
Chapter 75 - Shadow Reaper

Kurayami launched the second assault of the dual black flames. The malicious, unholy fires surged from his outstretched hands once more, seeking to engulf the suffering Fire King and bring an end to this one sided fight.

The inferno of the Fire King was engulfed by the black flames, his agonized screams echoing through the battlefield. 

As the seconds passed, the black flames grew larger and fiercer, their voracious hunger consuming the fire king. With a casual wave of his hand, Kurayami dispersed the black flames, causing them to retreat back into the abyss from where they came. The once-mighty Fire King had been extinguished, reduced to nothing more than a ashes.




.. x10

[Skill 'Gluttony' activated. Obtained new Skill: 'Spirit Summon']

[Combining 'Spirit Summon']

[Obtained upgraded version 'Shadowbound Minions']

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