
B Town

It was supposed to be a relaxing drive for a sunny day.. Something fun to look at and do while he drove towards the quiet little B-town. And yet, the weather seemed to be mocking him. He glanced at the GPS and grimaced. Despite the horrible weather, the GPS seemed insistent that he should take a short cut. And maybe drive into a ditch along the way. 

Shaking his head, he drove slower than a turtle and watched as his estimated time of reaching the destination from two hours to four hours. Sigh. Was this some twisted hint from fate? That he shouldn't be going here?

He shook his head at his own whimsy. The weather was making him a bit fluffy in the head if he was thinking about things like this. Putting the music on full blast, he ignored the thunder outside and focused on driving. He would stubbornly leave this dark, raging storm behind and consider it as leaving the old dark Gabe behind as well. So that when he arrived in B-town, it would be a totally new him. 

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