
Tinkerbell of The Sea's

Arthur woke late the next day to find Mera was up and moving around already. Quickly putting some shorts on, he walked out of the bedroom to see what she was doing. Praying that she wasn't trying to cook again, he happily found her rearranging the pillows on the couch having cleaned up from the night before.

Mera, "Don't think I forgot we have 2 more picture books to go through, though your distraction efforts were truly wonderful." She said as she kissed him good morning.

Arthur, "Really, I thought there was only one left. Hoping to hide the one his father told her about."

Mera, "My king's memory has yet to fully awaken, there are still 2 left."

Knowing that it was a losing battle, Arthur swore once again to get vengeance on his crappy old man.

A knock on the door interrupted their morning banter. Arthur looked to be sure Mera was covered with appropriate clothing and seeing she wore a pair of sweat shorts and a T-shirt he had gotten her, he walked to the door to see who their visitor was.

Opening the door, he found the Martian Manhunter on his steps and a boy he didn't recognize. At least he thought it was J'onn as he was wearing a slightly different form than the last time he saw him.

Arthur, "J'onn?"

J'onn, "Ah yes, I had forgotten you have not seen this form as of yet. Yes, Arthur it is me. I have recently reconciled my two thought patterns and this form seemed appropriate to signify the accomplishment."

Arthur, "That's great J'onn, please come in." Arthur backed away from the door gesturing for them to enter.

Seeing Mera; J'onn said, "Please forgive the intrusion Princess Mera I hope we have not interrupted anything."

Smiling at the Martian, Mera said, "No J'onn you have just helped Arthur avoid some embarrassment for a short time."

Acting as though he heard nothing Arthur turned to me, "Welcome young friend I do not believe we have met yet though you do resemble Garfield Logan."

Logan, "No your majesty, I am a clone of that very Garfield Logan and J'onn J'onzz here. I was aged past the chronological time of the one you know. Through some circumstances I have grown beyond what my makers had intended and seek to live my own life. I have taken the name Logan J'onzz." Logan said with a respectful bow.

"Drop the majesties and princesses hear gentlemen, this humble lighthouse would collapse with the weight of such words, we prefer simple straight talk in its comfort." Arthur said.

Logan thinks to himself, (He is much more eloquent than his counterpart in the movies. Maybe a result of meshing the comic personality and the rugged look of the dark haired Aquaman. As far as Mera goes, I don't think Arthur has to worry about shit on his pillows, she is pure comic and animated Mera.)

Arthur, "So, what brings you two to my door on such a fine day?"

J'onn, "Well young Logan here found a buried treasure on his last mission and was wondering about the best route to take to turn it into currency so he can split it between himself and Robin who was on his team at the time. I told him you were the expert in such things."

Arthur, "My advice would be to sell a portion through a broker and hold the rest so as to not saturate the current market. I have a great broker if you would like his information."

J'onn, "That would be excellent, however it appears you have another visitor."

As soon as J'onn says that there is a knock at the door.

When Arthur answers the door, he is greeted by a police officer. "Ar. Are you Aquaman? You look like him, I have been knocking on doors for hours. Co.. Could you please come to the harbor, there has been some sort of attack with so much blood. Casualties are still being counted and survivors say they came from the sea, all black with a blue glow under their skin and huge mouths of teeth."

Arthur without delay says, "You head back there, we will get dressed and meet you there as fast as we can."

Upon closing the door both Arthur and Mera went to the bedroom and a few moments later emerged in their battle gear. Mera looked breathtaking with her green skintight outfit and tiara that made her royal demeanor stand out all the more. (What is with me and girls wearing tiara's since coming here?)

J'onn, "If you would point the direction, I can carry us all there." We stepped outside to a stormy dark cloudy morning. But with Arthur pointing the way we made it to the docks quickly.

Judging by the screaming being directed at the officer that came to tell Aquaman about the incident, he did so at his own initiative. "Sergeant, I went to him because he knows the ocean better than anyone. There is a chance that the ones the creatures took could still be alive." I heard the officer say.

