"This is my backyard."

A response! How surprising...but the response was rather cruel and not too polite.

"How long yet~"

Xie Shoushan asks as a way to say anything to ease the awkwardness. 


---No response.

Xie Shoushan sighs and yawns at the same time. It gets boring when one decides it would be amusing to just simply not answer.

"You do not talk to many people back at your home I presume?"


Dai Jinhai is very socially awkward it would seem, but in a way that makes him seem like a cold wall of ice that will not be disturbed. 

"Now that you are ready to answer, please answer the question! How much longer!"

"Long enough."


Xie Shoushan sighs. 

"It must be so tiring to be you!"

"I could say the same about you, you are always tired!"

"I am only tired because....." No! Xie Shoushan can't reveal that he is lazy!

"Because you are lazy."

Dai Jinhai just finished Xie Shoushan's answer for him! This is so surprising!

After a bit of walking they see a old crippled looking man with wispy white hair.

Dai Jinhai keeps on walking, he doesn't care.

"Is old men wandering through this forest a normal acurance? You act like they are as normal as the leaves on the trees!"

Dai Jinhai does not answer he seems to care more about getting away from the man as fast as possible.

"Could it be...you know who he is???"

Xie Shoushan smirks at Dai JInhai's obvious want to get away as fast as he can. 

"....I might."

Dai Jinhai obviously does not want to answer!

However, Xie Shoushan is a very kind person and he always respects his elders so he quickly walks towards the old man. 

"Grandpa! Can I help you?"

"Oh yes! You most certainly can! You can listen to my story-"

Oh no! Xie Shoushan realizes why Dai Jinhai wanted to go away from him so quickly! It was because he keeps on talking!

But wait...he is saying something important to it must be listened to!

"In my home town, which is three weeks away from here-"

THREE WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????? Xie Shoushan can't believe his ears!

"-There are the Four Fiends which have taken over! They are terrible, they destroy everything they see and command everyone to be their servants and give all the dumplings they make to them-"

"So there is no dumplings for the villagers! How terrible!"

Xie Shoushan interjects angrily.

Dai Jinhai shakes his head, "Not the point...."

"-Well anyways, they eat all the dumplings and everything else. And they threaten to eat us too! But more than that, the leader of the Four Fiends Hundun, who is said to be the source of all chaos, has revealed herself to be a beautiful woman! All the villagers cannot take it so many have ran away, or else died! I am taking a walk right now to clear my mind, but soon when she finds out I am gone she will kill me! Woe is me!"

Xie Shoushan is shocked about that, but more so cannot shake the thought that this old man talks far too much. 

Dai Jinhai seems to have been close to falling asleep, not only does he not talk himself, he doesn't like when other people talk lots!

"Well, Grandfather, many thanks for the information! I apologize greatly for the hard times you've been through! However, I cannot help you anymore, we must continue the adventure!"

Dai Jinhai nods in agreement to Xie Shoushan's monologue. He is way too eager to leave!

"Well, of course, children. Have a pleasant good time, and do not go to that village!!!!"


Xie Shoushan scratches the back of his head while he laughs as if to say, there is nothing suspicious please look the other way!

Dai Jinhai does not even care, he is still just happy that the old man did not recognize him. Dai Jinhai is rather humorous in his hatred of talking!

And with this Xie Shoushan and Dai Jinhai go back onto their journey through the forest that is all starting to look the same to Xie Shoushan.

In today's episode we are met with the most comedic and well written character interactions! Xie Shoushan and Dai Jinhai are good friends! I hope that everybody enjoys this part of the storyline, this arc is looking to be very plot heavy and somewhat serious in some parts while hilarious in others. Did you all like the plot twist in which the leader of the Four Fiends, was not a terrifying monster, but instead a beautiful woman? Unexpected-

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