

Jace stepped out from the shadows of the cabin and emerged out onto the deck of the ship he sailed on. What greeted him was something he hadn't realised he needed to see for so long. He stopped the tears from flowing as he looked at the island of Dragonstone, his home. While he may have been born and grew up in Kings Landing he would always consider this place to be his home. It was a stone's throw away from Driftmark —where he had been raised by his grandfather, but since he had Vermax he always flew over to Dragonstone and visited the caves on the island containing the unbonded dragons.

He was so focused on the island before him he didn't notice Daella approaching him from behind until she grabbed his shoulder. He jumped as he felt his body recoil with fear and adrenaline start pumping through his veins, he gripped the handle of Starfyre that he had taken to wearing and almost drew it before he realised who had touched him. "I'm sorry Jace!" She said a little panicked as she hadn't expected such a strong reaction from him. But in truth, she shouldn't be surprised as she often felt herself jolting at the slightest creek of wood or even the whistling of the wind.

"Sorry, Daella... I've been a bit jumpy as of late," Jace apologised as he sheathed his sword. Daella gave him a look of understanding, she stepped closer but refrained from touching him. "I understand Jace... it will take time for things to be as they were," she said.

"I don't think things will ever go back to the way they were..." Jace said letting his melancholy slip out.

Ever since Jace started talking again Daella wondered if she was even talking to the same person. His demeanour, his attitude, and even his facial expressions were all different, it was as if she was talking to someone years older than they should be. His eyes used to be bright, like the reflection of the sky upon the sea but now it seemed dull and lifeless. It made her heart hurt, especially considering Jace was the first family she had ever known and he had completely changed her life. One that would've seen her being passed around in a brothel to one where she could now be considered a princess.

"Do you have trouble sleeping?" She asked as she tucked her silver curls behind her ear. The sea breeze was blowing roughly this morning and despite not feeling the cold it was still difficult to stand in.

Jace nodded "I spent so long dreaming... sometimes I worry I won't be able to wake up if I fall asleep," he said as he leaned against the bow of the ship. He hadn't told his family about how he defeated Valar, he doubted they'd believe him and there was a lot he didn't understand about it. He wondered if he could go into other people's minds like Helaena could, he'd have to ask her when he arrived in Kings Landing.

"Sometimes I dream I'm still there and never left... I think those are the worst," Daella said softly as she stood next to him. Jace felt the sharp sting of guilt pierce his insides at her words, despite being told he had her forgiveness and that he saved her from a worse fate, he still felt responsible for subjecting her to such terror. He took a deep breath, the saltiness of the air touched his tongue and he tried clearing his mind of all the negative thoughts he was having 'Keep moving forward,' he reminded himself. He had a lot to do and the more he thought of it the more he wondered if he could even get it done.

Jace and Daella stood in silence as they got closer to the island. At some point both Baela and Rhaena came out chasing each other, one had a wooden sword while the other looked to have a large book that she was using to defend herself. One of their servants came out after them trying to get them to stop, but both girls were pretty wilful and would only really listen to family. In truth, they had been acting out more since their mother had become sick. Jace stopped leaning against the edge of the ship and walked back towards them. "Come on girls stop giving Ellen a hard time," Jace said as he walked within speaking distance.

Both girls stopped their fighting and jumped towards Jace hugging him. He could understand why, he had been keeping everyone at arms distance for a while and he knew the girls needed comforting now more than ever. 'Daemon isn't very well known for his comforting skills,' Jace thought to himself as he rubbed both girl's backs. "Baela said she would take my book and rip it up," Rhaena said as she looked up at her older cousin.

Baela scowled at her sister "You've been reading it the entire trip, I'm bored!" She spat back.

"Enough," Jace said softly.

"Baela if your sister wants to read let her, Rhaena don't forget about your sister, if she's nice enough to let you read then you should do what she wants once in a while," Jace said trying to reason with the two. He thought it was funny that just a month ago he wouldn't joined in their antics and probably had a sword fight with Baela. Now he couldn't think of anything he wanted to do less than waste time playing games.

"Are you gonna play with us, Jace?" Rhaena asked with her large purple eyes.

Jace shook his head "We will be arriving at Dragonstone in a few hours, and I have a lot I need to do," he replied before letting go of both girls.

