
A Visit

"I have fulfilled the oath of brotherhood. You can't blame me now."

Gabe read Ian's warning message and frowned. What was this guy talking about now? What oath of brother... and his train of thought trailed off as he read the message Ian had sent before this one..."Hey, bro. Heads up, all the Frostie girls are on their way to your place to meet you and Autumn. Should be there in like 15 mins. Surprise!"

His eyes darted to the clock on the wall. "Fifteen minutes? You've got to be kidding me!" He swiped the phone screen furiously, typing a rapid response. "What the hell, Ian? Couldn't you have told me sooner?" But even as he typed, he realized that the message had been sent ten minutes ago... And Ian had probably risked his neck to warn me... Idio*! Couldn't he have taken this risk earlier?

"Useless! Absolutely useless! I'm going to kill him later."

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