
Chapter 59

"Ms. Jules, I think I can handle the rest. You've already helped enough." Philip politely said, but to her, he appeared to be tactfully shooing her out of his office.

Not that she enjoyed poking her nose where it did not belong. She did not want to step on Philip's toes. But still, she believed some of his methods were outdated.

She suggested a few things to improve the mansion's daily operation, listing a few recommendations on how Philip could run the place more smoothly.

"I am sure you have more important things to do than waste time with these mundane tasks." He added, not wanting to seem rude as he dismissed her.

But that was her problem. She had too much time to spare. 

She was bored.

Bored out of her wits, living in this gigantic house with nothing to do but wait, watching the clock tick by. It was already driving her insane. 

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