"Behave for Ellen, I don't want to have to call your father," he said giving them a small warning. They both nodded with a sad expression adorning their faces. They hadn't spent much time with Jace as of late and they missed him a lot, especially since the person in front of them may have looked like Jace but he didn't really act like him.

However, Jace did surprise both girls by putting his hand on their heads and giving them a small smile. "We can play another time..." he told them which made their faces brighten before running off to another part of the ship.

Jace went back to the bow of the ship and waited for them to make landfall. As he waited the rest of his family emerged from the interior of the ship, his mother immediately made her way over to him when she saw him dragging him into a tight hug when she did. "Did you sleep well?" She asked as she rubbed her hand through his hair.

"I slept fine Mother," Jace lied. Daella frowned from beside them but didn't comment.

"Your father has sent letters to various sellswords across both Westeros and Essos, they should arrive in Kingslanding by the time we get there," Rhaenyra stated.

Jace shook his head "That won't be necessary, I want someone who was born and grew up in Kings Landing," he said.

Rhaenyra frowned, the best fighters available won't be the type to grow up in Kings Landing. "The people growing up there are rogues and not true warriors, why would you want one of them to protect you?" She asked.

Jace moved away from the hug and looked up at his mother "If anything happens they'll know the lower city a lot better and can lead me out if I don't have access to Vermax," he explained.

While she couldn't fault his logic she didn't feel good about having someone whose loyalty could be bought. She would much rather her son be protected by a man like Harwin, he was fiercely protective of Rhaenyra while he was in her service. 'A true Knight,' she thought to herself.

"We can discuss this later, for now, let us get ready to depart, your brothers will be glad to see you," Rhaenrya said deciding to save the argument for later.


Stepping onto the docks of Dragonstone was a surreal experience for Jace. It felt like a lifetime ago he was here and yet it was only a few months; next to him walked Daella who looked at the old Targaryen fortress with awe. Being from Volantis she was no stranger to Valyrian architecture but the fortress was still a sight to behold. "Welcome home Daella," Rhaenyra said we she rubbed the young girl's back. She liked the gentle and honest nature of the girl and she almost considered burning her mother's palace to the ground for what she was going to do to the girl.

Waiting for them at the end of the docks was Laenor who had flown back on seasmoke ahead of them and his younger brothers both of whom ran down the docks towards Jace. Luke was the first to get there hugging his brother tightly "Did you bring us anything back!" He said as he looked up at his older brother. Jace felt confused and then looked up to his mother who gave a quick shake of her head. They hadn't told them.

Jace understood why, Luke was a few years younger than him and he was a lot less mature and more emotional. Like wouldn't have taken news of his brother's likely death well and Joffrey would've been too young to understand what it meant. "Sorry Luke I was having too much fun and forgot, but I did manage to get myself a new sword... want to see," he said with a small smile.

Luke's brown eyes widened and his eyes went down to the sword at his waist. The gem in the pommel that radiated an ethereal light was hard to miss as it was beautiful. "Wow!" Luke said as he touched the handle. As he stared at the handle Joffrey finally made it over and hugged Jace's waist. Seeing both his brothers almost made his eyes water as he was grateful he could see them again. "I promise I'll get you a present when we get to Kings Landing," he said to both of them holding back his tears.

His brothers smiled before moving on to their mother and hugging her. She was then introduced to Daella who felt happy to meet more members of their family; Rhaenyra tasked both her younger sons with looking after and playing with Baela and Rhaena since their mother wasn't well and they needed the distraction. The duo happily obliged and the four children quickly ran off with their guards in tow heading back towards the castle.

Daemon had stayed by his wife's side the entire trip and now she was being moved into Dragonstone he made sure to be the one to take her. Even the taking place of one of her servants to carry her in a palanquin. He didn't say much to Jace nor Rhaenyra, the latter of whom was shocked at her uncle's behaviour. For anyone who had known Daemon, they would easily say he didn't love when it came to women. He loved his brother and his niece and a few others of his family, but never had he fallen for a woman.

'Until now...' Rhaenrya thought as she watched her uncle carry his wife to the fortress. Jace looked back and noticed that his Grandfather wasn't departing and he walked back to the ship "Grandfather are you not coming?" Jace asked.

