


As Autumn stepped into the quaint yard of the house, she felt her heart race. Nervously, she smoothed her dress, making sure it wasn't creased before taking another step forward. The yard reminded her of the many childhood memories with Dave but this time it was something different.

She walked inside with a nervous fluttering and raised a trembling hand to knock. Thankfully, Aunty Pearl did not make her wait and quickly opened the door," Welcome Autumn. Everyone's around the pool outside."

Autumn paused. "Everyone?"

"Pierce didn't tell you? He is so absent minded. All his aunts and cousins are here for the weekend."

Autumn nodded her head,"He didn't tell me. Is it... is it special ocassion?"

The older woman gave her a mysterious smile and said," Yes, it is. And you'll know it soon enough. Come on. Lets go and see everyone first."

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