

Seb's heart raced as he saw Evana's number and quickly answered the call," Evie?"

"Seb, I am at the clinic now. They are extracting the file. It seems it was done by some VIP so they need to go through the directors to get the 'before' pic."

"SO, you're sure that she had not just modelled for the clinie?"

"No! Dora remembered lightly. And of course they wound't dare to show a fake picture to my mother and it was their most difficuly job, apparently becuase they had to repeatedly do the procedure due to the patien's demand."

Seb cursed, while Evana paused, staring at the nurse who stood further away, extracting the information. As she heard him, she could not help but ask," Seb, I have a feeling you seem to know who this is..."

"I am guessing, Evana. And if I am guessing rightly then things are going to be a bigger mess that we can anticipate. So, I am praying that I am wrong and all this is just a nightmare."

"Is Olivia in danger, Seb?"

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