Corlys shook his head "I'm going back to Driftmark, I miss my wife and I wish to prepare for our trip to Kings Landing, I also need to give the families of my crew the news of what happened," he said.

Jace felt the pit in his stomach grow but he just nodded his head. 'Take responsibility,' he thought to himself.

"Send me the ones that will struggle without their husband, and I will take care of them," Jace blurted out.

Corlys face remained stoic and he leaned forward crossing his arms on the edge of the ship. "Do you have the means to back up your words?" He simply asked.

Jace frowned "What do you mean?" He asked with a bit of confusion.

"Gold dragons, silver stags, copper moons, how much do you have to provide for them?" He clarified.

"I can get Gold I'm a prince, coin will not be an issue," Jace quickly said, but he could tell those were not the right words as his grandfather looked disappointed.

"Jace when I set out on my first voyage alone I paid for my ship and crew out of money I earned alone, my father would not have it any other way, he said a man who uses his titles to take things doesn't deserve them," Corlys stated.

"What's the use of being a Prince if I can't use it to my advantage?!" Jace said a little childishly.

Corlys looked down at him "A Prince is a title that means nothing on its own, how much did it help you in Valyria..."

"No it is a man who brings worth to those titles, so I ask you again, how will you support these people, as a nameless prince or as Jacaerys Velaryon?" He asked.

Jace finally understood what his grandfather wanted. He wanted Jace to rely on himself and not his title, his title hadn't helped him in Valyria and no doubt there would be times when it wouldn't again. 'I need my own power and gold,' he thought to himself.

"I will ask again Grandfather, send those in need to me and I will acquire the funds to take care of them, As Jacaerys Velaryon not as a Prince," he said looking up resolutely.

Corlys cracked a small smile before nodding "I will do as you wish my prince," he said, the ship then started to depart and Jace watched as his Grandfather sailed away.

"Are you okay Jace?" Daella asked as she walked close to him.

Jace nodded without looking towards her "I need to earn coin without using my status to get it, I am not quite sure how to," he admitted with a humourless chuckle.

"Perhaps you could sell this," she said gesturing to the beautiful necklace she wore around her neck. The milky white chain and the blue gem similar to the one in Jace's sword would no doubt give him a fortune, but he shook his head. "That was a gift, even all the gold I could get would not be worth the sight of it around your neck," he said with a smile.

Daella started fidgeting as she thought the heavy blush that started to form on her face. The necklace was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen, it truly was the heart of the mountain; she would be sad to give it up but would do it for Jace. However, her eyes brightened as she thought of something else they could sell.

"What about the books we got from that first building we visited in Valyria!" She said moving her face closer to Jace's.

Jace frowned "We still have those? I assumed they were lost," he replied.

Daella shook her head "You put your satchel on Vermax and it stayed there the entire time, I took the satchel in Pentos to look after it," she explained.

Jace smiled "Let's go to your room, the servants should have brought your things there by now," he said taking Daella by the arm and leading her to the fortress.


Daella was used to finery as her mother always insisted on the best and Dragonstone was no different but it had a much more militaristic look and seemed to be designed for both comfort and functionality. When they entered her room she was surprised to see everything already organised and put away; she didn't have much but Rhaenyra insisted on buying her a new wardrobe and everything she might need and more. The satchel in question was placed on a table by a window overlooking the ocean; Jace approached and opened the bag taking out the books he had acquired.

He hadn't had much chance to look through them, at the time he just grabbed the ones that hadn't been burnt or destroyed. He did remember one of them had mentioned the creatures of the fourteen flames, he chuckled humourlessly as maybe if he had read this he would've known about the firewyrm at the centre of the fire mountain. Daella watched as Jace inspected the books, she hoped she'd managed to help him, but in the end, Jace sighed and shook his head. "I can't sell these, they are the heritage of our people, they belong with us," Jace said as he looked through them.

However, when he picked one up and looked through it a small smile stretched across his face. Ideas started racing through his mind 'That could work,' he thought to himself. He then read the title of the other book and laughed. He could definitely make coin this way if he did it the right way but he still needed coin. "I will just have to sell my stuff," he said to himself.

Daella heard him and frowned "Sell your things? What do you mean Jace," She said.

"I have more than I'll ever need, I can sell it for the coin to make my dreams a reality," he replied to her before stepping close and bringing her into a tight hug. This was the first time he had done so since they had returned from Valyria and it caught the young girl off guard.