Looking around before we landed, I saw the dock was a mess. A nearby restaurant was demolished with the windows apparently being pushed into the building instead of out. There was a layer of blood everywhere, stuffed animals and toys on the ground spoke of the family nature of this area.

J'onn landed us near the Sargent that was still berating the officer that came for Aquaman, "Can we be of assistance officer?" J'onn asked.

Sargent, "Sure you can Alien, sprinkle your flying dust on your group and get you and them out of my crime scene. I have enough to deal with, without you costumed grandstanders getting in the way of honest police work."

J'onn, "We are simply offering our services to help with the situation, Officer."

Sargent, "Look you snot skinned space reject, I told you to leave my crime scene, now do it before I ask to see your green card and have you arrested for solicitation. After all I don't know what services you just offered me now do I?

Getting riled up myself now, "Look here officer (I look at his badge, and about laughed) Buttkiss, we can happily take your badge number of 678432 and have our League P.R. officers talk with your CO about your behavior resulting in the delay of saving civilian lives or you can just let us get to it."

J'onn, "I believe you are mistaken young Logan; his name reads Butkes."

Both Arthur and Mera laugh but try to hide it. Making J'onn realize he misunderstood something again. "Human interactions still baffle me at times."

Logan "All good J'onn we just have to work on your voice tone recognition and the concept of sarcasm."

My comments made Arthur and Mera laugh all the more as I tried to match J'onn's tone. I swear the cop's gun hand twitched towards his holster before we were interrupted by a black SUV arriving.

Several men in black suit's got out and dispersed with one headed directly to our group. "Officer Butkes I am agent Lance from S.H.E.L.D. you should be getting a call from your superiors that we will be overseeing this incident."

Seconds later Sergeant Butkes's radio told him to contact the precinct.

Agent Lance, "Oh look if it isn't Tinkerbell of the Sea, Arthur Curry."

Arthur, "Hey Andy, I see Shield dental works great. They got all your teeth back in. Well, it was the third time so your jaw must be used to it by now."

"This isn't school any more Freak, no one here to cover for you when you hurt people. I have especially asked to be in any team that can come in contact with you or any Atlanteans to be sure you are looked after properly." Agent Lance said.

Seeing Mera is about to react and knowing she is far more volatile that Arthur I say to her, "I have found Princess Mera, that those that fear that they cannot contend with you, hide that truth behind a false bravado and anger that makes them feel less afraid. Though in truth, it only makes them appear like a tadpole swimming past the mouth of a shark too lazy to put in the effort such a small morsel would require two swallow whole. Don't you agree?"

Mera smiled and laughed at the frown my words brought to Agent Lance's face.

Arthur, realizing that I had calmed Mera down gave me an appreciative nod and said, "Let's go look at the sea from the dock edge, maybe we will discover something." To Mera.

After they left, I received a dirty look for Agent Lance as he went to talk with some others from Shield.

"Let us see where our assistance is required most." J'onn said to me.

-(Scene Shift)-

Standing at the dock Mera sees Arthur concentrating and asks, "Anything?"

Arthur replies with a perplexed look, "Nothing. There is no aquatic life anywhere I can reach with my thoughts. Just ….Fear and Hunger?" Wait a moment." Arthur says and jumps into the water.

Moments later he surfaces with what looks like a huge clam. Putting it down on the dock as he climbs out of the water, Officer Butkes yells "Look, I think Aquaman is hungry!"

Ignoring him, Mera uses her strength to open the 3-foot clam, and out spills a purple liquid along with what appears to be a Golden Retriever dog. It pukes out the liquid and cries as it moves to Aquaman seeking comfort in his embrace.

Someone yells "Thats Mrs. Lee's dog, I saw it get pulled into the water by one of those creatures. Along with her.

Suddenly without a ripple of water a 5 ft black skinned creature emerges from the sea behind Arthur. It had milky white eyes with no pupils and a transparent dome covering its brain much like Psimon. Long arms reached out and talons gripped Aquaman as the creature opened its mouth that split half of its head and bit down with its teeth piercing past the armor he wore, blood gushed as the teeth sank in to Aquamans shoulder and Mera screamed.

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