
Chapter 50

"No." Definitely NO

If the accident had not happened, she would have gone on pretending that the father of her child was dead. She would not have sought his money if her son had not been in critical condition. 

She and her child would still be happy living in their little bubble, content with what she could provide. Besides, they did not need much.

"What do you mean no? Don't you think I have the right to know about my son?" Damon slightly raised his voice, appearing to be demanding an answer.

Partially, she was conflicted and surprised by his reaction. She always thought that he would not be interested in raising their child. Therefore, she had concluded he would not want to bother knowing he had a son.

But seeing his response, she wondered if he was genuinely interested in their son. And she also began to ponder what this would mean once their contract had ended.

Would he still want a part in their son's life? More importantly, how did she feel about this? It was a question that brought chills through her bones. And something she should carefully consider.

"I mean, I would never have bothered telling you." Jules point blank told him, not concerned if he seemed upset. "What is the point?" She knew it would not have made a difference.

She had enough people turning their backs on her. She would not add him to the list. Moreover, why bother when she could already foresee the outcome of seeking his help? He would have sent her away, just like the rest of them.

"Besides, you would never have believed me if I said I was pregnant with your child or you have a son." She was not about to pretend otherwise. 

"You will just accuse me of sleeping with someone else and using the child to get to you." She did not even bother sugarcoating it, not caring what he thought of her.

She would not deny she felt tempted a few times to tell him when things had become too overwhelming. But self-preservation stopped her from groveling on her knees to beg for his help.

Luckily, a few people were there for her and her child, helping her through the difficult times. She had Thalia, who had been one of her rock. 

"You don't know that. You still should have come and told me about my son." He adamantly insisted. 

She could only shake her head at his stubbornness, knowing she had done the right thing during that time. And she believed if she would go back in time, she would still do the same thing.

"And make a fool of myself." She quickly responded. "No, thank you, Mr. Damon Hawkins. I have been humiliated and embarrassed more than enough." 

She walked over to the stove, lowering the heat before facing him, not wanting her dish burning because he was distracting her. 

"Can you honestly say that you would have welcomed the news with wide open arms?" Jules seriously doubted. But she still would like to hear his answer.

If this man was anything like Dale, she knew he would have been more approachable. But she guessed she would not be in this position if Damon had been similar to his brother. 

Damon would not have judged her without getting to know her. He would have known that not all women were after their money. At least not her.

"Just as I thought." She said when he had stayed quiet without answering her question.

She thought she had figured him out. He was just like the rest of the snobs she had met before. He would always believe the worst of her despite the truth.

"Wait, let me talk." He interrupted her. This time, he moved further into the room, standing closer to her side. "Maybe at first, I will be honest. I might not entertain the possibility that I could be the father." 

"But eventually, I would have come to my senses and realized that you might be telling the truth." He admitted, making her wonder if she should even consider his answer.

It was all probability that could, would, or might have happened. But there was no guarantee.

It was still a risk she was not willing to take.

"Maybe, maybe not." She shrugged, leaning her head on her right side. "I still believe we, me and Oliver, are better off without you in the picture if I have a choice."

She did not want to sound bitter. But she could not help it. Sometimes, she wondered what could be wrong with her to have such a string of hard luck.

"How can you say what you have given my son is better than what I can provide him?" Damon strode closer as if challenging her statement. 

"I can give him a better future. He could go to the best school. He could have everything money can buy." He added, insisting that should be enough as he stood before her, too close for comfort.

Suddenly, she had to step back, feeling like he just invaded her space. She did not feel safe with him standing too close.

"It is not always about the money. I may not have millions, but I can give my son everything he needs. My house might not be this big." She moved her hands as emphasis.

She believed money was not the only thing that made the world go round. Although, it helped, just like it gave her son a second chance in life. Still, it was not the be-all and end-all of everything.

"But our home is full of love, not empty and lonely like this house." She stepped backward again when she felt the space between them was not big enough.

She knew what was missing in this house since she moved into this spacious place. It lacked laughter and character. It did not have any history or story to tell. 

It was a place where people could comfortably and luxuriously live. But nothing more.

Still, for her, it was not a home.

"Maybe you are right." He suddenly set his foot one step forward. She tried to read his expression. But unfortunately, she could not decipher what he meant. 

She tried to back away from him. But she found herself trapped between him and the counter behind her. She had nowhere to go as she stood frozen on her spot, staring into his green eyes.

But what he said next had her raising her eyebrows.

"Maybe I was wrong." He continued when she could not come up with a brilliant comeback after his admission that he agreed with her. 

But what he said next had her eyes wide open and her mouth falling to the ground. She had to blink twice, wondering if she had heard him correctly.

"Then, maybe we can make it a home for our son."

Thanks again for all your support.

I love reading your comments. It makes me rethink of my story, hoping I can create a better one.

And it continue to inspire me to do better than just give you a crappy chapter.

At least I hope I am doing a good job.

Anyway, please enjoy.

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