"Thank you Daella," he said with a smile before leaving the room and a blushing Daella in his wake.


The next few days found Jace forming a plan of sorts, he knew his numbers but didn't have any special knowledge of coins. He would need to fix that rather quickly and hoped the Master of Coin in King's Landing would be able to help him. There was a lot he would have to learn for himself, but for now, he could rely on some of the people around him.

He would need to since what he had planned went way beyond his knowledge. What he planned to construct was a bathhouse, from what the book had said it was a common building in Valyria and a place where people would socialise and wash together. He had the instructions to more or less make one, but he didn't understand a lot of it, whether this was due to it being a lost art or his own ignorance he didn't know. The bathhouses had heated water inside, he knew they heated it from underneath but he didn't understand how. The drawings and explanations were hard to grasp, it just meant he needed to try harder.

The time then came for them to leave, Daemon decided to stay on Dragonstone as Laena wasn't able to travel. Rhaenyra also wanted her younger sons to stay despite their displeasure; in the end, only Jace, Rhaenyra, Laenor and Daella would be travelling to Kings Landing with Corlys and Rhaenys meeting them there.

Jace was quite nervous during the trip as the reason for their trip would be no doubt a punishment, but he had to remember that he needed to take responsibility for his actions. Jace wrinkled his nose when they came within distance of Kings Landing; he did crack a small smile when he saw Daella almost gagging at the smell "I'd say you get used to it but I'm afraid you don't," Laenor said patting the young girl on the back.

His father could see the look of nervousness on his face and put his other hand on him "Don't worry Jace, nothing bad will happen you will be king one day, Viserys will just remind you of your duty and not to be so reckless," he said. Jace nodded he breathed heavily before regaining his composure and preparing himself.

As their ship came in Jace looked up as he saw Vermax heading towards the dragon pit. He would've rode his companion into Kings Landing, but he wanted to be by Daella's side when she came into Kings Landing for the first time and the girl was not too fond of flying after recent events.

Once docked they were taken into a wheelhouse where they were led through the streets of King's Landing. Daella despite the smell was fixated on the window looking at the people and the buildings with awe. Though it was nothing compared to the splendour of the Red Keep, she had a huge smile on her face as she gripped Jace's wrist. Once they were led out of the wheelhouse she was still looking around dazzled by the sights.

Rhaenyra hid a scowl as she saw who had come to greet them. Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Criston Cole, is a person she would rather not talk to. She schooled her expression and approached the party that had been sent to greet them. By Criston were two other members of the Kingsguard; the twins Arryk and Erryk, both looked identical wearing the same face and the same armour. "King Viserys wishes for you to present yourself in the throne room," Criston said in an emotionless tone.

"We've just arrived, we will be shown to our rooms first," Rhaenyra countered.

"You may do as you wish, the King wishes to see Prince Jacaerys," he replied.

Before his mother could react badly he placed his hand on her arm "It'll be better to get this over with," he said to her.

"Lead the way," Jace said to Criston who twitched a bit at having to follow orders. They were then led into the Red Keep, he had told his mother that she could go to her room but she wouldn't hear any of it and placed her hand on his back as she accompanied him. When they got to the throne room Jace looked around thinking how it looked different from how he remembered 'It had been a long time,' he thought to himself.

"Presenting Princess Rhaenrya Targaryen, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon and Prince-Consort Laenor Velaryon," the announcer said as they all walked into the hall. Rhaenyra whispered to the announcer who cleared his throat.

"And also presenting Daella Targaryen!" That managed to get some whispers from the nobles in the hall. The only Daella Targaryen people knew of died years ago and was the mother of Viserys' first wife.

King Viserys watched from atop the Iron Throne while Queen Allicent stood below with her children and stood by her as well. Jace felt his heart start to beat as he saw Helaena, he saw the bright smile that formed on her face when she saw Jace and he struggled not to run over and hug the girl. His uncles Aegon and Aemond both looked uninterested in his return, but he didn't expect much from them.

"Approach the Throne Prince Jacaerys," Viserys said loudly. Both his mother and father stood to the side but remained close; Daella also joined them.

Jace approached the throne and bowed to his Grandfather. "It has been a long time since we've seen each other Jace, I hoped when we met again it would be under better circumstances," Viserys said.

"As did I," Jace replied.

"Before we continue with your trip, would you please explain who the young woman you've brought to my court is?" He asked.

Jace motioned for Daella to come forward and she did. She was dressed in a pale white down that matched her shining silver hair as well as the beautiful necklace that adorned her neck. She was by far the most beautiful girl in the room despite being so young; Lords looked at her with lust while Ladies looked at her with jealousy as they saw the jewellery she was adorned with. Even Alicent found herself unable to remain composed as she looked at the necklace having never seen anything like it.

"This is Daella Targaryen, the daughter of Saera Targaryen, she is your cousin, Grandfather," Jace explained. The hall erupted into murmurs, some were angry and some were more curious.

Viserys held his hand up and the talking stopped "Saera was banished from this land by the previous King, you're aware?" He asked.

Jace nodded "Daella is not her mother, she is much more like her namesake than she is like her mother," he said loudly addressing everyone in the hall.

Viserys smiled "If what you say is true then I would happily welcome her into my Kingdom," he said.

"If you don't mind indulging us, I'm sure there are quite a few people here who would like to know where you acquired that necklace," Alicent asked as her envy continued to build.

Having been addressed Daella found herself shrinking underneath everyone's gaze, but nonetheless, she managed to find her voice. "It was a gift, your grace," she said in a quiet voice.

Jace felt bad for the girl and decided to intercede "It was a gift from me your grace," he said loudly.

"Where did you acquire such a beautifully crafted necklace?" she asked.

"In Valyria..." Jace was getting a little tired of the shocked gasps and murmurs of the nobles surrounding them. He looked up at his grandfather and saw the smile melt off his face as they finally came around to the reason he was there.

"Jace as glad as I am to know you are safe, it was irresponsible of you to travel to Valyria, not only did you put yourself at risk but everyone who came to get you, I also understand your grandfather lost his entire crew as well as two ships," Viserys said his voice low and serious.

"I accept full responsibility for my actions," Jace stated.

Viserys found himself surprised that Jace made no excuses, he was a boisterous child and often tried to explain away his deeds. "Three lashes, one for endangering Lord Velaryon, the others for endangering Prince Daemon and Lady Laena," Viserys decided.

"Bring out Delvin," Viserys commanded.

Jace's eyes widened, he hadn't heard that name in a long time. He was the whipping boy for him, Aegon and Aemond; they got along well, but he always received the punishment when Jace got caught doing something he shouldn't of.

"No!" Jace yelled out as he watched Delvin being led into the room.

He then looked up to the King "This is my punishment, I accept three lashes, but I will not accept another to stand in my place," He said much to everyone's shock.

"This is how it is done Jace, it is not appropriate for a commoner to lash a Prince," Viserys explained.

"Then hold the whip yourself, for I will not accept this punishment otherwise," Jace challenged.

Rhaenyra chose this moment to step forward "Jace you know not what you ask, please calm yourself and think clearly," she requested.

"The aim of a punishment is to teach a lesson so you may not make the same mistake," Rhaenyra spoke out.

"Prince Daemon informed me of how my son almost died trying to make sure everyone got home safely," she then lifted his shirt and the court was treated to deep red scars that hadn't fully healed yet, the worst one however was the large on that ram across his stomach from when he'd almost disembowelled himself. Even Viserys winced at the scars on the child and gripped the throne tightly.

"It seems I may have been rash in making your judgment... despite how much you have suffered you still accepted responsibility, you've matured much since I last saw you, Jace," he said.

"I see no need for punishment, I have no doubt this will not happen again,"

Alicent turned her head up to the king "Surely some punishment would be fitting," she said.

"I have spoken, this discussion is over," he said ignoring his wife.

Viserys then stood up from the throne and walked down its steps. "Welcome back to Kings Landing my boy, I hope you'll decide to stay a little longer," he said as he embraced him for the first time in years.

"I will be..."

(AN: So Jace is setting up future plans but he has a lot to learn before things come into fruition. He wants his grandfather to be proud of him which is why he's doing things this way. I think a Bathhouse would be a pretty good revenue source in Kings Landing, I've already come up with a location and design that's realistically possible so I won't be pulling anything out my arse. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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